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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17511694 No.17511694 [Reply] [Original]

>condensed milk
name a better dish, i dare you

>> No.17511700

Looks like something Bourdain and Obama cooked up in some of the local kids

>> No.17511713

I went to a filipino cultural club buffet in college and they had banana lumpia (egg rolls) that were dope.

I had a flip housekeeper growing up and she made pancit (noodles) and also lumpia with I think ground beef filling and she served it with a soy dipping sauce that had lots of little tiny pieces of garlic in it that I remember liking a lot.

You just have to think of flip food as non-spicy (mostly) bastardized chinese food and it works.

I also like the tocino (grilled pork) sandwich at the local flip restaurant we have here in my large american city.

It is served with achara (unripe papaya, bell pepper, and carrot slaw in sweetened vinegar), mayo, on a brioche bun with fries that are amazing and I always dip it into lots of sweet chili sauce.

>> No.17511728

the problem is a lot of filipino food is fried

however they have good things like sisig and chicken adobo, and bistek

>> No.17511736
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yeah but explain the fish, chocolate, and cum

>> No.17511741

What do you have against ethnic cuisine and eating cum, anon?
close-minded much?

>> No.17511764

True story . I live with a Filipina . She cooked spaghetti for me one day and it tasted horrible . When she wasn't looking I flushed it down the toilet . How did she fuck up spaghetti ? Later I found bottles of red banana sauce in the trash . SHE USED BANANA SAUCE . It was so bad .

>> No.17511773

filipinos eat spaghetti with a ketchup sugar sauce its digusting

>> No.17511775

Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.17511788

She eats alien fruit from a pot sitting in the sink with her bare hands like a raccoon . She's by far the most wonderful part of my life .

>> No.17511794

is she one of the filipinas with a fat ass

>> No.17511795

she's getting there with her hormone replacement

>> No.17511806


>> No.17511824

There’s a great smash burger joint run by Filipinos near me. The only issue is they use these disgusting sweet pickles.

Why is the Filipino palate so fucked?

>> No.17511844

I thought for sure she'd turn for the worse as she got older . She got even more easy to look at . Maybe I love her more , idk .
Lol .

>> No.17511903

I forgot to mention , other than her waist being too small and that she has great big tities she's just about perfect .

>> No.17511908
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Not even going to post real Flip food, OP? I bet that's just the cum you're eating tonight.

>> No.17511924

Shut up tranny.

>> No.17511938
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>CDN City with Big Flip Population
>They hard working AF
>They of course are mostly their own community but have no problem expanding out
>Some think they are gangsters lol "Got Rice Bitch, Got Rice"
>Sometimes live 2-3 families per house as is SOP in Trudeaus Canada (Not as bad as Poos, those are 4 families of 5 generations in a home. Imagine the smell).

All in all, appreciate flips. They all work and contribute to society. They are Based and Flip Pilled and I'm happy to have them in my Canadian city.

>> No.17511942


>> No.17511945

I haven't got a kys in over a day . Can you hook me up ?

>> No.17511947
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>> No.17511950

Why would I give you what you're craving? Why not tease you a bit, make you beg, that's what you want, isn't it, you little slut?

>> No.17511975

I really like that for the most part people can say what they think here . Like me , hate me , it doesn't matter what you do to me , it's all good . I just wish the kill yourself people would expand on the concept a bit . It gets a little boring . Work with it , make it fun again . Anything really .

>> No.17511981

Don't tell me how to play dad!

>> No.17511987

>like me
Yeah that one don't come up much

>> No.17511993


But seriously the kys people need to step up their game .

>> No.17511997

I have enough people irl for that .

>> No.17512002

Stop telling people how to express themselves! What's next, you gonna say, "hello," bores you? You're being sill as all fuck.

>> No.17512011

Because I don't believe you guys listen to me it seems like I'm not really telling you anything , lol .

>> No.17512064

I listen to everything everybody says to me. But I get that here to. It's a waste of time.

>> No.17512105

I don't think it's a waste of time . Don't know why , but that's how I feel .

>> No.17512119

Why not talk to a wall?

>> No.17512130

I like Filipinos but I think they have (mostly) terrible food.

>> No.17512139

The wall won't tell me to kys or what spices to use in my food , lol .

>> No.17512144

Alexa can do that, a specially trained iguana.

>> No.17512147

I was impressed by how much time Filipinos spent making meals when I was in the Philippines .

>> No.17512153

Iguana ?

>> No.17512160

If you're smart, you can teach iguanas how to recommend spices, or even to tell you kill yourself.

>> No.17512170

I've met iguanas . I'm not that smart , lol .

>> No.17512215

Ok, Microwavebro.


>> No.17512217

only if it is from my man

>> No.17512226

I feel better now .

>> No.17512234

I am disgusted by anything they make that uses shitty, processed Americanized ingredients. All of the stuff with rice, vegetables, fish, pork, and tropical fruits can be good. But they can't stop bastardizing everyhing with processed Western shit. I really don't understand.

>> No.17512247
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>visit filipino restaurant for the first time
>order something on the menu entitled 'crispy pork. filipino delicacy'
>turns out to be breddy gud
>tell the server i really liked it
>"good for you"
>turns out to be pork offal in a blood sauce
Filipino cuisine is peak poverty food, but some of it is actually tasty if you're willing to ignore what it's made out of.
They're poor as fuck and western processed shit is shelf-stable.

>> No.17512255

I feel the same way . Then still to this day after twenty two years of marriage every time she looks at me she smiles and then her face lights up . She will cook anything I want anytime I want it . It all tastes so horrible to me , lol . I'll never let her know .

>> No.17512261

Fuck did the drunk food thread get nuked ?

>> No.17512267

Never mind , I found it . Just too drunk to remember which threads I posted in .

>> No.17512393


>> No.17512405
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Reminds me of the cake I tried to make a few years ago.

>> No.17512407


>> No.17512414
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>> No.17512439

This is me with menudo

>> No.17512605

seaniggers are so disgusting I wish a hex upon their entire genetic line

>> No.17512619

I'm so glad I never have to eat ampalaya again. filipino food is a game of dodging bullets, there's always some brains or blood or fucking embryo shit, you can never just get a normal cut of hamburger or pork.

i'd take home the chicken adobo recipe, and eat pancit & lumpia, there's little else thats edible.

>> No.17512723

I hate N

>> No.17512909

>fish with chocolate rice
What in the honedt fuck is wrong with flips

>> No.17512964
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>it's real

>> No.17512967

pics now

>> No.17513014

That sounds like a cuisine I don't want to try

>> No.17513024

Those are sardines though

>> No.17513027

>non spicy bastardized chinese
This is a really dumb take, you realize "chinese" food has more variety than "european" food?

A better analogy would be that it's indonesian food but with the colonial imprints of 19th century spain and mid 20th century america

>> No.17513057

>rest of asia has great food and philippines has this
where did everything go so wrong for them

>> No.17514172
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>> No.17514585

A fillipino restaurant opened up near where I live. Half the menu is ube or plantain. Most other items are pretty much spaghetti with sausage/stir fry, or pork on rice.

>> No.17514946

That actually looks revolting

>> No.17514973
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>> No.17514974

/ck/ keeps getting filtered

>> No.17515156

The threads of mine that were nuked were a little bit too much non food centered . If /ck/ is about food then there should be limits . I'm ok with that .

>> No.17515916
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It is called champorado. Confirmed it is a real thing with filipino friend. They said they would never eat with fish cos thats gross but that others add it for saltiness - the fish is heavily salted.

>> No.17515981

holy fuck

>> No.17516215

that was weird. thanks!

>> No.17517214

Did you bang