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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17928698 No.17928698 [Reply] [Original]

California if finally requiring more powerful ventilation for these hideous contraptions.


>> No.17928723

I don't have a gas stove and never have as its very uncommon where I live, but I honestly wouldn't mind the knowledge that a gas leak could kill me peacefully as I sleep.

>> No.17928731

Still not enough ventilation for the noxious gas spewing from your orifices though.

>> No.17928752

Even the Philadelphia "expert" they interview has a gas stove in his house. What's really going on here?

>> No.17928757

gas stoves are ridiculously over rated

>> No.17928760
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Electricity wins again.

>> No.17928767
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>t.never cooked on gas
>t.the fast food lard club

>> No.17928779 [DELETED] 

I love gas stoves. With electric I have no fucking clue how fast a pan is going to get, the fuck is a 5? the fuck is a 7?

With gas I have an instinctive understanding of how hot and how fast a pan/pot is going to get based on the size of the flames. I have no idea if this is even possible with induction/electric, because you can't see shit, and every stove is different. Some electric stoves have a smooth transition from 1 through 5 to 10, some do barely anything at 4 and then burn everything in a minute at 5, and anything above that barely makes a difference.

Gas just works. Also, Grook likes fire.

>> No.17928782
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>> No.17928787

why is he so mad?

>> No.17928790

i own a gas stove that i rarely use
i've used poorfag ones with like 9000btu top burners that take 10 minutes to boil water
and i've used commercial ones that are nice to use if oyu're cooking for a group but i wouldn't want in my home because they're impractically large and too high output for household sized cookware
all in alll they're inefficient and smelly

>> No.17928796

Gas envy.

>> No.17930197

>huge faggot does-it-for-free stealing and summarizing yt vid

Man I should get into "journalism"

>> No.17930292

Still worth being able to cook properly

>> No.17930313

Not far enough. Ban them. Now.
Using natural gas only helps putin.

>> No.17930325

My nigga Adam went psychotic on internet shaquille and his friend

>> No.17930439

having never used twitter it's bizarre to think that the kind of guy who'd lose his mind someone mocking his stove on here also exists on that site and does it under his own face and name

>> No.17930598

>all the seething republicans ITT

>> No.17930811

where's the tl;dr?
if it's about climate change, why would you want more ventilation to get the gas out to the nature faster?

>> No.17930815

Gas is the least efficient heating method. Feet good with carbon steel/cast iron.

>> No.17930820 [DELETED] 

It's funny how Jews pretend they were gassed. Starvation and typhus. They lied.

>> No.17930834

>gas companies push hard on how much better gas is for cooking
>they shill this at maximum shilling power
>its literally shilled to justify all the drilling and fracking done to harvest the gas

The energy sector is beyond fucked.

>> No.17930842 [DELETED] 

Hey nazi, I have seen your posts in a couple threads now.

Why don't you fuck right back to /pol/? You are not welcome here.

>> No.17930848 [DELETED] 

Not him, but jews are evil dude.

>> No.17930856 [DELETED] 


Go back other nazi.

>> No.17930862 [DELETED] 

I'm not national socialist, I'm a libertarian. I hate the government in any form. But jews are evil and should say in Israel instead of infesting almost all other societies with their scheming.

>> No.17930912 [DELETED] 
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Dropping in from /biz/ to let you know that it is, in fact, you who needs to go back. Niggerfaggot kike.
Also, electric is fine. But banning gas is tantamount to admitting that the population is expected to dumb down to a level that the world has to have foam taped around all the corners.

>> No.17931301


>t. seething plebs

>> No.17931315
File: 6 KB, 200x200, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you're a seething pleb if you choose not to live with hydrocarbon exhaust inside your home!!!!

>> No.17931331

Kek I have never noticed it before he was so mad that he fucked up the numbering

>> No.17931336

>>noooo you're a seething pleb if you choose not to live with hydrocarbon exhaust inside your home!

>> No.17931346

oh look, yet another high efficiency, low cost, low impact energy source that's being blacklisted under the all-powerful excuse of "global warming"

>> No.17931363

gas is horribly inefficient though

>> No.17931372

Don’t care queer..still using my glorious gas stove and there’s nothing you can do to stop me princess.

>> No.17931374


>> No.17931376

It's not glorious, it's slow, inefficient and dangerous. Get a nice glass top or if you want to flex induction.

