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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17619522 No.17619522 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't live in Italy, you will never make real Italian food. Even something as basic as Spaghetti al pomodoro is impossible for non-Italians and especially Americans since you don't have Piccadilly or Piennolo tomatoes.

So the next time you say Italian food is "overrated", just remember that you've never had a single bite of Italian food.

>> No.17619532

Just remember that the tomato is native to the Americas. You owe 99% of your cuisine to America. Objectively.

>> No.17619537

Tomato dishes don't even comprise 5% of our cuisine. You will never have real Italian food.

>> No.17619548

I dont care about your faggy food

>> No.17619555
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Yes, backtrack now that you're found out. Anybody can't salt and cure pork and we do. The only reason you know what a tomato is, is because we allowed it. You're a tomato cuck. Also how's it feel having to abandon your native tongue online in order to not be irrelevant?

>> No.17619570

you know they can ship the same dried pasta and canned tomatoes around the world with no loss of quality compared to shipping to Italians locally?

>> No.17619615

good thing i live in a country that borders italy and can visit any time

>> No.17619622


So why did you cite tomatoes in your little rant about """""real""""" Italian food?

>> No.17619644

Why are you taking credit for things euros did?

>> No.17619654
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oh nooo! i wont be able to experience genuine (PASTA BASTED IN OILY SAUCE #35) because i dont have the heckin ballsackalini tomatos!

>> No.17619691

BTFO completely in two posts, nice work faggot op.
all fields

>> No.17620417

italians are black who the fuck cares

>> No.17620440

Threadly reminder:
The worst Italian food in the world is found in Italy.
The best Italian food in the world is found in Tokyo.

>> No.17620825

>>17619522and you'll never make authentic american food unless you live here, and guess what mario? we invented italian food.

>> No.17621124

>Try pizza in america
>Their pomodoro sauce is spicy
>All pizzas are like this

>> No.17621129

What is spaghetti pornado?

>> No.17621230

OP is a faggot but he's actually right, watching Weissmann or Ragusea "botch" european recipes made me realize not only our tastes but also ingredients and even cooking is just too different to really compare.
t. Austrianfag

>> No.17621281

Yeah you generally can't beat the availability and freshness of certain ingredients from their place of origin.
Except for the faggot Italians where all the olive oil is not even olive oil, or cut with some chapter oil.

>> No.17621295

FPBP, as much as I hate Americans as a people, the landmass itself basically gave euros a huge chunk of our cuisine.

t. Enjoys chips with ketchup

>> No.17621325


>> No.17621408

italy stole sausage making from german culture. Just a bunch of long nose culinary snobs that stole all their foods from other places and insist on it being made in a very specific way.

>> No.17621437

>be me
>go to Italy for a month
>sample a variety of food in a variety of places
>go to restaurants Italian friends recommended as "real" Italian food
>eat food prepared by their mothers and grandmothers in their homes
>it's pretty good
>Italians ask me "so what did you think of the food on your trip?"
>try to avoid answering, tell them I really enjoy all Italian food
>"but ours is better than where you're from, right? Italian food outside of Italy isn't REAL Italian food!"
>not really, it's pretty much the same, in fact some of the things I had in Italy I didn't enjoy as much as back home
>*REEEEING in Italian*

I think the fact that the planet memed the shit out of French cooking to the point that it overshadows much better Italian dishes left all Italians with an eternal food inferiority complex and a desperate need to prove that they are the greatest.

>you can't get our tomatoes! you can't get our ingredients!
Yes I can. I snuck seeds through customs, and my starter for the pizza I make at home is yeast from a starter that's been going for 150 years in Naples. I can buy all of your ingredients if I want to.

>w-well you can't PREPARE it like us!
You can't say this and then constantly meme about how simplicity is better and less is more. Italian cooking is great because it's simple, easy, non-complicated, and as a result anybody can do it. Italians will gate keep and gate keep and gate keep to infinity because they feel inferior when they shouldn't. Italian food is great, it's okay for you to stop being pompous retards about it.

>> No.17621444

Why are pseudo-italians so defensive of their food? It's like they have to scrutinise the quality of every ingredient because there are only ever 5 or 6 lol

>> No.17621445

Dagos tongue my anus and their cuisine is not even top 5 in the world

>> No.17621457
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>U S A
>U S A
>U S A

>> No.17621460

Nigga I just add garlic, parsley, oregano, basil, and an onion to Great Value(shartmart) jarred sauce. It tastes great and it's low effort. Geuss what? I don't consider it Italian. I don't need it to be italian.

>> No.17621464

Truffles are cheap as fuck in Italy. Why?
My friend lived in Rome with his ex gf for a summer and I went and visited him one week. They had some killer fucking food, his gf recommended some amazing restaurants and we could dodge the tourist traps. My friend is a chef so he brought some of those cooking techniques back (I hope).

>> No.17621665

My guess is that since most of the population cooks the offer for fresh produce can be varied and constant without the risk of it literally spoiling the investment, on the contrary in the US where pre-made or at least partially processed are a big part of the culture the demands for fresh groceries will dictate higher prices.

>> No.17621696

This. Learning a few Italian recipes is good for a few basics tricks. Then fuck the optics and ignore authentic. There's so much more one can do with pasta than aglio e olio.

>> No.17621701

Fuck. Actually meant to be a response to >>17621460

>> No.17621708

there's a reason "are italians white?" is a recurring question pondered

>> No.17621714

Tomato is disgusting. I hate sour foods

>> No.17621717

LOL Actually meant in response to >>17621696

Guess I had too much of the vodak already,lmao

>> No.17622364

Avocado pasta is really good.

