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17768871 No.17768871 [Reply] [Original]

name ONE flaw

>> No.17768877

its not the lemon one

>> No.17768881


>> No.17768883

It's in tea bags and has finely ground

>> No.17768888

Isn't their a tea fag general for you guys?

>> No.17768895

You asked what's wrong with it so we told you. Why aren't you posting in the tea general?

>> No.17768897

it's tea, aka piss

drink coffee

>> No.17768898

Its shit.

>> No.17769164

I reuse these bags 2 times, effectively geting 200 cups of tea for the price of 100

>> No.17769172

cheap tea bags contain tea dust and broken leaves, literally the thing they sweep off the factory floor

the whole leaves get put into more expensive tins as loose leaf or in premium tea bags you see in cafes

>> No.17769235

glyphosate and heavy metals, probably. also like tannins and shit that are harmless in small amounts but will overwork your liver and kidneys with longterm consumption in place of plain water

>> No.17769244

Is that the same as lipton yellow label?

>> No.17769245

>he drinks fucking lipton

>> No.17770147

My dad has been drinking lipton every morning for probably almost 40 years at this point. Literally nothing wrong with it. No time for your faggy teas. Lipton tea is the working mans tea.

>> No.17770155

you could be drinking many other, better teas
my stepdad drinks Lipton and he is an absolute tastelet with the food preferences of a small child

>> No.17770271

Lipton is like the Folgers of Coffee. It got to where it is today because it’s good and cheap. The average American drinks coffee or tea for the caffeine not for the experience.

>> No.17770292

There's literally nothing wrong with this. Dumbfucks only force themselves to hate it because it's popular.

>> No.17770296

it's funny that Lipton isn't even sold in UK. Unilever sells a different brand tea there, PG Tips. But, they do sell Lipton bottled iced tea there.

>> No.17770415

no flavor
and black tea is for nigger in the south and white nigger in England.

>> No.17771178

we have Twinings in the U.S. too, no reason for Lipton to exist. Nothing tops a strong English/Irish Breakfast tea with a splash of oat milk

>> No.17771468

Is PG Tips better? Does the UK have ever so slightly higher standards where Lipton couldn't compete?

>> No.17771483
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It's in bags.

>> No.17771500

it tastes like shit.

>> No.17771717

Lipton is the best tea unironically. Every other is ovepriced trash

>> No.17771772

Taste only OK without milk.
Perfect with fresh, condense or evaporate milk

>> No.17771774

Too cheap for me.

>> No.17772405

Incredibly depressing

>> No.17772435
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from what I read, it's just another budget tea of same level of quality. just with a monke

>> No.17772459


>> No.17772480

why do Americans drink so little tea anyway? because of the whole schtick that tea is for Brits and belongs in the ocean? or just because it's healthy and not sweet and therefore too lame and gay for Americans?

>> No.17772497

because it's a den of faggots larping as chinese

>> No.17772946
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>name ONE flaw

>> No.17773172

a cup of this with a few spoonfulls of sugar is the shit
>inb4 beetus amerifat
I used to drink nothing but soda so this helps me ween off.
Also fuck those places that only have non sweetened tea and if you ask for sugar they give you a packet of sugar to mix in to your cold tea.

>> No.17773215
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yeah it kinda is about the taxes we wanted to avoid but also patriotism. include the fact when Andrew Jackson repealed the tax on coffee in like 1830 tea had no chance against coffee
so it's not really because of the "hehe imma dump your tea fuck off england" meme it's that it cost more and THEN after another war with england in 1812 it just became more "American" to be a coffee guy than some tea drinking poof

>> No.17773242

huh, thanks, that actually explains a lot. that said, a lot of time has passed since then. when half the country chugs soda and energy drinks, you'd think tradition isn't so important anymore, and more people would start drinking tea, especially with more hype for "healthy" foods. although black tea doesn't really have that many benefits, but it's still ok

>> No.17773294
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I think you're under the impression we drink very little tea. About 1 in 4 Americans drinks tea every day, as opposed to half of us who drink coffee. I drink tea for instance but my mom and dad drink coffee (my sister drinks Mountain Dew and yes she is fat). So really we're drinking a shitload of the stuff honestly, it's just half as popular as the alternative
Side note: tea drinking (when hot) is seen as more feminine and liberal so there are tremendous regional differences in consumption as well. I would venture a guess that tea is quite popular in California whereas there is not a single roughneck in Oklahoma who would be caught dead with a cuppa

>> No.17773338
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My mother tried to give some Lipton's to the Scottish fella we were hosting and he laughed and said they have a saying "as weak as Lipton's brew" and he embarrassed her because she didn't realize it was bantz even if he was being kinda serious about not liking Lipton's. So I guess it not being strong could be a flaw

Anyways fuck Scotland :)

>> No.17774300
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it's not this one

>> No.17774663

> tea drinking (when hot) is seen as more feminine and liberal
Peak American retardation.

>> No.17774689

Tastes pretty damned good with whiskey...

Lipton canisters are great for cold tea you drink all day or mixing tea. There's not a lot of subtlety, it just tastes very strongly of tea. On the rare occasion I drink it hot, I insist on adding lemon or honey or something because it's just... tea.

>> No.17774708

Sweet tea is yuge in the south

>> No.17774750

It's not dumb when you think about it historically. Because of tea's association with Britain and the increased cost, the consumption of tea was seen as more 'refined' and cosmopolitan than coffee

>> No.17774773

hol up

>> No.17774778

I was under the impression American liberals lived in their copious coffee shops

>> No.17774791

>and yes she is fat
Yeah you don't have to go out of your way to point that out. If she's american we're already assuming she's fat by default.

>> No.17774797

/tea/ only drink poo tea lmao
>it’s supposed to taste like moldy dirt! It’s steamed that way!

>> No.17774843

PG Tips is the tea that sits in the back corner of the office kitchen cupboard unused, I've never seen anyone drink it because there are far better teas in the UK.

>> No.17774894

it's an association not a delineation, and those shops all have tea on offer. guys who drive trucks on the way to the work site get their morning hot beverage of choice from gas stations or McDonalds which don't serve tea only coffee, and they insist on drinking it black
It's just another dumb thing we do to not be gay

>> No.17774934

It's mostly grass \ dirt. Not very much tea in it. I'm not a big tea drinker though.

>> No.17775008

I bought a pack of PG Tips when I moved into my house 6 years ago. I mostly drink darjeeling and ceylon, so there's still well over half the box left for emergencies or guests.

>> No.17775115

Tastes cheaper than your mom.

>> No.17775163

>why do Americans drink so little tea anyway?
Because tea just takes like contaminated water.
But then so does filter coffee so who knows

>> No.17775166

You never tried tea, you just had Lipton or other garbage.

>> No.17775171
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get out of my country

>> No.17775188
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stop lying Ian, we know that all you brits drink is PG Tips drowned in milk and sugar

>> No.17775205
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oh yes, I forgot. if you can load up something with sugar, people in the south will love it

>> No.17775250

is there any coffee in that thing? and i'd really like to know the mg of caffiene in there it's gotta be less than like 50

>> No.17775274

Since when was Starbucks a southern thing

>> No.17775670

Half the dust in these grocery store tea bags is just dirt. And it's even more expensive than loose leaf.

Are people fuckin' retarded?

>> No.17775677

citation needed

>> No.17775814

Open one up, pour the contents into a glass, stir. Then scoop out the leaf from the top of the glass. Everything left in the bottom is dirt and dust.

>> No.17775849

It's true, it's the lowest quality possible, easy to verify on your own.

>> No.17775989
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It doesn’t come with a cool little figurine that your grandma gives you when she opens a new box