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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 873x849, 1651682363864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17821454 No.17821454 [Reply] [Original]

I can't be the only one who's noticed how few people know how to fucking cook nowadays.
Like yeah it was never a universal skill, but it really seems like most people can't even cook a simple steak without fucking it up somehow, especially in the West.
My own fucking sister managed to somehow completely ruin a pan while trying to cook a grilled cheese. She had the heat up to nearly the max it could go. A GRILLED CHEESE.
Is it game over, bros? Is the art of cookery dying?

>> No.17821456

>Is the art of cookery dying?
only if you don't teach others

>> No.17821484

I have actually considered starting a YouTube channel. A few friends of mine have expressed interest in learning how I cook and one actually did ask for a video sometime. But it seems like most people just have no interest in cooking and would rather just eat their McMicroplastic with cheese product every night. Zoomzooms especially all seem to have this fucking fatalistic attitude. "I just can't cook lol"
I'm also being an overdramatic faggot about it, hence the OP image. But I wish more people would see how much more happy they'd be if they didn't eat plastic every day.

>> No.17821503

>considered starting a YouTube channel.
maybe just make unlisted videos for your friends

>> No.17821509
File: 28 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's a good idea anon... i do know someone who'd be willing to work the camera.

>> No.17821523

I have no idea what zoomzooms you're talking about, cooking is like the default hobby for literally all boring NPC normies between 15 and 50, even braindead luv2travel roasties all an opinion on Julia Child and Instapots. Cooking media was already saturated 10 years ago, unless you're a beautiful mtf and you do a nude cooking series on onlyfans this is not going anywhere

>> No.17821538
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, bunnings sausage sizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the walking bunnings sausage ad?

>> No.17821551

I think this is just a America thing

>> No.17821554

yeah there's definitely a subsection of millenial women online who are like
>haha no i cannot cook and i have no intention of learning how either haha.
Is that supposed to be quirky or cute?
And they write this in their dating profiles and wonder why nobody responds

>> No.17821572

It's called an opener you autist, you're supposed to reply and go omg I'd love to teach you and she goes omg I would love that xd when can u come over and then you go to her place with a bottle of wine and a bag of groceries and you drink the wine and then fuck. Or in your case you go "ha ha what a dumb bitch I was born in le wrong decade" and shitpost on 4chan about it then jerk off later to JOI MILF porn and cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.17821589
File: 90 KB, 680x714, soy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a lot of extra steps for no reason. seems like some type of cover for people who are bad at being upfront about their intentions

>> No.17821629

I’d like to cram that up my bungus

>> No.17821644

Yes, that's how this shit works, guess your parents never sat you down? You can't just talk directly about sex, all species including homo sapiens have a mating ritual. The details are just details. This is understood. Going straight to the sexy talk is regarded as trashy. The cover need not be too elaborate unless the elaborateness of the ritual is a way of demonstrating value (only necessary if you intend to signal your intent to have a "long term relationship")

Also, if you are under the age of 18 discontinue browsing immediately

>> No.17821657

>I have actually considered starting a YouTube channel
Unless you do what >>17821503 says, don't.

>> No.17821669

>cooking is like the default hobby for literally all boring NPC normies between 15 and 50
It absolutely isn't. Neither is having an opinion on a fucking Instant Pot, not an Instapot nigger brains. Next time try less buzzwords and develop your own opinions stupid fucking parrot.

>> No.17821702

You come off as pretty hostile toward anon. Are you one of those women with a stupid profile like that? Take that shit off because it makes you look like a retard. Anon is correct about that.

>> No.17821722

guess I'm just a boomer. I approached a girl I liked hanging out with, asked if she wanted to be my girlfriend. 5 years of dating later we were married.

All this zoomer internet ritual shit seems to add unnecessary complexity to a simple process.

>> No.17821742

>Work around women in bullshit IT jobs
>Most of them are fucking PROUD of the fact that they don't know how to cook and instead order everything off Skip

I was literally called feminine for bringing my own home-cooked stuff, its so tiring.

>> No.17821751

Any sane adult would go to the bar/club if they were just down to fuck, anyway. Creating an entire online persona for the explicit reason of getting random dick seems retarded to me. Zoomers are dumb.

>> No.17821756

No, but if it makes you seethe more, then yes.

Yeah past college it's pretty rare to date people you know from the meatspace, people from all sexes prefer apps whether it's to find a quick fuck or an LTR. Each app has its own special ecosystem too. Riches, normies, poorfags, gays, the people who are too special to be "just gay", blah blah blah.

