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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17446438 No.17446438 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General — The Blade Grinder Edition

>"It's true I used to drink twenty. But they were smaller and in Styrofoam cups. Now I drink them in bigger cups...I just keep drinking. My trick though is to stop drinking them around 5:30 at night." — David Lynch


>> No.17446522

Years ago I defended blade grinders as an inexpensive alternative to burr grinders. Then electric blade grinders got expensive, and really decent sub-$100 manual burr grinders started popping up. There's really no purpose for blade grinders to exist anymore. They're for spices now, not for coffee.

>> No.17446568

If you can't handle my worst grind, you don't deserve my best.

>> No.17446573
File: 135 KB, 2000x2000, 302224_aeropress_main_angle_2021_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wants YOU! to have a good cup of joe

>> No.17446633
File: 20 KB, 323x425, MokaPot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh aeropress gang...

we may not see eye to eye on a lot of things, including the preparation of coffee, but your still our brothers in caffeination and we love you

>> No.17446640

Have a good day pal, that was very kind of you. Thanks

>> No.17446744

FINE. ill look for a 2nd hand aeropress. it better be good

>> No.17446767

They're so nice I paid twice! Because I have 2...
Just buy new, they're not expensive

>> No.17446781

theyre at least 25$ here. im only curious so ill just keep an eye on auctions

>> No.17446803

I don't think anyone will be getting rid of their press, pal...

>> No.17446822

Ok but I have a blade grinder, I would like to know the hacks.

>> No.17446873
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Is there a difference besides capacity?

>> No.17446884

step up to the q2

>> No.17446900

What's the deal with the q2? Better grind consistency?

>> No.17446908

yes, though ideally you'd find a way to get the one that clones the comandante's burr design, there are patent issues involved in western countries

>> No.17446942
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Okay. You guys were talking up the q2 in the last thread as well, reviews seem favorable, sale is ok... might as well.

>> No.17446956

i was not in the previous thread
timemore grinders have always been pretty mediocre and 1zpresso has really edged out most of the competition in the lower price ranges

>> No.17446957

Check hoffmeme's channel

>> No.17446962

well there were people in the other thread agreeing with you, singling out the current $89 price point for the q2

>> No.17446998

why can't we just have a metal aeropress bros

>> No.17447009

But why? Are you that scared?

>> No.17447014

no, I have an aeropress and use it every day. I'm just thinking about our bros who still want to fight the good fight against microplastics.

>> No.17447085

Nice!!! Fuck em if they're scared

>> No.17447093

You can.

>> No.17447097

i want a ceramic one

>> No.17447103

that looks pretty cool. I didn't expect it to be cheap, but at that price point can one do better for an immersion brewer?

>> No.17447160

Message a ceramic artist on etsy. There's always going to be someone willing to take your money.
Glass hario switches are like $30.

>> No.17447229

>bought another canister of Maxwell House
man it feels good to have shit taste

>> No.17447295

New april kino.

>> No.17447373

I just did a 2 minute v60 brew with 37 click on comandante and I'm surprised how good this crappy coffee I've been drinking for almost a week can taste. wtf

>> No.17447382
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>> No.17447387

god i wish that was me.

>> No.17447399

which one?

>> No.17447441

mk4, red sonja. had it for a few weeks and I love it

>> No.17447483
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>> No.17447507


>> No.17447513


Sometimes shit coffee is the best. There's a right time and feel for it.

>> No.17447537

it's not widely available here, cheapest I found was about 330$. I had a cheap grinder and I thought I'd skip the middle ground(ha ha) and go straight for the top

>> No.17447612
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Today I had my coffee with some chocolate syrup, chocolate powder, and a pinch of jalapeno powder mixed in

>> No.17447854

He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.17448019

Do you guys like to make concentrate and dilute it or do you brew your entire cup in the press?

>> No.17448107


>> No.17448193

>tfw you convinced some people to stop drinking instant
feels good man

even canned supermarket coffee is better

>> No.17448207
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>grandma keeps buying me tarlike roasted beyond dark roast beans producing oily coffee
I thank her anyway for thinking of me

>> No.17448215

The elderly love REALLY bitter stuff from what I can tell. It's not uncommon to see them still using percolators.

>> No.17448216

My grandma gives me hundreds of dollars every time I visit her and it's super awkward because it feels like she feels like she needs to bribe me to come say hi every couple months.

>> No.17448224

so say hi more than every couple of months

>> No.17448263
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They grew up on less sugar

>> No.17448499

what’s the most foolproof way to make multiple cups of coffee in an 02 V60?

>> No.17448505

You put a filter in it then you wet the filter then you put the coffee in the filter then you pour the water over top then the coffee comes out of the hole. Hope this helps.

>> No.17448526

Look at that spike in the 1920's and 1930's.

