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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17549920 No.17549920 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers and "le manly men" so heavily drawn to BBQ?

>> No.17549933

Extremely easy and rewarding way to cook
Maybe cooking just meat makes soys think its manly so they make it an identity, like steaks

>> No.17549935

People like that generally need to be very performative about they're manliness lest anyone get the wrong idea. They are deeply scared and insecure. That said, bbq rocks

>> No.17549938

It's how they channel their desire to consume meat covered in salty liquids

>> No.17549941

most people don't even know what barbecue is. Most people think it's cooking out. That picture in the OP is how to ruin a piece of meat; to barbecue, you can't have the fire next to the meat at all. The fire burns in a separate container, and the smoke is piped in to cook the meat.

>> No.17549958

Its fine to have some flame glaze and singe the sauce, unless you're some kinda of purist Texas faggot who doesn't like sauce.

>> No.17549963

because their dick fell off and they have to compensate

>> No.17549968

You ever notice how super insecure dudes always talk about how much they love meat? And always grill up some shitty steak with a side of potatoes when they wanna show off their cooking? It's embarrassing and reddit to the 10th degree. What about fish nigga, nothing to me is more manly than diving under water and spearing a fish then scaling it and cooking it over an open fire. But nah

>>look at my steak (((soi face)))
>>i cooked it rare
>>im a man!!!

>> No.17549986

Do texans not like BBQ sauce?

>> No.17549992

>>>i cooked it rare
bit of an oxymoron innit

>> No.17549995

Texans prefer their steak drizzled with man juice ;)

>> No.17550004

That's not BBQ. That is just meat glazed with BBQ sauce.

>> No.17550013

I can't blame em

>> No.17550022

it's good though...

>> No.17550023

Because it's so simple that any retarded macho caveman can do it.

>> No.17550035

Everyone is drawn to bbq

Holy fucking incel and sniff your own fart energy in this thread

Grow the fuck up

>> No.17550037

>Tastes good
>Fun hobby
>Consumption centered
Simple as, I was going to write some long post about men who define their identity by eating, but it really is that simple

>> No.17550042


>> No.17550057

Grilling is fun but the whole barbeque elitism is pathetic
>hurr look at my smoking tower! I smoked my brisket 500 gorillion hours, after that I sucked the other bearded bbq pitboys off

>> No.17550064

i bet their bbq tastes better than yours you whiney bitch

>> No.17550069

You can bbq without it completely separated. I make pretty good pulled porn on my weber with all the coals on one side of the grill and the meat on the other

100% agree that direct heat + slathered with BBQ sauce does not make barbecue

>> No.17550078

I pull my pork to to porn too :)

>> No.17550081

You two are entirely reasonable. I take a hard-line stance on it because people on here seem to think that if it barely resembles it then it can be called it rather than your totally understandable "doing it slightly different but with the same ideas and end-goals."

>> No.17550083

>t. just went down on the house of sausage

>> No.17550084

"Cook" 5 times a year for her entire family with no cleaning/vegetables/seafood/sauces/starters/desserts. And the kids think you're god.

Best of all you get to avoid her family. Not just on those actual 5 days, but throughout the rest of the year as well. You and your marriage are both wonderful, relaxed and harmonious.

Except for Christmas. There's no escaping that.

>> No.17550086
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>> No.17550087

The fuck are you talking about you demented faggot

>> No.17550091

Damn what a retarded post you can't read man

>> No.17550094

think about it, you get together for maybe 3 bbq's throughout the summer, you cook burgers and fucking hot dogs, the easiest shit there is
and your family and extended family love you for it
You can use the simplest shit like Worchestershire and pepper marinade and they'll exclaim out loud that your in-laws will slap you on the back and guzzle your cum for weeks
Do you not go to bbqs?

>> No.17550117
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>you cook burgers and fucking hot dogs,
I fucking hate you yankee faggots.

>> No.17550118

Why the hell would I put up with that? Is that some boomer shit I'm too young to understand?

