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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17506782 No.17506782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>the majority of the time you go to a fast food restaurant they’re “out” of shit or all of their machinery “breaks.”
They don’t deserve spit in a cup. It’s a specific demographic that smokes weed on the job. Can’t perform said job: “nah mane we outta chicken”

>> No.17506812

>I acknowledge that this job needs to be done, but the people who do it deserve to live in miserable poverty
You're a bad person, anon.

>> No.17506817

>the marketplace is lying about their worth!
perhaps they are to blame for their own problems?

>> No.17506825

the companies are lying. I went to switzerland 10 years ago. Interlaken McDonalds. A Big Mac meal is $12.50 usd and the people who work there (who look like regular waiters and restaurant workers) make $23 an hour.

So McD is lying when they say they can't hire good help and produce cheap food. Anyone who has ever worked at a restaurant knows that 2 good BoH cooks who know their shit can do the job of 6 retards.

>> No.17506830

When I sit in the fucking drive-thru for 30 minutes to get a half assed reply telling me that I can’t order food when they are open, absolutely! They can’t slap a fucking patty into a bun. They are not worth shooting

>> No.17506839

And then when they all take your advice and get a better job, you'll be on here crying about how no one wants to serve your McSlop.

>> No.17506846

It’s not about getting a better job because they can’t perform a simple job that a high schooler can do. They refuse to work but expect to be paid to sit on their asses

>> No.17506850

Because they're understaffed, retard. Why the fuck would anyone flip burgers for $10-15/hr when any warehouse pays more than that and without subjecting its employees to the constant indignity of taking guff from fat fucking assholes like you?

>> No.17506851

or perhaps a teenager or wife could take the position and be happy to have something to occupy their time with

>> No.17506855

If I'm making less than $15 an hour in this fucking economy, then yes, I should be doing nothing for that "amount" of money. Fuck this nu-economy for not keeping wages up with inflation. Remember when the average Joe was able to buy a house?

>> No.17506860

mcdonalds also only gives their employees 30 hours. Not enough to pay any bills, not little enough to get a 2nd job. If they are going to staff the restaurants with people they give 30 hours a week to with no bennies they're going to have to pay $20/ hour.

Because you can walk into Amazon and make more with benefits and ESPP and healthcare.

>> No.17506862

Clearly there aren't enough of those to keep up with the demand.

>> No.17506864

Oh please, faggot. I worked 6 years in restaurants that were actually understaffed and managed it fine. They don’t do their jobs when there is absolutely no one in the drive-thru or lobby. Seethe wagie

>> No.17506865

>or perhaps a teenager or wife could take the position and be happy to have something to occupy their time with

That would be ideal if McDonalds expected people to work 20 hours a week for them. They demand 30+ hours so the only people who work there are ones who need it for work release to have something on the books.

>> No.17506872

Instead of negotiating people are demonstrating for higher wages while the business is also understaffed? are you sure that's what is going on?

>> No.17506873

>I worked 6 years in restaurants that were actually understaffed and managed it fine. They don’t do their jobs when there is absolutely no one in the drive-thru or lobby.

proof that this nigga never got told if you got time to lean you got time to clean. nice LARP

>> No.17506876

Good for you.
>admitting you're a wagie then calling someone else wagie as an insult
Kill yourself lol

>> No.17506881
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>never got told if you’ve got time to lean you’ve got to clean
And niggers like you are the reason I can’t get my Big Mac!

>> No.17506884

I don’t think it is the cashiers job to make sure the chicken is in stock. They come in for their shift, get told by managers that there is no chicken, no patties, no buns etc, and they have to relay that info to the customer.

>> No.17506889

You really think the OP pic is from anytime in the last 10 years? No one is waving banners about $15/hr anymore, retard. They're just quitting and getting better jobs.

