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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17879059 No.17879059 [Reply] [Original]

What is the dumbest "hip" or trendy food thing you have ever seen?
For me its restaurants that serve food in dog bowls.

>> No.17879105

Where have you seen that

>> No.17879117
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cereal cafes

imagine paying $8 for some store bought cereal in a bowl

literally the stupidest instagram food tad catered to dumb bitches

>> No.17879120
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x731, break bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a break bar recently. It's a bar where they give you a sledgehammer and let you break shit. It's not enough to look like a chad at bars anymore, now you have to woo woman with feats of strength as you drink.


>> No.17879122

I always though it would be a good idea to soak cereal in a vat of milk for an hour then bottle the milk and sell it as cereal flavored milk.

>> No.17879123

restaurants that serve their meals on anything that isn't a plate or a bowl
fuck off caliscum I'm not eating my burger on your slab of moonstone

>> No.17879125

That sounds lile fun but I'm sure they found a way to make it gay af.

>> No.17879172

dumbest shit ive ever seen.
Do americans lack the attention span to sit and enjoy a drink?

>> No.17879176

>Do americans
Don't worry this is the beginning of this stupid trend but its getting popular. Your country will get it within a year.

>> No.17879184

nestle/kellogs makes that

>> No.17879199
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There's a brand in Upstate NY that sells melted ice cream in a bottle.

>> No.17879206

>fuck off caliscum I'm not eating my burger on your slab of moonstone
I am continually infuriated by all the faggots and bums that are exported here. Then the provincial white niggers that the faggots and bums left behind have the audacity to blame me and other native Californians for their own people.

>> No.17879209

Didn't know that was regional, had it at uni. It's fucking awful.

>> No.17879224

Are you okay anon?

>> No.17879241
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>> No.17879261

They probably don't even clean them. Those shits are fresh off the goodwill shelf.

>> No.17879335

Yeah you can break a buck now

>> No.17879341

Not uncommon at all, but I hate when restaurants use "snacks" instead of "appetizers" and "handhelds" instead of burgers/sandwiches

>> No.17879482

>is somehow forgetting how soccer fans get across the pond

>> No.17879557

I had this idea when I was like 10. A restaurant where you smash old cars with hammers called Dents.

>> No.17879592

Pretty sure it was around 2003-5 when i read about this being a thing in Japan

>> No.17879601

Serving a burger with a fucking pair of latex/nitrile gloves. Just give me a wet napkin or an easy access to the washstand

>> No.17879625
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>have to cook all the food yourself
>still get charged full restaurant prices

>> No.17879689

This sounds like a liability nightmare even with the protective gear.

>> No.17879716
File: 254 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20191208-070607__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here would believe me but I bring receipts.

>> No.17879729

It's not like it is hard to cook that and you get to cook it to your preference.

>> No.17879730

No, that's cookie dough with THC oil, thus the "baked" part. Honestly their should be an edibles sit down restaurant that would be awesome.

>> No.17879732

Christina Tosi invented that at Momofuku making a cereal milk panna cotta, before opening a whole business around it called Milk Bar.

>> No.17879737

why were you at a gay bar

>> No.17879742

The article says it has cling film wrapped about it, so it's all good. Still bizarre though.

>> No.17879783

Based cookie dough

>> No.17879957

Restaurants serving non- sushi/sashimi fish filet or whole fish entrees asking, "and how would you like that cooked?"
"It says grilled Mahi Mahi, so grilled"
"Yes, but how done would you like it?"
"Fully cooked...is this a joke?"
"No sir, you see, some people like their fish rare and some like it medium or more well done"
"It's not a steak, those people are morons. Tell the chef to cook it the way grilled Mahi Mahi is supposed to be cooked."

>> No.17879979

lol, mutts and their tipping culture

>> No.17879991

Take a guess.

>> No.17879994

Putting mayonnaise in everything. Like I know that it's good as a dip or a sauce, that it adds a delicious creaminess to any dish, and that it's surprisingly good for frying, but it doesn't belong in one or two very specific and rare dishes.

>> No.17880042

That food looks photoshopped on

>> No.17880065

t. someone who has never smashed shit while drunk, my old roomies 80 inch tv broke one day and we put it in the garage and made it the smash tv, i would take a scooter to that bitch like a flail, fun as fuck

>> No.17880129

How can that be awful? Are you sure you aren't broken and the melted ice cream in a bottle is fine?

>> No.17880394

Why is the hammer called a dent? Why not use regular hammers?

>> No.17880558

I'm sure you sign at least one waiver before they let you do anything.

>> No.17880931

African American simulators are indeed pretty fun

>> No.17880939

I ordered a “melted ice smoothie” one time and then when I got it realized wtf I payed $10 for a glass of water

>> No.17881103

I'm more confused about the "pudding" than the vhs plate.

>> No.17881301

it's just fucking mold floating in old juice.

>> No.17881310

That sounds fun, although at the same time, it seems like a sanitized version of just breaking shit in the woods with friends.

>> No.17881319

you should blow off your head

>> No.17881367
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>breaking stuff is fun

>> No.17881391

>he's never broken shit for fun

I bet you never set things on fire either, or fried shit with a car battery. One time my brother and I shocked a garden lizard and shocked it back to life.

>> No.17881407

lmao based

>> No.17881421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17881445

stupid fucking whore i ivented that in 8th grade what the fuck is she thinking fucking women

>> No.17881467

Disgusting niggers

>> No.17881494

A fool and his gold are soon parted, anon.

>> No.17881506

I’m a wog, cunt

>> No.17881512

Get a dominatrix to feed you out of a dog bowl

>> No.17881514

Holy fuck stuff like that makes me shit my pants with rage.
Nothing on this earth pisses me off as much as people who aren’t me spending money that isn’t mine on things for which I wouldn’t spend the money that is mine.
How is that shit even legal?

