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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17418232 No.17418232 [Reply] [Original]

What is the cleanest way to eat a burger without silverware? Obviously using a fork and knife is the best way, but people get mad at you for doing that, for whatever reason.
If I use my hands I have to get up and wash them afterwards and that's annoying.

>> No.17418236

just get it without sauce

>> No.17418240
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You should be washing your hands regularly regardless, especially before and after a meal.
But to answer your question, leave it in the wrapper.

>> No.17418260

you get someone to feed it to you

>> No.17418264

Grow a set of nuts then you'll be able to eat it properly.

>> No.17418295 [DELETED] 

why do the weeaboo pedophiles who masturbate to children's cartoon always feel so driven to post their masturbation material to /ck/?
this is the cooking board, not the weeaboo pedophile masturbation material board.
every group of individuals who posts image content to this board is posting image content thats relevant to the board topic except for the group of people who posts weeaboo pedophile masturbation material.

>> No.17418304

Cut it in half. I went to a burger place that gave you monster burgers so they cut them into quarters before serving them.

>> No.17418316

While animefags are fags, that's just a reaction image. That's anons face when.

>> No.17418329

Debunked. It is not "just a reaction image"

>> No.17418332

Take your meds.

>> No.17418343

same reason OP can't stop jerking it for long enough to eat food and wash his hands. autist weeb pedo coomers don't have time in their lives for things other people consider normal, like eating properly and maintaining personal hygiene standards. they do mainly stay indoors and have a high suicide rate though, so it's not all bad news

>> No.17418367

What's wrong with wanting to eat without getting all messy? Do you eat out of a trough?

>> No.17418378
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hold the sides instead of the bottom

>> No.17418381
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>this is the cooking board,
the cooking board of the anime website.
we're here to talk about cooking with our fellow anime nerds.

if you don't like it, go somewhere else.

>> No.17418384

>implying there's no possible way to eat without getting covered in food
good luck with your parkinsons OP, rooting for you

>> No.17418392

I'm not OP.

>> No.17418405

Yes you are.

>> No.17418449
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Anime website, retard
Go back

>> No.17418454

Kek, ok.

>> No.17418457

>1 minute apart

>> No.17418545

is this a twirly croissant? but the bottom cream filling won't fall down, what is this witchery?

>> No.17418587

/ck/ is so slow I frequently check back on threads I've posted in.

>> No.17418602


>> No.17419260

>We asked our Swedish host about this exotic practice of taking fork and knife to the humble hamburger. (To be fair, it’s not just the Swedes. Norwegians have the same practice.)
>The rule, it turns out, is that, at bars and restaurants, it is proper to eat one’s hamburger with a fork and knife. At a fast-food establishment – at Max just as at its American counterparts – the hands are satisfactory, though I did spy an older man struggling to carve apart his Big Mac with a plastic fork and a plastic knife.
only dirty americans eat with their hands

>> No.17419285


>> No.17419308 [DELETED] 
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>What is the cleanest wa-ACK

>> No.17420238

Straight from /r/the_donal

>> No.17420247

imagine sticking your tongue in chino's beak

>> No.17420260

use a napkin retard

>> No.17420284

She's not a bird..

>> No.17420286

>What is the cleanest way to eat a burger without silverware?
Blender, cup, chug

>> No.17420288

Stop calling my wife masturbating material.

>> No.17420315

>loli poster
>is grossed out by eating food with his hands
Why am I not surprised by this?

>> No.17420341
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>Muh anime safespace!

>> No.17420358

/pol/eddit chuds are the ones bawling about anime, you meme spouting Reddit tier idiot

>> No.17420441
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>can't even eat a burger right

>> No.17420494

>this is the cooking board
Tell that to half the threads on the board that are blatant /pol/bait.

>Beyond Meat threads
>Vegan/Anti-meat threads
>Literal "Eat The Bugs" threads
>Fast food commercials with interracial couples threads
>Twitter screencap bait threads

Literally half the board is /pol/ crossboarders and countertrolls trying to bait the /pol/ crossboarders. /ck/ is quickly becoming a second /tv/ due to the complete lack of moderation.

>> No.17420507

My wife Chino is so cute.

>> No.17420518

This is an anonymous image board you don't have to sign your posts here

>> No.17420532 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 266x259, 1625803321580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I never see you make this same seething rant post in pepe, wojak, and off-topic politics threads? Seems less like you're concerned about muh on-topic muh board quality and more just butthurt about anime, eh /qa/ subhuman nigger?

>> No.17420564 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 600x800, 1610735458187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sniffs your cute hair..
Mhmmmmm... Come here cutie~~

>> No.17420586 [DELETED] 

Pepes and Wojaks aren't pedophile tells, so the same rant obviously won't apply. They're retard tells. People call them on it frequently, but you won't see rants about it because retards aren't as infuriating as pedophiles.

>> No.17420612

about the retarded response I expected
> People call them on it frequently
who you trying to fool, newfag? I'd say go back to you shithole but it's still locked by the mods, right?

>> No.17421255 [DELETED] 

Seething pedo. I would kill you if I knew who you are. Seriously. I'd be very willing to go to prison for taking one of you down.

>> No.17421485

Kill yourself, /qa/ newfag. Anime website.

>> No.17421491 [DELETED] 

For like two years. This place would have disappeared over a decade ago if /b/ hadn't summoned us true channers.

>> No.17422661
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Could chopsticks work?

>> No.17422684

>anime ree
>frogs and wojaks are fine though hehe
Thankfully your faggot threads actually get deleted. Cry more.

>> No.17422691

You would still have to cut it up first.

>> No.17422723

Wojacks are cancer but frogs are fine (as is anime), opposition to pepe is entirely political and should have no place on a free speech platform

>> No.17422728

frogposters are literally incapable of not shitposting
at least you can talk to a trannime poster, frogposters are just braindead retards

>> No.17422778

Pepe was fine in the good ole days. Now he's just normalfag spam. How the mighty have fallen. Apu is sorta fine, but he's borderline.

>> No.17422816
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Not food and cooking.

>> No.17423421

Huh? It's literally about food

>> No.17423879

Wrap it in a napkin and use it to soak up any juices that leak out. Also, clean your hands regularly, you nasty.

>> No.17423928
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mods need to stop baby sitting /a/dditors

>> No.17425804
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they should be babysat because it's their website lol

>> No.17426141

/a/ freaking out with praise for mods when they see the ebin red text is cancer but so are you

anime website and you're just going to have to learn to deal with that

>> No.17426608
File: 89 KB, 607x1080, alice chino 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kissing chino's lips...