>> No.17448568

we need to cut back on our sugar. i have had a lot of sugar today, i guess i will start tomorrow

>> No.17448607
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I just recently started drinking coffee, and man it's some powerful stuff. I knocked the sluggish depressed feel I usually have in the mornings and I put in a great workout. Now don't stone me to death, but it was Folgers instant. What's bad about instant compared to brewed coffee? It tastes fine. Also, I make it with milk instead of water.

>> No.17449060

welcome self medicating depressed anon. that's part of why I drink coffee
anyway a good coffee without additives will be delicious and clock in at 2 calories per 8oz, hope that helps.

>> No.17449077

They needed convincing?

>> No.17449091

The hooked nose sugar goblin is in every grocery aisle and convenience store shelf. Learn to refuse him and your teeth and health will improve.

>> No.17449108
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Bripe gang loves both of you guys :)

>> No.17449135
File: 26 KB, 699x408, BUMP4COFFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Aeropress, than I'm getting on the actual V Six- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a sip of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Aeropress /ck/, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. YOUR AEROPRESS /CK/ IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A BREWOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the cabinet. /ck/. That sip is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the aroma. Like I'm not even mad that I'm sippin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm sipping coffee right now with my breakfast.

You can really taste the chocolate notes because the sear, on this press based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get nutty notes but the notes are there so you get a crunch off it, with soft fruity action with BPA? /CK/, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' /CK/, THE AEROPRESS COFFEE SON!

>> No.17449169

Instant doesn't have a great aroma and has a weird, artificial taste.
If you like it that's fine but you could just put some preground supermarket coffe in a $8 french press and have much better coffee in 5 minutes. It doesn't have to be speciality coffee, brewing normal coffee in a normal way is so easy and cheap that I will never understand instant.

>> No.17449216

What's that now? Love you too!

>> No.17449257


>> No.17449355

the bripe is so odd. pipes have a carb to let air in. make an aeropress except instead of pressing, you have a carb. pour, let your finger off the carb, let water go through. with your finger on the carb water shouldn't drip through
cheers from alcoholic side of /ck/

>> No.17449642

Oh it's got additives. I'm definitely gonna try getting some natural coffee then. I just recently started eating healthy whole foods and to pair that with instant coffee with additives seems silly.
I just had instant because it's what my dad drinks. He's a brute caveman stuck in his cheap ways lmao. I offered to buy him a simple coffee making machine a while back, but he recoiled at the idea.

>> No.17449663

What the fuck

>> No.17449673

>brewing normal coffee in a normal way is so easy and cheap that I will never understand instant.
not him but I was able to keep instant coffee packets at work and have instant coffee on the clock but no other option was feasible
but that's necessity vs ignorance, I agree the other anon should try what you suggest

>> No.17449703
File: 39 KB, 450x450, daymon-daym-drops-patterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Aeropress, than I'm getting on the actual V Six- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater. I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a sip of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Aeropress /ck/, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. YOUR AEROPRESS /CK/ IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE. IT'S MORE OF A BREWOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the cabinet. /ck/. That sip is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the aroma. Like I'm not even mad that I'm sippin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm sipping coffee right now with my breakfast. You can really taste the chocolate notes because the sear, on this press based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get nutty notes but the notes are there so you get a crunch off it, with soft fruity action with BPA? /CK/, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' /CK/, THE AEROPRESS COFFEE SON!

>> No.17449825

>I just recently started drinking coffee, and man it's some powerful stuff. I knocked the sluggish depressed feel I usually have in the mornings and I put in a great workout.
god i wish that was me, drinking coffee has just made my bowel movements slightly better.

>> No.17449859

Is this the drug addicts general? Enjoy the cravings as they haunt you every day.

>> No.17449894

church of latter day saints pls go

>> No.17450303
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Onto the daily grind....

>> No.17450329

Is there an Aeropress that can make 32 oz coffee at a time or am I doomed to be sitting there for half an hour to fill up my thermos

>> No.17450343

sauce of that pic, plox

>> No.17450357

no, you're probably better off with a french press for multiple cups. maybe run it through a paper filter as well. it's not perfect but efficient

>> No.17450570
File: 79 KB, 300x300, swirLING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start swirling the shit of my v60
>coffffee taste better
take the swirl pill. i have conquered the fear of over extraction

>> No.17450712

Cafe in Malaysia

>> No.17450739

will try it out

>> No.17450787

will try it out

>> No.17450940

Thoughts on matcha? Does the caffeine punch any different than coffee?

>> No.17450999

You can make 4 cups at once, Americano style. It takes maybe a minute and a half start to finish. If you want 8 cups, it will take less time than a drip machine..

>> No.17451221
File: 340 KB, 750x945, 1644116103291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf is it possible to over-extract coffee? found the americano drinker in /ctg/

>> No.17451262

Instant is more for the manufacturer's benefit because it's more shelf-stable than beans/grounds and is lighter to transport.

>> No.17451303
File: 27 KB, 700x830, grindsizematters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how tf is it possible to over-extract coffee
>he doesnt know

>> No.17451355

One on the right is more appealing to me as a caffeine consoomer

>> No.17451359

just take caffeine pills then. you dont actually like coffee.