>> No.17622681 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17622691

>good thing i live in a country that borders italy

>> No.17622716

If you don't live in Italy, but somewhere first world, you can make enough money to do more than work a grain field or lemon orchard for the rest of your life.

>> No.17622901
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> Truffles are cheap as fuck in Italy. Why?
They are not. It's like caviar, it's not much less expensive in Russia

You probably tasted "cheap" truffle variety, they also taste good

Who knows. But if being white is meant in the alglo sense, I rather being black as coal.
Med is the good white, the other skins are just nigger on the opposite spectrum

>> No.17622911

> not much less expensive in Russia
*not much cheaper

>> No.17622935

>The only reason you know what a tomato is, is because we allowed it.
Tomato wasn't taken from USA territory, you fucking retard. And it was taken by europeans, not allowed by you.

>> No.17622951
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*breaks spaghetti in your path*
*adds peas, smoked pork belly and cream to carbonara in your path*
*puts pineapple and mozzarella cheese that doesn't come from buffalo on pizza in your path*
Your move, you greasy dago.

>> No.17622958

> Just remember that the tomato is native to the Americas.
Italians made their superior tomato cultivars, native tomato is basically useless in italian cuisine
> You owe 99% of your cuisine to America.
more like 10% of italian cuisine. Tomatoes are not so common in northen itailan cuisine and there are a more dishes/food without tomatoes in southern italian cuisine

> The only reason you know what a tomato is, is because we allowed it.
More like "europeans take the tomatoes from brown poeple in thongs that didn't know what to do with them but crushing in a mortar"

> Also how's it feel having to abandon your native tongue online in order to not be irrelevant?
I still use my language to speak to other people online. How does it feel to no being able to learn other languages? Are all americans proud of being mentally handicapped?

bullshit post
But Japan can make italian food better than americans for sure if they want, having tasted both
I coudn't find a good pizza where I was in the USA if that depended on my life, but I ate pizza in japan that were on par with the italian ones. Japanese are actually able to learn apparently

> t. Austrianfag
Take Südtirol back with you please, we are sick of having ungrateful austriaboos at home

>eat food prepared by their mothers and grandmothers in their homes
Next time go to some good restarurant you imbecile
> I think the fact that the planet memed the shit out of French cooking to the point overshadows much better Italian dishes left all Italians with an eternal food inferiority complex
You are problably a frog or just retarded.
ITalian food is more popular and memed that french food all around the world. There are more italian restaurants in France than french restaurants in Italy lol
> Yes I can
You probably can't. Some ingredients barely get out their region and they are really hard to find even in italy

>> No.17622972

kek you north african retards chimp out so easily for the dumbest shit. Embarrassing

>> No.17622980
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> Italian cooking is great because it's simple, easy, non-complicated, and as a result anybody can do it.
That's a retarded narrative pushed by some retard
I have yet to see any if you mongoloids making a good carbonara that doesn't look like scrumbled egg pasta or like pasta in snail drool

Carbonara and cacio e pepe are probable on of the hardest dish to make it right

begone retard

>> No.17622988

italians are fucking hilarious
>muh pizza
>muh pasta
>muh bapiti boopiti

>> No.17622998

I never talked about pasta
Don't forget your adderall, corn syrup nigger

>> No.17623004

>one of the hardest dishes!!!
god can you ethiopians get over yourselves already. How many fucking dishes from around the world have you made to make a statement like that. None? Nobody is impressed by different pasta shapes in the same 3 sauces that's why your cuisine has been reduced to nearly fast food everywhere else

>> No.17623018

> How many fucking dishes from around the world have you made to make a statement like that. None?
A lot. I actually lived for long time outside italy, and working from home I had a lot of time to experiment with different local cuisine
When was the last time you left your nigger island mutt ?

>> No.17623020

>Carbonara and cacio e pepe are probable on of the hardest dish to make it right
What the fuck are you talking about. There are several hard italian dishes, and you managed to be a retarded sperg and mention some of the simplest ones.

>> No.17623025

>nigger island mutt
hey if you're having trouble keeping up, YOU are the italian here

>> No.17623027

>posts an American TV show about American immigrants and shills the virtues of American fruits on an American imageboard speaking the G*rmanic barbarian language
How does it feel losing the Civilization cultural victory, Alessandro?

>> No.17623028

U mad.

>> No.17623058

Why would I ever want to be some greasy wop

>> No.17623077
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> There are several hard italian dishes, and you managed to be a retarded sperg and mention some of the simplest ones.
name 5 then

Making traditional (and good) carbornara at home, and also cacio and pepe to some exent, requires a some experience because you have to be precise in the amount of water you use based on the aging of the cheese which is not standard, and get the right temperature/time to make the sauce creamy and not scrambled or a drool

Unless you use the "salty eggnog" technique, which require you to use a bain marie and use autistically a thermometer to keep the temperature between 65C and 70C while stirring, you have to rely to your experience and you don't have a lot or margine to make mistakes, not you have the possibility to unfuck it

I don't see why you are confused. WE don't have a lot of Jamal with gold chain nor we ever called a nigger "Mr president"

far from it. You mutts are really funny

>> No.17623086

I'm not from the US, Italy is part of Africa

>> No.17623089
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forgot gifs, sorry. This is your white country

>> No.17623093

> I'm not from the US, Italy is part of Africa
This is even sadder, at least they can blame the school system

>> No.17623119
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Please go to therapy, your denial is unhealthy. North Africa has a rich culture that you should just embrace ok

>> No.17623131

> North Africa has a rich culture that you should just embrace ok
You are free to move there or let them breed with your paisan anon. We are doing ok with our culture