>> No.17881542
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Chef stalk

>> No.17881593

Oh so Arab trash even worse

>> No.17881961

>wog = Arab

Australians call anyone who touches the Mediterranean wogs, including Croats, so I doubt that anon is specifically Arab. Also you're one to talk you pale ape, your kind is known for torturing small animals for fun.

>> No.17882008

Found the guy that ordered baked cookie dough and just realized he is actually retarded.

>> No.17882044

>For me its restaurants that serve food in dog bowls.
Are you going to the BDSM dungeon for dinner?

>> No.17882094


>> No.17882208

Tubby custard?

>> No.17882335

Just get a job at a construction site and you'll get to smash stuff once in a while and get paid doing it

>> No.17882796

>t. low T male
>t. high melanin male

>> No.17882806


>> No.17882809

>native Californian
You can say Mexican here, we get it.

>> No.17882863
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I heard of that. They sell donuts too.

>> No.17882891

What is wrong with city people

>> No.17882893

damn son, it's not that serious, boy

>> No.17882927

>Nothing on this earth pisses me off as much as people who aren’t me spending money that isn’t mine on things for which I wouldn’t spend the money that is mine.
This but unironically.

>> No.17882947

You're jealous you didn't think of it first and aren't raking in money

>> No.17882967

here's a press release from a new place near me:
>“Cereal milk from childhood favorites like Lucky Charms, Fruity Pebbles, and Cocoa Puffs will be infused with vodka and liqueur and served in 4 oz mini cereal bowls,” the release says.

>> No.17882977

Will the offer a soymilk option?

>> No.17882987

Some people get rich from being evil.
Some people get rich from being stupid.

That's just how it is. If your only measure of success in life is money, then I imagine you're completely miserable.

>> No.17883021

>Look at me I'm so intelligent and rational and on 4chan being a penniless fuck clearly my life is awesome and not miserable at all

>> No.17883026

As an uninvolved third party, it looks to me like you got btfo and are now seething about

>> No.17883087

If you become rich and aren't putting your life or others at risk, how the hell is that being stupid?

>> No.17883205

>how the hell is that being stupid?
Wasting time and energy with no real benefit is always stupid. They're frivolous suits.
I could pay someone to wipe my ass for and declare myself a job creator. But what have I actually created? All I've done is manufacture an artificial demand.

That's what most of these things are. Cash-ins on hype, trends, and gimmicks. They come as quickly as they fade because they have no real value. It's just people being stupid.

>> No.17883212

Actually anon, I work in bioinformatics.
I make a good amount of money and take a lot of pride knowing that what I do actually helps people.
Meanwhile, you're so fucking dumb that you probably had to Google what "bioinformatics" is.

>> No.17883232

You sit in your underwear WFH answering tickets and occasionally going to meetings while jacking off between all of that just like me and other developers. Stop pretending you are special or enlightened in any way.

>> No.17883242

Wow. Sounds like you got the shit end of the dev world.
Sorry that you hate your life.

>> No.17883246

I got exactly what you got. I work in HFT and I could larp about how I am some amazing financial industry trader insider but I am not a sociopath like you.

>> No.17883278

I work in science doing science things for scientists.
I love my job. Based on what you're saying though, I get why that's alien to you.

>> No.17883295

>I work in science doing science things for scientists.
This is how you can tell how you are larping. When you talk vaguely like this like how when liberals start ranting about how important science is but clearly have no idea about what they do.

>> No.17883300

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.17883344

Ok I will sociopath

>> No.17883380

Maybe you should see it as a sign that it might be time to hit the treadmill and do some pushups, and then you could join in on the fun

>> No.17883393

Look. I'm just saying that one of us is jealous that he didn't manipulate people into eating out of a dog dish.
And the other says he's satisfied with his work life.

I'm not a psychologist, but I know where I'd place my bet if I had to find the sociopath.

>> No.17883417

The guy lying about the significance of a job he probably doesn't even have because he can't properly even describe it is the sociopath.

>> No.17883420
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Nothing is wrong with our soccer fans

>> No.17883448

The beginning? It was a brief fad around 2009. I'm amazed there's one still around.

>> No.17883458

>I am an important SCIENCE guy who does SCIENCEY things and have no time for plebs
>I will now spend my entire day defending my honor on 4chan

>> No.17883460

Haha, yeah, okay. Let me just start citing the papers I've co-written on an anonymous cooking forum.

Like I said.
Stupid and evil.

>> No.17883470
File: 54 KB, 607x428, 1642676116198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You both sound like miserable scumbags

>> No.17883489

Only one of us wants to see you eat like a dog, anon.

>> No.17883507

you don't have to cook the banchan retard that's over half of the food right there

>> No.17883511

Notice how you are spending your day on this site despite being an important and busy sciency guy who can't even coherently describe what he does.

>> No.17883518

>I work in science doing science things for scientists.
You fucked up here anon

>> No.17883530

it is, but in a city it's a genius idea since most people will never leave their stomping grounds.

>> No.17883545

What can I say. Alignment takes a while.

>> No.17883547

>what can I say
>says something

>> No.17883552

You seem rather insecure.

>> No.17883553

You're a fucking faggot and any side comprised of people like you whom do not find destruction fun will lose to one that dkes

>> No.17883573

>What can I say
That what I said was right sociopath.

>> No.17883575

We own nothing, can't do anything, can't have our own thoughts, must consoom, must rent or pay subscriptions and are miserable.

>> No.17883590

me having a stroke on the right

>> No.17883613

North Americans are incredibly dull-witted

>> No.17883929
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i tend to frequent such establishments