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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17480946 No.17480946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17480965

I remember seeing someone recieve a similar style of order as a kid. Mom took me and my brothers to Stevie B's for the buffet, We get through our meal, start heding to the car, and see a man walk in. Within 30 seconds he's carrying 15 or so boxes to put into his car. He then returns to get like 10 more.

>> No.17480993


>> No.17481009

back to work wagie

>> No.17481034

It monopolizes a lot of time and product. Big orders should be called in ahead so they have time to get shit together. At least that's how it is normally. I don't know how that doordash shit works.

>> No.17481036

I once went to a sheetz and ordered 70+ hotdogs, all with varying toppings. A lady came out and asked me if I was serious or just fucking around. I was serious. Toppings were random because I didn't know who wanted what, I was getting food for a bunch of people at a 4chan meet. No joke, 30+ people from 4chan, we all met up. Good times. We do it at least 3 times a year.

>> No.17481044

I have no problem ordering that but I'm not eating any of it.

>> No.17481059

My initial response was what you'd expect. But I've worked at a Domino's store in Florida near Disney. Lots of sports teams and such would order about 20-30 pizzas.
Yeah, it sucks. The entire store has to hustle double time. But, it's not as bad as it seems to fill those orders. That shit just means we can't sit around and do literally nothing but fuck around on our phones and take smoke breaks, but actually have to do our jobs that we signed up for in the first place.
I hate suits as much as the next guy, but when it comes to fast food, it's so easy that every retard can get the job, and retards tend to demand more than they deserve, yet still they fuss and complain.

>> No.17481160

Did you just assume my situation, bigot?
Do you think I started the day thinking “oh I’m totally gonna order almost $800 worth of fucking Burger King”?
Maybe I work in an office nearby and we all had to stay for some sort of critical unplanned meeting and needed food.
And of course it was too short notice to get any chain’s catering service.
But hey, Burger King is down the road.
You’re not the only one having a shitty day at work, faggot. Myself and a whole department of colleagues are having to unexpectedly work later than you, and on top of that, we have to eat your shitty food because it’s all that was available.
Do your fucking job and I’ll do mine, faggot.

>> No.17481164

You are an asshole and a nigger

>> No.17481166

Reminder that your manager could cancel the order, but he chooses not to just because the lazy nigger staff doesn't want to do their job.

>> No.17481190

I don't give a fuck about a bunch of interns coding an app, try working a real job.

>> No.17481197
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>writing software that the world runs on isn't a real job
>having working limbs so you can assemble trash food meanwhile is a real job

>> No.17481218

lol imagine having to pull some strawman shit like this because you’re so asshurt about working at a food place and someone ordered food from the food place.

>> No.17481225


>> No.17481228

>You are an asshole and a nigger
Next time I'll ask beforehand. I'll talk to the manager and have thee hotdogs be blank, and all the condiments poured into small cups and they give us spoons. Is that better? Because im going to pull this stunt again...

>> No.17481237

Actually I enjoyed my intern days, friend. That was over a decade ago though.
Back then, my company paid dev interns $15/hr + overtime if we wanted to basically get in the way but hopefully learn something.
I think it’s $22/hr for interns now, plus full work-from-home.

>> No.17481240

what does it matter? you gotta do it sooner or later.

>> No.17481245
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Assemble my order, wagie.
And yes, I will hold up your line while counting to make sure you didn’t fuck it up.

>> No.17481275

what a shitty company lol 70 employees working their ass off for an "emergency".

>> No.17481284

lol what a fat ass

>> No.17481291

I owned a store before and I've kicked people like you out. It's fun watching you cry and throw a tantrum

>> No.17481316

Should be ordered in advanced but this is perfectly legal, with 2 boys on the line you can do this in under 15 minutes

>> No.17481328
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>50 cup lids

>> No.17481332

>49 napkin when all other items are 50
Based autist&wage slave triggerer.

>> No.17481333

Well the thing is, things happen in the world we live in.
One day you might wear some big boy pants and have to deal with said things.
It might be hard at first, but I think you can do it. :)

>> No.17481348


>> No.17481350

I managed a few streetwalking whores before and I’ve robbed people like you. It’s fun watching you cry and threaten to call the police because you didn’t get the methmouth bj you paid for.

>> No.17481366

watch out, we got a real badass over here

>> No.17481371
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>> No.17481372
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>> No.17481377

>we got a real badass
You fukkin right, bitchboi.
There’s a reason they say pimpin ain’t easy.

>> No.17481381

Quantity aside
>$11 for combo meal of highly-processed shit
Just why?

>> No.17481388

>didn’t “make it a meal” for $2.99
What the fuck are you gonna drink with your sandwiches??

>> No.17481398

>paying $2.99 for a cup of water

>> No.17481414

Their version of Hell is Office Space.

