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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17723859 No.17723859 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone like this? Is advertising that powerful?

>> No.17723878

What are you even talking about you fucking schizo? Who is "everyone" and what are they doing that makes you seethe?

>> No.17723886

>being purposely ignorant of the question being presented
Are you lost? >>>/pol/

>> No.17723927

parmesan cheese also has this chemical and euros don't seem to mind

>> No.17723930

People like the chocolate rations they get, it’s nothing to worry about

>> No.17723935

i like payday!!

>> No.17723954

americans grow up eating the hershey flavored chocolate and grow accustomed to it. other nations do not. it's the same thing with the amount of sugar in american bread etc

>> No.17723984
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Hold up, Americans put sugar in their breads?

>> No.17723988

they are stupid shit eaters
I'm american but it's pretty obvious there are way better chocolates even in walmart

idk why people cope about it

>> No.17723998
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in some yes. picrel is the label for wonderbread, probably one of the most popular white breads in the country. 5g added sugar
people who visit america often comment on how our bread and other groceries all taste sweeter than they're used to

>> No.17724011

>5 grams of sugar in every slice of bread
I don't even put that much in my coffee

>> No.17724019

a british kid who came here said that a mcdonald’s burger tasted like it had brioche buns

>> No.17724046

why are there 3 soy ingredients in your bread

>> No.17724059

Damn I like me a nice ham and cheese cake

>> No.17724108

In some. And more than just "food for the yeast" kind if thing. The kind that's popular with boomers and older generations especially- very sweet tasting white bread. There's plenty of alternative selection, it's probably less popular though.

>> No.17724143

Are zero bars not diet candy? Sugar free or zero fat or something? The name plus the packaging make them look like a health food.

>> No.17724150

Zero bars are delicious and definitely not low claorie

>> No.17724161

That's bread? No wonder Americans are so unhealthy.

>> No.17724186

>caramel, peanut, almond, white fudge
Yeah definitely health food.

>> No.17724191

>t. American

>> No.17724214

I can't taste in in chocolate but the smell of canned parmasean cheese is horrible

>> No.17724216

Wonder bread barely even counts as bread

>> No.17724221

butyric acid is also in butter
what matters in terms of the taste imparted on a food by a compound is the amount of said compound in the food

>> No.17724225
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>> No.17724235

5 grams in 2 slices actually but yeah it's quite a bit

>> No.17724244

If your "bread" contains 50 chemicals and more soy than flour then it belongs in the trash.

>> No.17724255

Who tf eats wonderbread you fags are acting like niggas actually eat this shit

>> No.17724259

It's either wonder bread or 10$/loaf Kike's Rapist Bread

>> No.17724264

Those are both made by Hershey.

>> No.17724298

Good thing I don't live in your head, because there are plenty of other bread varieties out there

>> No.17724308

Popular maybe 25 years ago.

>> No.17724312

>omg cussing
Gb2 club penguin, Brayden.

>> No.17724317

A good loaf of bread here costs 1€. I'm glad I'm not American.

>> No.17724325

Where I grew up in the Midwest, wonder bread is kind of seen as a meme, like people acknowledge its shitty 'bread'. I'm sure the sentiment is even stronger on the coasts. I feel sometimes Americans on this site don't do a good job of explaining cultural nuances. No American would tell you wonderbread is quality bread. Europeans here have such a skewed perception of life in the US.

>> No.17724334

>soy bad despite no evidence

>> No.17724343

Why do you need it in your bread?

>> No.17724345

I don't as I'm not an american. Though I suppose soy protein could be used to add some protein into the loaf.

>> No.17724391

people eat literal mold in blue cheese that tastes like death so what's the issue

>> No.17724503

we're not eating parmesan chocolate, you disgusting muttman.

>> No.17724567

did i say it's quality? no, i said it's popular

>> No.17724572

you're right the bread has been on shelves consistently for decades because no one is eating it you're completely right. cope

>> No.17724585

take your meds

>> No.17724596

Is it?

