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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17868351 No.17868351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am being genuine when I ask how can Americans stand eating their standard sliced "bread"?

It's so overly sweet it literally tastes like a pastry, the texture is weird and extremely spongy, and it doesn't even taste like bread.

>> No.17868353

You've never actually had american bread, have you?

>> No.17868355

I make my own.

>> No.17868356

learn about 'tastes and preferences' with respect to economics and the consider the type of market bread is.

>> No.17868357
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...................do american really??

>> No.17868363

I moved to America, nigger.
The European stuff isn't great either but by comparison it's leagues ahead. At least they have actual bakeries over there, here they're just glorified icing artist stores.

>> No.17868372

now that's just a blatant lie
every major grocery store has a bakery making fresh bread of all kinds, all day
are you only shopping at walmart? I think even they have a bakery making baguettes and shit

>> No.17868376

>walmart bakeries = real bakeries
this is your brain on globohomo

>> No.17868379

I have a local Giant and Safeway with bakery sections, and they are slightly better, but it's still all so overly sweet. And the bread will literally last a month with the amount of preservatives in it. I have never in my life witnessed this.

>> No.17868382
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>noooo you can't just bake bread in a big store
It's fucking bread lmao get a grip

>> No.17868383

there are supermarket bakeries in europe too, they make disgusting bread but since you have no standard I guess you can't even make the difference

>> No.17868387

This is another lie.
You've never let your bread sit for a month, and it would be moldy after 2 weeks, regardless of the kind, especially if you got from the store bakery and not bagged wonderbread

>> No.17868389
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>This is another lie.

>> No.17868391

>your personal experiences are false
Mate, there are great things about this country, but bread is not a hill to die on. I've literally had bread last a month with zero mold, just got a bit stale.

>> No.17868393


>> No.17868394

oh, so it's not just Americans?
you obsessed yuros are so pathetic.

>> No.17868396

wow big cope
seethe, sneed and dilate

>> No.17868400

Are you stupid or something?
Supermarket bakeries are indeed disgusting, they're not bakers, they buy frozen logs and put it in a oven.
Fortunately, there are tons of artisanal bakeries everywhere. I just wish americans knew what real bread is like but they enrage as soon as you talk about it.

>> No.17868402

>Implying anyone but fat poor people eat this shit

>> No.17868404

It's the eternal mutt cope. Everything is perfect in their minds.

>> No.17868411

Anon, I literally cannot find good quality bread unless I drive for an hour into the big city where there will be a max of 2 actual bakeries that actually bake bread.
The difference of what poor/upper class people eat in terms of store bread is just if it's multigrain or not with a $2 price difference. There is no ready made good bread widely available. Even the meme breads such as Dave's Bread is shit.

>> No.17868422

>it's another eurofag that's never even been to america regurgitates some gay meme he heard on line thread

>> No.17868428

keep coping mutt, i live in the US

>> No.17868432

I moved to France and all the bread here is the exact same compared to the US., just different shapes. I have no fucking clue where this meme came from

>> No.17868438

Is your corn syrup addiction messing with your taste buds, anon? The sweetness of American bread cannot be overstated.

>> No.17868439

>I literally cannot find good quality bread
perhaps you should learn how to cook. this isn't the middle ages anymore, in modern countries like the US homes have their own ovens where they can bake their own bread.

>> No.17868441

What a fucking deflect and cope. Stay on track here, we're discussing the slop Americans call bread here.

>> No.17868446

i'm french and i've been going to the US quite often in the last 5 years to visit my gf and for work and what you're saying is simply untrue. bread is america is not as bad as people say though but i've traveled quite a bit and i'll be damned to find a good baguette outside of france

>> No.17868447

it's literally the same here, idk what you want me to say. America has a lower floor of what they sell, but foe the same price I pay here, I can get the same quality in the US. I was blown away by the European hubris when I moved here and realized that it's just the fucking same shit.

>> No.17868449

american sandwich bread is pretty sweet, but it's a pretty specialized style of bread, if you complained that cake is sweet or baguette's are long you'd look only slightly less ridiculous.

>> No.17868453

no you aren't. you're discussing a strawman and making yourself look idiotic.

>> No.17868465

brioche is the worst offender in terms of overly sweet weird texture pastry bread

>> No.17868470

but brioche is supposed to be a sweet pastry bread

>weird texture
what do you mean?

>> No.17868478

>retarded eurofag moves to america, passes by aisle after aisle of quality for with complete disinterest, buys only the lowest quality goyslop that only white trash consume then complains on line it's not up to his standards
you're german aren't you
i fucking hate germans

>> No.17868484

like what the op said
>extremely spongy, and it doesn't even taste like bread.

