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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 215x500, bef0e39e-8d1f-4151-a9d5-12d814c2e354.0d4b96e743b6e82052a27441d85c8187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17507437 No.17507437 [Reply] [Original]

What sorcery is this?

>> No.17507455

So you're paying twice as much for half as much salt?

>> No.17507483


>> No.17507528

Table salt is sodium chloride. That shit is part table salt, part potassium chloride (potassium salt) which tastes mostly like table salt, but note the lack of sodium in the name.

High sodium raises blood pressure. Potassium helps lower blood pressure partly through <insert complicated medical shit> and partly by letting you piss out more sodium. Half and half salt I guess will cancel out and be alright for people with high blood pressure to still taste good shit.

>> No.17507631

Weird I thought I read somewhere that it could raise blood pressure in some people?

>> No.17507637

science bitches

>> No.17508562

Most of the time I don't add salt . If I really need to it's what I use . I figure I probably need more potassium anyway .

>> No.17508565

>High sodium raises blood pressure.
no it does not.

>> No.17508571

See , that's the thing . Because actual real science based testing has never been done how do we know ?

>> No.17508578


>> No.17508589


>> No.17508599
File: 258 KB, 1416x989, 4B3572B6-83D7-4DFE-A01A-5254F7593FA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The disappointment of realizing that you didn't call me a retard is so great that I can't know what point you're making .

>> No.17508611

Literally the best salt there is. The sodium and potassium are literally extracted through mines, that were stored inside the earth for millions of years. There is no pollution.
The process is literally flooding the layer with hot water, and then extracting the salt from the brine.

Sea salt is a meme when the sea is filled with all sorts of pollutions including pajeets shits. Pink salt is even a bigger meme. Way more expensive and only has traces of minerals, some even harmful like lead.

Sodium is a vasoconstrictor, and potassium is a vasodilator. Too much potassium is what lethal injections in prison are made of, and too much sodium will give you hypertension if not a heart attack.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed more potassium than sodium, based on fecal matter analysis, at around 3:5 sodium to potassium. Modern diets are filled with sodium which is why it causes chronic diseases as we age, like hypertension, so this helps balance it out.

>> No.17508616

Just to make it clear , I'm saying I don't understand what that means .

>> No.17508624

Water moves in the direction of salt.
Increased salt concentration in blood vessels (from eating sodium) draws more water into the blood vessels thereby increasing the amount of blood pressure.

>> No.17508652

Yes, you are right and kidneys don't totally want to get rid of excess sodium and water that excess salt collects into people's bodies. Your argument "no it does not" is much better than the empirical science behind blood pressure.

>> No.17509600

Diet salt was huge in the 70s-80s when the health craze was high blood pressure and there was a massive anti-salt shilling campaign. That craze was replaced by cholesterol, then carbonhydrates. Lord knows what the health craze du jour of the day is today.

>> No.17510260
File: 465 KB, 1536x2048, 1635635932668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Must be the same wizards who made this

>> No.17510266

Empirical science is pushed on whites by jews who want us to be turned female by hormones, google keto diet.

>> No.17510423

The belief that sodium is bad for people without major organ dysfunction is a North American peculiarity that I've always suspected was pushed by your sugar industry to distract from the real killer, exactly the same as the dietary fat hysteria, but with even less real correlation (the best they can do is what, 5mmHg with highly selected evidence?)

The rest of the world has no problem with dietary salt. Take the sugar industry's dick out of your arse and enjoy your food.

t. doctor

>> No.17510468

if the human body was this incompetent at maintaining sodium homeostasis, we'd never have made it out of the ocean. what do you think your kidneys and hypothalamus do, sit around getting drunk all day?

>> No.17510475

>dietary potassium lowers blood pressure
congratulations, this is the dumbest post in the thread, including the one that simply reads "Jews".

>> No.17510503

okay I've decided to just shit post in this thread now.

I'm going to write a song about the management of acute hyperkalaemia. the chorus will go something like this:

trace, gas, salbutamol, insulin, calcium, CALCIUM, CARDIOVERT

can anyone think of a melody that fits the lyrics? preferably for operatic baritone.

>> No.17510544

Courtesy of wiki:
>It can be used as a salt substitute for food, but due to its weak, bitter, unsalty flavor, it is often mixed with ordinary table salt (sodium chloride) to improve the taste
Wow, sign me up!
I agree re: sea salt and pink salt, but we get potassium from dietary sources already. I'm not sure that adding more via table salt is worth the trade-off, like it is for iodine. The potassium probably noticeably impacts the flavor of final dishes. Worth looking into though, I'll give you that.

>> No.17510587

Most people can eat salt without blood pressure problems. Some people have salt sensitive blood pressure and do need to be careful.

Ironically, salt substitutes can actually be pretty dangerous. If you don't excrete potassium correctly, the potassium buildup can cause heart arrhythmias, sometimes very serious ones. If you use too much of a salt substitute or a kid gets into it, it can be fatal. https://www.straightdope.com/21342509/can-salt-substitute-kill-you

>> No.17510654

sodium is a pretty common ingredient though dude. i think a higher blood pressure is a good thing if you have a lower blood pressure than most others and you work out.

>> No.17511328

I got muscle spasms from potassium deficiency once, so I try to use salts like these.
I'm sure some types of people need less potassium/iodine intake than me though

>> No.17512489

>but we get potassium from dietary sources already.
It's not about how much you get, but the ratio of sodium to potassium. We add too much sodium to our food.