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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 1024x768, FPn3zq1WUAM7tY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17657867 No.17657867 [Reply] [Original]

When fast food restaurants had soul

>> No.17657873

There's a Wendy's and a DQ within a few blocks of my house that look like this.

>> No.17657885
File: 180 KB, 1047x1200, EaAevEhWAAE_g-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When fast food used to have a salad bar.

>> No.17657917

Can I just grab a whole tomato to go with my stuff?

>> No.17657922

i'd grab her whole tomato if you know what i mean

>> No.17657954

Anything was pastable...

>> No.17658110

>salad bar
It was remodeled during the pandemic, but the Wendy's near where I work still had an outline of their salad/taco/pasta bar on the floor tiles in the corner.
On a related note, I should cook some spaghetti with taco meat. That shit was great.

>> No.17658119

people always talk garbage to me about the carl's jr. salad bar
I don't give a fuck, I saw it and it was there and it was real and I ate the food
people always talk garbage you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

>> No.17658132

yup taking away salad bars was the "new normal" of the 90s

>> No.17658140
File: 764 KB, 1388x1837, buildings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they took from you

>> No.17658225

>those weird curved windows from the 80's-early 00's
I remember eating under one during a really heavy rainstorm as a kid, some pizza place my dad took us to while we were on vacation.
It was really cool to be under the glass as it was bombarded with monsoon-tier moisture.

>> No.17658342

They tore down our last one

>> No.17658349

also back when people used to care about their appearance, if that pic was taken today she'd be in yoga pants with a side cut and about thirty tats.

>> No.17658361

I was born in 2000 and I just barley remember restaurants looking like this, they also had smoking sections back then.

>> No.17658408 [DELETED] 

The 90's.

>> No.17658415 [DELETED] 

sad reality.

>> No.17658421
File: 97 KB, 1000x666, EbBAH_CXsAE8eu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the old 90's pizza hut, good times

>> No.17658439

Shakey's kinda looks like that. Pizza Hut and Dominos just arent dine-in anymore

>> No.17658455

ponderosa was not fast food.

>> No.17658456
File: 64 KB, 640x427, 640px-Taco_Bell_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? that's not even the good taco bell

>> No.17658462

fug this looks like a wendy's i used to go to decades ago when they still allowed smoking in there.

>> No.17658464

>when fast food restaurants had white staff

>> No.17658504
File: 172 KB, 870x565, tacobellorigpromo_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand aside, millennial. True SOVL coming through.

>> No.17658511

Reminds me of the Pizza Hut lunch Buffett. Used to go after church in the 90s.

>> No.17658571

>spaghetti with taco meat
I just remembered! It wasn't spaghetti, it was rotini! So the sauce and over-spiced meat could mingle and become entrapped in the spirals!

>> No.17658582 [DELETED] 

is that michaal jackson?

>> No.17658596
File: 220 KB, 568x638, creedenceclearwaterrevival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, right, whatever

>> No.17658603

I like how so many of the old arch Taco Bells are still standing, but are almost all occupied by mom and pop taquerias.

>> No.17658605


>> No.17658613

here they're chinese and korean restaurants
the korean one used to be a sushi place as well I think

>> No.17658643

Why is taco bell synonymous with diarrhea?

>> No.17658959

You should get a sky light

>> No.17659066
File: 86 KB, 626x796, pdqfries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When PDQ switched from their absolutely perfect, crispy, deliciously seasoned shoestring fries to FUCKING WAFFLE FRIES, I knew they had soul their soul to the devil. Look at how perfect they used to be. FUCK WAFFLE FRIES

>> No.17659079

only alcoholics and fattys with ibs eat it in large amounts.

>> No.17659095

and at least 100 lbs more

>> No.17659912

nobody knows what that is.

>> No.17659954

Oh fuck off. Has your life always been so empty that the decor of fast food restaurants is something that is important to you?

>> No.17660146

I remember when my mom took me to wendys when I was young.

We would eat near the window and she would always get the chili.
I would always get chicken nuggies with fries and chips then make a burger with the chips and put the chicken nuggie in the middle.