>> No.17550123

fact is your family appreciates that you cooked for them, be it whole hog or a simple hot dog. You autists wouldn't get it

>> No.17550126

davis lost
lee lost
grant won
get over it racist

>> No.17550129

Get off 4chan you 53 year old leather daddy

>> No.17550136
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>> No.17550145
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Kill yourself

>> No.17550152

You have to smoke a brisket for at least 12 hours tho. Have you ever ate a brisket smoked for a shorter amount?

Also it’s a 60$ slab of meat. Better to smoke longer at lower than try to accelerate and fuck it up

You honestly sound like a fag and a retard

Who the fuck only uses their smoker or bbq 5x a year lmao? I use mine once a week

>If you like bbq, guns, or own a truck you have smoll pp
I think I’m getting too old for 4chan. The shitposting used to be funny, now it’s just sad

>> No.17550162

micro peen lol

>> No.17550171

Only people I’ve ever noticed talk about food are vegans. They go out of your way to tell you

>> No.17550178

>>17550152skrimp dick lmao

>> No.17550179

Damn you're a gay retard who also can't read that's not what the thread is about
You should both kill yourselves for being disgusting freaks

>> No.17550184

is that supposed to be some epic punchline? lee just sounds like a bitch

>> No.17550194 [DELETED] 

I don’t encourage people to kill themselves. Watching crazy or pathetic people is a hobby I have, or trolling them. Sometimes I drive downtown to the nearest shithole Democrat run city and offer hobos cash at a red light and then take the dollar away and pull my pistol on them. They get so disappointed or mad. They actually think someone cares about others lmao. Trans people I don’t even have to encourage, they do it anyway half the time haha. Gays and trans can’t reproduce anyway so let them have their fun while we all mock them. I’ll have a bbq and we’ll make a thing of it

>> No.17550203

you are deep in the closet, you gay trans nigger

>> No.17550208

No, but I am pretty deep in your mom as I type this post, you cum guzzling faggot

>> No.17550279

Seriously u guise, why are there "man foods" and "woman foods"? Why are guys drawn to BBQ, smokey flavor, peated whisky, gas station food, sunflower seeds and beef jerky and pepperoni sticks, beer, hot sauce? And women eat salad dressing, chocolate, yogurt, fruit, cocktails, herbal tea, hummus, almond milk and almond butter, granola, meme grains like quinoa.

Seems like some bugman consoomer thing. Are other cultures the same way?

>> No.17550281

Let me tell you how it is in monkeyland and probably how it originated with boomers and their parents.
>economy is shit
>people are dumb and want to signal sucess
>a good cut of meat is expensive
>economy improves
>dumbass buys some meat and invites people over to show off

>> No.17550292

Yes men have their own culture and women have their own culture across the world. And yes it's all bullshit and arbitrary to some degree but I'd wager if you observed modern day hunter gatherers with little to no contact with modern civilizations they'd have similar customs.

>> No.17550299

High protein builds muscles. Low fat makes you thin.

>> No.17550302

shouldn't have betrayed the union if you didn't want your shit pushed in, lost cause cuck

>> No.17550306

i hate yankees so god damned much

>> No.17550348
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I ruled out nutrition since there's lots of high fat woman foods. And eating protein doesn't passively build muscle but it does kill your appetite and the trendiest diets are like Atkins, paleo, keto

>> No.17550400

I'm an enourmous faggot and I also like making and eating BBQ. I think people just like it because it's good, not because of whatever masculinity or manliness you've ascribed to it.

>> No.17550581
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Good question.
BBQ should be for nice guys who want to chill with their cute wife in glorious Hamamatsu.

>> No.17550760

Must suck to be poor. I make 125,000$ at 27 and all my friends bitch they never have any money. I’m like holy shit if I’m retarded you must be the offspring of a Palsy and a Downie. I don’t even look at my bank account unless I’m making a massive purchase like a car

>> No.17550775

Where do you live that you write it with the dollar sign after the amount, buddeh?

>> No.17550787

Any moron can use a grill and make something palatable.
BBQ guys are low class kitchen failures.
I can say that from experience. For some reason I was a "pitmaster" for a shitty BBQ joint for a few years. Pretty much retard work.

