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File: 129 KB, 486x682, Nitro_Pepsi_CAN_Glass.082858b2605f34d495c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17619785 No.17619785 [Reply] [Original]

Well, today was the big day. Pepsi Nitro has officially released nation wide.

Did anybody manage to grab a can of the stuff? I'd imagine it was pure pandemonium at most retailers carrying it. I checked at my local quik trip, but they don't seem to be stocking it.

How about you guys? Any luck? Any tips on acquiring this forbidden nectar?

>> No.17619868

literally who and what the fuckis this? this is the first time i've heard of this.
>draft cola

>> No.17619886 [DELETED] 

>I'd imagine it was pure pandemonium at most retailers carrying it.

Is this what the red states are like? Or towns that only have a Walmart? Can you imagine changing a single facet of your life over canned globalist corn syrup?

>> No.17619901

Only blue city DORKS care about stuff like this.

>> No.17619920

going through any amount of trouble at all to get your hands on the latest unproven product is 100% Reddit

enjoy your szechuan sauce nerd

>> No.17619927


I live in a town that only has a Wal Mart and a Safeway. Don't think I saw any Nitro Pepsi when I went out grocery shopping earlier today. Hadn't heard of it until I saw this thread too.

>> No.17619945

apparently it's available in Wal Mart, Target, and CVS. I'm still waiting to hear if they have got it at 7 eleven.

>> No.17619969

rent free

>> No.17619973

I tried both flavors, never been so disappointed. The bottles look nice but it just tastes like completely flat sugar water.

>> No.17619979
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are you sure you poured it properly?

>> No.17620007

I saw it at star market yesterday

>> No.17620009

What's the best nitrogen-infused beverage?

>> No.17620043

Are there others? I assumed pepsi were the first ones trying this nonsense, if nitrogen was really better than sweet sweet carbon dioxide we would have been using it already

>> No.17620070

there is a monster nitro that was pretty good, way dryer than a normal monster. starbucks sells a nitro cold brew, and guiness beer uses nitrogen as well.

>> No.17620965

wtf am I admiring?

>> No.17620986
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1. Does this go flatter quicker than CO2?
2. If I inhaled the bubbles, would I get/the bends?

>> No.17621203

>you must be 18 to post here
Yes it goes flatter a little quicker, but if you drink it at a reasonable pace over about 30 mins you'll never notice. If you inhale bubbles you'll have pepsi in your lungs.

>> No.17621468

i tried a can,it sucked tasted flat

>> No.17621479

It tastes like a flat 1891 flavor, I want to say it is more creamy but that could be the corn syrup talking.

>> No.17621505 [DELETED] 

at the heart of every red state is a blue city shithole

>> No.17621950

I will, you little girl. Enjoy missing out on everything because you're too lazy to leave your mom's boyfriend's basement.

>> No.17621969


>> No.17621987

>Enjoy missing out on everything
there's more to life than pepsi and mcdonalds putting out new limited edition products

>> No.17621989

Reddit drink

>> No.17622002

Absolutely there is. But you limit yourself. Sucks to be you I guess. At the end of our days we regret the things we didn't do, not the things we did.

>> No.17622051


>> No.17622070

Lol? I bet you didn't. Seething doesn't lend itself to laughing out loud.

Tendies are ready.....

>> No.17622200

It only makes sense to do it for canned coldbrew coffee or draft beer.

>> No.17622212

Nitro cold brew coffee can be yn08rpretty tasty

>> No.17622223

I got a can on the vanilla flavor. Really smooth and creamy, to the point that it reminded me of a soda float.

>> No.17622295


>> No.17622377

Is this a limited time release or a new product line?

>> No.17622381


>> No.17622735

This; the vanilla is the way to go. Tastes (and similar texture) like you put a scoop of ice cream in pepsi and let it melt.

>> No.17623011 [DELETED] 

At least they'd actually pay for it instead of stealing it like the packs of niggers do in your shitty blue state.

