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File: 1.24 MB, 1269x3570, 20220409_185033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17677050 No.17677050 [Reply] [Original]

Should I drink some? It says calidad original domecq or something on it.

Bottom of the bottle says pedro domecq mexico and there's an 80 on the bottom. Could it be from 1980?

>> No.17677055

And just to be clear I found this bottle on my property, but I know exactly where it came from. I didn't find it on the side of some traintracks or something.

>> No.17677118

From my research it seems like it may be brandy. I can't seem to find a bottle that looks like the remnants of this one online.

Posting review in a sec.

>> No.17677156
File: 1.08 MB, 1800x3089, 20220409_191220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes. Smell is not bad. Well there isn't much smell except for alcohol, maybe a bit of barrel, and some fruitiness maybe.

>> No.17677161

that is pee

>> No.17677169

Odds of that being piss seem really high anon

>> No.17677172

it's piss

>> No.17677189

So it actually tastes quite nice. Very light and smooth flavors. Maybe it was aged in a sherry cask or something, because it has some of that almondy flavor. Nice texture to it. Like a decently aged scotch.

Overall it has nothing wrong with it, except for being a little too lightly flavored and simple. The extreme aging has made it so smooth you could probably chug it.

Thanks for reading my blog.

It's definitely alcohol.

>> No.17677207
File: 1.44 MB, 1800x2536, 20220409_192520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time on trying weird things. I will be having these.

Does anyone know what they are?

>> No.17677517

Anon the fact that you're drinking out of random bottles concerns me. You were very lucky it wasn't piss.

>> No.17677529

I knew the provenance of the bottle.

Check >>17677055

There was an old bourbon from the 80s in the same box. That was pretty good.

>> No.17677706

solidified pee

>> No.17677724

Guess again, mr. funny pee guy.

>> No.17678158

Tulip bulbs, poisonous.

>> No.17678997


>> No.17679015

This thread reminds me of when I drank from a bottle of captain Morgan I found in a roadside ditch. Wasn't pee.
Are you going to get a new bottle to compare?

>> No.17679044
File: 244 KB, 1036x1154, 29d09b463db7ef73c8d636abeae94565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink fermented urine
>"aged in a sherry cask"
>"almondy flavor"
>"nice textures"
more proof that alcohol "connoisseurs" are retarded

>> No.17679134

Might actually be interesting considering it's bottom shelf trash. I checked prices and it's $11 a fifth. Maybe I'll grab a half pint.

I chuckled

>> No.17679875

Alcohol with piss

>> No.17681244


>> No.17681252

what a fake post. OP clearly just rolled the bottle around in the dirt and then used some cigarettes to create burn holes on the bottle label. Fucking cringe as shit you faggot

>> No.17681258

How double dog dare you doubt my integrity.

>> No.17681267

that is a pee bottle, normalfag

>> No.17681270


>> No.17681302

I'll triple raw dog your mom pony boy

>> No.17681329

your dad loves my dad

>> No.17681346

Nigger's eggs

>> No.17681351

Close, but wrong.

>> No.17681381

Jerusalem artichokes?

>> No.17681383

that is a bottle of piss

>> No.17681385

thats urine

>> No.17681388

Dude you found my piss bottle

>> No.17681402
File: 36 KB, 650x650, arcane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to break it to you but that's my bottle

>> No.17681405
File: 91 KB, 520x1380, Presidente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably an OLD bottle of Presidente.
My dad used to drink it all the time.
It's brandy.

>> No.17681418

The forbidden Potatos

>> No.17681430

>extreme aging
Liquor does not age in glass, quit making shit up

>> No.17681446


I figured that out. You think the 80 on the bottom of the bottle is the age?

Wrong, but funny.

Wrong. Mezcaleros will often age their distillate in glass for 5-10 years before bottling. After generations of traditional mezcal production why would they add this expensive and time consuming process?

>> No.17681468

I imagine it's 80 proof aka 40% alcohol

>> No.17681472

More likely it's the proof.
I saw those bottles all the time as a kid (not 80s but not too long after) and they never looked like your pic, heavy aging aside.

>> No.17681496

If the glass container contains something, like oak, for the mezcal to soak in, or even has a vent to oxidize the liquor ever so slightly, it makes sense. Otherwise, it might as well go straight into the bottle. The ravages of time don't do much to alcohol in glass when it's kept cool and dark.

>> No.17681530
File: 38 KB, 768x768, 6535473_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part that throws me for a loop is the sticker around the neck. I cant find any examples with that same sticker. I found out the label is the back label not the front. I've seen plenty of examples with similar ones.