>> No.17868487

Sure you aren't buying Portuguese sweet bread like a dumbass?

>> No.17868488

>Go to UK
>Go to store to get loaf of sandwich bread
>Date is 14 may
>Sell by date on bread says 19 may
>Bread goes moldy on 17 may
>Ditto for fresh milk
Why is the UK like this?

>> No.17868490
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go back to discord and stop trying to force this meme tranny

>> No.17868493

the mold is coming from inside your house

>> No.17868496

woah... spooky

>> No.17868498
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brioche is not supposed to be spongy wtf but fluffy
it's also not supposed to taste like bread, it's not bread since you make it with butter, milk, eggs and more.

>> No.17868500

The house molds the bread.

>> No.17868501

So Brit houses are covered in invisible mold. Figures. They always smell damp, what with their toilet carpetry and everything.

>> No.17868515

the brits are a nasty race of people. and their bread sucks!

>> No.17868525

I actually quite like their bread. It's just annoying having to throw half a loaf away all the time.

>> No.17868540

i live in a roughly similar climate on the other side of the atlantic and mold abatement is a constant battle

>> No.17868546

then I fail to see the issue with american sandwich bread, it isn't actually bread either since it's made with vinegar and sugar.
>but it's called bread
yeah and americans call biscuits "cookies" and call scones "biscuits". complaining about the differences in nomenclature is less retarded than complaining that particular examples of a style actually adhere to the style.

>> No.17868555

no idea why you're talking about american sandwich bread but it's true that it's unnecessarly sweet

>> No.17868564

oh look, got another on the hook

>> No.17868701

>Toilet carpetry
What kind of degenerate has carpet in their loo?

>> No.17868713

Nah bro, you’re full of shit.
Grocery store bread is the same everywhere in the world.
You’re just obsessed.

>> No.17868914

>oy vey the bread, it's so sweet, i can't handle this level of sweetness, Oy gevalt it's like eating a spoonfull of pure sugar syrup
Safe to assume you are one of those pussies who starts sweating and crying because the black pepper on your steak just makes it too spicy

>> No.17868920

You're a retard and an overweight person.

>> No.17868926

great comeback pussy why don't you go get yourself a nice treat to reward yourself, maybe go for something exciting like a glass of tap water, though you wouldn't want to overexcite those taste buds

>> No.17868949

It was a thing in the 70s/80s, it was seen as luxurious or cosy. My parents had a fucking shag carpet in their ensuite.

>> No.17868954

ive never eaten bread in my life

>> No.17868960

This person is lying. They live in russia and are obsessed

>> No.17868985

Our sliced bread loafs are meant to be used for low effort sandwiches or low effort toast. It's just poor people food. If you want better bread go to a bakery or make your own.

>> No.17868987

Can't you just look up a local bakery on google and find some hipster faggots baking some good sourdough? There's plenty of that here, but I'm not American, but I imagine it's a pretty popular thing everywhere. I have to drive a few miles but I'd take that over fake bread

>> No.17868999
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Bread is inferior to tortillas

>> No.17869000

>another europoor that thinks wonderbread is the only bread in america

>> No.17869002
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>it literally tastes like a pastry
Are you saying you're incapable of eating pastries?
Personally I stick more to salty weeb carbs like noodles, but you sound like an idiot who's trying to invent problems where there aren't any.
If bread tasting sweet or more like pastries were actually unpleasant nobody would be making bread that way.

>> No.17869009

Trolling outside of /b/
Low quality post

>> No.17869024

How is that trolling? People eat pastries all the time. Not sure how bread tasting like a pastry is supposed to be a problem, though again I don't eat bread most of the time anyway.

>> No.17869028

I buy fresh sourdough from the bakery in my local supermarket. It's a few bucks more and goes stale faster, but it's made with only like 4-5 ingredients and no weird oils, preservatives, dough conditioners, etc.

You can find good bread, just need to look or shop at the right stores

>> No.17869032

I can't remember American bread being particularly different when I visited, but just looking at a sampling of different brands the sugar content does seem different. Over here it's around 2-3% sugar, whereas American loaves seem to be anything from 6-10% sugar.

>> No.17869036

>Makes a glorified "Do Americans really?" post
>Tries to report other people for trolling

>> No.17869040
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>> No.17869042

If American grocery stores are anything like European ones they bake bread fresh on site that is real bread. You usually even get a choice of breads.