>> No.17623140

>You are free to move there
I think I've made it clear enough Italy's not my cup of tea, but I hope you get over your weird self-hate one day Makonnen

>> No.17623147
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> I think I've made it clear enough Italy's not my cup of tea
You said the exact opposite you mongoloid

>> No.17623156

I said YOU should embrace your own culture, not that I like it. You greasy hairy fucks are annoying as shit and hideous

>> No.17623166
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I'm not the one who praised the african culture you nigger lover
Again, if you love african culture you are free to move there

Don't forget to lick the boot, I'm sure you love it

>> No.17623184
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make up your mind bro do you like italy (africa) or not, try answering without crying this time

>> No.17623215

>make up your mind bro do you like italy (africa) or not
> North Africa has a rich culture that you should just embrace ok
I'm not the one that can't read what he wrote and desperately trying to cope

In your opinion, what' the best thing about Northen Africa culture that makes you consider it "rich"?
Try answering without crying, I'm genuinely curious

>> No.17623228

No idea what I expected from a self admitted ESL. Look you said you had plenty of Italo-africans that you speak your nasty little language with all the time >>17622958 here so how about you stick to that and give up on this whole english thing. It's a bit out of your reach. Take your chef boyardee shit with you while you're at it

>> No.17623231

I'd say the Renaissance was pretty culturally rich

>> No.17623245
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> No idea what I expected from a self admitted ESL
Thank God I am. Imagine belonging to the same country as these people

>> No.17623442

This entire thread is why I am genuinely, 100% racist against Italians. I hate these little swarthy rats so much.

>> No.17623458


>> No.17623744

> 100% racist against Italians
you are mad because you are a touchy faggot lol

>> No.17623804

You're 170 cm and have dark skin. There's a reason why us Dutchmen have our way with your women whenever we visit your corrupt shithole.

>> No.17623819

Italian food is just creative poorfag gruel desu.

>> No.17623854

>There's a reason why us Dutchmen have our way with your women whenever we visit your corrupt shithole.
Dude, I wouldn't bring this argument up for your own sake
Every west and west southern european have their way easily in the Netherlands lol

Italians, spaniards and french people barely know you guys exist. Dutch male are seen as boring and unappealing as hell there

>> No.17623867

so is French haute cuisine. it's all just plussed-up peasant food.

>> No.17623949

>Every west and west southern european have their way easily in the Netherlands lol
Yeah, I'm sure you manlets have a real easy time in our country with an average height of 188 cm for males. Completely delusional.

>Italians, spaniards and french people barely know you guys exist. Dutch male are seen as boring and unappealing as hell there
Yet we constantly slay. Being 194 cm with blue eyes and actual blonde hair will do that. Funny how that works.

>> No.17623954

>since you don't have Piccadilly or Piennolo tomatoes.
Tomatoes are tomatoes, anon. Anything else is pure copium.

>> No.17623961

>Come to Amerifat
>A couple pepper flakes in a gallon of red sauce is spicy
>Italians confirmed more white than the Britbongs.

>> No.17623978

>cacio e pepe
Anon, it's literally buttered noodles with cheese and pepper, it's the food of children and picky eater autists that don't like tomatoes. Borderline kraft mac n' cheese.

>> No.17623994
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> Yeah, I'm sure you manlets have a real easy time in our country with an average height of 188 cm for males. Completely delusional.
Seriously netherlands is the cum bucket of southern and west europe

> Yet we constantly slay. Being 194 cm with blue eyes and actual blonde hair will do that
I don't want to offend you dude, but you guys don't actually look good to the rest of europe. You can find obviously someone, but that hold for any race in the entire planet

But if we are talking about numbers, you look like shit and your women are fucked by those countries by a huge margin. Also you are boring as fuck from a female perspective, who find attractive more flirty and aggressive men

>> No.17623995

this is getting sad

>> No.17624021

>Anon, it's literally buttered noodles with cheese and pepper
If you want to convince me you should start with listing the right ingredients retard

>> No.17624035

>Italian thread
>Arguments about what the hottest man is
You guys ready to admit something?

>> No.17624043

Yes, I'm Italian and I like long, lubed up dutch and german dicks in my butt. Got a problem with that? Real alpha chads are comfortable with their sexuality.

>> No.17624321
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quit larping, nobody likes you pale goblins
You look like giant fetuses

Dutch women are hot tho

>> No.17624336

plus you cannot even tan properly, you become red as a fucking lobsters
It looks like you all have high blood pressure

>> No.17624612
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Italian cuisine thread? Dumping my italian folder

>> No.17624620
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>> No.17624631
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>> No.17624637
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>> No.17624642
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>You guys ready to admit something?
Whenever people start posting italian food post, everyone chimp out like insecure retards and never address italian cuisine. They probably go all back to mcthreads

>> No.17624648
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>> No.17624651
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>> No.17624712
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>> No.17624716
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>> No.17624726
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>> No.17624937
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>> No.17624945
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>> No.17624953
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>> No.17624957
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>> No.17624969
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>> No.17624972
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>> No.17625237
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>> No.17625243
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>> No.17625257

The Americanized versions of other people's cuisine is better like 90% of the time though, why would I care?

>> No.17625263
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>> No.17625267
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>> No.17625268

This. 90% of all Italian cuisine is just shit made in the past 100 years after colonialism, fuck Italian food, it's arguably what ruined Italy.

>> No.17625485
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>> No.17625487
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>> No.17625490
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>> No.17625491
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>> No.17625495
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>> No.17625503
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>> No.17625507
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>> No.17625512
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>> No.17625518

You've never had a real hamburger because you've never eaten American beef. It's completely different.