>> No.17506890
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>Expecting more than minimum effort for minimum wage

>> No.17506891

Or they’re sitting on a phone call and refuse to be bothered by a white man who is a paying customer

>> No.17506894

you outed yourself as a LARPer by saying that the slow times they do nothing. In reality in any restaurant the slow times are the suckass times. People have to either do prep or breakdown. Rush times are just for cooking food. Down times are when you have to direct your ADHD prep cooks to chop todays salads or convince your angry grillmaster he does indeed need to help with trash. It's a magical time that happens anytime it isn't 12-2 or 6-8

>> No.17506902

>umm actually they just quit for better paying positions
Good for them. How does any of this interest you?

>> No.17506905
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>> No.17506907

I know how a kitchen works, faggot.

>> No.17506908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17506910

retard take you fucking stupid NEET…clearly you have never worked in any restaurant

>> No.17506916
File: 47 KB, 474x474, 0A70BAB8-549B-48DA-996B-FF8C240B5ACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to convince the angry black grill master not to throw you over the counter because your soy muscles will be to weak to stop his chimp rage

>> No.17506921

Imagine having this saved on your phone

>> No.17506928

No they are taking orders at the counter, and when the customer asks for the number 5 chicken sandwich, the cashier needs to tell the customer that they don’t have the ingredients for that sandwich because the higher ups didn’t order enough ingredients.

>> No.17506929

Imagine being a weak little faggot who gets sodomized in the walk-in by his gorilla co-workers

>> No.17506934

Niggers are the plight of humanity…they all deserve to be skinned from their throats to their ankles and shackled by their tracheas like pigs to slaughter…fun fact; pigs have a higher IQ than most niggers, and we eat them. Imagine what we could so to niggers

>> No.17506935

No, you’re wrong. Managers usually gauge it right. You’re just too stupid to understand

>> No.17506939

>this thread has been pruned or deleted

>> No.17506943
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>> No.17506946

I don't pay somebody to deal with my lawn because it "needs" to be done. I do it because it's convenient. If all you do is slap pre-made shit together in one of 4 ways then no, you don't deserve to own a car and a smartphone and a home. This isn't 1940.

>> No.17506949

Exactly, I’m the OP and I say send them to concentration camps!

>> No.17506954

>I have 0 conception of scale

>> No.17506957
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LOL, so true

>> No.17506959

c'mon you know if you work at a restaurant the angry grillmaster is the skinny alcoholic white guy who drinks a pink before the shift. The fat black grillmaster smokes a fuckton of weed, smokes half a blunt and shits on his cig break and calls all the FOH 'senpai'.

There are only a few archetypes at real restaurants. Angry black chefs get fired. We put up with angry white alcoholism.

>> No.17506962
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>We put up with angry white alcoholism.

>> No.17506963
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>> No.17506965

mods…please for the love of god delete this thread, this is so offtopic

>> No.17506969

>time to lean you got time to clea
this only applies if you're being paid good money though.
on minimum wage about the most amount of work you can expect from someone is about ~2 hour's worth in an 8 hour shift.
t.chad min wage enjoyer that drinks 2 beers, has a 90min nap then plays vidya for 4h every shift

>> No.17506971

this is a cooking board. take your bullshit to >>>/pol/

>> No.17506975

>wasting your life away at the lowest common denominator job known to mankind
lol, anon, you cant bring girls home to your mom’s basement….lol WAIT

>> No.17506981

I bet you’re a virgin too!

>> No.17506991

i live in the most expensive town in the country and I get by just fine, infact I save about $800/mo
am i rich?
but man it's funny watch ppl run around all stressed lmao
>need to be rich to get women meme
women are into chill dudes who actually do shit. not some stressed officecuck who'll just throw money at them or a filthy tradie who'll just come home smelling like shit, smash 2 beers and go to bed at 7pm

>> No.17506996
File: 3.35 MB, 166x263, BBAC4C17-6D45-4C81-994C-D4031E62B916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a cooking board
Not anymore nigger

>> No.17506997

holy FUCK, dont overdose on that copium bud

>> No.17507090

>Can’t perform said job: “nah mane we outta chicken”
It's not the cashiers fault that the company can not supply the store with chicken.
Also $15/hour for fast food in Florida is stupid because you have nurses and mechanics only making that much, i was a warehouse manager only making $15/h all the jobs i listed are far more demanding are requires a lot more commitment. All those people would quit and get a easy job at McDs then our state would collapse because nobody wants to be a roofer or laying asphalt when they can make the same money at a fast food joint

>> No.17507099

No point bringing reality to this thread bud. Let the kids fling their shut around and act as if they are unique for having done so.