>> No.17451361

Caffeine is one of the most soluble things in coffee and doesn't really get affected by grind size.

>> No.17451383

>Pourover problems
grind size is a complete non-issue in long steep methods like cold brews

>> No.17451397

>cold brews
sir this is a coffee thread, the shit drinking general is 3 blocks down.

>> No.17451398

thats the thing, i dont believe you can with normal brewing methods. i grinded some dark roast on moka pot size and left it in a french press for 10 minutes and then filtered it thought a v60. i didnt taste bad, it was sweet, no acidity and it was bitter but the good kind of bitter. i think acid+bitter is what tastes like shit, and when people think they over extracted its unevenly extracted and that why it tastes like ass. by extracting the coffee as much as possible you get all of the coffee taste, which includes bitterness but it wont taste bad as long as the extraction is even. im thinking the idea that you start getting "bad compounds" from extracting too much is false

>> No.17451425

the bitternes is a bad compound. you might like the bitterness, good for you, but a well extracted cup will have little acidity and bitterness andnmore of the flavour that is intended to have when it was roasted. the hollowness of a very over extractes coffee is very obvious and I don't see how anyone can enjoy it. make a pourover with an espresso grind and you will get it

>> No.17451428

Yeah, makes no sense to me either. No matter how I brew a cup the grounds are usually rebrewable at least once. How tf do you over-extract coffee?

>> No.17451431

you can 100% over and under extract in a moka pot very very easily. water temp as to be perfect, stove heat has to be perfect, amount of water has to be perfect, grind size has to be perfect, timing has to be perfect.
i would say starting water temp and grind size are the 2 hardest hurdles at first. and then stove heat and time when it comes off the heat and run the base under cold water. you'd think pouring it right away would be best but stopping the brew with cold water is actually important.

would be interesting if you attached a pipe to the chimney and put that pipe into a cup so it didnt even touch the pot.

ignore me im a moka schizo.

>> No.17451435
File: 184 KB, 379x479, 25A6CAA6-48C8-4310-A1F4-6F4F9093C06B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there really no affordable grinder that can do everything from espresso to aeropress to pourover?
seems like DF64 is all the rage nowadays, but the stock burrs are garbage for anything but espresso?

>> No.17451445

maybe you can over extract with a moka pot or espresso because of the pressure and temp? but not in immersion or percolation imo

>> No.17451462

yes, over/under extraction is mainly about espresso and moka is like an espresso hybrid.

>> No.17451984

FINE. ill look for a 2nd hand aeropress. it better be good

>> No.17452455

Got my Q2 today. Thanks for the recommendation. Huge step up from my hario mini, at least for my first two cups today. Was surprised at how quickly it chewed through my regular dose compared to the hario too.

>> No.17452502

Good shit pal. Its amazing how easy grinding is when the burr isn't wobbling from side to side on every crank huh? Glad I saw that sale and posted it.

>> No.17452683

Oh yeah. Totally thrashes the Hario in grind consistency too.
This thing is built like a brick shithouse too. Very pleased.

>> No.17452851
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>> No.17452860 [DELETED] 
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>spent $180 on coffee grinder
>life didn't improve

>> No.17452868

my blade grinder hack is to throw it away and buy an actual grinder

>> No.17452877
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had a question about cleaning the q2. it says not to clean with water, but then not to use solvents other than water or alcohol. are you really supposed to only clean it with the included brush? won't it static out like crazy?

>> No.17452990

Slightly damp paper towel and a brush should be all you need. Make sure you dry it THOROUGHLY if you do wipe it down with water. You definitely don't want any rusting(especially on the bearings) or pitting in the burrs. You're looking to get years out of this, not months.

>> No.17453077

Just made some coffee. What did I think of it?

>> No.17453102

it was under extracted

>> No.17453123

How did you make it?

>> No.17453425


>> No.17453461
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>> No.17453916

>want coffee
>it's too late

>> No.17454071

thank you mr voodoo for saving my brew :)

>> No.17454079

>hot coffee

>> No.17454114

You think I give a fuck?

>> No.17454178
File: 71 KB, 800x565, timemore-c2-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get memed by reddit into buying this
>check ctg and find out it's shit and i could've gotten something way better for 10 dollars more
>too pussy and lazy to return it

im sorry /ctg/... i should have checked here first...

>> No.17454185

if it's in the return window you won't regret it anon

>> No.17454315

I've recently started reaching more for my moka pot over pour over coffee. Just got some 4oz mugs to enjoy the coffe in. peak comfy bro

>> No.17454348
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This is peak comfy

>> No.17454380

Does decaf taste that bad?

