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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17530112 No.17530112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In probably the biggest food news in ages, McDonald's, Starbucks and Coca-Cola are leaving the Russian market

>> No.17530119

I'd say that's a win for Russia

>> No.17530126

So they got bullied into doing it, leaving many Russian citizens without jobs? That's cool. Thanks globohomo.

>> No.17530138

Mcdonalds is very popular in Russia. They have like 800 restaurants.

>> No.17530144

Can't wait for the Russian parallel society. Bad culinary news, good news for western dissidents.

>> No.17530148

>McDonalds announces that it will temporarily be closing its Russian locations due to supply chain issues

Embargoes and sanctions make it difficult to keep businesses operating consistently. Japanese automakers have also temporarily ceased their assembly plants in Russia because governments are making it difficult and expensive to ensure that the product actually end up at the factory. The companies are still maintaining all their holdings in Russia, but it's less of a loss for them to shut them down instead of running them at sub-optimal capacity.

And yet people will completely ignore what the companies are saying and assume this is some "take that" by their HR departments.

>> No.17530151

Well, yeah. One of the primary arguments for globalization was that it prevents global war because every nation's self-interest becomes intertwined. So, yeah, act outside that purview and get fucked economically. And, yes, we also suffer some economic grief from the blowback. No, Iraq and Afghanistan aren't equivalent because both those states were already acting in opposition to that system. Not saying either of those wars were defensible, just saying they're not relevant to this.

>> No.17530169


>> No.17530190
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I wonder how many McDonalds are still open in the Ukraine.

>> No.17530192

That's... not very many for an entire country.

>> No.17530196

just admit you have no argument and you're just assblasted that western companies are dabbing on your gay country, ivan.

>> No.17530200

Did you throw out your sense of humour last week?

>> No.17530202

They all shut down the day of the invasion because there's a fucking war

>> No.17530209
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>> No.17530210

>we also suffer sole economic grief
>gas prices rising quickly
>at a time I can barely afford my commutes
I'm not sure what I've done to deserve this suffering.

>> No.17530211

just drink yourself to death like the rest of your country please. it'd be for the better

>> No.17530222

Man, I really hope you get that sense of humour back. It must be eating you up inside to be this irrationally angry all the time at random people on the internet. I wish you all the best.

>> No.17530235

lol shut the hell up

>> No.17530252

i'm having a great time watching the world laugh at your joke military and monkey leader. you're the one losing your mind over not being able to get your daily big mac anymore.

>> No.17530255

Take a deep breath, mate. Inhale... Exhale...

>> No.17530259

Australia has 970. We have about 1/6th the population of Russia.

>> No.17530265
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This just means some enterprising Russians will convert those abandoned restaurants into their own burger franchises. They should do a blatant rip off like the one in Coming to America to stick it to McDonald's.

>> No.17530272

ESLs trying to insult you is so cute sometime. they're trying so hard, but they can't get it

>> No.17530284

Lived too far from your place of employment. Let your employer know and they can subsidise it if you're important enough. Bear in mind that if it's a shitty job with no education requirements in an expensive area nobody local will take the job, and you're already trained which is a sunk cost from their perspective.

>> No.17530318
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Stop being smart.

>> No.17530322

Isn't that the goal in the end?

>> No.17530336
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Good, hopefully Lotteria expands to Russia to make up the deficit

>> No.17530352

Will someone please think of the poor Russian citizens who have supported a psychotic dictator for decades who is now threatening to blow up the planet.

>> No.17530360

To be fair, Russian citizens who don't support him tend to end up dead or in jail.

>> No.17530383
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>> No.17530416
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Who cares, politics is all a farce. You're living in the ten toes of iron and clay.

>> No.17530612


>> No.17530622

>Well, yeah. One of the primary arguments for globalization was that it prevents global war because every nation's self-interest becomes intertwined.
So the chance of a global war is increasing because corporate bigboys get a bit less money this year? OK cool.

>> No.17530937

>pepsi leaving Russia
Friendly reminder that Pepsi was the first western brand the USSR allowed to be sold in Warsaw Pact countries. Pepsi are tacitly admitting they believe Putin is worse than the Soviet Union

>> No.17530948

>most bad faith interpretation possible

>> No.17531020

Meds. Now.

>> No.17531022


>> No.17531030

Good posts. OP and MSM being shitty as usual. What you should be more worried about is the catastrophic effect of sanctions and inflation on food and fuel prices at home.

>> No.17531169

Of course the globohomo will cave to the libs. They always do because they have no balls and are willing to let a vocal minority get in the way of their own self interests that didn't even hav anything to do with helping the Russian state. All those NPC Twitter users with Ukraine avatars are making a real difference, they're the ones who will end this war.

>> No.17531176
File: 91 KB, 645x729, D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An autocrat that has been in power for decades means that 100% of people are in full support of him
Yeah, I mean like, they should just overthrow the government, man. If they don't want to be ruled by him, they should just march to the Kremlin and do an inssurection. YEAAAAH, BURN IT ALL DOWN MAAAAAN.

>> No.17531181

The only meds I take are prescribed by Dr. Pepper.

>> No.17531191

what about the people that paid to own those mcdonalds and starbucks franchises, and handed over the majority of their profits in fees?

>> No.17531194

No refunds

>> No.17531201

if they dont support him they end up dead or in a gulag you retard.

>> No.17531207

based and doctorpepperpilled

>> No.17531230

But anon I was told "insurrections" are bad.

>> No.17531236

It's bad when we don't do it. ;)

>> No.17531267

They're really trying to push the us and them agenda

>> No.17531515

why do you think calling someone ivan annoys them. it just makes you sound autistic and gay.

>> No.17531591

>One of the primary arguments for globalization was that it prevents global war because every nation's self-interest becomes intertwined.

And yet no-one dares do the same thing to China with is active genocide program.

>> No.17531615

Yeah definitely. How do we get those shit companies to leave the USA?

>> No.17531616

What are the Rooskies supposed to eat and drink between all the heroin and vodka now?

>> No.17532932