Make them work a real job and they'll rope in a week.

>> No.17481415


if my boss ordered me Burger King with fucking water while working late i would take a shit on his desk

>> No.17481417

Reminds me of the guy who used to go to subway, order a double meat meatball with extra everything, then shove it in their toilet

>> No.17481429

And if I were your boss and found shit on my desk, I’d take a shit in your face.
Checkmate, shitface.

>> No.17481701

Pizza for 40 is easier to prepare than fastfood burgers for 40

>> No.17481793

>you shouldn't bring in too much business because we have to work more.
i bet not a single person who has made a remark along these lines on this board owns or ever has owned a business.

>> No.17481814

>fast food or any food service wagie telling someone with an office job to get a real job
holy fuck the the lack of self awareness, or master troll.

>> No.17481846


>> No.17481867

what board was this for?

>> No.17481907

back when i worked at mcdonalds in high school, we got an order for 500 double cheeseburgers
we ended up calling another mcdonalds across town to make half of them and it still took like 5 hours to get done in between all the other customers
by the time it was done i'd imagine most of them were already well past cold and stale

>> No.17481916

>reduced fat sour cream
I laughed anon

>> No.17481926

Well, shit...
I see several violations of firearm safety here so it must be a /k/ meetup

>> No.17481934

If you tried I would overpower you and then take a shit on your face instead. And then use your face to wipe, porno style

>> No.17481947
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What city and what board?

>> No.17481963

I would have though /k/ would be a whole bunch of anti-maskers. Also, did all the /k/irgins relentlessly and pathetically hit on what appears to be the one girl there?

>> No.17481974

That’s fucked up, anon.
I don’t want to play anymore.
I’m just going to take a shit in your mailbox and go home.

>> No.17481981

Well if you have an issue call the number dum dum

>> No.17481982

I'm sorry I took it too far anon. We don't have to poop on anyone really, we can just go grab some pepperoni sticks and red bull instead

>> No.17481983
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>> No.17481986

I can smell the boiled fish and fried potato pancakes from here

>> No.17482011

Always cracked me up when some fags would come in and order hundreds of meals for some shit or another. They ruined our day but there was small satisfaction knowing they got the worst possible version of our food. Also seeing them cry and seethe when we didn't have 500 burgers ready in 20 minutes when they show up at 11:45 in the middle of lunch rush and think we will just drop everything for them. Sorry fags get to the back of the line, you'll eat at 3pm if you are lucky and it will be stone cold. Your fries will be limper than your dicks and your burgers will be unsalted and congealed.

>> No.17482070

Okay, I'll give you a (you) as this made me laugh.

>> No.17482102

>Do your fucking job and I’ll do mine
nope. not enough notice, order voided.
have a shit day, hungry "faggot"

>> No.17482111
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>walks out at 2:45pm and leaves you with all the burgers

>> No.17482141

My last ex-girlfriend worked at a Sheetz outside of Erie, PA. She told me a story about how an extremely obese blob had ordered a total of 100 items through the online app for immediate car-side delivery. The order was for 25 hamburgers, 25 hot dogs, 25 chicken, and 25 fish sandwiches while they waiting outside in the parking lot. The name on the online order was not gender-specific, IE: Jamie, and it called inside the store to complain about how long the order was taking around 30-minutes after placing it. The employee who went outside to ask Jamie if their order was legitimate and explain that they couldn't order that large of a food order and expected it to be fulfilled so quickly said the following.
>Jamie was too fat to properly determine if it was a man or a woman. Think of those 1,000 lb life fucker
>Jame had such a vile smell of feces and body odor that the employee was gagging
>Jamie's car was filled with garbage

>> No.17482164

I dunno maybe the giant /k/ flag would be a good place to check if you're curious.

>> No.17482212

>nope. not enough notice, order voided.
>OP clearly crying his balls off because he had to do his job
I’m not sure what what sort of lazy faggot cause you’re trying to signal for, but you kinda fucked up in this case.

>> No.17482378

ok? you don't get it, then why are you posting?

>> No.17482425

There's a limit of 200 items on the order

>> No.17482499
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A lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine.

>> No.17482513

Oh shit, you actually had to do your job for once?

>> No.17482521

Did you see the massive /k/ flag too?

>> No.17482529
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I'm saying I didn't have to

>> No.17482623

Your machine is broken. The date is fucked up.

>> No.17482845

You boss and the owner say fuck you get back to work. Also having a lot of similar items lets the worker go faster by reusing similar items saving time per item.

>> No.17482849

You try to give the company I slave for 800 bucks? DON'T FUCKING DO THIS

>> No.17482996

Its a regional meetup, but the flag tells you, I just dont want to say it.
Likes we'd post face for this kind of thing...
The smell is more like campfire and beans and gunpowder

>> No.17482999

You made the brownies didn't you