>> No.17454416

V60, swirled, not Meldripped

>> No.17454490

aspiring women need to get their estrogen from somewhere

>> No.17454496

okay, thanks. definitely looking to get years out of it. love that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.17454524
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Jungle House Bangsar Cafe

>> No.17454553

Bros flipnigger anon here. This is my first time trying brewed coffee, and I was wondering what coffee bean should I choose? Our country produces Arabica, Excelsa, Robusta, and Liberica. So I shouldn't have any problems acquiring them cheaply.

>> No.17454588

It's too late anon. Plastic is the great filter and we've already lost.
Just drink your coffee, be happy, and shut the fuck up.

>> No.17454672

it's not so bad. it's only bad if you need to make like 4 cups.

>> No.17454712

what are you brewing with?
do you like bitter coffee? get dark roast
do you "sweeter" coffee? get light roast
or just watch hoffmemes video on buying coffee

>> No.17454729

Try all of them flipbro. find what you like

>> No.17454766

I drink the whole aeropress straight?

>> No.17454782

meant prepared for americano style

>> No.17454985

Arabica is the standard but choose what you like...

>> No.17454991
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Grind whole beans for max freshness

>> No.17454997
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ask your local cafe

>> No.17455074

If you're going to take risks, do coke and skydiving instead. Or just fuck hookers and party.
There's no point in giving yourself a hormonal disease followed by years of expensive cancer therapy or a relatively slow painful death.

>> No.17455203


>> No.17455259

Yeah, my baby boomer dad still uses a percolator to this day. And my mom doesn't drink coffee, but she likes to take a million tea bags (like the whole box of tea), and brew a big pot of tea on the stove for a long ass time to produce the most overbrewed strong tannin tasting tea.

>> No.17455476

it tasted fantastic and heterosexual then

>> No.17455493

It actually wasn't amazing as I am still trying to dial this new coffee in. It was finer than I would like even on my coarsest setting. Now I am going to have to go even further beyond....

>> No.17455616
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SO cold... when does the weather get warm?

>> No.17455659

does it feel like the water runs straight through it too? I do 4/6 with only 20s pours

>> No.17455667
File: 40 KB, 657x527, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao... these are by far the faggiest threads on ck

>> No.17455668

lol frogshit calling someone else a fag

kys newfag

>> No.17455669

Flip coffee is generally dogshit, even the rare varietals like Liberica/barako are roasted to burnt shit. It doesn't matter what you get as long as it's relatively freshly roasted and not burnt to shit.

Specialty coffee is starting to eek out a spot in the industry but it's probably out of your price range. What do you expect from a nation that almost exclusively drinks 3in1 instant coffee.

>> No.17455677

>6 months later
>SO hot... when does the weather get cool?
learn how to live with the seasons or you'll suffer forever

>> No.17455721

You had me until the end.
I like folgers because it makes me think of my senpai.

>> No.17455726

aero squuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

>> No.17455728

Only if I cave to a second cup a day. That's writing a check for a migraine 3-7 days later.

>> No.17455938

bought dark roast
what is it supposed to taste like?
tastes mild and burnt

>> No.17456031

Dark chocolate or brown sugar?

>> No.17456068

i don't know how people drink coffee in the morning desu

for me it was always bitter/earthy. sumatran coffee is not so bad but leaving the beans in a mason jar produced this really peculiar smell.

>> No.17456413

I'm thinking of brewing it in a moka pot. Thanks, I've watched that video and I'll look up how he brews coffee in a moka pot, what's the recommended grind for it anyways?
I've tried out Barako once when I was a kid and I have to agree, it tastes too woody for me, you have to put in muscavado sugar for it to taste better lmao.
So, even the Arabica beans from Benguet and Sagada are shit here?
How about I try the IKEA ones kek.

>> No.17456594

I can’t afford a coffee maker so I just boil some water and pour the grounds into the “infuser”, the metal part on the inside of this cup, and let it sit for a while. Am I getting the full flavor or missing out on something? Seems like coffee makers are explicitly for big pots.

>> No.17456630
File: 23 KB, 500x500, DA81B87B-2C9B-4797-A746-389D7919F942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17456734

I had a cheap $20 Amazon ceramic burr grinder and upgraded to a Timemore C2. It is substantially better. But I put the old grinder on peppercorn duty and holy shit does it DUMP pepper. You do not realize how shit most pepper grinders are until you put peppercorns in a burr grinder.

>> No.17456756

I have a friend who used an aeropress twice a day for like 6 years and it got really degraded from use. The plunger had a loose fit, the rubber gasket was all porous and cracked, and the outer housing was discolored and full of microfractures. He had to buy a new one because it started leaking. I think it seemed evident that he had consumed quite a bit of plastic particles from this device. Make of it what you will.

>> No.17456762


>> No.17456864
File: 113 KB, 1024x788, neighborhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, you gave me a good idea and I'll see if I can find a coffee grinder that will do the job because all the pepper grinders I looked at had plastic parts in places that would wear out. The TimemoreC2 looks like it could do the job perfectly.

>> No.17456886

I've got one of these on the list.