>> No.17550816

I agree, catching a fish and gutting it and preparing it in the field is way more manly than throwing a steak on the grill

>> No.17550899

> I think I’m getting too old for 4chan.
I probably was born before you were even in your father ballsack
>If you like bbq, guns, or own a truck you have smoll pp
You can like all those things. But if you like those things because you think they are manly it's because you a less of man by yourself
And most of the time it's for compensation, sadly

>> No.17550981

I was born in 87

>> No.17551002

>But if you like those things because you think they are manly it's because you a less of man by yourself
nobody does this

>> No.17551075

There are people who do things like put up signs saying that a room is their "mancave"

>> No.17551091

ive heard that term used before and both times it was by a woman to a man, referring to their room as a mancave. they only started using it because the women thought it was a funny word

>> No.17551122

>poster clearly doesnt own a smoker
maybe you should take some of that salt and use it as a meat rub

>> No.17551129

The amount of socially challenged autism just ooozing from this thread is truly astounding

>> No.17551170

yes they do

>> No.17551216

Imagine being this effeminate

>> No.17551226
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y'all R fuckin faggots! if you don't build your own barbecue from scraps and burn whatever wood is the driest you can find on the property

>> No.17551237
File: 713 KB, 800x800, 5D2AEC1F-7CE5-423B-AEE3-EF5DD10DF6D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texans like meat. Meat, meat, meat, and then more meat.

>> No.17551406

Caveman mindset meat on fire mmm good

>> No.17551624

I don't like smoked beef. Why can't Texas smoke pork? Are they a bunch of yarmulke-wearin' yehudim or something, just so verklempt at the mere thought of beef that they could plotz? Maybe Jewxas should spend less time kvetching about what us gentiles put in our chili and learn to cook some goddamn pork.

>> No.17551630

alpha male thing, we'll take what we want when we want regardless of it's not beneficial to us long term or even detrimental. We'll eat sugary, salty high cholesterol food that contains carcinogens whenever we want and of there are any consequences at some point we'll deal with it then.

>> No.17551680
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if you mean "BBQ" as in the weird american shit where hipsters jerk each other off talking about rubs and juices?
yeah it's weird fag shit

where as "having a bbq" aka: getting the boys around, throw some cheap sausages on the grill and get fucked up on a sunday afternoon then it's based

>> No.17551691

actually fucking based, not gunna lie
home-made bbq setups burning random scrap wood is always the fucking best
i always make an excuse to avoid going back if someone throws a bbq and is doing it with some yuppie $4000 setup shit with pizza ovens and coffee warmers

>> No.17551695

Nobody cares, 'roo-fucker.

>> No.17551705

Shane Warne was a piece of shit who died no sooner than he deserved.

>> No.17551719

>look it up
>it's true, he just died
Well now. I had no idea.

>> No.17551750

It is one of many ways in which the modern man can signal masculinity without actually needing to possess any of the traits or engage in any practices that would be truly masculine. You can be a balding, pudgy-gutted, black lives matter shirt wearing male feminist with a threadbare beard but you preserve masculinity, in your mind, because you like hot sauce and BBQ.

>> No.17551787

i mean, you're not wrong
dude literally died from a coke overdose while fucking thai ladybois.

>> No.17551979

truly steers and queers

>> No.17552008

Even motherfucking God likes the smell of slow cooked meat.

Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground

>> No.17552038

They do smoke pork, Texas is just notable for having large amounts of cattle herds so their main meat is beef. Nothing to do with Jews, sorry about your stupid headcanon that I'll bet you thought sounded really witty

>> No.17552047

Australia doesn't have BBQ, you literally just throw cheap sausages on a grill and call it a day. But then alcoholics don't really put effort into anything other than drinking

>> No.17552130

The whole BBQ culture reeks of homoeroticism and toxic masculinity.
>cooking in a kitchen?
>uhhhh why dont you go make a salad lmao
>time for some epic BACON
>only us real manly men can handle these fat juicy slabs of meat
>oh yeah dude come and rub my meat
>my meat's so fucking good bro so juicy and tender falls right off the boner
BBQ is just as soyboy as hot sauce.

