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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17615856 No.17615856 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food terms that mean absolutely nothing at all:
>comfort food

>> No.17615857


>> No.17615862
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>fresh frozen

>> No.17615864

It means savoury you shit brain

>> No.17615871

>all natural

>> No.17615876


>> No.17615881


>> No.17615899


>> No.17615902

There is a single identifiable family of molecules that produce umami, so it does have a meaning. Just because they're not common in western food doesn't mean it's not a distinct flavor.

>> No.17615903
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yuh huh

>> No.17615905

Brjnch is just what women call breakfast when they want to drink.

>> No.17615913

>mouth feel

>> No.17615919

>spinach packaging describing itself as 'peppery'

wtf? spinach doesn't taste of anything. where are they even getting 'peppery' from?

>> No.17615924

it does you tastelet

>> No.17615926

it absolutely does you tastelet and indeed some varieties have a bit of a "spice" to them hence the peppery bit.

>> No.17615929

fucking tastelets

>> No.17615932

if you sprinkle a shitload of pepper over it maybe

>> No.17615933

They probably put pepper on it retardftpwdx

>> No.17615952

>palate cleanser

>> No.17615976
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>> No.17615984

>wypipo be like this tasteless raw leaf too spicy

>> No.17615994

I've only ever seen this on arugula/rocket, never spinach.

>> No.17616001 [DELETED] 

>pours half a cup of hot sauce on some spinach

>> No.17616007

>soul food

>> No.17616025

Most non-white cultures damage their people's tastebuds. The massive use of spices and "strong" flavors is common place in most culture History, even europeans ones... but it changed.

Back in the XVth century, noble courts in Europe all used massive amounts of spices as it was considered prestigious and food from Eden's Garden by religion. It was also considered as a prized fire element in Galenian concept of dietetics.

But quickly, England and Netherlands started to get a monopoly on the spice trades. Their ennemy, France, quickly got tired to buy spices from them and the French nobles stopped using spices, keeping only five local ones (the strongest being long black pepper) and turning to herbs.

The food tasted bland without the spices and the french nobility was forced to invent new cooking techniques, developping the famous french cuisine we know now. But at first it was hated by all other european countries still using spices, thinking french food was bland as hell. It took a century and Louis XIV to expand french cuisine to the rest of Europe.

>> No.17616128

sounds like an interesting folk tale but i doubt thats true

>> No.17616141

>Just because they're not common in western food

4.3/10 almost had me

>> No.17616159

Litteraly from an food history class I took during college. Of course it's a simplification. If you want sources, I only know french historiography, Florient Quellier would be your go-to.

>> No.17616230

>Just because they're not common in western

>> No.17616240

It's all in French so I won't bother researching this

>> No.17616242

Extra virgin

>> No.17616266

A pinch
A dash

>> No.17616278

>season to taste

>> No.17616281
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>terms that mean absolutely nothing at all
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>> No.17616292

Autism: the thread

>> No.17616293

>Grass fed

>> No.17616304

this, but unironically

>> No.17616305


>> No.17616317

"Mouth feel" is "texture" but pretentious.
Same thing for "umami" and "savory", "aroma", and "smell".

>> No.17616327


>> No.17616334

That's just moonrunes for "tastes like mushrooms"

>> No.17616336

Except it is common in western food. Tomatoes, parmesan, anchovies, most chips and snacks, most fast food etc. People are just retarded.

>> No.17616337

>comfort food
something you like and takes you back to carefree times
yes, umami, google it
first meal of the day during fasting, usually around lunch time
>palate cleanser
milk/mint sauce, but there are others
>season to taste
add enough salt so it tastes good but is not too salty
google it
you got mauled by a pitbull and you're missing a nose, or you're after covid?

>> No.17616357
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>Soul Food

>> No.17616367

Earthy just means "this tastes like dirt"

>> No.17616371


>> No.17616379


>> No.17616404
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Wrong it’s all in your head weeb

>> No.17616521

>free range

>> No.17616530


>> No.17616637

fuckin kek, this meme hits hard sometimes

>> No.17616640

Get laid

>> No.17616702

I'm a woman. And I'm posting on my phone next to my sleeping husband lol. You get laid, instead.