>> No.17456913

Overkill unless you want to have this to show off

>> No.17457005
File: 311 KB, 1170x1170, 962116FD-40E6-4EAF-A8E1-CF3F4D240FA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worth every penny

>> No.17457059

Hnggggg that slightly translucent ceramic/glass idk it brings me back

>> No.17457491
File: 2.39 MB, 1553x2048, 1645387363491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup bros, you guys into briping?

>> No.17457639
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shipping cost just too much for me

>> No.17457762
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>> No.17457766

tfw I can't take a bripe in my luggage

>> No.17457809

And you are by far the faggiest poster on /ck/ so it seems like you will fit in well here

>> No.17457832
File: 131 KB, 688x470, Reddit Soyjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.17457922

definently brown sugar/molasses notes

>> No.17458045

>Arabica beans from Benguet and Sagada are shit here
You can find single farm/cooperative Arabica from apo/benguet/sagada that can be pretty good, but I doubt it's cheap. Then you have to find some that's been freshly roasted(ideally from a roaster) and hasn't been sitting in a warehouse/supermarket for months.

>> No.17458142

Haven't posted in a while but got new beans today, a heirloom Ethiopian I have yet to try from a local roaster that's pretty good, I just got them out of convenience because they were at my local grocery store but was better than expected. Roasted a bit much for my taste because I like Ethiopian beans roasted lite usually. They'll do until I stock up at my favorite roaster in a few days. Citrus and apricot mixed w/ some notes of chocolate milk, would get again though.

>> No.17458376

how do I get the deep chocolatey flavor you get from restaurant coffee
is my machine not getting hot enough?

>> No.17458379

You add chocolate.

>> No.17458460

So the cheap shit beans labeled by online sellers as from Benguet or Sagada are fake?

>> No.17458461

Tried making """espresso""" via aeropress today using a method I'd seen where you grind pretty close to what you'd use in an actual espresso machine and use a couple filters on top of the grounds to disperse the water/pressure while pressing. First time trying anything like this but it came out better than I expected. I think I probably need to try grinding a little finer next time (never made espresso at home so wasn't sure exactly what grind size I should be going for) but I think it could actually be a decent substitute for at home use until I eventually get around to fucking with a real espresso setup. Anyone else do anything similar regularly and get good results? Any tips?

>> No.17459017

like from where?

>> No.17459111

Central American coffees grown at altitudes around 4000-4500 feet are usually chocolatey.

>> No.17459156

Should I get something like a 1zpresso K-Max or even just a JX if all I ever make is Aeropress coffee?

>> No.17459213

unironically Burger King
they use decent local coffee

ok but I know the local coffee can taste tha way but it just has this mild vaguely sweet component and then an simple botwrrish component
it feels like the middle is missing
is the hard water to blame?
I know its not coming out right

>> No.17459250

Why do you hate the french press?

>> No.17459338

You can get a pour over for a single cup for next to nothing.

>> No.17459406

Join the Aeropress gang

>> No.17459489

grind finer

>> No.17459584

back when I only had a blade grinder that I used for french press, I would vigorously shake the grinder as it was grinding, and stop to check it every few shakes. and I could get a decent consistency course grind by doing it that way.

>> No.17459600

Read my previous reply. You think I give a fuck?

>> No.17459603
File: 53 KB, 1280x1280, timemore-grinder-walnut-black-1__02746.1600439833__53708.1605028695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any experience with the Timemore Chestnut G1? I have been looking for a new grinder, and I'm drawn to this one because it would look great with my kettle, a black stagg with the walnut handle. I havent been able to find a whole lot of info about it online.

>> No.17459611

Timemore is trash

>> No.17459633


>> No.17459644

They're bad grinders? The fuck do you mean "why?"

>> No.17459653

I mean, what makes them bad grinders, specifically?

You're welcome to have a nap before you respond, it seems like you need one.

>> No.17459657

Buy the shitty grinder then if you like the look of it. I don't care enough about you to explain why a shit grinder is shit. Waste your money if you want to that badly jesus christ.

>> No.17459678

Well that's just the thing my surly friend, I don't want to buy the grinder only because I like the look of it. I asked the original question because I am wondering if it is also a good grinder. So if you don't mind elaborating as to why you say Timemore is shitty, I would appreciate it.

Again, you're welcome to have a nap first.

>> No.17459684

Just buy the fucking thing. It's literally perfect in every way and is the best grinder ever conceived by man. The designer truly must have been inspired by the muses during its creation. Now fuck off.

>> No.17459714

Why are you so angry? I was just asking a question bro. What is shitty about it?

>> No.17459718

Buy it and post receipt or fuck off

>> No.17459853

Well? Where's the receipt? We're waiting.

>> No.17459862

imagine being such a cunt to people you never met online for no reason. not even trolling, just a pissy cunt

>> No.17459863

go back

>> No.17459869

Imagine asking for advice, receiving it, and then deciding that you don't like that advice and arguing with the person whom you asked for advice in the first place. You're acting like the fucking SGP faggot.