>> No.17623091

>american subsidised corn syrup is globalist

>> No.17623379

the correct answer

>> No.17623905

update: I checked back at quik trip, they still don't have it. Starting to lose hope, but praying for a miracle.

>> No.17623918

Go to bed, vance

>> No.17623919

Draft vanilla coke nitro with cocaine when?

>> No.17623939

>2. If I inhaled the bubbles, would I get/the bends?
The nitrogen isn't going to go into your bloodstream, retard.

>> No.17623941

nitro stuff is at best "creamy," it's never remotely close to being carbonated

Guinness, sure, coffee, sure, but soda? i don't know if i want creamy flat soda. that's like what's leftover from a coke float, always the least enjoyable part to drink that.

>> No.17624056

>3 fucking steps
>every video is just guys opening it slowly, letting all the gas go away, and the pouring it normally and slowly into a glass
>,,damn it's just flat soda!"

>> No.17624746


>> No.17624759

Actually, I live in Blue City and want to try the nitro Pepsi.

>> No.17624764


>> No.17624785
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>At the end of our days we regret the things we didn't do, not the things we did.

>> No.17624815
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>tfw you pre-ordered your case from Walmart

>> No.17624817

it's corny, but it's true

>> No.17624825

>literally consoom

>> No.17624840


>> No.17624844
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>> No.17624855

Anon, it's better to be thought a retard than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

>> No.17624876

Young's Double Chocolate Stout

>> No.17625064

unfathomably based. which flavor did you go with, anon? can you give us a quick review?

>> No.17625069

>drinking pop
>full sugar
No thank you I'm an American and only watch soccer if the world cup is coming up

>> No.17625901

It's arriving today. It has both flavors in it I believe. Will review after pouring correctly and not retarded like >>17624840

>> No.17625977

Is this fake? Lol

>> No.17625990

>corn syrup talking
/ck/'s worst nightmare

>> No.17626046

Yeah, it’s the fucking Iowa corn lobby. Fuck Iowa and their stupid early primaries

>> No.17626068
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Hey guys I'm replying to myself to say I'm sorry I was being so wippsy woopskie earlier, I'd only had two cups of coffee :)

>> No.17626715

Just tried it. Pretty good even if it's a meme.

>> No.17626752

is that the difference? i actually really enjoy Monster nitro, definitely has a smoother taste.

>> No.17626879

people have said this just tastes like flat soda

>> No.17626942
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>I'd imagine it was pure pandemonium at most retailers carrying it.
The gas station I went to had them basically fully stocked.
Just tried the regular and yep. Its flat soda but chilled. Kinda creamy and went down smooth. But ultimately its main selling point is its foaming gimmick.
Maybe the vanilla will be better.

>> No.17626949

I did this and it was still shitty and flat.

>> No.17626961

Yeah, even had the nice look and a really nice and smooth head. Still just tasted flat, wouldnt be shocked if the widget in guinness cans are there to help it actually taste good

>> No.17626978
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>Well, today was the big day. Pepsi Nitro has officially released nation wide.
Did anybody manage to grab a can of the stuff? I'd imagine it was pure pandemonium at most retailers carrying it. I checked at my local quik trip, but they don't seem to be stocking it.
How about you guys? Any luck? Any tips on acquiring this forbidden nectar?

>> No.17627076
File: 14 KB, 174x177, 1595217223390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried vanilla. Again, its flat soda with foam on top, but this time with the flavor of freshly melted ice cream.
On a scale of 1-5, both are a hard 2.5/5.
Neat gimmick, but ultimately its a mid drink with good marketing.
As for pepsi's hopes of this becoming a new pillar of their product line: if those 1893 drinks couldn't do it, what hope does this have?
Honestly better off relaunching crystal pepsi again. Maybe even use the nitrogen from these to make like a frothy clear drink. That'd be something.

>> No.17627139

Coffee is the only one i can think of. Makes it taste like Guinness

>> No.17627166

Corn syrup bros, please try this method of pouring it. I have to know there isn't some trick to making it not flat. Also, what happens if you drink it straight from the can?