>> No.17552146
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>ribs on a fucking grill
>thinking burgers and sausages are barbecue

>> No.17552166

>toxic masculinity
Ever since we've lived in permanent dwellings, man have done the outdoor things. That's why they grill, take out the garbage, and cut the grass. Women are the household managers, men do the things that need to be done outside that need doing on a less frequent basis. It's only toxic really if the wife has to cut the grass one time and hubby makes fun of her shit job

>> No.17552200
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It wasn't common to grill/bbq until weber created the kettle in response to the 1950's urban sprawl of suburbia.

>> No.17552203
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>he doesn't wrestle a cow to the ground with his bare hands and use his teeth to slice it's throat
>talking about anything like you're men.
Yeah alright guys keep talking, keep making me laugh.

>> No.17552262

Provides an excuse to be outside and away from wife and possibly some quiet time with their male friends

>> No.17552323

barbecue is the event and action of
bbq is the sauce
bar-b-que is something gay
barbie is an australian

>> No.17552346


>> No.17552347


Labor prior to the industrious revolution was far more mixed. If you needed hands in the field your wife and daughter were in the field. This varies from time and place of course, but, your statement is reductionist and not correct. It was an elite perogitive that women be restricted to house work or no work at all. Even when we get into the industrial revolution - poor girls worked in early factories, and women worked outdoors as well. It was very recent that women were relegated to domestic labor for none-elites in most areas, and this change was very short-lived as in most developed nations you need two salaries to support a family. So in general you'd find domestic and non-domestic labor was pretty mixed.

>> No.17552394

You DO hunt your own mammoths solo and eat it raw right? Or are you women?

>> No.17552418

Houstonbro here, BBQ sauce is great, just not the sugary shit you get in most stores.

>> No.17552423

I can relate to this, with all the intolerable faggots around today flaunting their faggotry I do my best to distance myself from them. They've ruined everything for normal men, islam is right about gays.

>> No.17552436
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>going with the fourth iteration of a faith
For what purpose?

>> No.17552444

BBQ and steaks are delicious. I don't even care about that whole made-up manly subgenre (think Reddit with the beards and fake lumberjack aesthetic), you'll find tryhards in virtually any space though. You got fuckin soy boys creaming over who has a better funko pop collection. I'm sure there are literal little girls who go crazy over BBQ and grilling and giant bodybuilders who'll lose sleep if their funko pop box arrives with a slight tear on the packaging.

>> No.17552451

Where I live it's too wet and windy to reliably bbq. We just use those instant bbqs than light in 15mins and cook bacon/sausage on them. I am curious about bbq culture across the world. Not aus though my experience working in the gold mines was they chucked on sausages then got drunk haha.

>> No.17552463
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I should clarify we use those instant bbqs in the 2 weeks of summer we get a year. I'm sure they would really upset those who take bbq seriously

>> No.17552482

Do those kids have beer or is that soda?

>> No.17552493

Lots of texans like bbq sauce and not a single one will judge you for using suace. It's just the arizonans larping as texans.

>> No.17552501

looks like 7up to me

>> No.17552581

I love BBQ threads. Fucking Yankees and Euros constantly making an ass out of themselves.

>> No.17552584

Being poor in a poor country sucks because it's real poverty and then there is violence on top.

>> No.17552618

this thread is gay

>> No.17552636

idk about boomers and le manly men but i love bbq because i like smokey food and bbq sauce

>> No.17552673

Charcoal or propane?

>> No.17553054

Islam is right about nothing. Just like all faiths

>> No.17553221

In this moment you are enlightened

>> No.17553234

DFW here. it depends, most of the time sauces are fine, there is an exception to the rule, properly smoked meats that are properly seasoned and left juicy do not always require sauces. there is a place, not sure if it's only local or not, called "cousins bbq" they have fantastic smoked beef, and they do have a sauce that goes well with their meat, but you can honestly just eat the meat without a sauce.

>> No.17553241

Because of the inherent homosexuality.