>> No.17459885

it wasn't an argument. calling it trash with no additional information is hardly advice

>> No.17459896

It's a grinder. It's job is to grind things consistently. For what possible reason do you think that a grinder could be considered bad? I would assume that anyone with any knowledge of coffee could understand what is meant by a bad grinder.

>> No.17459943
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, commandante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you've been fighting with, but why don't you look at grinders in a higher price range? I got the 1zpresso jx-pro, but I don't think that's the aesthetic you're looking for. You might want to just go ahead and buy a commandante; they come in a variety of colors and I'm sure there's one you'll like.

>> No.17459955
File: 26 KB, 713x611, lgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"don't think just buy!"
ahahahhaahhahah... holy shit what a fucking retard

>> No.17459995

Based retard
Based newfriend

>> No.17460046

Classic fuckery from people who won't even post beds.

>> No.17460054

If any of these "people" posted their beds they would almost certainly be overswirled

>> No.17460059
File: 44 KB, 320x427, shyssuafr8861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17460060
File: 19 KB, 680x453, 202112XXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latte art is so pretty

I can stand heat better than cold; my place is built for summer anyways

>> No.17460070

This is what the beds of people who tell you that your V60 grind looks like French press grind look like kek

>> No.17460071

the hario 02 server is not nearly big enough for multiple people

>> No.17460078

It's not meant for two people but you can still easily make 500g in it which is enough for two people.

>> No.17460255

What's a better one under $100?

>> No.17460258

Breville Smartgrinder Pro

>> No.17460298

Breville SGP but only when paired with a Melodrip

>> No.17460371

>under $100
>suggests a $200 gigantic electric grinder

>> No.17460377

Something like this seems more your speed retardbro

>> No.17460396

Why not the 1Zpresso Q2, as shilled by the other anons?

>> No.17460397

Does that chinkshit have even a fraction of the positive reviews that the Javapresse has?

>> No.17460430

It's all chinkshit.
>he thinks Amazon reviews are organic
If I trusted Amazon, I wouldn't be asking.

>> No.17460443

Holy shit you're even more retarded than the SGP guy

>> No.17460451

How am I retarded for requesting personal recommendations rather than relying on (((Amazon reviews)))

>> No.17460459

I personally recommend the Javapresse. Now what? Are you going to make up some excuse as to why my recommendation doesn't matter? Since you seemingly came here to be spoonfed information yet you're spitting out everything that you are being fed.

>> No.17460664

My recent light roast batch tends to stick and clump on my grinder. Normally it was only 0.1-0.2g, but now I could lose almost halfgram if I don't brush it off. What gives?

>> No.17460921

official /ctg/ equipment guide
>one 30.6 oz canister of maxwell house, $6
>one aeropress, $30
spend the cost savings on drugs or something, you've got to be kidding me with these $100+ grinders

>> No.17460989

I posted in the last thread that I am just starting out with speciality coffee and I was using a Hario Slim grinder. I liked the coffee and after some research I decided to order the Commandante grinder.
It arrived today and I must say the difference is like day and night. To the naked eye the grind looks 100% uniform and while I understand that in reality there will be some small differences, with the Hario I could even see the uneven parts with my eyes.
The coffee is also much, much better. Way less acidic than with the Hario, which was my main complaint

>> No.17461013

>this is your brain on memes, placebo and copypasta

>> No.17461016

depends on why you are making coffee
do you make coffee as a hobby?
or do you make coffee because you just want to drink coffee?
if its a hobby then buying a $1000+ grinder is justifiable.

>> No.17461022

my hobby is drinking cheap coffee and being happy :^)

>> No.17461023

>stale coffee
no thanks

>> No.17461085

I went from the javapresse to the q2. Please don't bother with the javapresse. It rattles and fucks up your grind consistency like crazy.

>> No.17461130

god i wish that was me.

>> No.17461134

I bought a $200 vaporizer years ago so I could spend more money on coffee now.

>> No.17461500
File: 126 KB, 590x417, 1642315698244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to put a drop of water in my beans before grinding

>> No.17461614

Hope you get help for whatever mental disorder you've got, bud.

>> No.17461664

No cure for microplastics in the brain.

>> No.17461750

There is no reason that a grinder should cost more than $100

>> No.17461764


>> No.17461770

My tamper was $130.

>> No.17461779

Just made coffee. What did I think of it?

>> No.17461785

Liked it slightly more than cumyourselfcoldbrew.