>> No.17627207
File: 162 KB, 400x400, 1648422546386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you drink it straight from the can something bad happens do NOT attempt

>> No.17627635

>if those 1893 drinks couldn't do it, what hope does this have?
If you are talking about propaganda now we have redd*t, tiktok and a science cult

>> No.17627642

FRIENDLY REMINDER: This thread is an ad

>> No.17627670

I didn't know it was released and happened to be shopping. Picked a can up of the vanilla. Not impressed. Sure it fizzed up a lot at first but it went flat REALLY fast.
Disappointed. It has kind of weird aftertaste too.

>> No.17627694

please purchase an ad instead of astroturfing. this is ad piracy.

>> No.17627795
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>> No.17628235
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>As for pepsi's hopes of this becoming a new pillar of their product line
thats not how the business works.
they put out fresh and new flavors to keep brand interest and loyalty alive.
its not even about the money, its about the big picture. if you create new exciting flavors every other season consumers will continue to purchase soft drinks and maintain the market.
the biggest threat to the industry is consumer changing tastes, competition from alcohol, diets and health consciousness. the new products introduce novelty and maintain the consumer hooked to sweetened sugar beverages.
t. ex coke employee

>> No.17628268
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>> No.17628288

if you think a months run of a insignificant flavor that wont easily sell is a money making venture then you have no clue about the volumes of product involved

>> No.17628291

Everything is an ad.

>> No.17628303


>> No.17628305

red states drink coke

>> No.17628319

if by coke you mean mountain dew then yes

>> No.17628335

Yeah, it tastes bad and you don't get to go 'huh, that kinda looks like Guinness I guess' before the part where it tastes bad

>> No.17628336

Man i wish these wacky products made their way to my shitty third world country. We only get the most regular shit.

>> No.17628348

What general area? You can order a lot of this stuff on the internet in thirdie countries with decent shipping infrastructure.

>> No.17628355

SA. Yeah i know, i do it every now and then when something looks particularly interesting but it gets really expensive so i can't do it all the time. Might do it for this one though.

>> No.17628367

ur mom gave me nice smooth head

>> No.17628372

you dont get access to it because you're an expanding market, they struggle to sell the normal stuff as it is besides they also lack a distribution infrastructure as exists in countries where consumption is high, so its just unlikely youll get anything out of the run of the mill ordinary basic offering.

>> No.17628374

That's rough, man. I strongly recommend, if you don't already have one, trying to find a pen pal in Europe or the United States you can trade care packages with- get the latest goods, send back some 'exotic' local stuff, you know.
How's the situation with the ghouls?

>> No.17628377
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>> No.17628384

Nitrogen drinks are a fucking meme.
It always just tastes flat with some residual carbonation leftover. It was the same with the nitrogen beers.

>> No.17628391

cold brew. all the low-acidity of that brewing style, amped up because there isn't any oxygen to fuck up the process

>> No.17628400
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This is why i don't do it, not worth it for some soda lol

>> No.17628418

>chilling your pepsi

You need to boil it. It awakens the subtle spices, and activates the syrups.

>> No.17628426

No luck with respect to import markets?

>> No.17628429

where can I get this shit? I checked 7-11 and sheetz but neither of them had it. I refuse to enter a walmart.

>> No.17628435

Those take a while to get their hands on the new stuff, so i'll have to wait and see

>> No.17628474

wtf that's robbery

>> No.17628495
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Tastes like flat pepsi, but is decently good mixed with alcohol since you don't have the carbonation messing with the taste.

>> No.17628501

Kroger just stocked them starting today.

>> No.17628623

hard pass

>> No.17628674
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Oh wow nitrogen.

>> No.17628680
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>> No.17628713

I had nitro Budweiser once. It was okay.

>> No.17628801

What chance is there of us ever seeing this shit in australia, and even that it making it's way out of the eastern states

>> No.17628879
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So advertising in 2022 is just using imperatives?

>> No.17629281

1. Consoom product
2. Get excited to consoom next product

>> No.17630795

Malty beers on nitro are very nice and so is nitro cold brew coffee.