>> No.17625526
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>> No.17625536
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Europeans sailed over there and grabbed the new world crops themselves, dummy.

living next to a country doesn't mean you can always visit, though.
I live really close to the German border in Denmark and I can't cross it because I refused to the gene therapy.

>> No.17625542
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>> No.17625544
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>> No.17625547
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>> No.17625551
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>> No.17625553
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>> No.17625554
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Not really a dish/food but aglione from tuscany is actually worth mentioning as ingredient

>> No.17625558
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>> No.17625559
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>> No.17625561
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>> No.17625562
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>> No.17625572
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>> No.17625575
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>> No.17625618

France, spain and italy all really have a knack for getting super uptight and autistic about peasant food invented by farmers throwing leftover shit together.
I love all of those cuisines but fuck me they should really learn to accept it for what it is

>> No.17625622
File: 45 KB, 507x371, pepato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepato is gud

>> No.17625648

>That's a retarded narrative pushed by some retard
True italian dishes are simple in that they ususly require few ingrediets but that means that quality and how you put them together makes or breaks rh8jhthe dish

>> No.17625703

Whiter than you Jamal

>> No.17625711

Kekw alright brb breeding some dutch teen in a rotterdam brothel rn

>> No.17625749

So if an Italian crosses the border to Switzerland, he inexplicably loses the ability to make real Italian food? Also, you said "live." So if I visit Italy but don't live there, all the Italian food in the country magically becomes inauthentic?

>> No.17625799

The most disgusting thing about you, you mentally ill fucking loser, is that you went to Japan to eat pizza. Honestly, You’re autism isn’t cute. Stop posting online so normal people don’t have to be bothered by you anymore.

>> No.17625981

> The most disgusting thing about you, you mentally ill fucking loser, is that you went to Japan to eat pizza.
I ate both japanese and italian interpretation you mouthbreather mongoloid

You would have understand if your cuisine were the most popular ethnic cuisine in almost every country piece of retard

>> No.17625996

>Next time go to some good restarurant you imbecile
You ignored the part where I went to Italian restaurants recommended by Italian friends (and food critics actually)
>You are probably frog
OBSESSED as I said
>ITalian food is more popular and memed that french food all around the world. There are more italian restaurants in France than french restaurants in Italy lol
OBSESSED, as I said - Italians have such a MASSIVE inferiority complex to French cooking. I even told you that Italian is better and it's a meme and you can't stop OBSESSING over France
>You probably can't. Some ingredients barely get out their region and they are really hard to find even in italy
kek this is just a gigantic cope Italians have told themselves. I acquired whatever super-duper special secret ingredients I wanted from your country. It's not a big place, and there isn't an Italian alive with actual integrity who wouldn't sell anything for a price.

Jesus BTFO, it's embarrassing to be honest, I feel really bad for you guys - so obsessed and insecure.

>> No.17626001

>That's a retarded narrative pushed by some retard
>I have yet to see any if you mongoloids making a good carbonara that doesn't look like scrumbled egg pasta or like pasta in snail drool

THIS is just a retarded narrative pushed by coping Italian retards who watched a morning show from England, land of people who can't fucking cook going on television and brazenly add hot dogs and beans to every dish to "improve it" and assumed that everyone on the planet has the exact same culinary skills and sensibilities. I'm sure that all French eat snails, and all Americans just eat McDonalds cheeseburgers and deep fried Oreos all day every day, all Germans eat strudel and schnitzel every meal right?

Little child, let me explain something to you - Carbonara is NOT difficult. Anybody with the smallest amount of cooking competency can make your special little noodles after watching a 4 minute youtube video of some angry Italian saying nobody can make it right.

>> No.17626010

> You ignored the part where I went to Italian restaurants recommended by Italian friends (and food critics actually)
I read you went to some grandma "restaurant" like any retarded tourist. make new friends if they suggest you to go in one of those places

> Italians have such a MASSIVE inferiority complex to French cooking
I don't give two shit about frog cuisine I'm just stating that italian food is more popular than french, I didn't said anything about the quality you sack of shit

You are the one suffering from inferiority complex that makes you read something I didn't write you cretin

> kek this is just a gigantic cope Italians have told themselves
Keep believing that, unless you went to every fucking valley with population of 10k in all the country. They just don't export all their shit, even in italy itself

> Jesus BTFO, it's embarrassing to be honest, I feel really bad for you guys - so obsessed and insecure.
You write "insecure" and "obsessed" in all your post. That' tells more about you than me

>Little child, let me explain something to you - Carbonara is NOT difficult.
Carbonara has a high level of difficulty, everyone with enough knowledge about cuisine would understand it. Stating otherwise shows how incompetent you really are

>> No.17626017


>> No.17626022

>I even told you that Italian is better and it's a meme and you can't stop OBSESSING over France
Amerilards are like this too

>> No.17626025

>I read you went to some grandma "restaurant" like any retarded tourist.
That's because you're an illiterate ESL retard. I said I went to restaurants and even ate in the homes of my friends where their vaunted Italian moms and grandmothers were making the food

>I don't give two shit about frog cuisine I'm just stating that italian food is more popular than french, I didn't said anything about the quality you sack of shit. You are the one suffering from inferiority complex that makes you read something I didn't write you cretin
You're so obsessed with the French that you had to tell someone who already told you that they preferred Italian cuisine and it was better and French cooking being superior was a meme that Italian food is better and more popular. You just saw the word "French" and spiraled out of control because you're an insecure retard Italian still seething at the world.