>> No.17507115

>as she flings shit

>> No.17507174
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Thats bullshit, i busted ass in a understaffed warehouse when i was 18yo but i was making $15 back in 2005 when that was decent money for a teen. There is no way in fuck i would have worked that hard for minimum wage mainly because it is not a sustainable pace even for a 18yo

>> No.17507191

your experience has nothing to do with this so why even mention it

>> No.17507193

Because the zeitgeist is that money is a reflection of your worth as a human being and thus working an underpaying job (underpaying being not getting enough money to live according to normie standards like owning a home and having a family) is deemed a slap in the face to their dignity. This zeitgeist was forged in avarice by the few who deprive the many of an equitable life.

>> No.17507196

Go be retarded somewhere else

>> No.17507227

>Managers usually gauge it right.
managers are always the least qualified to manage a store because anybody with a brain avoids the position like cancer, barely make any more money then the waitstaff but have to deal with twice the bullshit so only retards become managers

>> No.17507229


>> No.17507247

Actually work fast-food then get back to me. The only job that more thankless is teaching

>> No.17507258

Gr8 B8 M8

>> No.17507279

It doesn't need to be done, the business could supplement or even largely replace human labor with automation, or customers could just choose to cook at home or just go to a real restaurant. They should be happy we haven't exterminated them for being useless
>miserable poverty
If you have a full time job and 0 kids you are above the poverty line in America
I worked fast food and I thought it was actually quite rewarding. Retail always sounded much worse. Anyway these people who act like minimum wage jobs are hell on earth need to grow the fuck up and do their fucking jobs

>> No.17507311
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Minimum wage is already set at $15/h in Florida, it's voted on and passed, it will take full effect by 2026 but increase every year until then

>> No.17508041

I paid probably 50k total for school and make little less than 50k a year.
For a job where I'm literally in charge of a hundred souls at a time. Kind of funny really

>> No.17508054

when shit is broken or they're out of shit, it's a corporate and supply chain problem, you absolute fucking idiots. mcdonalds doesn't actually give a shit about providing customers with good product. everyone gets the same prefrozen shit that it takes a single hiccup on the supply chain to lose. ice cream machine down? wait six fucking months to get approved for a new one.

>> No.17508058

>approved for a new one
The franchise owners can just buy a new one retard, this isn't the soviet union you scumbag commie faggot

>> No.17508068

depends on who you work for, Actual Fucking Idiot. not even franchise owners can just roll on down to the local restaurant supply or call up their hobart guy, that's only private businesses owners?

>> No.17508071

not all of them are franchises

>> No.17508072

actually Get A Job, i am shocked that you see me talking in favor of "local private owned businesses with the power to do what they need to" as opposed to "massively controlled operations that require approval from Above" and call /that/ communist? do you know what words mean

>> No.17508075

>if people didn't buy the food the workers would be useless!/ if the supplier automated the workforce they would be useless!

What the fuck do you even think you are saying here? Do you know how anything works? You are essentially implying everything and everyone involved in the marketplace is "useless"

>> No.17508082

No I'm not, but what I am saying is that some people's labor is not worth $15 (adj4inflation) and trying to give them forced raises will just make them targets for automation or just reduction in service

>> No.17508183

People work at McDonalds specifically because they lack the skill and ability to get a better job

>> No.17508185

>A Big Mac meal is $12.50 usd
Those are like 8 bucks here lmao

>> No.17508259

Yes, goy. You should grow the fuck up and accept these increasingly miserable work conditions without a second thought. You don't want to be called a manchild, don't you?

