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File: 270 KB, 1600x1267, Pig3-1208610507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17869967 No.17869967 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here. Time to stop eating the pork.

>> No.17869972

I'm not watching your video, and I will continue to eat pork thanks for stopping by

>> No.17869980

I honestly dont like pork.

>> No.17869981

I'm not watching your video, and I will continue to not eat pork for my own non schizo reasons fuck off and never come back

>> No.17870026

Do Animals really?

>> No.17870073

This is literally a fucking anime.

>> No.17870086

i havent eaten pork or beef in years. still love me chicken, turkey, and fish though. i just eat the retarded animals now

>> No.17870174
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based and pesca-poultrypilled

>> No.17870179

shame on you rabbi

>> No.17870187

This is retarded. I will continue eating pork. I only don't eat it often because I have recently been getting beef shares and I raise ducks and sometimes will trade their meat and eggs for wild game shares, but I still adore pork.

>> No.17870198
File: 85 KB, 800x533, kunekune-new-zealand-native-pig-eating-non-localized-mutation-unique-to-nz-eats-vegetable-waste-farm-pen-102596477-3901256698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to add I plan to get my own kunekune pigs from a farmer friend of mine in the near future. These guys are notorious for being able to get a good portion of their feed from grass and they are great at producing lard.

>> No.17870236

Yeah, they are "human". PIgs are Jews. That's why Jews won't eat them.

>> No.17870309

except pigs are not human hybrids, they are pigs.
jesus wouldn't have cast legion into a human hybrid.

>> No.17870320

a big believer in remote viewing, a comment seen on this video is noteworthy:
Shawn Tyler
7 days ago
There was a remote viewing session done on the origin of why religions can’t eat pork. Apparently there was an advanced giant civilization that used to visit earth pre/post flood and really liked eating humans. But after the flood humans were pretty scarce so they genetically crossed human with a boar and created pigs. So on their long travels to wherever they’re from they had portable human meat. Beings like Yahweh who was in charge of the hebrews same kinda advanced being. Not God the creator. Knew this and forbid his people from eating pig because of the human content in the meat. So probably a good idea to not put human in you. Even if it’s from ignorance. I think the cabal knows this well and probably laughs at all the people unknowingly eating human meat. Just sayin.

>> No.17870338

but when the war starts, longpig is on the menu.
so none of that is relevant.

>> No.17870426

I honestly love pork and believe that lard is healthier than seed oil

>> No.17870454

We aren't going to eat the bugs. You have to go back.

>> No.17870517

you can eat other meat like normal, just not pork.

>> No.17870540

>Jesus sent demons inside of pigs in The Bible
>studies have found that pork is the closest tasting meat to human flesh
>pigs are as social and loyal as dogs
>pig eyes are almost identical to human eyes
porkers....we lost...

>> No.17870550
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>> No.17870608
File: 9 KB, 310x411, pork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews don't actually follow their own rules.

>> No.17871315

apparently this guy is a madlad, even before the pig heart

>> No.17871410

>hurr durr pig's have pink skin
>hurr durr I have pink skin.
>hurr duur imma pig!!
If pigs were intelligent and could talk, I'd still eat them, it's their fault for tasting so good.

>> No.17871415

eat yr fellow man, then. it's practically the same thing

>> No.17871429

Except it's literally not. You can't breed with a pig. So they aren't human.

>> No.17871541
File: 1.18 MB, 1318x1232, Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 10.16.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a pigman...a PIGMAN!!

>> No.17871607

The paper regarding humans being chimp-pig hybrids which the article at the beginning of the video is talking about was "published" on bioRxiv.org, which isn't peer-reviewed. Searching for the paper's supposed author also turns up very little but articles referencing the pig-human "hypothesis".

>> No.17871609

are you implying i wouldnt eat a hominid anyway

>> No.17871613

>You can't breed with a pig
you haven't met my wife

>> No.17871669

niggers aren't human so should i eat them instead?

>> No.17871887

This. Chickens will literally cannibalize each other, fuck them.

>> No.17871968

no, no u shouldnt

>> No.17872089
File: 56 KB, 991x1079, EL HOGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed doesn't want you to see this.

>> No.17872100

Anon it was silly of you to think I have a problem with eating humans.

>> No.17872154
File: 26 KB, 600x400, 1612092835102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brothers.

>> No.17872219

Properly prepared pork is the best of all meats, but it's also the easiest to fuck up and make shitty.

>> No.17872306

Jews forbid pork because the Storm God took the form of a great boar and killed their God. The one that they still weep for annually at the wailing wall. It is known.

>> No.17872312

Why do you think that way anon? Is it because properly prepared pork is most similar to your own protein structure so you're happy about eating it?

>> No.17872321

Probably explain why they have such huge nipples.

>> No.17872323
File: 591 KB, 2000x1333, pork chop sandwiches fries chicago style food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17872376

Would you eat a Jew anon?

>> No.17872529

Why would being human stop me from eating it?

>> No.17872534

I hate pigs

>> No.17872585

My mouth is a literal ongoing Holocaust.

>> No.17872621

we've all met your wife anon and she never seems to get pregnant

>> No.17872636

I'd milk one. A specific one.

>> No.17872637

Same. I never eat mammals. Only dinosaurs, dinosaur descendants, and sea beasts

>> No.17872638

That human-pig-thing is a common misbelief fueled by islamic delusions. As a matter of fact, camels are the closest relatives of pigs.

>> No.17872641

Noone wants to hear about your zoophilic relationship with an animal.

>> No.17872642
File: 29 KB, 480x360, pigfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat this sea beast then?

>> No.17872643

I always thought they were closest to elephants.
I've heard some retards say dolphins are like pigs, but dolphin meat is dark red and taste nothing like pork. I think dolphins are more related to dogs and wolves.

>> No.17872646

Pigs are based, fuck cows

>> No.17872649

Yes, fuck them hard anon, cows are hot, just walking around with those huge jiggly jugs.

>> No.17872650
File: 563 KB, 2000x1429, 1591581162965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heheheh, just going for a little swim

>> No.17872651

ill stick to wee lasses thanks

>> No.17872653
File: 16 KB, 287x175, feral pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigs are human like because they've been artificially selected to be pink and hairless with white meat
they taste like humans because we feed them our scrap and waste
i worked at ferrero and they sold scrap and factory sweeping in giant garbage bags to pig farmers and i know a lot of other candy/food producers do the same
wild/feral pigs are hairy and their meat is much darker when they're not fattened on wine gums and nutella

>> No.17872683

so actually, pigs are only like white humans, not like humans in general

>> No.17872690
File: 63 KB, 778x280, Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-21 um 13.23.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17872789


>> No.17872802

> >

>> No.17872809

yeah i wouldn’t eat blacks either

>> No.17872857

t. Porky

>> No.17873406
File: 2 KB, 112x110, 1638602303155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