>Keep believing that, unless you went to every fucking valley with population of 10k in all the country. They just don't export all their shit, even in italy itself
Oh it's in some secret hidden valley that nobody can find and nobody knows about, but you and the rest of the Italians do and it's all a big super secret that nobody could ever figure out and your ingredients are radically different from everywhere else on the planet, and NOBODY ever sells those special secret ingredients for profit anywhere through any channel and if you think you acquired them then you're a LIAR!!

Do you even hear yourself when you say shit like this? My god it's hilarious. You're all so deluded.

>You write "insecure" and "obsessed" in all your post. That' tells more about you than me
Said the insecure and obsessed ESL Italian

>Carbonara has a high level of difficulty
Sorry to burst your bubble Antonio, but it's fucking simple and easy to the point that children can cook it correctly and there is nothing at all special about it in terms of culinary difficulty.

>> No.17626042

By that reasoning, you can't get Japanese food outside of Japan or American food outside of America.

I know you were fishing for (You)'s, and it's worked, but your logic is flawed beyond belief.

>> No.17626061

> I said I went to restaurants and even ate in the homes of my friends where their vaunted Italian moms and grandmothers were making the food
And why the fuck did you think it was a valuable information?
Are you mentally handicapped? Do you go to some friends house in eg bongland and you tell people you ate english food because it was cooked by some 100 years old without any professional training?

> You're so obsessed with the French that you had to tell someone who already told you that they preferred Italian cuisine
And you are so fucking dense that I don't care what do you like more, I was simply talking about which cuisine was more memed. You can't grasp this because you are actually obsessed

> Oh it's in some secret hidden valley that nobody can find and nobody knows about, but you and the rest of the Italians do and it's all a big super secret
They are not secret you drooling retard, they are not imported because italy has a strong culinary culture tied to regions and there's no big demand for them, so if you want them you have to go there or talk to whoever make/grows that shit and make them send it to you. But I'm sure you know in advance what is it and where you can find it

> Do you even hear yourself when you say shit like this? My god it's hilarious. You're all so deluded.
Do you read how fucking retarded and obsesses you sound?

> Said the insecure and obsessed ESL Italian
You keep writing ESL like it is some sort of insult, but to me it's actually a compliment, like anyone would be offended to not being born in a english speaking country lol

> Sorry to burst your bubble Antonio, but it's fucking simple and easy to the point that children can cook it correctly and there is nothing at all special about it in terms of culinary difficulty.
I wont address this again because you are clearly clueless about cuisine in general

>> No.17626458

Hahahahahahahahahaha Amerimutts irrevocably destroyed. You will never have Italian food, EVER.

>> No.17626477

I don't care, I'm greek.

>> No.17626481

Italians win again. We are the kings of /ck/ and the rest of the world just can't cope with it lmao

>> No.17626485
File: 104 KB, 1200x628, super-saiyan-3-dragon-ball-1253113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, mon amie

>> No.17626933

Pasta is fairly easy to make, I learned from that Pasta Grannies channel. I just follow recipes from the proper old ones and not 80yo zoomers. I'm from Mexico so we have good tomatoes too.

>> No.17626967

lmao nice cope, can't believe how triggered you basil boys are. Italian food is good, I have friends who are Italian and I've eaten in some of the best rated restaurants in Italy, and in the world. Comparatively Italian food is good and gave us tons of dishes I wouldn't trade for anything, but it is far from the be all end all. Plus there are tons of people around the globe who make very good recreations and versions of what I've had in your country.

The strange need for you guys to somehow be "right" about food is so weird. France makes better wine, bread, and cheese, it's ok. Nothing to get bent out of shape about. You guys make the best pasta/noodles and some of the best cured meats and some really good cheese/wine/bread. Problem starts when you guys start claiming to be the best at everything. Italian for sure is the most overrated. It gets even crazier when I'm in your country. My one friend's family lives near Perugia and claims that they make the best bread, and the town 5 miles away is dogshit. It tasted exactly the same lol. Such a weird complex you guys have, because you have nothing to be ashamed about, your food is good!

Just because something is good, doesn't mean it can't be overrated. And italian food is overrated, end of.

>> No.17628415
File: 21 KB, 736x616, D1B33740-3A59-4C2D-93F4-12C497E9B79C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian food thread
>immediately and invariably devolves into autistic shit flinging
I’m convinced there’s just a single false flagging schizo that makes it his life goal to shit up every thread on Italian cuisine

>> No.17628528

fuck amerimutts

>> No.17628707

> The strange need for you guys to somehow be "right" about food is so weird.
What the fuck are you talking about? Italians need to be right about italian food

If you are implying that French, Spanish, Chinese, Mexican and Japanese don't act the same you either are larping or just retarded

> France makes better wine,
Arguably. Champagne is better than Franciacorta, but the rest is just depends on the wine.
> bread
Lol, absolutely not. Italians make way better bread by a long shot.
If you have said Germany we could have talk about it, but french is not on the same league
> cheese
Italians have a comparable number of cheese respect to french (~300 vs ~400) but they all look taste almost the same after 100 types of cheeses.
It depends on taste, but there's no clear winner

> Problem starts when you guys start claiming to be the best at everything
Best cuisine, it's not that strange. And who the fuck care about what you consider a "problem". Are you more autistic than itailans?

> It tasted exactly the same lol.
Did you consider it could be a (You) problem? if people find their taste different and you doesn't maybe you have dead tastebud?

> Just because something is good, doesn't mean it can't be overrated.
IT's not clearly the case. Tbh italian cuisine is actually underrated
American-italian cuisine is overrated, since they make like 10 dishes with basically no variety

>> No.17628716
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>> No.17628760

I have spaghetti and pecorino from italy. i can make all the roman pasta dishes, and i do... better than the ones ive had in italy.
you forget that new jersey exists and there are nonnas there who know real italian cooking

>> No.17628792
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>> No.17628799

>italian shit flinging
"I fuckin hate this shit!"