>> No.17553269

the real BBQ dudes are usually fat black men or actual redneck hicks who travel across the country grilling. they dont give a fuck. the "BBQ" soiboi "epic bacon! and epic whiskey! and cool beards!" are usually urban tech millennials or gen Xers. yes, with them, there are "performative" BBQs but that's just a reflection of neutred performative masculinity.

generally i find real bbq lower class people dont give a fuck about "masculinity", usually if they're lower IQ they're just masculine by disposition. think about your average high school football thug. does he care if wearing an earring is "not masculine"? half these giant football players have really gay hairstyles and nose and ear piercings. real masculinity = what a man does. period. performative masculinity = some pantomime which is routed in what this amalgam masculinity puppetpiece which never really existed (ie, there was never really a time when some group of men, as a whole, loved BBQ, wore flannel, had huge beards, used designer soap, and had tattoos).

do not confuse bbq hick masculinity with performative masculinity-as-commodity

>> No.17553296


>> No.17553298
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So basically Canadian dollars which are worthless not to mention the amount of taxes leafs have to pay. Yuck.

>> No.17553305

>too wet and windy to reliably bbq
just have a patio or any roofing with open siding like a gazebo. the temperature of outside doesn't actually matter since the bbq'ing will be happening inside the metal container known as a "grill", the water can cause problems, but if you have a roof over you, it shouldn't cause too much of a problem. i've been smoking meats and grilling things reliably in 20F, or roughly -5C just fine.

>> No.17553371
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The best barbecue style is the way Muslims do it in China
Shove some marinated kidneys and meat and other bits of dead animal onto a skewer, put it on an open fire, and just let it do its thing for a few minutes. Take it out, shake on a bunch of cumin and chilli flakes, and congrats. You're ready to eat the juiciest, most tender, most meaty meat on the planet.

>> No.17553372

"Religion is the new counter culture" is even more retarded than annoying Reddit atheists.

>> No.17553381

Canadians actually get things with their taxes though, so it works out.

>> No.17553393

>"why do people like things that taste good"
Just die, op.

>> No.17553395

unsure, but it originates as nigger chow. literal slave food

>> No.17553450

If other men expressing themselves in a different way than you makes you so uncomfortable you admit a need to compensate, you're the one insecure in your masculinity.

>> No.17553598

Lies. There is no pork in Texas.

>> No.17553854

a heroes death

>> No.17553870

Can confirm, all Texans are muslim.

>> No.17553901

holy fuck don't know who that is but that's the way I wanna go

>> No.17553907

its very easy to do decently and most people cannot cook
it involves fire so it is le manly

>> No.17553975

Praise be to Allah, y'all

>> No.17554025
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>literally just throw cheap sausages on a grill and call it a day.
And then they put that cheap roo-meat sausage on a slice of bread as they are too lazy to buy actual hot dog buns

>> No.17554056

Go back to r*ddit you godless faggot

>> No.17554089

Does your imaginary friend approve of you talking to people like that?

>> No.17554120

>shouldn't have betrayed the union if you didn't want your shit pushed in, lost cause cuck
So you sided with england during the war for independence, right?

>> No.17554129

>if you mean "BBQ" as in the weird american shit where hipsters jerk each other off talking about rubs and juices?
what the hell? How do you associate something older folks do that is relevant to a subculture (barbecuing) with a yuppie obsession (cookout, what y'all do)? Dumb faggot.

>> No.17554131

>Americans have so many daddy issues that they're deeply upset by men cooking meat over charcoal and wood

>> No.17554135

this post reeks of yankee seething

>> No.17554136

Everything being "invented by slaves" is basically

>> No.17554148

No that's called smoking. Barbequing is anything cooked over an open flame.

>> No.17554150

Neither? You use hardwood for barbecue. Did you mean charcoal or propane for a cookout?

>> No.17554163

Barbecuing (spell it right next time) is a specific process of cooking using smoke generated by a fire in a second container. Barbecue has been co-opted by people ro mean everything from grilling, to charrasco, to braai, to the paradoxically-termed barbie. Those last three all involve grilling in a different manner instead of smoking. In fact, making jerky, or smoked fish like salmon is more similar to the process of barbecuing than grilling or cooking out is. If you disagree it means you don't know anything about the culture that birthed the term and are trying to push your outside perspective onto everybody else.

>> No.17554171
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>> No.17554178

Look up any definition of the word barbecue, and it refers to cooking over an open flame. Quit being a pretentious faggot.