Pic is an old mezcal jug used for aging. In all honesty it may not, but there is debate that it does, so we should keep our minds open to and recognize we don't know everything. :)

>> No.17681631

My family makes wine and brandy. We pop it into glass to halt the aging.
>This half of this batch is 10 years old today, let's get it into bottles and out the door. When can we get it shipped? What do you mean 'What about the other half?' It's staying in the casks for another 10 years.
The only things that that jug could contribute are UV damage, cork rot, and oxidation if they vent and shake it regularly. Having played around with a few types of agave on my time, I'd say that dropping some slightly toasted beech or birch, or some fully roasted agave in, would yield great results without giving the butter and vanilla that oak does.

>> No.17681674

damn no one got ur joke
dw anon i get it

>> No.17681723

Why do you think mezcaleros have established tradition of aging the mezcal in glass demi-johns then? I know those guys do not mess around and make excellent spirits.

>> No.17682062

they have to let all the worms to settle out before they can bottle it

>> No.17682762

Aging the mash or - agave wine isn't the right term, but it's what's coming to mind - on yeast in glass makes sense. It's got an active element to it, cleaning up little fermentation errors.
If it's essentially finished product being aged in that jug, then either they're letting any missed heads vent out (via regular ventilation), they're oxidizing it for a more sherry-like finish (which might make sense, some mezcal is fairly harsh), or they're using UV to break down certain compounds. I'll go look into it, but it would be something specific to mezcal if it's anything at all. Anything else is mellowed in wood - usually oak - with a very, very slight gas permeability, allowing very mild oxidation, and letting some of the lighter volatiles out over a period of years.

>Even if one thing is aged this way, it doesn't apply to half-empty piss jugs found under decks. Brandy is put in glass to halt aging.

>> No.17682771

really cool posts, thanks for contributing

>> No.17682795

So far all I'm finding is that it's a way to sell young mezcal as aged without aging it, sold in the demijohn as a bit of a marketing gimmick... right up there with the grub.

>> No.17682803

I'm sorry if I fucked up anywhere. I don't really speak a lot of English at home, and considering that work is basically on the property - I really only speak English here and occasionally on the phone.

>> No.17682822

I wrote back too quickly - it does oxygenate, which - what I was getting at with my sherry comment - rounds off the edges of the vegetal notes and cuts some of the pepperiness. They'd be venting these jugs every now and then.

>> No.17683631

Thanks for the quality posts. This stuff has been sitting in the sun for a long time as you can see from the label. Pretty sure it altered the flavor, but I have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.17683640

>an old bourbon from the 80s
You understand spirits stop aging when they’re bottled, yes?
3yr bourbon bottled in the 80’s is still 3yr bourbon if you drink it today.

>> No.17683655

We've been over this check the posts above.

Even if it is unchanged from age even crap bourbon from the 80s was pretty good. Wild turkey bottles from the 80s can fetch like 800 dollars. The bottle had been sitting out in the sun for multiple years, which the professional admitted causes a change also. Not a good change, but a change.

>> No.17683709

>finds half bottle of fuck only knows what from the 80s
>its alcohol
>oh i must drink this
yeah you're definitely a classy guy and in no way would drink something you found on the train tracks. i mean really, if you don't have a chain of custody from at least the retailer to you, without a 40 year period of 'fuck only knows' in the middle, throw it in a dumpster and go to the liquor store if you want some hooch, this is tramp-tier behaviour

>> No.17683805
File: 1.49 MB, 1749x3731, 20220411_084419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was part of a dead dude's estate sale or something. He had some halfway decent wine that came with this shit. Figured I'd have a few sips before tossing it out.

>> No.17683969

It's cause you just drank some piss.

>> No.17684095

Piss in a bottle that has been aging in the sun for years would reek of ammonia. Not. Piss.

>> No.17684961

bruh it's piss, you are drinking fermented piss

>> No.17685421

Only diabeetus piss could ferment into alcohol.

>> No.17685575

>he trusts retailers

>> No.17686102

It will have altered the flavour, especially if it had been opened. UV will mess with some of the oak, and skunk up any slight traces of mercaptans, and oxygen will soften the edges, even give it a flavour like the aroma of damp cardboard. These are considered a fault in just about everything, which is why just about everything is cellared as soon as it's out of the cask or barrel.

>> No.17686114

If it could, that yeast could probably autobrew your intestines into a soft cheese.

>> No.17686664

He never implied any different.