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17517914 No.17517914 [Reply] [Original]

It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m getting a crave case from White Castle. That’s 30 sliders. I’m wondering if I can eat them all in a day. How many sliders do you think you can eat in a day?

Also, general White Castle thread. Best fast food ever

>> No.17517917

God-tier food anon, I hope you enjoy them

>> No.17517919

Thanks friend. I definitely plan on it. I’m off all day so I’m going to stuff myself and play Xbox lol

>> No.17517921

The most I ate in one sitting was 16. They aren't very good after sitting.

>> No.17517923

16 in one sitting is impressive. I’m a pretty big guy and after 10 of them I felt like I was going to pop.

>> No.17517941

I used to be able to eat like a human trash compactor, but gastritis in my 20's destroyed my ability to eat large portions of food. Now I would be pressed to eat 4 of the little bastards.

>> No.17517943

jeez I've only managed to get to 8 before I feel like something is wrong

>> No.17517991

If I was 17 again? I could eat 40 or so including fries. Now? Pfff.

>> No.17518016

Almost evening in europe so I am wishing you a belated happy birthday OP! And btw great taste, I crave White Castle myself

>> No.17518021

I've never had a WC Slider. I'm guessing three before I felt full.

>> No.17518103

i've eaten 26 before; it was only because I had to share.

>> No.17518127

They built one right next to we’re I live. It’s like a dream come true lol. Honestly the best fast food there is. My wife hates it though :/.

>> No.17518132

40 in a day would be a feat. I used to be able to eat a lot more too but damn. 40 is a lot lol

>> No.17518134

the last thing you need is a box of thirty sliders, fatty

>> No.17518137

The trick was betting my kid brother if I could do more. Easier to shovel food when a bet is on the line.

>> No.17518160


Lol yeah I got some younger brothers and you’re definitely right about that. First time I smashed a whole pizza was because of one of my brothers lol

>> No.17518176

>look up how many calories a white castle slider is
>30 of them is 4,200 calories

>> No.17518185

I’m getting them with cheese so it’s closer to 5100-5200 calories lol. It’s not like I eat like this every day

>> No.17518190
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>he doesn't do a 5k after bulking

>> No.17518192

your gaining almost an entire pound just from that, fatty.

>> No.17518196

you WILL regret getting whitecastle.

The quality is lower than you think. You'll feel like total dogshit after eating 15+. Opt for something else imo

I know it sounds delicious but you will regret it deeply

t. did the exact same thing

>> No.17518197

It’s going to be worth the pound. I fucking love White Castle lol.

>> No.17518203

They always seem to put me to sleep when I really pig out on them. Also it sticks with me the whole day. I could probably buy half that many and get the same affects but I’m honestly curious if I can eat that many

>> No.17518243

Post updates on progress gluttanon.
I believe in you

>> No.17518386
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Okay friend. I’ll update. I have to imagine it’ll take all day to eat all 30, but I’ll do it as fast as I can and update with pictures. It’s gona be In like 20 hours though before the burgers are in hand.

>> No.17518486

post belly

>> No.17518541

>Also it sticks with me the whole day
I ate just six of them and had white castle burps for the next day and half.

>> No.17518558
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Here ya go

Yeah.. they really do stretch through the day. A day and a half from 6 is pretty fucky though. I’m guessing you must not eat hardly any fast food?

>> No.17518581

that show fucking sucks

>> No.17518608

Fuckoff I got work to do

>> No.17518614

Frig off

>> No.17519067
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Don’t do it op, 4 sliders and 2 sides is optimal for pigging out. I go for the fries and chicken rings myself

>> No.17519076

What burgers are those? That meat is way more than the ones I get lol. Mine are very thin

>> No.17519089

Aren't those the bbq pulled pork ones?

>> No.17519095

I didn’t even know they had pork. The closest thing to that on our menu is the 1921 burger. I am guessing it could be that?

>> No.17519101

don't reply to yourself, ishitter

>> No.17519120
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Don’t be a retard pls.

>> No.17519121

It was a promo thing. They also did sloppy joe sliders for awhile, too, so it could be that.