>> No.17616751

what a fucking faggot

>> No.17616774

that means that it makes you feel good when you eat it
that means savory
that means it was frozen when it was fresh
that means that it's made of biological material
that means a hybrid of breakfast and lunch
that means it has a lot of nutrition and vitamins for its weight
that means how it feels in your mouth
that means something you eat between bites of another thing so you don't get tired of it
that means it has a lot of seasoning salt
that means it uses 4chan
that means a small amount
that means you add as much spice as you think makes it taste good
that means it ate grass at some point
that means it pushes boundaries
that means it tastes like dirt
that means it has a bunch of different tastes that make you happy
that means it has a cool texture on the outside but the inside sucks
that means they can keep making it easily
that means it has no animal material
that means it was heated prior to use

wow you people are stupid

>> No.17616784
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>> No.17616792
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>mass replying

>> No.17616824
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check out this faggot

>> No.17616848

all the mad replies to this makes me believe youre right, have a nice day

>> No.17616853

that means you can't read between the lines

>> No.17616888

What, "mouthfeel" is far less pretentious sounding than texture

>> No.17616906


>> No.17616915

You only think "comfort food" doesn't have meaning because you're a fat fuck who gets pleasure from any food placed in front of you.

>> No.17616924


>> No.17616937


>> No.17616973

The rancid taste of MSG that overpowers everythign else and leaves a think film on the roof of your mouth.

>> No.17617006

Yeah, it's something that has to be used sparingly, and natural sources are better. Dried:
>small fish
>shrimp carapace
Boiled makes for wonderful umami base upon which to build. It's best as a low, earthy accent, as hing or garlic is.
>miso paste
>Hoi sin
>oyster sauce
>truffle salt
All good ways to work in a tiny bit of umami. It works best when kind of cooked in, given time to permeate into fats and proteins so when it cools enough to eat its complementary rather than additive.

>> No.17617013

>that means it uses 4chan

>> No.17617019

Unconscionably based

>> No.17617032

If youre a faggot, maybe

>> No.17617037

>first meal of the day during fasting, usually around lunch time
That would be breakfast, the meal which BREAKS the FAST, you fucking idiot

>> No.17617049

texture is fucking french nigga. mouthfeel is germanic words strung together like an animal

>> No.17617071

You sound like a dicksucker for sure.

>> No.17617079

this guy definitely sucks dick

>> No.17617105

not a real taste. it's called umami

>> No.17617178

>texture is fucking french
what do they call it in german then? textur. it's another one of those latin words that almost all of euro calls the same thing

>> No.17617189

Gookspeak for "earthy"/savory

>> No.17617194

Haha you sleep with men faggot

>> No.17617199

>zoomers who werent raised by parents properly (not being picked up enough as babies and not getting enough attention) dont understand the concept of comfort

many such cases!

>> No.17617217

One man.

>> No.17617224
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>> No.17617227


>> No.17617229

"mass replying" is when you quote everyone and type 1 useless line.

This is effort (shit)posting

>> No.17617255

>another one of those latin words that almost all of euro calls the same thing
But the word doesn't come from Latin, it comes from French.
We call it Renaissance, and not Rebirth, and the word is French, even if it comes from the Latin "nasci" (as does "natal")

>> No.17617274

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.17617868

they hated him
>>17616888 because he sucked dick

>> No.17617981


>> No.17617987

in a language you don't speak.

>> No.17618231

Post tits

>> No.17618242

They are not mine to post.

>> No.17618245

fuck off and die mass reply nigger

>> No.17618320
File: 26 KB, 500x580, 1625857492596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Literally everything has a texture. Only food has mouthfeel. And mouthfeel just means, well, how the food feels in your mouth, which is what a texture is. How something feels.
So its an unnecessary extra word, applied to food that serves no purpose besides displaying that you really give a shit about food, and use food exclusive terms. Or in simpler terms, are a pretentious faggot or try hard.

>> No.17618339
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What about Mouthful?

>> No.17618341

It has a meaning; I just don't understand why people use the Japanese word when, as the other replies pointed out, the word "savory" already exists.

>> No.17618345

If there's words like 'gameplay' and 'mouthfeel' why not 'bookread' and 'musiclisten'?

>> No.17618398

Umami is more specific - glutamic, inosinate, and guanylate. Savory can just mean "Not sweet".

>> No.17618441

just say savory

>> No.17618454
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>> No.17618620

comfort food is food that will make you feel like shit and have dialarhoea but it tastes good

>> No.17619658


>> No.17619669 [DELETED] 

I don't lie the term comfort food because it gives me visions of a fat girl alone on a friday night stuffing her face and crying while watching Bridget Jones diary.

>> No.17619829

Also meat, in a some languages the word to use interchangeably with umami is meaty (in terms of taste, not texture of course)

>> No.17619841

What an autistic shitpost

>> No.17619873

Why eat food that doesn't give you pleasure?

>> No.17619876

I have a healthy relationship with food so to me it just means simple hearty meals you probably enjoyed during childhood. For me: tomato soup, rosół, mac and cheese, etc.

>> No.17619885 [DELETED] 

I have no problem with the concept, but for some reason the word combo puts me off.

>> No.17619892

OK that's fair, I also have phrases that annoy me for no reasons I can't be assed to identify.