>> No.17461948
File: 49 KB, 612x612, 46d9ce20-d9d2-422c-8e88-edd87954ef92.438cc83048676451dcb59ae703de9cec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /ctg/

i'm hoping you can recomemmd a good stereo microscope that i can use to compare grind consistency and fines between several grinders that i own. I have 2 hand grinders and one that plugs onto the wall. i've also been using a pepper mill to grind for D60 to limited results and i have a blade grindr that i toook form my parents house when from they were moving but i mostly use that for crushing spices

I'm considering OMAX and AmScope, although ive heard better reviews about the TELMU (picrel)
does anyone have experience with stereo microscopes and preparing coffee grounds on slides?

i think that being able to compare the results of the different grinders will help to avoid any confusion when recommending grinders in the future

>> No.17461953

I recommend the Breville Smartscope Pro

>> No.17461961

They're not fake and they're probably better than generic coffee, but if you can't find a roast date on it I wouldn't even bother. Just find a specialty coffee shop to try some shit and see if it's worth the money for you.

>> No.17461974

Why not just call this the specialty coffee general to avoid retards who think anything else then instant coffee is a pretentious waste of money.

It's like going to a gaming pc building general and wondering why they don't just use their smartphones to play candycrush.

>> No.17462002

I think a better choice would be a graduated set of micro-sieves, so you could actually separate the different fractions, and weigh them.
(Yes, there are actual commercial products for this.)

>> No.17462010
File: 383 KB, 1080x810, Instant-Coffee-House-Blend-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specialty instant is a thing now.

>> No.17462018

Yeah.. it'll be great
Fok yeah
Lol bait
I prefer Nabob if I can't make it to the local roaster

>> No.17462022

don't confuse that with quality
they just found another market to tap into

>> No.17462263


>> No.17462295

do you wash your grinder out if you're grinding different beans
I just want to make one cup of a different set of beans but thinking about cleaning the grinder twice for one cup sounds pointless

>> No.17462446

I have it and it's good. Compared to a cheap Amazon grinder it's about 3x as fast and produces a perfectly even grind. The bearings are very smooth, the internals are all metal, the adjustment knob is robust and has a satisfying and deliberate clicking action. I've been using it daily for a year and it hasn't experienced any noticeable wear or deterioration or drift in grind size. The chassis is solid, it's heavy and doesn't rattle in the hand. It looks good. The screw threads for the base are well-machined and it screws and unscrews very smoothly. I cannot possibly fathom what would make a better grinder better, or what about it is remotely bad, let alone trash. This guy is a retard who probably works for another grinder company

>> No.17462495

>produces a perfectly even grind.
How are you measuring this?

>> No.17462507


>> No.17462524

I don't.

>> No.17462536

Yes, soak it in soapy water for a few hours and let it air dry

>> No.17462544

>intentionally trying to ruin people's grinders
fuck you

>> No.17462580
File: 3.55 MB, 578x754, ezgif-1-7727dfc46d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a stereo microscope to view grinds. I can vouch for the
AmScope M150C-PS25. Gif related, my sberm :D

>> No.17462588

Isn't this a bit overkill?

>> No.17462601

Anything that costs more than $100 is overkill no matter what it is

>> No.17462624

Kind of wish I ordered this instead of a key. Guess I'll use the key for a few years, flip it, and snag whatever this mad scientist has put together. I thought wug only made a motor for the hg1...

>> No.17462656
File: 1.93 MB, 1352x1795, PXL_20220221_212135583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks consistent to me bud

>> No.17462683
File: 3.23 MB, 1920x896, sifter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most grinds do until you sift them.
t. guy with $270 of sifters sitting around. Not my picture. Off a kruve facebook video.

>> No.17462691
File: 2.11 MB, 1795x1352, PXL_20220221_212930952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bigger grind

>> No.17462704

>produces a perfectly even grind.

>> No.17462705


>> No.17462729
File: 1.32 MB, 1352x1795, PXL_20220221_213704893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post grinds from your superior grinder then

>> No.17462734

>$270 of sifters
Isn't that a bit overkill?

>> No.17462826
File: 2.64 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220221_215033539[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks consistent to me bud.
Probably, but the grinder I wanted was out of stock nearly all of 2020, so I ended up snagging the full kruve grind/bean set last april instead.

>> No.17462883

That does look consistent but how can you say the Timemore is shit if you're comparing it to grinds that have been sifted?

>> No.17462921

Those aren't sifted. I just happen to have the sifters. Didn't even bother cleaning it. Kinu m47p at ~1.8turns.

>> No.17462930

Based retard

>> No.17462943

Sounds like the Kruve Max set, including both 15 sieves for the grounds, running from 0.2mm to 1.6mm, and 10 sieves for beans (that is intended for people doing their own roasting).
Probably that many sieves are really only useful for people doing product reviews of grinders. For any particular brew you only need two sieves -- one to reject (for re-grinding) the grounds that are too coarse, and one to reject the grounds that are too fine.

>> No.17462954

Fuck you can really see how lazy my puck prep was too. Look at all that coffee clumped on the sides of the basket untouched. Live and learn.

>> No.17462979

You should have melodripped your puck bro

>> No.17462986

>one to reject (for re-grinding) the grounds that are too coarse, and one to reject the grounds that are too fine.

and if your budget for a grinder was greater then $100 you wouldn't need screens at all

>> No.17463005
File: 17 KB, 834x280, keyget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need hoffman's ultimate wdt video to come out.