>> No.17660217

Good, they deserve to die in obscurity for taking away my fries

>> No.17660276

Imagine how big her bush is under that skirt. Imagine how big it is now if she is still alive.

>> No.17660310

non-homophobic Chik-Fil-A

>> No.17660311

That's pretty gay.

>> No.17660328

Me in the rear

>> No.17660353

Does anyone have the picture of the old McDonalds interior, compared to the new?
The color difference was striking

>> No.17660360

>comparing an advertisement to how people actually dress

>> No.17660364


>> No.17660554

chili burger that seems good

>> No.17660560

I miss the salad culture of the 90's

>> No.17660562

>please wait to be seated

I miss when restaurants did that

>> No.17660573

soul vs soulless

>> No.17661122

40 years ago you could throw a dart into a crowd and miss because they weren't all fat fucks.

>> No.17661214

>Oh boy, which pile of lettuce should I choose?

>> No.17661231

Same exact layout as the one I worked at.

>> No.17661633


>> No.17662014

When you could afford college working at a fast food restaurant.
They just got cheaper and cheaper on everything so the bosses could get richer and richer and if you think they didn't cut major costs on "food" you deserve the cancer you get from eating it. Even just handling the package. Oh right that's only if you "believe in" science.

>> No.17662026

fuck off troon
when "science" says a person with a dick is a woman because they feel like it, there is a problem

>> No.17662031
File: 125 KB, 992x558, 1619888181703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When fast food giants used to market to kids instead of young adults.
I really do miss all of the colorful plastic decor.

>> No.17662033

I miss the Whole Foods salad bar. I would pile mine up with all kinds of good shit.

>> No.17662065

Take my updoot! You win the internet this day good sir!

>> No.17662068

my pizza hut still looks like this, I think the buffet has been closed ever since covid started though. I haven't eaten inside in forever since there's never anyone else eating in there so it's depressing. it's also a bit old and run-down and just feels kinda gross inside. the underlying style is still cool though

>> No.17662196

I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand medical science isn't that simple.

>> No.17662208

I identify as a medical scientist

>> No.17662249


>> No.17662478

>bringing up TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES out of nowhere
touch grass man

>> No.17662502

sound like da place for chudz bruh

>> No.17662510

>Left = personality and each chain having its own identity with how the building facade appears
>Right = dull grays with a splash of color. Each building looks similar enough to be confused with the others if you removed the logo and color splash

>> No.17662517
File: 23 KB, 500x459, Deliberately Making Yourself Upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.17662537

Ah classic Pizza Hut. The smell of fresh pizza, the nice red cups, and the cocktail table Pac-man game. Old arcade games for me are linked to the smell of pizza.

>> No.17662598

me on the left
> N

>> No.17662627

So even then they had a bunch of hipster faggots eating there.

>> No.17663095
File: 81 KB, 696x500, 6bp48w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at PDQ from 2015-16. We used to cut our fries by hand until mid-2016.

I remember coming into work for my pre-shift meal and noticing that the fries tasted "off", perhaps I just got a bad batch. My manager came up and broke the news that we switched to frozen ones, it became depressing walking into our prep room and seeing our fry cutter collect dust.

A friend of mine who stayed with them a little longer told me that the once-homemade sauces are now mass-produced by Ken's.

The fact that they switched to waffle fries tells me that they're getting desperate.

>> No.17663131

you expect big companies to have soul?

>> No.17663265

>The Rugrats Movie / Release date
>Nov 20, 1998

>> No.17663280
File: 1.84 MB, 270x360, authentic indian food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss having the ability to eat pickled herring at every single establishment with a salad bar.

>> No.17663402

>y tho

>> No.17663447

Your soul, that is. Congrats on escaping, but you need to stop regretting it.

>> No.17663452

I'm poojeet and we actually have a toilet in our house. Not for sacred or cooking purposes though.
I don't live in India though. I live in SEA.

>> No.17663454

I miss it bros.
There's a part of my soul that never left that place.

>> No.17664366

College kids used to steal the bell in the 80s. It was a common item for scavenger hunts, back when youngfolk actually did mischief out of doors rather than shitposting online.