>> No.17508305

>REEEE it's the wagie's fault the delivery truck never showed up today.
What in the absolute retardation is going on here?

>> No.17508318

So when those workers can't afford food and housing then what? Euthanize them? Labor camps? Its almost like the system isn't inherently designed to guarantee those things

>> No.17508330

>fast food service is slow and shit because of understaffing/bad employees because the pay is so shit nobody wants to work there
>the solution is to pay them even less
so this is the power of american reasoning

>> No.17508353

Friendly reminder that capitalism is a scam designed to keep the 1% at the top and everyone else in the dirt.
It requires resources to be infinite and manpower to be finite in order to work.

>> No.17508478

McDonald's in particular is a very shitty place to work for.
You are lucky if you get a set schedule. It changes from week to week and yours hours will fluctuate wildly. They often send you home if business is slow. So you show up and are expecting to get paid for 6 hours worth of work one day and get sent home after an hour because it's slow. They do shit like that. It makes people not give a shit.
McDonald's has always been a trashy job for the bottom of the barrel. Not sure why you are expecting some kind of fine dining experience.

>> No.17508480


>> No.17508528

Yes it is, fuck off tourist
You're a faggot for eating fast food so your opinion is worthless.

>> No.17508533
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>poor people complaining about other poor people
Why is it always either this or white incels bitching about how they deserve free gibs because some other white guy thousands of miles away did something with his life?

>> No.17508590

>So when those workers can't afford food and housing then what?
They live on the streets and starve to death. No one's fault but their own that they were too stupid to finish high school.

>> No.17508596

When places are "out" of something they're rarely ever actually out. These massive corporations put way too much effort and money into logistics for them to be regularly not shipping enough of their main products.
Usually when something's out it means some retard wagie either can't find it in the back of the freezer or is just straight up to lazy to look.

>> No.17508597
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This. We need a heavily armed citizenry so that when fast food workers finally become homeless, they can be eliminated the moment you catch one rummaging through the trash for scraps of expired food.

Repeat after me: I felt my life was in danger so I neutralized the threat, officer.

>> No.17508605

>85 posts
>28 IPs
damn someone's mad lol

>> No.17508621

Probably the OP seething because people don't wanna bring him his plebfeed for two bucks an hour. Imagine getting mad because you can't eat goyslop, kek

>> No.17508622

It not that they expect a fine dining experience, its that these 4chins autists who managed to climb one or two rungs above the McJob have to shit on low level wagies to validate themselves. They're indulging that primate urge to inflate their egos by flinging shit at someone lower on the totem pole than them, end of. There is no satisfying them because they didn't come for rational discourse, they came to fling feces.

>> No.17508668

>on minimum wage about the most amount of work you can expect from someone is about 2 hour's worth in an 8 hour shift.
Did you told that to your boss when signing the contract, or is just an excuse to take the money and spend 6 hours fondling your balls? If it wasn't for the minimum wage, leeches like you would be starving in the streets, and rightfully so.

>> No.17508680

that's OP's man-child way of thinking because he got brainwashed by /pol/ to never want a job or a family or hobbies or aspirations or anything outside of sitting on his fat ass on 4chan for 16 hours a day

>> No.17508732

thats more or less the the sentiment of modern fourchin. it's more 3-5/10 failed normalfags shitting on the bottom than outright forever wizard neets rotting away in their room of piss bottles now. you even see it in things like manlet threads that are always started and dogpiled on by guys that are 5-9 to 5-11

>> No.17508795
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>go to places that you know serve garbage food staffed with less than desirable employees and still act shocked that the service is awful and nothing works right

>> No.17508809

>only 30 hours
Thanks obama care.

>> No.17508943

i've come to the conclusion no matter how many phds you have in corporate designing the ultimate machine, in the end if youre hiring absolute retards at the end of the line its just not gonna be a good outcome

>> No.17508944

also to be said most people who eat mcdicks multiple times a week are retard scum who no one deserves to serve anyway. i just stay away from these places unless i want to do a sociological experiment.