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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 564 KB, 828x800, EE93E9E5-0910-4A99-B1E6-BCE3F84675BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17785640 No.17785640 [Reply] [Original]

Would “eat the bug” really be hated if insects were as large as in the pic? It would be like a giant lobster tail.

>> No.17785645

depends if the meat is as boogery as most insects are inside

>> No.17785648

Bugs don't have meat they are filled with gunk. Lobsters have meat. That's the difference you stupid piece of shit. It's not fucking complicated.

>> No.17785650

Bugs don't work like marine life. They don't have a lot of meat inside. They're just trash.

>> No.17785656

I will not eat the bugs

>> No.17785667
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I'll eat the bug!

>> No.17785674

There are some huge bugs in australia. Giant weta specifically. Raise them in a high oxygen environment and theyd get even bigger. Bet a proper diet could really make you bloatmax them with selective breeding.

>> No.17785681

Bugs have muscles and muscles are meat. You are factually incorrect.

>> No.17785698

Looked at plenty of videos of this, and it's like watching someone try to eat burnt chicken skins and call it meat. There just isn't shit inside bugs. You're better off eating big ass grubs as after roasting they still contain moisture and flesh. Or, just not fucking eating them.

>> No.17785718

Would being retarded be a disability if everyone was as intelligent as OP?

>> No.17785722
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Large tarantulas do have crab like meat. Also honey ass ants.

>> No.17785726

You're responding to me as if i'm wrong. What was once "no meat" is now "not much meat". Grubs are bugs, and flesh is meat. Obviously you're never going to get a bug t-bone, doesn't mean you're right.

>> No.17785805

Bugs are certainly not vegetables, retard.

>> No.17785822

Unrelated, but I think we might be on the same telegram channel if you got picrel from there. Nothing exciting, but it doesn't happen often so that's neat

>> No.17785835

Also you could feed the other bugs the guts and exoskeletons so you'd almost get a perpetual bug system going

>> No.17785843
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Iv always wanted to try one of these at boys.

>> No.17785849

People would eat bugs if they were meaty and delicious, yes

>> No.17785905

They do. Snails, tarantulas, scorpions, and honey ass ants.

>> No.17785931

Land bugs eat decayed garbage.
Crustaceans eat fresh plankton.
Learn the difference.

>> No.17785935

What about snails and honey ass ants?

>> No.17785953

>Crustaceans eat decayed animal parts, feces, and churned up dust from the nutrient column plus some plankton (some of which is its own zooplankton with its own fecal tracts)
ftfy no amount of cope will change the fact you draw the line at some bugs

>> No.17785962

Insects are a subgroup of crustaceans, more closely related to your lobster than both arachnids and myriapods(centipedes&millipedes) which form their own groups.
In the end they're all arthropods, "bugs".

>> No.17785970

Bugs are insects from the order Hemiptera grandpa. Do you even do taxonomy?

>> No.17785975

When you open up a bug, you find goop, not meat

>> No.17785983

Reminder that plants eat literal shit

>> No.17785984
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>> No.17785987

this >>17785970 was directed at you. I was having some difficulties posting, some human error, some weird internet stuff.

>> No.17786065

Insects are nothing like seafood

>> No.17786068

In the US 100% so dose the meat

>> No.17786069

Snails are just like clams, but with an earthy flavor. Tarantula meat is similar to crab or lobster.

>> No.17786073

Not all arthropods are bugs. "Bug" is hemiptera.

>> No.17786083

>Raise them in a high oxygen environment and theyd get even bigger.
wonder how many super bugs have been bred in secret already. would this even work? "science" says bugs used to be huge because of more oxygen in the atmosphere millions of years ago but would it really work now

>> No.17786084

> snails are just like clams

>> No.17786098

Umm in taste or what? Moreso clams than muscles. I find the foot on clams has a similar chewy texture to snails. Muscles are bit softer and less chewy kinda pastey almost.

>> No.17786102

Well, clams are a bit more mobile than muscles.

>> No.17786117

So you're saying clams have more muscles than muscles? Teehee.

>> No.17786124

One of the interesting things I've read is that higher oxygen allows for a smaller trachea system (how theyy breathe) so even if the gain in size isnt great they'd still be a higher % of meat

>> No.17786419

This. Bugs have no meat. Seafood does.

>> No.17786423

bug here, ama

>> No.17786435

would you accept being eaten?

>> No.17786438


>> No.17786454

>It would be like a giant lobster tail.
Do cows taste like giant rats?
I've eaten some primordial soup shit pajeet hauls in from the bay of Bengal, and what Chang hauls in as bycatch and becomes longshore soup.
It was all foul

>> No.17786457

the insect uprising will begin

>> No.17786473
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Ve are vorking on zis

>> No.17786572

worst example possible, arachnid legs are hydraulic not muscular
least nutritious part of the spider

>> No.17786584

I don’t eat lobster either, lobsters and shrimp are just ocean bugs and I will not eat the bugs.