>> No.17628811
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>> No.17628815
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>> No.17628850

Hmm tell me more about this one

>> No.17628852
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>> No.17628876

nobody in america has ever made a proper cacio e pepe or carbonara. only better than awful.
your pecorino is garbage, your guanciale is garbage, your peppercorns are extremely low quality to the point of not being peppercorns, and your parmigiano reggiano is not real, no matter how much you think it is.
I am not kidding when I say this. In all the years that the US has existed, not a single instance of those dishes has arisen there

>> No.17628903

Sure thing, they are called "canederli"
It's a northen italian dish of the Trentino region

They are from the ex-austrian part of the Trentino region, so it a inbetween of italian and germanic cuisine
It's recipe made to use stale bread

I'm not from that region, so I would explain the recipe in a general way.
The stock should be a strong chicken stock. Alternatively I think any meat broth should work

The balls are made of stale bread, eggs, parsley, pepper, hard cheese (like grana padano, or even parmigiano), and either speck and the inside of luganega (or any non spiced sausage)

You just make the stock, make the bread-balls and cook them for like 5-10 minutes on soft flame and serve with grated cheese on them

I can't find a translated recipe but I think you can follow the video

>> No.17628925

>OP has to spam dishes after getting thoroughly btfo

>> No.17628939

I spammed the dishes and I'm not op.
I think you and the other anons itt need some anal cream

>> No.17628941
File: 172 KB, 800x839, Gnocchi-alla-Romana-622x653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.17628943

So little italy in new york is trash?

>> No.17628958

> The balls are made
forgot chives, they are really important

>> No.17628960

op here.
This is me.

>> No.17628975


>> No.17629139

american proves in this topic that it can't make italian food. pathetic. stick to chemical plastic cheese

>> No.17630377

Italians - the food autists.

>> No.17630435

youre just wrong.

>> No.17630898

>when the recipe calls for one clove of garlic

>> No.17631025

Tbf if it weren't for Columbus your country wouldn't even exist

>> No.17631040
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1623449810546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never cook real italian food. You have no Piccadilly, you have no Piennolo, you have no mozzarella di bufala. You are an amerimutt twisting meatballs and frozen breadsticks into a crude mockery of italian cuisine.

All the “pasta” you eat is half-seasoned and over-cooked. To your face, Italians mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “Italian friends” laugh at your ghoulish cooking behind closed doors.

Italians are utterly repulsed by your cooking. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Italians to sniff out jarred sauce with incredible efficiency. Even amerimutt sauces that are “homemade” taste uncanny and unnatural to an Italian. The excessive garlic is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a starving Italian to eat with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your stinky garlic breath.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single night out at olive garden and tell yourself the food is authentic, but deep inside you feel the doubt creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under an unbearable heaviness like cream in a carbonara

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a plane ticket to italy, eat at an overpriced tourist trap, post on 4chan about how 'real' Italian food is overrated, and get stabbed to death by an African migrant. Your parents will hear of your fate, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of such shitty cooking. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your anglicized Italian surname, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an american is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is subpar cuisine that is unmistakably American.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17631041

as an amierican am I allowed to like this pasta, or is it too authentic that I wouldn't get it

>> No.17631046

This is gold.

>> No.17631099

anon is exaggerating but in reality it's not that far from the truth, the vast majority of carbonaras or cacio e pepe are dreadful

> Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a plane ticket to italy, eat at an overpriced tourist trap, post on 4chan about how 'real' Italian food is overrated, and get stabbed to death by an African migrant
This part got me

>> No.17631156
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>> No.17631521
File: 149 KB, 1128x945, MUH SHITALY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to slice your fucking face off

>> No.17632247
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>> No.17632260
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>> No.17632288
File: 125 KB, 736x586, F3B20AF3-4DB8-4979-81D9-8700AC5A504C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Italy several times, the major cities: Milano, Roma, etc, and I have to say all the food I tasted was god awful. Italian food in america tastes better than this “authentic” Italian food

>> No.17632305
File: 6 KB, 299x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low tier bait anon, you should apply more

>> No.17632311
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>> No.17632317
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>> No.17632318

ok great, now stop complaining about our not italian food.

>> No.17632322

I’m serious. Even my mom, who was traveling with me thought so. She was served undercooked pizza at one of the highest rated restaurants in Roma. Evertyhthing else just tasted bland, uninspired. Northern European food is better

>> No.17632324
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>> No.17632329
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>She was served undercooked pizza at one of the highest rated restaurants in Roma
lol. A;so
> ordering a pizza in Rome

> Northern European food is better
This is overall better, but here you need to be more subtle next time

>> No.17632333
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>> No.17632341
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>> No.17632353

Clams, especially from the Mediterranean Sea, are incredibly toxic. You couldn’t pay me to eat that dish. Fish in general from there are terrible. You see how polluted the water is?

I did try a lot of seafood dishes when I was in San Marino and Venice, and it was mostly all just bland. I remember paying some 40 euros for a seafood spaghetti dish and it was so bland I actually fought with the waiter to get a refund because I refused to finish it

>> No.17632355
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>> No.17632373
File: 9 KB, 259x194, tuscany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clams, especially from the Mediterranean Sea incredibly toxic
Thank god you can choose from 3 other seas dumbass.
Italian people have one of the longest life expectancy in the world, maybe they are not so toxic Karen
> You see how polluted the water is?
not more than any other sea

> I did try a lot of seafood dishes when I was in San Marino and Venice, and it was mostly all just bland.
If your fish taste like strong fish maybe you're not eating fresh fish

>> No.17632401
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x608, med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in the center of mediterranean sea

>> No.17632405

Lol why are you just making up bullshit? The Mediterranean Sea is known as being THE most polluted sea in the world. For reference, the waters around New Zealand and up around Alaska are the only cleanish areas left in the world, but the Mediterranean Sea is by far the worst. Also, Italians absolutely do not have the highest life expectancy lmao. That title goes to the Asians. But even then, life expectancy has little to do with diet.