>> No.17554190
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>Maybe Jewxas should spend less time kvetching about what us gentiles put in our chili and learn to cook some goddamn pork.
Person likes to eat beef. He must be a jew. Beef ribs aren't as good as pork ribs but they can be delicious and I don't want to eat the same thing all the time

>> No.17554191

It's because the juice tricked the white man(not Italians, Irish, french) into thinking they need to buy grills to stop erectile dysfunction.

>> No.17554194
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Go look up the definition of vaccination and herd immunity and get back to me on your thoughts on denotative dictionaries being allowed to choose definitions they like instead of cultures having connotative word meanings.

>> No.17554196

Heavy insecurites

>> No.17554201

It being “manly” is just a side effect of it being self sufficient, because a key trait of manliness is self sufficiency. BBQ is also like camping and pioneer spirit. Or like being on a military campaign where all your meat is cooked on open fire. These things are all wrapped up with each other in the male psyche. Even herbivore males enjoy fire pits and bonfires. It’s all just part of the male mind: it’s outdoors, it’s fire, and it’s a circle of friends or family. Pure manhood.

>> No.17554209

You make it sound so faggy

>> No.17554219

Everything sincere is faggy these days, why give a shit if it's not actually faggy

>> No.17554232

Go look up the etymology of ketchup, macaroni, or salsa, and get back to me on your thoughts on modern definitions of loan words changing from their origin.

>> No.17554282

I don't have an issue with meanings changing over hundreds of years or over different cultures but the culture that coined the term "barbecue" is still extant and still uses it. You don't get to tell the people that coined the term that they're wrong because other people use that term incorrectly.

>> No.17554419

You can think so if you like. Want me to grill your tendies for you?

>> No.17554538


>> No.17554629

tastes good

>> No.17554644

being frustrated by people doing things wrong and calling things the wrong name is not autism

>> No.17554647

Cuz I fucking hate overpriced pretentious tasting menus where you get a fucking bite of everything and leave the restaurant still hungry. Give me a great rack of ribs any day.

>> No.17554658

>Why are boomers and "le manly men" so heavily drawn to BBQ?
In the boomer mind, only women and homosexuals cook, and BBQing isn't "cooking", it's BBQing.

>> No.17554659
File: 111 KB, 567x720, William-Tecumseh-Sherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao, he's STILL mad that yankee sherman had the biggest BBQ the south ever saw

>> No.17554667

All the best chefs in the world are like old white boomer males. Cooking daily is mundane & tedious... best left to the help.

>> No.17554672

>All the best chefs in the world are like old white boomer males.
They don't count because that's not cooking, that's a job. Boomers and their mental gymnastics to justify trivial things are on a whole different level.

>> No.17554873

Autism intensifies

>> No.17554889
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1628830578011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based no true scotsman fallacy

>> No.17554926

>they chucked on sausages then got drunk haha.
the real way to bbq with the bros
miss me with that fancy rub shit

>> No.17554951

Who are you referring to?

>> No.17554978

>cooking using smoke generated by a fire in a second container

Wrong. The boucan (you should know of course, the origin of the cooking technique) was just a rack of sticks positioned above a smouldering fire, no second chamber. All of the other bullshit youre talking about comes from imperialist additions

>> No.17554998

there’s nothing more unsatisfying than a American boomer dad’s backyard burger. simultaneously sopping wet on the outside while bone dry and overcooked on the inside, placed on the shittiest store bought bun available which immediately begins disintegrating from the grease, with the only available accoutrements mustard and bottles that are a year past their best by date and nearly caked closed with dry condiment at their openings

>> No.17555001

my dude thats just roasted meat

>> No.17555042

Anon what the fuck do you think a barbecue is.

>> No.17555088

I think he meant it is seared meat. there is no searing in real bbq.

>> No.17555094

>words words words words words words words words
>bbq rocks
That’s all one needed to say.

>> No.17555116

>imperialist additions
You're not arguing in good faith.