>> No.17786587

Oy vey, good work

>> No.17786592
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eat ze bug
or ze bug eats you

>> No.17787041

most bugs are more shell than meat and the little meat they do have cant be separated from the shell so are just ground together
does anyone eat shrimp and lobster shells? no because they dont have to

>> No.17787053
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Big bugs exist and no one really eats them so probably not

>> No.17787152
File: 107 KB, 736x552, centipedes skewers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millepedes are full of cyanides, it's best to avoid eating them... or just touching them in general.
On the other end, centipedes are eaten.

>> No.17787159

Asian people really are the weirdest motherfuckers. They eat shit like that and tarantula and what not

>> No.17787166

Why are you niggers constantly pushing bug eating? People who want to eat them then go ahead and eat as many cockroaches and grasshoppers as you want, I don't want to eat them so fuck off and stop asking.

>> No.17787175
File: 94 KB, 480x358, you already ate the bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too closed minded, man.
Stop being a picky eating prick, would you?

Also, you already ate the bugs, pic rel is used to make food red.

>> No.17787178

Ah, the Black Meat.

>> No.17787188
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 1650053870008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will NOT eat bugs.
>(expression of stony resolve softening, warm smile spreading across face)
>Ah what the hell.
>Pass me a bug, brother

>> No.17787200

You eat the ass of the arachnid. It's like lobster.

>> No.17787222

>Raise them in a high oxygen environment and theyd get even bigger.
I thought it was low oxygen that made them bigger because they need more surface area to absorb enough. But that was from a long time ago when there wasn't as much oxygen on the planet so it's probably related to genes and you couldn't just make huge bugs again by putting them in low oxygen, they'll just struggle to survive or die.

>> No.17787258


>> No.17787261

Voluntarily choosing to eat insects is fine. Voluntarily choosing to eat cow/chicken/pork/fish meat is also fine.

What we don't want is for insect proteins to be added to other foods because irrational ideology with institutional support has deemed meat consumption too big of a contributor to global warming, and governments making it unaffordable with all sorts of carbon taxes. Insect protein is incredibly expensive, and tooling up an entirely new economy of insect "farms" and processing plants to meet the demands of the current human population would be unimaginably expensive. Insect protein could only be economically viable (as anything other than a novelty) if real meat were taxed like crazy. Taxes and regulations creating these conditions are ideologically driven, not voluntary for the consumer, and are entirely unnecessary.

>> No.17787266

People who eat bugs belong hanged in a tree.

Have you chosen YOUR tree?

>> No.17787271

Bugs are for animals to eat. You are factually a faggot.

>> No.17787273

I knew it was some bug that they used but I didn't know it was these cunts that eat my hibiscus. Gonna go buy a kilo of red frogs.

>> No.17787276

Hey stinkbug. If you've had anything with red dye 40 in it you've eaten bugs.

>> No.17787289

The same international organizations that push the "eat ze bugs" meme are the ones that are investing like crazy in insecticides and killing huge numbers of insects in nature. When was the last time you scraped a bug off your windshield or killed a bug in your house that wasn't a brown marmorated stinkbug?

>> No.17787476

This sounds like the lore behind Sin & Punishment

>> No.17787514

Are you retards still going on about this? It's not the fact that they "want us to eat the bugs", it's the fact that the global elite want us to subsidise 3rd world shitskins while they eat steak in their gated communities. You faggots are retarded.

>> No.17787530

kill yourself geek

>> No.17787541

John the Baptist ate locusts. Bug eating is deep lindy

>> No.17787609

at the time of huge bugs the atmosphere had around 35% oxygen.

>> No.17787643

I'll eat the rich before I eat the bug

>> No.17787695
File: 54 KB, 600x300, invertebrate_periodical-cicadas_600x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cicadas look like they'd taste good and they come out in huge quantities in the spring, seems a waste not to use it

>> No.17787753

Sad how many insecure picky eaters exist on a cooking board.

>> No.17787755

N-no anon. It’s high oxygen. When the concentration of oxygen is higher, the oxygen can diffuse into their bodies more quickly. Surface area has nothing to do with it, it’s more about the depth the oxygen has to penetrate.

Their genetics, however, certainly has to do with it. It’s not like the average ant would grow tremendously just because of the oxygen. The species of giant bugs died off so a new species would have to evolve.

>> No.17787761

Everything was different back then in that primeval atmosphere man. Ferns grew up like palm trees, and dragonflies were the size of big pigeons or hens.

>> No.17787762

Snails eat fresh plants. Bugs that eat fresh plants are probably a bit better tasting, but as far as I know snails are basically just a vehicle for butter.

