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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17423022 No.17423022 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ my low functioning roommate somehow mixed up a stove top and an oven and accidently heated a pan with nothing in it for a long time. Is it still safe to use (pic rel)? Not teflon so not worried about that but the kitchen did smell when I came back.

>> No.17423029

not nice to talk about your mom like that

>> No.17423152

Greentext story, I don't understand.

>> No.17423157

Uhhh idk, probably. Hope this helps

>> No.17423167

Yeah it doesn't matter, the pan is fine.

>> No.17423186
File: 66 KB, 509x596, CRYST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may help.
That heavy decolorization will make for magnificent crystals and the crystals growing will scour the pot clean.
Report back w/results, plox.

>> No.17423210

>be me
>have low functioning roommate
>come back from gym
>kitchen smells like a chemical factory
>see roommate sitting at kitchen table playing low iq gacha game like arknights or something
>keep in mind roommate never cooks, his parents have to bring him his food pre cooked and he only occasionally "cooks" by putting frozen tendies in the oven
>somehow doesn't notice that it smells like china
>See stove on high with a pan on it, ask him wtf he's doing
>"preheating oven"
>immediately turn off stove, vent the room
>some reason he thought that to "cook" you had to have a pan on the stove, somehow mixed up turning on the oven and stove in the process
>now the pan looks like this
Living with this guy is a pain, takes him double the time of a normal person to do anything because he's constantly playing gacha "games"
thanks for the mustard recipe

>> No.17423216

It’s just the bluing of steel. You’re fine.

>> No.17423274
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>> No.17423304

Bluing refers to the process of creating a thin layer of black oxides on steel using a variety of chemical processes.

The blue is an oxide layer of a certain thickness. Usually formed around the 500-600 degree mark, but it is not technically called bluing. The ring where the heat was direct looks like it got over 700 degrees.

Pan is fine. If you don't like the discoloration then you can use some 600 grit or higher sandpaper to remove it. Kill roommate also.

>> No.17423314

Yes. Even if you eat flakes of Teflon it's not toxic, it's an inert substance that passes through you. Just reseason the pan a few times and you're good homie

>> No.17423317

What kind of pan was it? Aluminium, SS...?

>> No.17423332
File: 66 KB, 672x712, 1610832072466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further proof that any greentext that begins with >be me is an unfunny waste of time to read

>> No.17423360

>Further proof that any greentext that begins with >be me is an unfunny waste of time to read
It wasn't meant to be funny retard. He was literally asked to greentext to explain what happened. Go back to reddir.

>> No.17423392


>> No.17423492


>> No.17423513

>Living with this guy is a pain
I could just imagine how horrible it is living with a gymbro 4chan user....

>> No.17423522

It's fine, then.

You'll have to use some metal wool or whatever it's called in English, to remove the stains, but the pan is safe to use regardless.

>> No.17423910
File: 64 KB, 627x486, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_380042859_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just annealed the metal. If you smack it on something a few times there's a chance it'll shatter due to the change in grain structure. The steel will become fatigued over time and possibly crack and dump hot shit all over your stove.

Essentially your roommate case hardened your stainless pot. Trade it for an awp dragon lore.

>> No.17423940

What part of those three simple sentences were beyond you, retard?

>> No.17423947

Steel wool or brass wool.

>> No.17423979

Needed more context than my room mate heated a pan for too long. We can't all be simpletons like you.
>be me
>have low functioning roommate
>come back from gym
>kitchen smells like a chemical factory
>see roommate sitting at kitchen table playing low iq gacha game like arknights or something
>keep in mind roommate never cooks, his parents have to bring him his food pre cooked and he only occasionally "cooks" by putting frozen tendies in the oven
>somehow doesn't notice that it smells like china
>See stove on high with a pan on it, ask him wtf he's doing
>"preheating oven"
>immediately turn off stove, vent the room
>some reason he thought that to "cook" you had to have a pan on the stove, somehow mixed up turning on the oven and stove in the process
>now the pan looks like this

>> No.17424053
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1556852702448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you op or the retard
Why did you copy and paste that entire greentext
how am I the simpleton for not needing excessive detail that adds nothing to the initial inquiry
phenomenal bait made me reply

>> No.17424211

This is incoherent babbling. Annealing is literally the opposite of hardening something, for one.

>> No.17424262

I'm hard right now

>> No.17424413

that's not what case hardening is.

