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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, old-oil-poured-into-kitchen-sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17639785 No.17639785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit I thought you guys were just memeing but it's fucking real.
>be rentfag
>live in top floor apartment
>always just pour down oil and grease down the drain
>one day the water in the kitchen sink takes way longer than usual to flow down the drain
>huh weird
>don't think too much about it
>few days later notice water on the ceiling on one of the other floors
>tell landlord
>he finds out one room in an unoccupied apartment got flooded
>water damage of over 10000$
>plumbers remove gigantic mass of grease from the pipes
>they can trace it exactly back to my kitchen
>insurance pays for everything
>don't get into any trouble
It was literally not my problem at all

>> No.17639790

It never happened

>> No.17639797
File: 52 KB, 640x480, images - 2021-11-10T183448.454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit my pants at Lan party
>not my problem

>> No.17639804

how did the grease climb up to the floor above you

>> No.17639810

>insurance paying for something you did intentionally
Yeah, insurance companies don't do that.

>> No.17639815


>> No.17639836

>be me
>pour grease of balcony
>pee off balcony

Literally not my problem

>> No.17639837

How are they supposed to know I did it intentionally?

>> No.17639885

because people just don't accidentally dump gallons of grease down the drain

>> No.17639945

That's too hard to prove and lots of places in America have crazy tenant protection laws. It's one thing if the landlord seethes over 10 grand and sues the tenant into paying for the damage while providing evidence, but insurance isnt the seething landlord.
Also the people coming to check for the insurance company sometimes just don't give enough of a fuck to probe your asshole for evidence. Happened to me with a minor water damage issue.

>> No.17639967

if somebody flushed a bucket of golfballs down the shitter what do you think the insurance company would do about it?
same thing as dumping gallons of grease/oil

>> No.17639981

prove that wasnt a slow build-up of grease from normal dishwashing years past

in a new building, it could theoretically be simple, but legally is probably still an uphill battle. in an old building, shit out of luck

>> No.17639984

and by "new building" I mean like you would probably need for it to be caused by the first tenant after construction to have any basis to claim they caused it

>> No.17639997

They just refuse to pay for it.