>> No.17664459
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x720, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17664483

ypipo have sensitive stomaches

>> No.17664491

Omfg I love picture collage. Why did they take it? When did it happen? Can we take them back somehow? I will start filling some collage folder, and making some oc. Don't worry frens I will share my collection when the need arises. We will not be collageless, you have my word as an autist!

>> No.17664497

Because the niggers, and spics who work there don't wash their hands after they go to the bathroom

>> No.17665221

These were always full of old people

>> No.17665616

Yeah their fries fucking suck balls but i think they are the best restaurant for tendies. Their sandwiches are second to chick fil a though

>> No.17665676

ayy devious licks sick af

>> No.17665679

They recently renovated our last old-school wendy's and turned it into a grey brick.

>> No.17666332

> An average American white person is more concerned over how fast food restaurant facades look than over racial discrimination in America

>> No.17666343

when anon had a waistline under 60 inches

>> No.17666363

average plebbit user

>> No.17666499

Also, autistitic and I like architecture

>> No.17666507

>racial discrimination in America
Yes, it's crazy that majority pops are being discriminated against by the smallest minority there is. Now shut the fuck up retard this is a thread about fast food

>> No.17668044

OK, Sinead

>> No.17668092

Incorrect, I am extremely concerned about whites and asians being discriminated against in college admissions.

>> No.17668112

A big part of this is that they're moving away from people actually eating in the restaurant and towards just being a takeout and drive through restaurant. When I was back home visiting a month ago a friend of mine had checker's delivered and I wanted to cry.

>> No.17668121
File: 40 KB, 163x169, 1404933466190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF I HATE RACISM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17668130

Yeah, there need to be fewer blocks for their rich parents buying them degrees.

>> No.17668137


>> No.17668171
File: 622 KB, 355x744, sailormoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on guys this is the cooking board leave the racebait shit to /pol/ we're here united under our love of good food and cooking :D

>> No.17668409

How do these places invoke some sense of nostalgia in me, even though I didn't grow up in the US?

>> No.17668466
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, c2967f8ef4b9cbe374d0f9ceab03d561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all every go to a birthday party in the train? that was pretty sweet

>> No.17668475

That image is total bullshit. I've believed in myself and made an effort and I usually just fail time and time again and the world just gets worse and worse.

>> No.17668700
File: 20 KB, 480x360, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When fast food giants used to market to kids instead of young adults.
never thought about that, good catch

>> No.17668703

she was talking to that guy not a retarded pleb

>> No.17668705
File: 39 KB, 720x499, 1504525791277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime made me once believe I, too, would one day have my own harem. What a fool I was.

>> No.17668737

I don't know man, old school 'no negros' racism was at least honest.
'Negros keep walking' is simple and straight forward
'asians are too smart so we have to fudge their test scores' is just silly.

>> No.17669085
File: 110 KB, 640x701, 1647173054232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir this is a Carl's Jr.

>> No.17669548

Holy SOVL, I'm Mexican and always loved going to the US to buy clothes and games and end our days at Pizza Hut. I mostly liked it because they had arcades but I remember it was much nicer than the other fast food places.

>> No.17669582

my wendy still lives

>> No.17669610

soul. enjoy it while you can. what's the inside like?

>> No.17669612
File: 1.88 MB, 1297x979, wendys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultra comfy. I'd find myself here for hours on a very rainy day.

>> No.17669635

> just fix discrimination against X by discriminating against Y bro it’s that easy.

>> No.17669766

like this>>17669612
and it's actually strange how much i recall being there when it rained. i think they remodeled the sunroom years ago so i don't think it's going anywhere

>> No.17669930

Because you can see the soul put into them vs the stale bland post modern designs of current year. Old buildings were trying to appeal to humans. New buildings try to appeal to shareholders.

>> No.17669963

they took this from you...

>> No.17670029


>> No.17670107
File: 59 KB, 910x752, 1649044079444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a bunch of good for nothing consoomers

>> No.17670180

>when fast food restaurants had sol

>> No.17672033


>> No.17672082

I try to divest myself from publicly traded companies as much as possible. Hell I started worked for a multinational but still privately held company in 2020 and I can't tell you the world of difference working for them over some ticker symbol one has done like I had for the few in the decade prior

>> No.17672094

You never eat fast food? Never ever?
No matter what you're still a consumer of endless other goods.