>> No.17619909
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>> No.17619940

Energy Drink. Half the time, the term is applied to a beverage which provides 0 joules/calories of energy

>> No.17620054

My energy drink of choice? Olive oil.

>> No.17620327


>> No.17620355

Holy shit, the reactions to this have convinced me that mass replying is the only real way to interact with /ck/.

Stay mad, autismos.

>> No.17620437

Obvious samefag is obvious (all me btw).

>> No.17620442


>> No.17620445


>> No.17620451

so just say "savory"

>> No.17620564
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>that means it uses 4chan

>> No.17620566
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>that means it uses 4chan

>> No.17620589

No. In Japanese it means "tasty." That could describe pure sugar, which has no umami in the English sense.

>> No.17620602 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1200x960, E_PvBb3VgAMO0N5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up stupid nigger faggot kike bitch. Say sorry and maybe I won't kill you and shove a cinder block up ur butt. *kills ur whole family, turns them inside out, and lines the walls of ur house with their bodies* Bet ur rly scared now huh, lil faggot bitch boy? Stupid gay nigger jew faggot bitch homo. Fuck u. /thread

>> No.17620608

Meh. Comfort food is a good umbrella name for all non-bullshit food.

>> No.17620955

what the hell does savory mean

>> No.17620969

>healthy food
No way to define it
All food produced involves people who use animal slavery as intrinsic part of their daily operation, the food itself not being animal parts doesn't mean consuming it doesn't harm animals.
It's same food as non-organic.
It's some horrible manglegation of salty and """tasty""" that has no real use in english language. "this food is savory" - "oh why do you say that?" - "mmm, salt"
Of food pertaining to an image someone has of food someone might've eaten in the countryside at some point. What the fuck does it mean. It's like nice way of saying your presentation look really simple and not thought out.

>> No.17621041

>No way to define it
obviously there is or there would be no difference between food and poison. the problem is identifying foods that also function as very slow poisons.
> the food itself not being animal parts doesn't mean consuming it doesn't harm animals.
moving the goalposts
>It's same food as non-organic.
it's produced in a different way, so no
> "this food is savory" - "oh why do you say that?" - "mmm, salt"
salted caramel still isn't "savory", idiot.

I would say that this is a thread of autists complaining about concepts that have useful, albeit imprecise, definitions...but vegan and organic do have precise legal definitions. So it's just I DON'T LIKE IT SO IT'S NOT REAL

>> No.17621080

The very definition of a based retard. Not even mad about the mass reply

>> No.17621213

i fucked u mami

>> No.17621312

Butter and meat produce the umami flavour? It's present and noticable, but it's not like 20000mg of msg dumped onto chicken.

>> No.17621323

>only food has mouthfeel
Everything you put in your mouth has mouthfeel. It's just texture for your mouth. Like that dick you keep sucking.

>> No.17621338

Do this, make something simple like a fried beef patty. Add salt to one, add salt and msg to the other one. You'll feel that the MSG one has almost a lingering taste and feels like everything has a more rounded taste profile that feels like it coats your tongue, that's basically the glutamate receptors in your tongue kicking off and what the feeling of savoury is.

>> No.17621339


>> No.17621402


>> No.17622793
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>> No.17623059

okay how about this one:

>> No.17623072

The only based mass replier to ever post on this site.

>> No.17623180

it's not pretentious, it's just plain retarded

>> No.17623182

don't samefag dipshit.

>> No.17623627
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>fresh eggs
how can they be fresh if you can't even smell them?

>> No.17624110

that last guy you replied to is saying the first word in each set is a pretentious synonym

>> No.17624339

good post. these people are so dumb.

>> No.17624353
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>> No.17625915

>soul food

>> No.17625966

Louis XIV, my favorite historic asshole. Love how when he moved the nobles to Versailles, he told them, This isn't the Louvre, no more pissing behind the doors. You also had to salute his meal if happened to be wheeled by you in the palace. Man never ate a hot meal in his life.

>> No.17625982

What is it about George Carlin that attracts the most obnoxious NPC midwits the world has ever known? He's like the Family Guy of standup comics.

>> No.17627188

holy based

>> No.17627275

That is a bewilderingly inapt simile.

>> No.17627288

No; you're mad because he called out your retarded posts

>> No.17627295

Self explanatory dipshit

>> No.17627310

So do you just not eat? Are you a holocaust survivor or something?

>> No.17627316

>I need legal definitions to decide what's right and wrong for me

>> No.17627440

Same dude I fucking hate his comedy and never understood why people thought he was so good. I get for the time that thing hadn't been done before, but even so he just sounds like the guy at work you don't banter with about politics or class or whatever because he's bound to say some "hard truth" or whatever as if it isn't common knowledge.