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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17639077 No.17639077 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going on a business trip to the US next week (specifically SF) from Australia. Is there anything food/cooking related worth bringing back? I was thinking of checking out maybe some Mexican ingredients as that's rather sparse over here. Any suggestions?

>> No.17639086

Chamoy and Tajin. Put them on fruit.

>> No.17639090

San Francisco?

>> No.17639093

Yes, I thought Americans call it SF

>> No.17639098

>from Australia

You're not welcome in Texas, stay out

>> No.17639102

bring as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can

>> No.17639104

Definitely hit up the Mexican stores and get some dried smoked chilis, epazote, achiote, all that good stuff. Also SF and Oakland have really extensive Chinatowns, I know those exist in Australia as well but the prices/selection in the Bay may be better.

>> No.17639107

I'm not going to Texas, just San Francisco. Relax big guy.

>> No.17639115

oh and I forgot to mention, make sure to hit up the Cheeseboard in Berkeley, some of the best pizza you will ever eat.

>> No.17639125

You can come to Kentucky, but you need to get in touch with one of us if you want to come to the west side.
Tell us what sort of stuff you can get down under and we we'll have a better idea.
>also, you'd be an idiot not to see the redwoods if you're going to cali

>> No.17639127

make sure to wear some flowers in your hair

>> No.17639135

your women crave aussie seed, mate

>> No.17639173

It’s Shithole Faggotfest. You getting tired of Abo men so you wanna try el goblino americano? Try a California burrito.

>> No.17639210

I heard Skidrow is worth visiting for their culinary scene?

>> No.17639218

Try the vomit chocolate and report back

>> No.17639228

In n out burger to see how mediocre it is
Go to a taco truck surrounded by mexicans not gringos and get tacos
Oysters or other seafood
Never been to SF sorry but that will get you started

>> No.17640717

Why tf would anyone visit texas in the first place? It's literally just urban hell and desert.

>> No.17640803

i dont know why people fell for this

>> No.17640811

American food is shit, especially in SF. Better pack enough supplies(canned stuff, dried meat etc) to last you your entire trip.

>> No.17641192

Only if you like eating hobo dicks.

This, but check your Aussie import regs. You may have a less risky time if you take back packaged spices. I like to use chipotle powder a lot.

All of which will be confiscated by Customs agents, and you'll get a stern talking-to about biosecurity and not risking bringing pests in, and maybe fined if they're feeling irate.

>> No.17641215

>Shithole Faggotfest
And seriously this. OP, you haven't seen disgusting until you're walking around the piles of human shit mixed with discarded syringe needles all over San Fagcisco.

It's also seriously dangerous because the elected District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, is the child of literal communist terrorists and was raised by other communist terrorists, and he is actively enabling the release of violent mentally ill criminals while prosecuting anyone who tries to stop the criminals. He's one of the many "Soros DAs" whom George Soros has been funding -- elections are largely won by huge advertising buys, and Soros has been throwing millions of dollars into elections that used to only see a couple of hundred thousand dollars spent at most. Kim Foxx, Chesa Boudin, Kim Gardner, Jose Garza, dozens of others nationwide all doing the bidding of their financial backer to try to destroy the U.S.

California is holding a recall election against Boudin in June, and last I heard it was looking like the population was sick enough of his shit that they were going to get rid of him. But that was also the case with Gavin Newsom, and the Dems managed to commit enough vote fraud to keep him in power.

>> No.17642847

>Try a California burrito.
Awful garbage. I didn't know what the difference was so I got one at the local burrito place by where I worked. Turns out it's a burrito but then they dump french fries inside and smother it all with cheese sauce. Why ruin an otherwise perfectly good burrito with that crap?

>> No.17642856 [DELETED] 


Hey! How come emojis are available again?! Did Hiroshimoot realize he had a good thing going?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17642928
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There is a great diner in SF down on, what is it, Martin Luther King Boulevard? Yeah, thats it, MLK. Enjoy your trip anon

>> No.17643063

Look, I would like nothing better than to see Australians contained within their penal colony for all eternity, but let's at least not try to get the poor boy murdered. He's already going to where he's likely to be homosexually raped.

>> No.17643102

I once met an aussie who unironically had no idea what a tortilla was, how has such a major cuisine not reached your cuntry?

muh taxes or some shit

>someone mentions california
>schizoposting ensues
never fails

>> No.17643246

We don't have and never had much immigration from Mexico. Even corn flour is not easy to find, you need to visit some speciality (or Asian for some reason) stores etc. We have two Mexican restaurant chains which are kinda fine, but that's all mostly in the major cities. Not much "soul food" either Asian food situation is pretty good though.

>> No.17643276

add Larry Krasner and Alvin Bragg to your list
I don't know if they got Soros money, but they are activist District Attorneys who are soft on crime

>> No.17644236

Sounds lovely, thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.17644275

this. get fresh seafood, and go to taco trucks parked in random places. good mexican restaurants don't exist, only taco trucks.
oysters are shit though, mussels and clams are better

>> No.17645404

Angel's Envy Bourbon

>> No.17645437

i don't know what you already have in australia, but i always stack up on spice rubs and bbq stuff when i travel to the states.
t. europoor envious of american bbq

>> No.17645706

>We don't have and never had much immigration from Mexico.

Try to find out your regs on bringing back seeds. You could grow jalapenos, habaneros, and other fun peppers.

>> No.17645711

>Larry Krasner and Alvin Bragg

Both are Soros-backed:



It's a nationwide problem and there are a LOT of them.

Take your meds, then. Learn to face reality.

>> No.17645881

>not much soul food
You're not missing much
Mexican food though...

>> No.17647289

I see it's available here in Aussie but twice as expensive as in the US (50 vs 100 USD). Good idea to get some decent bourbon.

>> No.17648341

Go to in-n-out burger. Honestly besides random taquerias thats the best food in california

>> No.17649085

>worth bringing back
so something non-perishable? Get some liquor

>> No.17649094

Seek help for your mental illness