There is no way all their bread is like that. We also have that type of bread, it's just not sweet. It is soft and doughy though.

>> No.17869046

Euro here. In my country that type of bread is called "toasting bread", cause it's made specifically for toasts

>> No.17869049

Nope they is not like that all they have is pagged sugar bread

>> No.17869058
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Fun fact: the sandwich Zeppeli was eating in his introductory scene was jamón.

>> No.17869061

wow who fucking cares jesus christ I hate weebs

>> No.17869065

go back tourist

>> No.17869067

Imagine being so fat you blame people for drinking water. The amerimutt race truly is demonic.

>> No.17869069
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Is someone holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to reply to posts you dislike instead of ignoring them?

>> No.17869070

been here longer than you champ

>> No.17869074

Kill yourself

>> No.17869076

it's weebs who interject their fucking kids hobby into any and every subject
>did someone mention bread?
>I watched an anime where a guy ate a sandwich once, im going to post about it!
fuck off with that

>> No.17869077

I doubt it

>> No.17869078
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it's usually called milkbread here
it's a bit different from your standard factory walmart loaf

>> No.17869081

>he didn't get the initial reference

>> No.17869082

So you're upset that people made a reference you didn't get. And instead of recognizing that maybe the joke just wasn't meant for you, you start throwing a tantrum.

>> No.17869085

You say that like your proud. Top kek.

>> No.17869087

i just make my own bread
i know our bread sucks

>> No.17869088

The joke is "guy eats sandwich"?
All weebs need to do the needful off of antall bridge

>> No.17869110

What brand of zero mold bread is this?

>> No.17869111

It's layered.

>> No.17869116

Its actually the pinnacle of a trillion years of breadvolution. Your ancestors would have burned down several towns and maybe even a couple cities just to be drip fed wonderbread.

>> No.17869132
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>> No.17869137

>The joke is "guy eats sandwich"?
No. That's not the joke. At all.
Fucking newfags, I swear to God

>> No.17869142

It’s cheap. Most grocery stores dont srll higher quality bread, and bakeries charge too much. I am not paying 12 ducking dollars for a loaf

>> No.17869146

God, I fucking hate legislators. You just know some group of fucking midwit lawyers got paid millions of dollars to sit around arguing about the fucking technicalities of bread while citing random bullshit off the internet. THEN a bunch of journalists got paid to write sensationalist articles about this garbage waste of time and money.

Can you imagine being paid to do what we do here on 4chan except IRL and somehow get respected for it?
>"Yes sir, my son's the judge who ruled Subway doesn't serve bread."
I'm reeling and a half.

>> No.17869152 [DELETED] 

It takes fucking hours. I could spend that time masturbating, which I do.

>> No.17869165

It's important because bread doesn't incur VAT whereas confectionery, like cookies, are a luxury item and do incur VAT so Subway wasn't paying the correct amount of tax to the govt for their "bread".

The shit happened in the UK with Jaffa Cakes because the govt tried to argue they were biscuits, despite clearly being cakes and having cake in the name, because they are so popular the govt missed on 100s of millions in potential VAT revenue and was seething.

>> No.17869166
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>welcome to subway what mind of bread?
>define "bread" for me

>> No.17869185

I have a friend who's a supermarket baker, and she dough from scratch for bread multiple times a day. Between 4 and 6 PM they have a policy that if the bread isn't hot, it's half price. This isn't a shitty regional chain either.

>> No.17869195
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>"Oh no, I don't have enough public funds to pay my bloated salary for my meaningless conniving job! Let's argue about bread for more money!"

>> No.17869223
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>what mind of bread?

>> No.17869226

anything you get in america, faggotkid.

>> No.17869243
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>I am being genuine when I ask how can Americans stand eating their standard sliced "bread"?
no you're trolling, because we have this thread every other week and eurotards have similar breads in their stores (I've looked).

>> No.17869290
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Serious question: why do e*ros seethe so much? Is it really true that they hate us cuz they ain't us?

>> No.17869320
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The only thing i hate is bad bread and overly sweet bread.

>> No.17869376

>Over here it's around 2-3% sugar, whereas American loaves seem to be anything from 6-10% sugar.
That's just a difference in how it's reported. Wheat starch converts to sugar naturally, the difference you're seeing is whether the manufacturer has to report that as sugar (which it is now that it's a dough) or can report it as wheat (which is what it was originally).

>> No.17869402

Because OP was talking about sandwich bread. Do try to pay attention.

>> No.17869403

Stop importing HFCS bread you weirdo.