>> No.17424439
File: 127 KB, 467x469, 1644783482432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living with this guy is a pain, takes him double the time of a normal person to do anything because he's constantly playing gacha "games"

Genshin Chad dabbing on normie roommate

>> No.17424442

Annealing takes a long time and very slow cooling. It softens the steel and relieves internal stresses.

Steel embrittlement is caused from excessive grain growth, which usually occurs when steel is heated and held past its austenitizing temp and then quenched. Even after tempering the brittleness remains unlike a proper heat treat and temper.

Case hardening is a specific process that creates a thin, but hard layer of steel on the surface. You can case harden mild steel by heating the steel in an environment with a lot of free carbon. The carbon will migrate into the steel and allow for the creation of martensitic structures to form.

Tl;dr you need to learn more about metallurgy.

>> No.17424686

always clean your kitchen after cooking, and store away everthing

>> No.17424843
File: 207 KB, 2000x1000, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's shit himself before I don't think I can make his life any worse than he's making it himself
at least genshin has "gameplay", the games he plays are league + no gameplay gacha games (blue archive, arknights) where he skips the story

he wears a fucking childrens raincoat with nothing underneath inside because he cant be assed to do laundry and constantly snuggles with a super old looking lamb stuffed animal, he has the mental age of a fucking toddler

>> No.17425028

Yes, this is called annealing and is just the steel changing due to the heat. it's fine. If your pan were a knife, it would be ruined beyond repair.

>> No.17425448

This is your brain on video games

>> No.17425572

Why would you choose to type so much about something you clearly have zero knowledge of?

>> No.17426039

How old is this person and why do you choose to live with a literal retard?

>> No.17426257

Wow he sounds really vulnerable. If he's cute you should feed him estrogen and turn him into your feminized cocksleeve.

>> No.17426266
File: 173 KB, 1264x1264, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine op. Stainless is meant to withstand high heat. Get some Barkeep's Friend, let it soak for a little bit, then scrub with steel wool to get rid of the discoloration.

>> No.17426668

>he's shit himself before
well who hasn't at least once as an adult?
>the rest
Yeah, china's gonna just roll us soon I guess. Jesus christ these people...

>> No.17426703

just throw it out or make it his "designated pan that only he can use", its just stainless steal. cant be that much to replace

>> No.17426710

It's not fucked enough to toss. What if it has immense sentimental value for OP?

>> No.17426721

if OP has immense sentimental value invested in a stainless steel walmart pan then he has bigger issues to work out

>> No.17426732

That pan was his great grandmothers pan she used to save his great grandpa from dying in an avalanche 80 years ago. It has been passed down through the generations and was used to saved countless lives. OP wouldn't even be making this thread if it weren't for that pan. How dare you tell him to throw it out? How double dog dare you?

>> No.17426749

oh my bad, I had no idea OP was a poor. In that case just rub the pan with some canola oil and heat it up until it smokes

>> No.17426763

May not have money, but let me ask you this. Is money really true wealth? Or a strong and thriving family that is known for saving people's lives through the use of a generationally owned stainless pan?

>> No.17426772

>be me
>sitting at the kitchen table minding my own business and playing a game
>stuck up roommate comes back from planet fitness
>his fragile nasal passages immediately triggered because he doesn't build up an immunity to smells by shitting himself regularly
>"what the fuck's going on? why do you have a pan on the stove?"
>I'm cooking tendies you dumbass. I thought I was the retarded one
>roommate turns off stove and turns on vent, destroying my careful preheating work
>"oh fuck my pan is all green and shit! what did you do?"
>turn dial food hot. this isn't rocket surgery
>"but you're supposed to turn on the heckin' oven not the stove!!!"
>bitch you knew I was retarded, what did you expect
>roommate runs off to post on his low iq anime website because he thinks metal different color will kill his brain somehow
>I continue my card game and nasal desensitivity training

>> No.17426783

it's money

>> No.17426789

Npcslavepilled and unbased.

>> No.17426922

got him on uni housing, when I asked him why he was different online on the "find a roommate" site the uni sent us to he said his mom took care of finding a roommate and pretended to be him online for him
fake he doesnt have the attention span to type that out.

>> No.17426930

>t. coping poorfag

>> No.17426972

Thats bs. His grandpa had to smuggle the pan in his anus trying to get out of Poland in '39

>> No.17426978


>> No.17427388

pls post a pic of him in raincoat kek

>> No.17427557

>and pretended to be him online for him

This feels like it has to be a policy violation of some kind

>> No.17427561

ok no cystals so far but my nose sloughed off

>> No.17427656

he sounds adorable anon

>> No.17429357

It's wealth, because that's the only quality women value.