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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 624x649, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17857559 No.17857559 [Reply] [Original]

They don't even know what dried pasta is, all they've ever eaten is traditional homemade pasta.

>> No.17857569

traditional homemade pasta, by barilla™

>> No.17857596

>Implying Italians need any justification of being angry.
It's a country of mostly old people. Of course they're going to complain about everything little thing.

>> No.17857600
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Eat it however you want, I don't give a fuck

>> No.17857623

Sometimes I like breaking it because it makes it easier to get an equal amount of pasta and meat on the fork, which results in a more enjoyable meal

>> No.17857645

I just make my pasta shorter

>> No.17859230

Italians have no right to get mad at the "right" way to make pasta because they didn't even create noodle cuisine. Noodle cuisine was created by the Chinese and eventually made its way to Italy.

And Italy got tomatoes from the Spanish, who got it from the Americas and brought it to Europe.

Italians get mad at this probably because their country has like no identity or relevance in the modern world besides their food so they try really hard to get the rest of the world to make it their way, even if other places outside of Italy have made improvements.

>> No.17859239 [DELETED] 

This is a myth

>> No.17859246

>Noodle cuisine was created by the Chinese and eventually made its way to Italy.
This is a myth

>> No.17859780
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>> No.17859920

Opera and Catholicism are cultural landmarks that the fucking chinese will never achieve you piggy american

Go eat your fried chicken and watch basketball, maggot

>> No.17860030

Italians consider judaism Lite to be a cultural landmark?

>> No.17860032

If I wanted short pasta then I would buy short pasta. Plus it only takes spaghetti like 3 seconds in the water before it softens and I can push the rest down

>> No.17860034

How is a bedtime story for manchildren a significant achievement?

>> No.17860037

i break my pasta into quarters just so it fits in a small saucepan. i couldnt give less of a fuck about keeping long strands, id rather them be shorter so i can get a reasonable amount on the fork and not strands that drape down to my ankles

>> No.17860059


>> No.17860067

the countless cathedrals, the stunning art work, even if you're an atheist admiring the beauty of peak catholicism in europe shouldnt be hard unless you consider marvel part of your culture

yes, judaism lite is an european landmark and the only reason for america existing as you know it today. go eat your mac and cheese now

>> No.17860296

I'm aware of that, shit for brains. But it's not something to be proud of. It's the catholic church's fault that jews run the world

>> No.17861032

lmao sauce or mist stabbing?

>> No.17861181

I'm not italian, and honestly I'm just confused. I never knew americans did this. Why?

>> No.17861268

this, I have too many problems to give a shit whether someone breaks their pasta or not

>> No.17861272

>entire culture revolves around cooking spaghetti and throwing some tomatoes in the shit
>still has the audacity to be the most pretentious cooklets ever
I hate italians so much

>> No.17861274

put mayonnaise in the pasta water instead of oil. sounds weird but try it

>> No.17861421

>prole never heard of chinese opera