I didn’t like the dish because it was too fishy, I didn’t like the dish because it was BLAND. I’m not paying 40 euros for something I can make better at home or hell even my local Olive Garden

I’m sorry, I know it hurts your feelings, but Italy just has bad food. Bad tasting and bad for your health

>> No.17632406
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>> No.17632439
File: 6 KB, 310x163, salento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lol why are you just making up bullshit? The Mediterranean Sea is known as being THE most polluted sea in the world
The mediterranean is a big sea

Pic is Apulia

> Also, Italians absolutely do not have the highest life expectancy lmao. That title goes to the Asians. But even then, life expectancy has little to do with diet.
Learn to read
> one of the highest
Italy is in the 6th place

> life expectancy has little to do with diet.
You are retarded

> people eat everyday extremely toxic food
> Sardinians, who are in the center of mediterranean eat clams everyday have the highest life expectancy of Italy

> I’m not paying 40 euros for something I can make better at home or hell even my local Olive Garden

> I’m sorry, I know it hurts your feelings, but Italy just has bad food.
Don't worry I had a hearty laugh

>> No.17632444
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pic was too tiny.
It's very polluted indeed

>> No.17632461
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>> No.17632463

I could spend thousands of hours and dollars to uproot my life, move to Italy, and train in preparing Italian cuisine under the finest chefs in the world. Even then, some greasy Sicilian will look down his nose at me (it will take a while, of course) and tell me that I don't know real Italian food because I wasn't born in Italy.
However, it costs 0 money and 10 seconds to call you a nigger


>> No.17632467
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>> No.17632473
File: 145 KB, 1254x836, zeppola-forno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get good at cooking instead of fantasizing about some imaginary greasy italian man fag

>> No.17632475

Been to Italy, ate the local food. It is not that special that only Italians in Italy could make it. Have had plenty of Italian cooking made in North America that is just as good and hits the same flavour profile. If you know where to look, you can get tomatoes that better than anything found in Italy. Get over yourself.

>> No.17632476
File: 233 KB, 1000x1509, trippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17632498

>Clams, especially from the Mediterranean Sea, are incredibly toxic.
The places where clams are farmed are very strictly regulated and before they can be commercialized they have to spend at least 72h in clean controlled water you fucking retard

>> No.17632505

Stop pretending context doesn't exist, fag. Learn to read, fag

>> No.17632509

You do know that clams live at the bottom of the ocean, right? You can’t see the pollution from the pics you’re posting. And even then, why don’t you post pictures of places where people ACTUALLY FISH? They look like sewage water.

And yes, life expectancy has little to do with longevity. I know this is difficult to get your midwit brain around, but it’s true. People who live to be 100+ years old eat a variety of diets and are from all over the world. Hell there is a place in USA, California specifically, where people live longer than Italians. The thing that all these places have in common, and the reason they live so long, is because they are all RELIGIOUS. Being religious decreases stress levels, thus making you live longer

>> No.17632520

read this >>17632498 you dense cretin

> People who live to be 100+ years old eat a variety of diets and are from all over the world.
> what is statistics
Please stop posting Karen.

>> No.17632527

Then how come literally every study shows that clams are riddled with microplastics? Or are yo I too much of a brain let to read scientific articles?
> “Hurr durr, the water looks clean so I guess it’s okay!!”

>> No.17632539

Do you actually have brain damage? 8’ serious. Maybe all that pasta has damaged your brain? You know pasta is one of the leading causes of neuropathy, so it could be. Or maybe you’re just severely deficient in B12 from your shit diet. Makes complete sense why italiniggers are so retarded

>> No.17632543

Because you are a retard that look at some study of wild mussels you take near a polluted water zone. Clams from italy or mediterranean have no sensible higher level of microplastic
God you are fucking dense

>> No.17632553

Source or you’re just taking out of your ass again

>> No.17632557

> You know pasta is one of the leading causes of neuropathy
> retarded and ketofag
Many such cases
> just severely deficient in B12 from your shit diet
lol what?

>> No.17632563

look for: mussels regulation in italy and learn how to read

>> No.17632564

Pasta has no B12. Actually nothing has B12 except for meat and seaweed. Most older people are actually deficient in B12 but I’m willing to bet pasta niggers more so

>> No.17632573

Ok you’re right I was wrong and I apologize. I didn’t realize that the farmed mussels are regulated. But I was still right that the Mediterranean is a polluted shithole and, that in my opinion, as someone who has tasted both American Italian food and high quality authentic Italian food, that the American version is better

>> No.17632575

Do you realize italy is a small peninsula and what this implies
> Pasta has no B12
In your country there are probably no neurotypical people

>> No.17632600

What does that have anything to do with B12 deficiency? Pasta has actually 0 micronutrients. None. Shit quality pasta has artificially added bullshit to try to prevent your entire population from developing spina bifida though

>> No.17632612

>What does that have anything to do with B12 deficiency?
That you are clinically retarded, no offense
If you can't figure out where fish, seafood and seaweed comes from there's nothing I can do