>> No.17931386

glass top sucks too
induction or classic coil are the real options
i'd love to commit to induction but i have too many non ferrous pans i don't want to replace

>> No.17931387

Not my problem fucknut. It works well enough to cook my food to my desired taste. Keep slurping that liberal cum while us gaschads continue to enjoy meals on stoves bestowed to us by the cooking gods from above.

>> No.17931394
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Commiefornia definitely has its priorities in the right order. Can't imagine why people are leaving in droves.

>> No.17931403

>It works well
The sounds of regret from someone that was sold a turd thinking it was a luxury.

>> No.17931404

imagine being so goyed you pay for a volatile explosive gas to be piped through your neighborhood and under your house and then defend it like it's a good thing

>> No.17931459
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>gas stoves are ridiculously over rated
Only rentcucks who aren't allowed to have gas stoves kid themselves into believing that.

>> No.17931465


>> No.17931474

i'm a homeowner with electric
my old rental had a gas stove and it was horse shit

>> No.17931476

Gas is so cheap where I live that I'd probably only switch if I moved somewhere that didn't already have gas hooked up.
Plus it works when my power is out.

>> No.17931483

what if the gas goes out?

>> No.17931486

>noooooooo not the heckin toxic fumerinos
nigga just open a window lmao

>> No.17931500

not burning gas inside your house is more effective tho

>> No.17931511

Yes but gas stoves are nice to have if you live in a shithole area that has power outages.

>> No.17931512

Then I use a camp stove.
Never had a gas outage, I have a pressure cooker combo bullshit thing too, so if for some reason I have electricity but not gas I could make do.
I don't really have a strong opinion on gas v electric, just thinking of what benefits it gives me over electric for the sake of mental masturbation among my fellow retards.

>> No.17931540

wood stove is better for this

>> No.17931561

could blow the fuck off the face of your building as well.

>> No.17931574

>the gas goes out
I'm 36 and this has not even happened once in my entire life.

>> No.17931588

I give it 3 more decades before all domestic natural gas distribution is turned off. Maybe some expensive renewable propane in bottles, is civilization is still around.

Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.17931637

there aren't a lot of great alternatives for heating urban homes in cold climates though

>> No.17931665

Been using gas all my life and this has never been a problem. You know there is a fancy little gadget called a range hood that they sell at those fancy hardware stores for a pretty penny? Betcha never heard of that little gizmo before huh.

>> No.17931666
File: 86 KB, 1171x936, Brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I give it 3 more decades before all domestic natural gas distribution is turned off.
Brazil is the future.

>> No.17931676

>electric showers
Do South Americans really?

>> No.17931690

do you really believe a little fan and duct is strong enough to extract poison from burning gas a meter below it? lmao

>> No.17931703

hey guys, the display panel thingy with the bake buttton and stuff fell back on my oven today, it's sort of recessed now and you can see the wires and stuff. how do I fix that? do I even need to fix it or can I just leave it like that?

>> No.17931722

It was secret technology brought over by Nazi's escaping persecution.

>> No.17931932

Ive had a gas stove with the canisters inside my house since I remember and nothing of that shit ever happened, no leaks, no explosions
also in my country gas is the norm and problems are rare

>> No.17932275

You will use electric/induction to cook and you will be happy

>> No.17932306

>there aren't a lot of great alternatives for heating urban homes in cold climates though
High insulation homes need very little heating, even in cold climates.

A single borehole will be enough for a ground source heatpump for a normal home, just make sure to use some PV to heat the borehole back up in the summer so the borehole doesn't get too cold after a few winters.

>> No.17932321

get some on sale on amazon. I got a brand called "Tramontina," brazillian made (lol wut?) and they work just fine with my induction burner. no complaints they work as intended

>> No.17932359

>w-we just don't need heating anyway
lol, gaschads cannot stop winning.

>> No.17932855

Just make more/deeper boreholes.

>> No.17932893

I use a gas stove in my unventilated illegal kitchen in my basement.

>> No.17932904

>ground source heatpump
As nice as they are, the cost to retrofit one to an existing home is exponentially higher than the upkeep on a gas furnace.

>> No.17932949

Here in Europe gas prices are about to go hyperbolic.

>> No.17932971

i switched to induction a few months ago, it's a dream.
even my thick castiron pans get hot instantly, i can be done with frying a steak before the handle even gets hot.
plus you haven really good control over the heat.

>> No.17933039
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>We're going to run out of natural gas soon.
Also environmentalists:
>We need to stop producing so much methane.
Seriously hope none of you fell for the """fossil fuel""" scarcity meme.