>> No.17672100

If only there was something to look at other than a fucking parking lot. Non walkable cities are a crime.

>> No.17672111

My Arby's has a tree in the middle of the dining area

>> No.17672121

Also SOUL but I've never actually seen one of these in person

>> No.17672364
File: 278 KB, 1305x729, 4A96DFE8-7AE8-436B-A163-B5AE6C723314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popeyes’ buffet
This is what they took from you.

>> No.17672400

I think what's so funny about these "return to old fast food" memes is exactly this chain


They were always changing and modernizing the look for trends. They never had soul.

>> No.17672423

>last popeye buffet closed and it was in Lafayette

>> No.17672443

It was too based to survive. We used to descend on that place after football practice maybe once a week and eat everything on the buffett. The workers would see us walk through the door and immediately start preparing more food in the back. This was the late 90s though and they were competently staffed so the wait was not long.

>> No.17673836

That guy is either showing a lot of disdain for that woman or is extremely attracted to her, I can't tell which

>> No.17673850

If a fast food place has a black staff, I won't eat there. They're either all teenagers who can't think past the next two hours and don't care about consequences or single mothers who are worn to nothing and don't care what happens anymore. The places run by teams of middle aged Hispanic ladies are fine, they've all got five grandkids to raise at 40 and care about keeping their jobs.

>> No.17673873

The McDs near my house in N. Va had a drive-in theme and was fucking incredible. There were working Wurlitzer jukeboxes and TVs playing movies above the counter (a marquee above had showtimes for Godzilla) and the tables were shaped like Cadillacs split in two and there were giant murals of roller girl waitresses with milkshakes on trays and even a statue of a female cat burglar breaking in through a skylight. Going there for a happy meal was as good as going to Chuck E. Cheese's and kids were running all over the place. Now I can't even find a photo of it online.

>> No.17673909

So, to you, "soul" means that you're a demographic being preyed upon by a corporation. That's really fucking weird.

>> No.17673986

lol yeh i can smell this bitch

>> No.17674100

they are not even indians tho

>> No.17674119

If I ever opened a restaurant, I'd want the inside to look like Pizza Hut used to.

>> No.17674164
File: 20 KB, 320x213, Old-Mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two important points. One, when Baby Boomers had young children, fast food marketed to children. They have switched to young adults/18-39 because those children grew up. Rational reactions to population changes.
Second, the reason for the buildings - not only switch from kids to adults, but lack of confidence in the economic future. Old school Wendy's or Pizza Hut buildings were too iconic which hurt resale value. In boom times companies wanted iconic buildings; now they anticipate failure and closing down/selling off stores/real estate. Dark days ahead, my friends. Dark days.

>> No.17674181

gross, what's the point then

>> No.17674192

More like:
> An average American white person is more concerned over how fast food restaurant facades look than over the dispossession of their people and loss of their nation and civilization

>> No.17674195


Imagine going to college in the year of our Lord 2022

>> No.17674241
File: 66 KB, 828x466, ca26a9af561338968b5543f44bea6be8f1955983-16x9-x68y0w1942h1093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating in a plane

>> No.17674291
File: 233 KB, 1467x868, 1c6ab72d4c3135f68364025668b87db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby

>> No.17674320

>taco bell
>taco BELL

>> No.17675525
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 1428307827321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally on a Food board dipshit. I'll let you take a guess what food is for lmao. Astronomical Galaxy Brain take here everyone.

>> No.17675902

There can't be discrimination if they aren't all forced together. Segregation is the answer.

>> No.17675965

just drink water, it's the same thing as a salad bar

>> No.17676008

>The McDs near my house in N. Va
703 represent

>> No.17676130

This thread is literally made every week here. Come on OP.

>> No.17676157

my local wendy's still looks like this
perks of living in a low-income flyover state is that it takes a white for things to change

>> No.17677507


>> No.17677519

i remember having a burger here as a kid, did not like it, mom told me to eat it because it'd offend the waiter