>> No.17869415

Interesting theory, but I don’t think it’s true given that the US nutrition panel often includes “added sugar”.

>> No.17869421 [DELETED] 

my asshole itches when I sleep at night

>> No.17869427

That's actually why it has sugar added to it, to improve toasting. Without the sugar it won't brown until the bread is basically a crouton, with the sugar you get toasting while the center of thee slice is still soft.

>> No.17869441
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>the bread needs sugar to brown

>> No.17869457

Have you tried putting it in a toaster? You fucking dumbass.

>> No.17869463

the toaster cooks the bread

>> No.17869486

For the surface to quickly toast in the desired way while the interior remains moist it either needs sugar added to the dough, or for you to butter/oil the surface, which wouldn't work in a pop-up style toaster, yes.
Just buy a different type of bread. It's not a communist country that only has one available on the shelf, there's an entire aisle and then a second bakery section of "artisan style" breads.

>> No.17869514

>, yes.
No. Use any bread with a normal amount of sugar and it will brown the same way.

>> No.17869528

>At least they have actual bakeries over there
Did you move to the middle of nowhere, or do you just never leave your basement?

>> No.17869532

>bake bread with 4 ingredients
>doesn't count because it's walmart
You really are a very stupid person.

>> No.17869540

>they buy frozen logs and put it in a oven.
Oh. I guess that giant mixing machine you see in the back is just for decoration.

>> No.17869541

>making bread only consists in baking it
You're a fucking retarded cunt

>> No.17869546

>white bread is too sweet!
>also salted chicken is too spicy

>> No.17869550

Yes. They mix the ingredients, knead the dough, let it rise, and let it prove. Then they bake it.
Did that satisfy your autism?

>> No.17869554

And they still make shit bread.

>> No.17869564

Not what I said. You're either an ESL or a retard.

>> No.17869568

Literally the same thing, you're still retarded.

>> No.17869569

It really doesn't. It will toast, yes, but the differences are dramatic because it takes longer so the bread dries out a lot more.

>> No.17869573

So you're both ESL and retarded then.

>> No.17869578

You're fucking pathetic you know that?
Why would sugar retain humidity? Are you implying the bread is caramelizing?

>> No.17869579

Literally not remotely same thing. How can you be so bad at reading comprehension?

>> No.17869585

I accept your concession, you can walk away.

>> No.17869590

You are arguing against a strawman of your own construction anon.
work on it some more. a lot.

>> No.17869592

lol the bread is perfectly fine
You shitting on lower cost shit doesn't make you look refined, it makes you look like a snooty poser

>> No.17869597

Here you go, the defeated retard copes with the most pathetic rhetorics. Didn't expect anything else from a pathetic idiot like you.

>> No.17869602

>walmart bread is the best, it is all i need
You're a good walmart boy

>> No.17869605

See, this is how stupid you are, you ironically think your inability to read AND UNDERSTAND English is a virtue.

>> No.17869607

Nice strawman

>> No.17869610

Dude I live in France, bakery bread won't ever mold if it hasn't been frozen/defrosted, it'll just dry, especially if you've cut the crust

Keep it in a dry towel in good conditions and it'll last more than a month, obviously it'll get stale at some point but still entirely edible.


Fuck off retard, if you're gonna lie at least know your stuff, bread is different in every non-chain bakery, France's bakeries have the most competition in the world, if they make the same product as your average Lidl or Carrefour baguette they'll sink immediately because people will go elsewhere. I've never lived in a place that didn't have 3 bakeries within 5 minutes from my house and I've worked in one.

>> No.17869611


>> No.17869615

>B-but you didn't understand!!! i was trying to make an argument for MORE SUGAR in BREAD BROOOOOO
Go overdose on sugar, mutt. You just make it too easy for me lmao

>> No.17869634

We've already established that sandwich bread isn't actually bread. Do try to keep up ESL-kun.

>> No.17869646

>oh no he doesn't know how bread toasts
Keep it up retard boy.

>> No.17869812

just buy whatever bread you like
you stupid or something?

>> No.17871524
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>> No.17871620

The fresh bakery loaves at walmart have an expiration date of 2 days max. They clearly aren't using enough preservatives.

>> No.17871668

i assume its like white bread in australia. its just a vehicle for the fillings. you dont want to chew to 10 minutes for a simple ham sandwich

>> No.17872960
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>> No.17872980

Wait until you hear about Japanese bread.

>> No.17872986

ITT euros seethe that Americans do in fact have easy and reliable access to high quality and freshly made bread