>> No.17519127

I'll give you CAD100 to fug off

>> No.17519136

>t. a man of weak constitution

>> No.17519363

imagine the braps

>> No.17519471
File: 115 KB, 1024x1015, 44FE7539-E0FE-48BA-958A-80DBB2C14E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re a lover of White Castles you can finish off a case in a day. I have may times. I get all 30 with cheese and lunch, dinner, late night snack finishes them odd

>> No.17519489

Post hand. 95% of all White Castle employees are dindu’s

>> No.17519521

How much is a crave case?

>> No.17519531

Our White Castle as in the only one in Florida. The one about 3 minutes from my house. I don’t work at White Castle lol

$29 bucks or so. Probably a few dollars more after tax.

That’s what I’m thinking. We are one in the same. People who appreciate those heavenly sliders

>> No.17519552

i thought white castle was fictional....

>> No.17519588

Lol you’re serious? I don’t think they are very common anymore, but man, if you ever find one you should try it. A lot of places have Krystal burger which is similar (but objectively worse). Maybe you could try the knockoff if one isn’t close to you

>> No.17520560

Knock, knock. Who's there? Fucking anon who's never gonna get his grade 10 cause he's a fuckin idiot.

>> No.17520565

I generally topped out at 8, and that's after a long work day. I never got the appeal of eating 30 of 'em, they weren't bad though.

>> No.17520611

No you are better than that anon, your stomach will hurt and you wont feel good. Cook a nice steak, eat it with alcohol of your preference

>> No.17520961

You know, you’re probably right. I’m honestly almost talked out of it. It just seems like the right thing to do. Be gross full, nap, and play games all day. I know I’m too old for it but damn.. that just seems so comfy

>> No.17520991

Does not need to be anything that takes time. Just throw potato slices in oven, a steak with garlic butter "sauce", nice wine with it
Happy birthday btw, its 5 am here haha

>> No.17520995

Why the fuck aren't there more in Florida? Fuck Orlando.

>> No.17521024

Don’t be jealous at Orlando supremacy. We have the only White Castle because we deserve it. The only thing south Florida deserves is a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.17522274

Also topped out at 8. Don’t know how anyone could eat 30 unless 500 pounds

>> No.17522300

shut the fuck up you dirty fucking subhuman

>> No.17522521

you fuckin want one?

>> No.17522538

I've eaten 50 Krystals in a day. But Krystal isn't Yankee shit like White Castle.

>> No.17522582
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I went with 20 and some fries! I’m in White Castle heaven.

>> No.17522586

I fucking love these things...im onna mission to become /fit/ so i try not to eat alot of shit food but every now and then a customer buys the shop i work at a couple crave cases and i cant help ma self.
Ill usually eat 4-6
...also happy birthday OP. :)

>> No.17522597

happy birthday op

>> No.17522599

Thanks friend. Yeah, I’ve been working on getting in better shape recently. I just feel like it’s a good excuse to gorge myself today. I just love them so much

>> No.17522606

I agree, dont let them sit. OP needs to go big or go home and eat all thirty in one attempt
...he should start a thread with pics of the empty boxes as he goes and we could guess on how many he can eat till he throws in the towel

>> No.17522609

There pretty small desu

>> No.17522619

You don't want to try to eat 30 sliders in a day if you're not going to do it in one sitting. All food has an invisible timer on it. Just order ten or fifteen and if you finish then order more fresh.

>> No.17522773
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I've always wanted to eat at a white castle but the nearest one is like 90 miles away. Is it worth a 90 mile drive to load up on sliders and eat them on the drive back?

>> No.17522803

Buddy I am 10.000 km away. Do it for me at least faget

>> No.17523022

Don't eat those all at once. You don't want to get the runs.

>> No.17523881

I would make it part of a larger trip

>> No.17524160

I ate 15 of them and it made me sick. I love them but I have hit my max. I could have finished the 5 others tonight if I put them in my air fryer but I am just not feeling it. It’s severely upset my stomach too. Overall, it was okay.

>> No.17524207

Happy birthday bro! It's mine too.

>> No.17524233

Gonna get your dick sucked? Or you gonna suck someone elses?

>> No.17524239
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>no white castle deer sliders
idk why im still here

>> No.17524241

You are going to wake up in the middle of the following night and shit like an oil derrick for hours.

>> No.17524258

Happy birthday friend! Hope it was a good one!

>> No.17524695

Thanks, got to spend time with the wife and child it was nice.
Maybe, I'm not really sure.