>> No.17555140

A barbecue is much too simple a concept for there to be such a thing as a "real" barbecue.
>A structure for cooking food over an open fire of wood or charcoal, usually out of doors, and frequently as part of a party or other social entertainment.
The wikipedia article for chuan (the xinjiangese food I posted) also calls is a barbecued dish.
In sum, you're wrong.

>> No.17555153

Why are you using wikipedia for a fucking culinary guide? LMAO at your pathetic life and thought processes.

>> No.17555189

You have been DESTROYED by my rhetoric. You WILL kneel.

>> No.17555203

akshually from the wikipedia article
The words "barbecue" and "grilling" are often used interchangeably, although food experts argue that barbecue is a type of grilling, and that grilling involves the use of a higher level of heat to sear the food, while barbecuing is a slower process over a low heat.[37

>> No.17555220

>Why are boomers and "le manly men" so heavily drawn to BBQ?

Because its good and zoomers are useless.

>> No.17555230

lmao imagine using wikipedia as a source. The definition of "barbecue" doesn't care what wikifags use it to mean.

>> No.17555240

Here's the dictionary definition I used before baby
>A structure for cooking food over an open fire of wood or charcoal, usually out of doors, and frequently as part of a party or other social entertainment.
You're welcome ;)

>> No.17555241

diff guy than who you were arguing with btw

>> No.17555248

OED is a descriptive dictionary. Anon has a problem with wikipedia so maybe he's looking for a dictionary definition? I'd like to know what he'd prefer if neither an encyclopedia nor a dictionary are his thing.

>> No.17555252

probably a fucking culinary book. What's your favorite wikipedia recipe? dipshit.

>> No.17555257

Imagine thinking the union was the hero of the story.

>> No.17555266

why do effeminate people act so bossy and unpleasant to everyone else

>> No.17555620

Oh that's interesting. I suppose there is nothing stopping most from bbq over here in that case. Just not a big thing over here. You have put me down a proper rabbit hole with the whole idea of smoking meats. So the smoke cooks it with the residual heat from an offset fire? That sounds really fun. Might Try knock somethibg up when I'm next at my folks in countryside. Can you recommend a meat for first attempt? Cheers!

>> No.17555636

I am so glad you got this thread to above 100 replies

>> No.17555670

There is literally no argument you can use to defend the Confederacy. Even by the standards of an actual fascist they're just pathetic.

>> No.17555718

personally, i like chicken, it's fairly easy to smoke, the only issue is bringing the chicken to temp, usually i run the smoker on the chicken for a few hours around 175-200 so get in a nice smoky flavor, but then after all of that you're going to have to raise the temp to 300+ to get the internal temp roughly 165, it will likely take a few more hours to get the internal temp of the chicken around that area.

>> No.17555729

The unironic belief that cooking using charcoal and grills makes meat taste better.

>> No.17555762

i just smoked chicken, steak, roasted garlic, and jalapenos. they certainly do taste better, fire good.

>> No.17556086

It's funny I studied the American civil war for history in school in the UK. The confederacy just got absolutely smashed its incredible they were allowed to rebuild there political economy in the reconstruction era. Anyway they sucked and it was really funny how the union beat them despite fucking up so much.

>> No.17556093

Great thanks again for this info. I'll try get a smoker set up. I've only eaten food that has been in direct fire.

>> No.17556100

the white man has us cooking outdoors and shitting indoors

>> No.17556123

>men act like men in a male space

>> No.17556213

Kek. I mean I guess there's nothing wrong with that pic but it just looks so low effort. I wouldn't be proud of that or advertise it as part of my cuisine

>> No.17556217

Better than cooking your shit and indoorsing your outdoors

>> No.17556256

no problem.
i honestly prefer a mix of maple wood and hickory.
>apple tends to make things taste tangy
>maple is more sweet
>hickory is semi sweet and semi umami
>mesquite is closer to umami
never tried with cherry or peach woods yet, but this short list can help you a bit with smoking various things. apple is great for sweet cheeses, but not as good for say corn, where both hickory and mesquite does corn quite well, and maple and hickory is good for beef and chicken.
best of luck buddy.

>> No.17556262

Bloody fuck you bloody
There is nothing wrong with shitting outdoors in fields sir
Bastard bitch fucking you

>> No.17557235

Based retarded god fag