>> No.17933985

He posts here. Also he is a faggot gas is objectively superior and no cook who thinks otherwise matters.

>> No.17933995

Wtf? Here in Brazil 99.9999% of the population have been using gas stoves for generations and I never heard about this.

>> No.17934011

>small tiny particles negatively charged spin around and create heat
Fuckint fagget electricity is the biggest boomer cope of all time. Literally does not exist. Humans been cooking with fire for decades why reinvent the fucking wheel so some boomer fuck can claim space age technology. Bullshit. Electricity fqggets need electric chairs

>> No.17934323

Are you the organic yeast schizo?

>> No.17934330

The heat of the metal cooks the food?

>> No.17934631

> Cope and Seethe: The Post
Fuck Raguesa, the guy is a faggy hack.
Absolutely no proper commercial kitchen on Earth uses pathetic electric stoves.

>> No.17934711

Those are Youtube comments.

>> No.17934763

Gas is needed for real cooking. You could do electric or induction if you never plan to do anything more that boil water and make grilled cheese. But gas is needed for real cooking, like sauteing, wok cooking, fire roasting, etc.

>> No.17934769

Its incredibly rare to see a true seethe like this.
Dude was fucking tilted enough he lost track of his numbering.

>> No.17934773

what a faggot

>> No.17934778

What the hell do you think is coming out of that combustion?
Its just water vapor and CO2.

>> No.17934921

Gas stoves, meat and internal combustion engines will be outlawed in your lifetime.

>> No.17934944

If this is about "saving the environment", why even allow the human cattle to cook their own meals?
Outlaw open flames and cooking and force everyone to eat pre-packaged meals manufactured at scale to save energy and reduce greenhouse emissions.

>> No.17935132

if you can't sautee on an electric stove it's because you suck at cooking, not because of the stove
also anything ((fire roasted)) in a gas flame tastes like puke, stop doing that
idk about woks i don't do chink shit and i've never seen a wok burner irl even though i've seen plenty of gas stoves

>> No.17935164

induction is game changing

>> No.17935176
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>> No.17935205

Just for this post I’m going to make sure my gas stays on low all day with my windows wide open so literal soy drinking cockgobblers like yourself can bathe in beautiful clouds of methane until al gore descends from the heavens to put an end to my silent defiance.

>> No.17935208
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>i'm going to poison my home to own the libs

>> No.17935660

Underrated actually, I can't light my smokes on an electric one

>> No.17935671

you would know that you can if you had ever tried to

>> No.17935690

Ok boomer

>> No.17935693

>has never seen a cigarette lighter in a car before

>> No.17935724

Wok cooking requires open flames, gas is still not enough

>> No.17935727

I don't own a car. And yes I used to see them all the time. They're not the same thing in terms of heat concentration

>> No.17935742

>nonsense low iq brainlet post of the day
all those hydrocarbon fumes are really deteriorating your thought process

>> No.17935968

Ironically the main reason people are leaving "commiefornia" is because of a hypercapitalistic approach to housing, where they have a homelessness problem and stratospheric property prices, despite a glut of vacant homes and relatively low property taxes

>> No.17935971

Induction wok cooker market seems quite large to me, lots of brands and mainly aiming at the chink market. A 3 phase 18 kW induction burner can put a lot of heat into a pan, instead of into the air. Wok gas burners are ridiculously inefficient.

Also wok cooking has the advantage that they either have the pan on the heat or off, they don't tilt the pan half off like in western kitchens. They toss stuff in the pan, but that's in a circular motion and the pan can keep contact with the induction surface.

>> No.17936028

Shush, you’ll confuse and enrage them

>> No.17936337

>Plus it works when my power is out.
>Yes but gas stoves are nice to have if you live in a shithole area that has power outages.
Where the fuck do you live that you get electricity outages?

>> No.17936540

>Where the fuck do you live that you get electricity outages?
Have anti-gas fags seriously reached the point of pretending it's weird if you've ever experienced an interruption in electrical power?
Name your city of residence and I will post the outages for you.

>> No.17936549

That's not ironic in 2022. The right wing hasn't cared about capitalism for more than a decade.

>> No.17936631

I have used both gas and electric. I kinda like clicking the gas on, but other than that I really do not care. California sucks and I am an unironic secessionist.

>> No.17936671

>hideous contraptions.
you must be european