>> No.17724630

I'm Midwest born and raised and I don't know anyone who buys Wonder or Butternut for that matter. Even at Walmart the shelves are always full of those two brands because no one buys it. Anyway, didn't Wonder get it's name because it's essentially a cake more so than bread?

>> No.17724648



>> No.17724675

can confirm, I have only eaten wonder bread a handful of times in my life

>> No.17724717

What's your go-to? For me, it's Aunt Millie's buttermilk loaf.

>> No.17724769

They're kept full because everyone buys it. They don't put it there for decoration.

>> No.17724784

Based on the name and packaging I'd assume the top one is mint flavored, which I don't really like.

>> No.17724789
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I get loafs from the bakery for everything aside from peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Holy fuck, those are good. I usually go for picrel in that case.

>> No.17724800

>corn syrup, 5g
Damn, not bad

>> No.17724801

Butyric acid was named after butter and gives butter its flavor Want to try arguing that butter is bad now too?

>> No.17724951
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Walmart has a bakery with 10-15 varieties of fresh bread with no preservatives and little sugar. Most of them are $1. Stop believing fat faggots on this board when they blame their fat faggotry on other people

>> No.17725178

Loved Wondebread as a kid but now I, and everyone I know pretty much, eat Nature's Own or another brand. I think boomers are the demographic for it but I could definitely be wrong

>> No.17725251

whyd this turn into a thread about bread

>> No.17725278

this logo always makes me think it's a honey bun

>> No.17725280

Dave isn’t a Jew, and he’s a murderer not a rapist.

>> No.17725426

American eat chocolate that tastes like cheese

>> No.17725433


>> No.17725449

go back to church gramma

>> No.17725679

>blue cheese tastes le bad!
Let me guess, not enough sugar for you?

>> No.17725708
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>> No.17725897

so THATS why i cant eat anything not vanilla or kitkat...

>> No.17725980
File: 71 KB, 533x551, 1560544663913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel sometimes Americans on this site don't do a good job of explaining cultural nuances.
I don't care if Europoors understand my culture. Even if they did listen, it would not enrich my life in any way, not that they would listen in the first place, but instead spin and twist your words to cope with being irrelevant to the rest of the world.

>> No.17726063

Sucrose is plain table sugar, retard. You're thinking of sucralose which is artificial, sold as Splenda for diabetics

>> No.17726090

Most of those "chemicals" are vitamin and mineral supplements added for nutritive purposes, in such small amounts they don't meaningfully affect the product. Wonderbread was designed as a primary calorie source for the poor and malnourished, who at one time 60 years ago received 25% of their caloric intake from processed bread alone. Staple grain enrichment and salt iodization were both the most successful public health interventions in history, though now with the affluent according a more varied diet, they're less important. Of all of the things to criticize Americans for, the big science sounding words on ingredient labels is a poor choice.

>> No.17726428

You seem to care enough to make that post.

>> No.17726478

Based. Fuck Europe, they've started every world war

>> No.17726482


>> No.17726491

that's like half a can of (non-american)soda per slice, what the fuck
eating 3 slices of wonderbread toast is equivalent of downing at least 1 can of sugar water

>> No.17727049

more like angel food cake

>> No.17727096

brioche, croissants, milk bread, any enriched bread has sugar in it lol

>> No.17727101

The sugar in the wonderbread actually helps it keep for longer

>> No.17727209

Because it ain't a candy...

>> No.17727221

>Muh chemicals

>> No.17727234
File: 548 KB, 1128x1080, here have this soy food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17727340

Holy fuck, a wonder bread with unbleached flour? Will I one day be able to buy things at the grocery store without looking at the label?