The honey pot ants probably eat fungi, as most ants do. It’s a huge misconception that ants eat the things they carry to their hive. 95% of it gets taken to a special room specifically designed to grow a fungus that they eat.

>> No.17787771

rats taste closer to chicken or pork

>> No.17787775

Aren’t centipedes the venomous ones? I thought millipedes were chill.

>> No.17787791

Exactly. Plants were tremendous and jungles were abound. The atmosphere was rich in oxygen.

We are now approaching desertification of the planet, mostly due to human beings interfering with natural water systems, but also because of factory farming and cutting down 90% of the remaining jungles/rainforests.

The thing humans haven’t seemed to understand is that if you remove water from a geographic location (I.e. the water in plants, animals, or the ground) then the temperature doesn’t self-regulate like it used to. Eventually it gets hotter, drying out whatever is left.

>> No.17787807

Yeah centipedes bite and have venom, but millipedes sweat cyanide as a defense mechanism. I've had a domesticated giant millipede crawl on my hands though and it just felt tickly and funny

>> No.17788110

people already eat a shitton of cicadas, apparently they taste nutty

>> No.17788770

IIFYM baybeeeeee

>> No.17788842

Anon. Humans weren't even around for the hilarious amounts of mass extinctions we've had in the past, not the change from megafauna and flora to what we know now. Are you really stupid enough to think homosapiens were draining aquifers and deforesting the planet when life was more diverse?

Life is extremely fragile, and that's why it has only gotten less and less diverse even before humanity as you know it came into existence. Changes in the environment will always happen destroying life faster than adaptation will occur. It's utter arrogance to assume humans are responsible for it all and not just entropy.

>> No.17788863

I really wish bugs were this big. They'd be easier to avoid and they wouldn't be able to sneak into your house through tiny holes and gaps and shit.

>> No.17789049

i don't. how the fuck would a 10 foot long giant carnivorous centipede be "easier to avoid"?

>> No.17789095

Humans burn the equivalent of a pine forest covering the entire US including Alaska every year.

>> No.17789112

Don't worry I saw the whole thing. you got his ass, anon.

>> No.17789194

maybe not easier to avoid but at least you'd be able to see them easier

>> No.17789208
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That's not even remotely possible. The earth would be barren in just a couple of years.

>> No.17789219

Jellyfish have muscles
Tardigrades have muscles

>> No.17789246

also who the fuck burns pinewood?

>> No.17789252

Literally one genus of ant does this. Regular ants eat trash, sugar, corpses, etc

>> No.17789278
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>> No.17789287

I think he's talking about burning hydrocarbons in general, which as an equivalent may or may not be correct.

>> No.17789373

Yeah, it's been a while since I did the math, but from my notes:
>An acre of coniferous forest burning down produces ~15 tons of CO2.
>Global output of ~40 billion tons a year.
>Equivalent to ~10 million square km of forest a year
I mean, the reason the fuel is so useful is that it's effectively millions of years of forest and animal life concentrated down.

>> No.17789394

That looks delicious

>> No.17789484


>> No.17789506
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Even so there's loads of foods everyone has probably consumed with crushed up bugs in it.

>> No.17789644

>eating bugs is somehow worse than eating petrolium byproducts

>> No.17789683

The fact that I'm showing how everyone is already eating bug is meant to point out the hysteria of the you vill eat ze bugs. Don't want to eat bugs? Eat healthy natural foods and not processed seed oil garbage that needs bug juice or petroleum by products to color it. Simple, but half the people freaking out are gluttonously consuming garbage food and eating bugs.

The idea of replacing beef and normal meats with bugs sounds awful and is a little different than just crushed up bugs for dye.

>> No.17790468

Wont eat em
simple as

>> No.17790724

apex predators are never good to eat

>> No.17790728

crazy to think where this meme originated from

>> No.17790821
File: 68 KB, 567x549, EwJJKOhVcAAjalu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get to ride it

>> No.17790858


>> No.17790876


>> No.17790885

Giant bugs would be more meaty especially when cooked

>> No.17791125

You and all bug eaters should commit.
I wouldn't even kiss someone if I knew they ever ate a bug.

>> No.17791130

Well, now that I've been informed I'm in the mood for some Ant Steaks. Care to link me to some sites that sell?

>> No.17791181

No they really wouldn't.

>> No.17792181

Yes, I can accept incidentally eating bugs, but I will not intentionally have a bowl of scorpions in soy milk.

>> No.17792381

Tarantula and scorpion are not meaty you dumbfuck, they are full of goop

>> No.17792400

>he unironically defends eating bugs
Cityfags really??

>> No.17792809
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H-How much does it have n-now?

>> No.17792855

12% or so. Air is mostly nitrogen