>> No.17463078
File: 35 KB, 657x527, smk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this upset over a simple request
you reek of estrogen lmao

>> No.17463123

Isn't that a bit overkill?

>> No.17463136

Yeah, but it was too good of a deal to pass up. $1649 shipped whenever it gets here. I would have paid more for the hg2 after shipping customs and taxes. I could probably sell it for $2100 and order the new wug but whatever. I'll use it for a few years and flip it if anything else catches my eye.

>> No.17463158

>imagine believing coffee grinders appreciated in value

>> No.17463179
File: 272 KB, 918x464, car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1649 for a coffee grinder
>too good of a deal to pass up
the level of delusion of the faggots in this thread is truly unbelievable

>> No.17463187


>> No.17463211

Its 2k before shipping. Indiegogo preorders got a heavy discount.

>> No.17463234

You're the ESL who thinks that soda water and seltzer water are two different things, aren't you?

>> No.17463251

Anything over $100 is overkill

>> No.17463286

I bet you shave with cheap razors too.

>> No.17463295

Why would I spend $100 on a razor when a $1 safety razor does just as good of a job?

>> No.17463316

I use a feather asd2 and astra platinums for my balls and gooch. I use a very nice custom wedge kamisori everywhere else I can reach. Sometimes having nice things is nice. You should try it.

>> No.17463410

Kekt and rekt. I love my Pullman

>> No.17463416
File: 33 KB, 474x574, smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insecurity: the post

>> No.17463474


>> No.17463501

this is useless - the grounds are mounded, individual particles are only discernable on the edges

This is better, but has been handled too much - looks like the fines have been rubbed away. Grind consistency here looks pretty good.

Very useless.

Overall, you can't really do a very good job of assessing visually the quality of particle size distribution. There was a tool developed a few years ago that allows you to take a photo of coffee grounds with each particle separated and have the program analyse the particle sizes and plot them. Didn't work great, as getting your sample prepped properly was nearly impossible, and would likely result in all your fines being rubbed away.

>> No.17463522

>Grind consistency here looks pretty good.
There are literally pieces 40-60x larger than others in plain sight.

>> No.17463658

No dude the chinkshit G1 is totally an amazing grinder, I can prove that it's good by looking at the grinds with my naked eye and lying to myself. It's literally the best grinder ever made because it's made of machined metal that fits together.

>> No.17463975

Update: I have retrieved a nice cesve off of esty. It looks nice. will show off some turkish coffee some time

>> No.17464013

Love me some esty products. I've got some new needles otw for my 3d printed wdt.

>> No.17464149

Yeah, I like to make around 750g for three people but the 02 server isn't enough.

>> No.17464192

And? There is that on every grinder. The general size is quite uniform. Better than I would expect for a cheapish hand grinder.

>> No.17464249

>Overall, you can't really do a very good job of assessing visually the quality of particle size distribution.
Let me just visually assess this particle size real quick.

>> No.17464363

>my chinkshit grinder isn't shit!
>it's actually just that every other grinder is shit!

>> No.17464518

Just because it doesn't do a great job doesn't mean it is entirely useless. Post a sample ground with a prolex next to a sample ground by an ek43. It will be obvious.

I'm not the guy with the timemore. Relax, it will be okay if someone doesn't buy the cuckmandante like you did.

>> No.17464538

I don't own a cuckmandante. I only vouch for the SGP and nothing else. It's the only grinder supported by real science.

>> No.17464724
File: 434 KB, 995x710, 1620758260301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drinktrade the way to go for trying new beans?
I'm an aeropressfag idk if that matters

>> No.17464730


>> No.17464749
File: 62 KB, 213x260, 1631048990255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why kek

>> No.17464763
File: 360 KB, 800x1200, AeroPress-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of depth to enjoy black

>> No.17464786
File: 49 KB, 623x226, 1642259335725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit
>back out of order
>get promo email from "director of coffee"
>he looks like this

>> No.17464788

Damn... She look good

>> No.17464818
File: 171 KB, 378x481, zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supported by real science

>> No.17464859

her gaskets are all porous and cracked, and the outer housing was discolored and full of microfractures.

>> No.17464929

If I saw someone aeropressing out in the wilderness like that I would probably just kill them

>> No.17465545

>James Hoffman slurps, bumping the thread

>> No.17465566

any heat exchange chads in thread?

>> No.17465584

I don't believe in heat exchange. Heat just goes into the air unless you have something like a ceramic V60 to store it in.

>> No.17465674

Too late kek I already bought one for just 128 PHP. Will post some pics, and taste those shit later. Next time, I'll buy some of those fancy crap that the plebbitors recommend.

>> No.17466328

Not yet, gonna buy a Lelit Mara X about mid year. What have you got, or looking at?

>> No.17466402
File: 38 KB, 562x419, vinegarsalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