>> No.17632633
File: 17 KB, 533x340, Fegato-alla-veneziana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where venetian take their b12

this is where romans take it instead

>> No.17632636
File: 67 KB, 640x480, porc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw just don't eat plain pasta and you should be good

>> No.17632639

You don’t eat enough of it if most of your calories come from pasta, unless you’re a lardass

>> No.17632655

They are the most iconic and popular dish in their respective zone lol
Could you please trip yourself so I can filter your uneducated opinion? You are shitting the thread more than it was

>> No.17632665
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>> No.17632672

You seem to severely lack reading comprehension. There is no sense arguing anymore with you pasta niggers. The main point I wanted you to know is that the authentic Italian version you speak so highly of is inferior to what we have in America, and you seem to agree so that’s good enough for me. Ciao! And friendly reminder: you’re not white

>> No.17632675
File: 45 KB, 638x425, noci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ciao! And friendly reminder: you’re not white
Thank god. Ciao!

>> No.17632679
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>> No.17632686
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Sicilian B12 coming in

>> No.17632690
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>> No.17632696
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>> No.17632701
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still gonna make and enjoy spaghetti with a sauce that is essentially a thick and meaty chili

>> No.17632702
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>> No.17632711
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>> No.17632713
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>> No.17632719
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>> No.17632726
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>> No.17632940

ameribros...I don't feel so good...

>> No.17633711

Authentic Italian food is not that hard to do. The reason why Italian food outside Italy is usually pretty shit is due to crap ingredients.

Outside of Italy they don't use the right semolina flour to make good pasta.

Outside of Italy your jarred Italian sauce is filled with preservatives, extra salt, extra sugar, and spices like basil. Jarred tomato sauce should just contain tomato and maybe a bit of salt, it's that simple.

A lot of classic Italian pasta dishes require meats like Guanciale that you simply cannot get outside of Italy.

>> No.17633746

FYI most Italians do not put oregano into their pasta sauces. Maybe they use oregano in southern Italy but that is mostly an American thing.

Some Italians put onions into their pasta sauces but the general consensus in Northern Italy is to not put any onions into a tomato sauce.

Italian food is supposed to be simple with high quality ingredients not a bucket full of spices and ingredients.

>> No.17635462

You completely proved my point. All you guys do is jerk yourselves off about how great your food is, when it's not that great! It's good, no one's denying that. But you autistic mongoloids have some weird complex where it needs to be "the best".

There's no such thing as a best cuisine, yet you retards keep trying to cling onto this fictitious title you've given yourselves. You're the weird kid at school who keeps trying to give himself a nickname. You were right about Italians being autistic I guess.

>> No.17635533

Forreal, I love how all their arguments are "you don't understand you can't even get these ingredients exported, it's not the same etc..."

But then when you've been to Italy and say it wasn't that great, they reeeeee and say you only went to tourist traps. If you're country is truly so overrun with scams and tourist traps that you can't find a decent restaurant in several weeks of travel, it has shit food culture.

I'm sure our family friends that live 10km outside of Florence only took us to tourist traps, or my cousins who live in Veneto never gave me a decent glass of wine. I'm sure that random sandwich shop in Pienza was a total scam. Truly admire the amount of cope one country can have. The weirdest part is that the food is really good! But yeah it can be recreated and it's not perfect and can get a little stale after a while imo. Just like any cuisine.

>> No.17635541

Be honest, there has to be a region where Italians break the spaghetti, right? <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a6d16707_GoodNight.png">

>> No.17635922

Based, fuck amerilards and their "food". Half of these threads are burgers, tacos, burritos and fucking chili. Chili is just offensive to look at. It looks like bloody vomit.
If your cuisine looks like the typical third world brown&red hodgepodge, you don't deserve to discuss food.

>> No.17636859

>Carbonara and cacio e pepe are probable on of the hardest dish to make it right
I am Italian and this is bait. That said, especially for carbonara it's the fact it's a simple dish that makes foreigners look so retarded, since they can never do it right even if they are "chefs" or whatever

>> No.17636865

Post your carbonara m8

>> No.17636867

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiii uwuwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.17636871

>italian* cuisine

* meaning cuisine that was invented by Americans very recently

>> No.17636933

fuck amerimutts

>> No.17636980
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I am American and I think Italian food is appropriately rated.

>> No.17637105

I'm Italian and he's right

>> No.17637523

If you dont wanna eat buckets of shit for the rest of ur life just go to spain, theres actual good food there

>> No.17638101

Gabagool? Ova heah! <img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1d3f2a13_happycat.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1d3f2a13_happycat.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1d3f2a13_happycat.png">

>> No.17638108

Phil, you are full of shit. Come home to America

>> No.17638143

I'm not keen of potato frittata maricon

>> No.17638164 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this entree from an italian restaurant or an american restaurant? why?

>> No.17639045

It doesn't need to be "real authentic" whatever to be tasty as fuck and I don't care if I offend some retarded Italians with my cooking.

>> No.17639305

> It doesn't need to be "real authentic" whatever to be tasty as fuck
But "real authentic" taste the best, that's the point of OP

>> No.17640268

Why does it always seems like a single snownigger is always sperging out in these threads?

>> No.17640281

When I went to italy, I thought some of the things they did were better, some worse. The pesto was so much better than american pesto I can't really eat american pesto anymore. Meats were generally higher quality, better cooked, so was the pasta noodle itself. Their tomato sauces were...hit or miss. When you use so few ingredients, it really is critical to have incredibly high quality tomatos, and some places did and others didn't. The fresh food and cured food was all much better. Bread was...meh. My biggest criticism is the monotony of it- their ardent refusal to incorporate flavors from nontraditional sources makes for a very tired palate if you aren't going from north to south regularly.