It's actually a lot simpler, as someone who grew up straddling the pre-app and post-app world. Everyone is pretty up front, as long as you're not so hopelessly autistic that you don't understand the purpose of people putting random "quirky" things in their profile. It's less heavy than saying "I have herpes simplex type 1, my checking account currently has $15,730 in it not including pending transactions, I may have an undiagnosed mood disorder and I self-medicate by drinking scotch whisky which is always a little expensive so it doesn't feel like I'm an alcoholic"

>> No.17821769

You sound too autistic to meet people in real life.

>> No.17821770

Nobody does that except gay dudes at gay bars, and that's mostly boomers anyway. Huge time saver when you don't have to find out until 20 minutes into the convo that she has a kid or some stupid thing like that. You put all your filters up for everyone else to see, and then you only talk to people you would have considered fucking.

>> No.17821775

Most people are too autistic to meet people in real life, why do you think grindr has a valuation over 2 billion dollars let alone the more mainstream apps?

>> No.17821780


Yes they do. You're just a zoomer autist that has to resort to online apps intended for other autists.

>> No.17821787

Please grandpa. I'm late millennial/early gen X, not zommer. I asked my prom date the old fashioned way. I wouldn't have the old ways back for any amount of money.

>> No.17821794

I don't believe you get laid regularly at all.

>> No.17821801

You also didn't believe that women use self deprecating humor to attract men. I think you asked out the lowest tier heifer in your peer group, she said yes because she knew she probably didn't have any better options, and now you're seething that you missed out on algorithmically optimized fetish pandering.

>> No.17821806

I'm a different anon and you're extremely defensive when people are calling you out on your bullshit. You're probably an actual incel.

>> No.17821808

Well you're definitely a pedo, so there.

>> No.17821811

Why are you working around women in bullshit IT jobs?
Are you in a bullshit IT job for women?

>> No.17821821
File: 28 KB, 300x400, lot-four-educational-dolls-aids-sex_1_4bc68f6b52476987d25a89d82c601e5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us on the doll where women didn't touch you, anon

>> No.17821824

Spoken like a true incel.

>> No.17821832


>> No.17821844


>> No.17821849


>> No.17821854

Yes it is, maybe stop going to chilis and talk to a normal person for once. Who the fuck eats at chilis? Yes I know it's you.

>> No.17821915

>make a bait thread
>why cant women cook?
>comments turn into an absolute shitstorm of roasties vs incels

well done op. well done

>> No.17821934

ITT: OP congratulates himself

>> No.17822178

>doing work for women
Fucking simp.

>> No.17822193

Shit like doordash made it acceptable to be a lazy piece of shit.
There's plenty of people in all age ranges that never learned how to "cook" past basic meals. Every boss or manager I have ever had was usually bad at cooking. Every boomer I know considers throwing some frozen chicken breasts and a can of soup into a pressure cooker "high quality".
I got interested in cooking because most of my family can't cook for shit outside of a few people.

>> No.17822204

I dealt with some similar stuff.
>cunt manager says she's the best at cooking
>other coworkers chime in
>bring in some food for a company potluck
>everyone ignored what she brought
>she proceeded to be asshurt about that for the rest of the time I worked there.
Office jobs suck

>> No.17822265

>cooking is like the default hobby for literally all boring NPC normies
Excuse me, wut? Which city do you reside?

>> No.17822291

A city whose name alone makes a lot of people seethe endlessly, that's all I'm going to say

>> No.17822295


>> No.17822375
File: 488 KB, 1169x1275, 93C93EC3-BA22-4914-A897-BD08BD0F569E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I get them to come to my place and cook for me. Then I fuck them.

>> No.17822913

LA is my first guess.

>> No.17822964

This is a really good idea. Invest in a quality camera, make a few videos, and share them here.

>> No.17822979

Nope, just retarded zoomers being retarded zoomers

>> No.17822984

>only if you don't teach others
People do t want to be taught, I've tried and they often prefer to get take away.

>> No.17823026

Cooking to impress and cooking daily are two completely different skill sets beyond the basics like how to chop and sear and stuff.
Nobody will want to cook if every time they do it they have to use up every pan in the house and spend two hours setting up and cleaning their pasta roller because they are following a needlessly overcomplicated recipe from Babish or Weissman.

>> No.17823544

I don't know how to cook steak either

>> No.17823700

This. I love to hold them by their boobs. They're like bags of sand.

>> No.17823953
File: 212 KB, 764x960, 1649766325782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely wrong. Zoomzooms, as in kids under the age of 25, have absolutely no fucking idea how to cook. I know one single 21 year old that knows how to cook. I'm only 26 and I feel like a wisened elder because I'm capable of boiling an egg.
Mostly, but I have friends overseas that can't cook. UK friend once told me to cook ramen with an egg he just cracked the egg into the boiling ramen water and stirred it around.
Actually not my intention at all. I'm genuinely sad that the art of cookery is dying... Idk why people had to make it a bunch of seething about females. At least my boyfriend likes cooking.