>> No.17728070

1. Milk already has butyric acid in it. So do a lot of foods.
2. Lipolysis doesn't break down fatty acids. It releases fatty acids from fat stores.
3. Lipolysis doesn't produce butyric acid. It releases it. A side product of this is that it causes Bacillus species to form biofilms. So you could say "milk lipolysis produces biofilms" because, in a roundabout way, it does, but it doesn't produce butyric acid. Again, the butyric acid is already there, it's just released.
4. Butryic acid "gives vomit its very distinct smell" but it also is used in perfumes to make them smell nice.
5. Butyric acid "gives vomit its very distinctive acrid taste" but is also used in flavorings to make things taste nice.
6. "Chemicals scary chemicals bad" is small brain shit. Butyric acid is completely normal and natural. Lipolysis is a natural process that occurs naturally in nature. Chemicals are nature, you dumb fucks. If you love nature, if natural is good, you love chemicals and chemicals are good. The only difference between sodium bicarbonate and baking soda is one is the "scary science name" for the other.

>> No.17728081

Big if true

>> No.17728108

I wouldn't call it pseudoscience, more so they're being very selective to drive a narritive. Either way it's bullshit

>> No.17728130

>he typed into a smartphone made of chemicals
>wearing clothes made of chemicals
>breathing air made of chemicals
>in a house made of chemicals
>on a planet made of chemicals
>with a body made of chemicals
Chemphobes are truly the lowest of the low.

>> No.17728134

Based non-retard.

>> No.17728138

so much cope
people literally think "ew this tastes like vomit wtf" when they eat it
and then they write articles answering why this is

>> No.17728146

Based vomit chocolate eater

>> No.17728162

>Lipolysis doesn't break down fatty acids.
>literally double click on the word
>"The breakdown of fats and other lipids by hydrolysis to release fatty acids."

>> No.17728168

Learn to read.
>"The breakdown of fats and other lipids by hydrolysis to release fatty acids."
It says it breaks down fats and other lipids (not fatty acids), and that releases fatty acids like >>17728070 said.
Lol indeed.

>> No.17728177

>pretending not to be the same guy
lol don't you have some homework to be doing

>vomit is natural so it's fine if my chocolate tastes like it on purpose
ok buddy

>> No.17728187

You quickly changed topics from "no, lipolysis does break down fatty acids" to calling me a samefag and making an argument nobody made.
Butyric acid isn't vomit. It's naturally in a lot of foods, including butter, almonds, yogurt, and yes, milk. You're just some idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about and can't read well.

>> No.17728190
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I don't personally know a single person who buys wonder bread. I don't deny that it probably sells decently since it's always fucking there but it has to be the trashiest motherfuckers out there that buy this shit.

>> No.17728194

tastes like vomit
idk why you don't simply buy good chocolate instead of coping about your putrid amerigoblin megacorp chocolate

>> No.17728196

>tastes like vomit
Subjective opinion.
What isn't subjective opinion is all the science you got wrong. You're objectively wrong and you're functionally illiterate.

>> No.17728197

Not that anon but it's the chemical that gives vomit its distinctive taste. It's concentrated in vomit and intentionally concentrated in Hershey's which is why it tastes like vomit, yankshart autismo. No one cares that it naturally occurs in other foods in minute amounts.

>> No.17728198

>The acid does not occur widely in nature, but its esters are widespread. It is a common industrial chemical[7] and an important component in the mammalian gut.
sounds lovely

can't they find a way to industrially put more in my foodstuffs?

>> No.17728206

I only know one person who eats Milk "chocolate" Hershey's, and they won't even buy it for themselves. I live in the US.

>> No.17728208

It isn't. The taste of vomit depends on what you eat. If your vomit tastes acidic, it's because the contents of your stomach (the stuff you ate) was acidic. If that happened to be milk, then yes, butyric acid would be the culprit, but that's not always going to be the case.
You eat butter. Butter is chock full of butyric acid. Does butter taste like vomit to you? Do your barferonis taste like butter? I envy you if they do.

>> No.17728210

Government subsidies of soy beans.

>> No.17728238

>The acid does not occur widely in nature
>and an important component in the mammalian gut.

>> No.17728921

All I've learned from this thread are that yuros are woefully undereducated. What's the point of all that socialized education if nobody's using it?

>> No.17729153

god damn i love zero bars
put them in the fridge