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17414002 No.17414002 [Reply] [Original]

is cheese essentially (glorified) junk food?

>> No.17414009

I think this thread is disingenuous and you have ulterior motives

>> No.17414010

Cheap processed cheese is. Real cheese is okay.

>> No.17414018

Maybe it's the perspective but that looks like a giant mound of cheese that I just want to lie down in naked.

>> No.17414028 [DELETED] 

how idiot are you. Heres a tip. go eat some smegma and savor the taste

>> No.17414066

love cheese and always will. but trying to purge other junk food shit I am much more destructively addicted to rn and the thought just occurred to me is all

even if I did suddenly put it in the same class I still wouldn't dream of pontificating

>> No.17414184

No it's just high in calories. Has good protein and some contain good probiotics and stuff like that.

>> No.17414190

It's high in salt too. I'm not sure if the amount of salt is necessary for preservation or they think that's just the amount of salt that people want in it for taste. But I don't think that necessarily makes it junk food.

>> No.17414192

i'm eating popcorn with fresh parm
i guess you could call it glorified junk food

>> No.17414229

No, but your third world cope is funny

>> No.17414254

Junk food would imply devoid of nutrition.

A fine artisan cheese in moderation will not make you fat.

Idk people say they are addicted to cheese, but usually they don't eat enough good fats like lard, butter, cream, and tallow. So they get hooked on cheese and overeat it.

While I enjoy cheese I do not binge on it.

>> No.17414256
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Only if you are a burger and call this crap "cheese"

>> No.17414265

You know there are hundreds of kinds of cheese, right? Some are salty, others have basically no salt at all.

>> No.17414273

While I will admit that American cheese is garbage, it also melts real easy making everything super cheesy. I would highly recommend you try some beefaroni from Chef Boyardee with two slices of American cheese, you will not be disappointed.

>> No.17414274

>others have basically no salt at all.
Do you mean fresh cheese? Because I've never seen any kind of aged cheese that didn't have a lot of salt.

>> No.17414284

Yes. Aged cheese is bound to be salty for obvious reasons, it would just rot if it wasn't.

>> No.17414287

Yeah I know some salt is used for preservation reasons, what I was wondering is if the level of salt currently used in most cheese is only for preservation reasons or because they think people like it to be saltier for flavor reasons.

>> No.17414336
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It really depends on the brand.

>American Cheese (Milk, Salt,Cheese Culture, Enzymes), Water, Cream,Sodium Phosphates, Salt.
This is the ingredient list for Boar's Head American cheese. It's almost the same as "real" cheese, other than the sodium phosphates which is used to make it melt smoothly. And it says it's made with some real aged cheddar. You can add sodium phosphates or sodium citrate to real cheddar with a small amount of water and it'll melt into something smooth and creamy.

Pic related is the ingredient list for cheaper Walmart brand American "singles". It's got more isolated dairy products used and whey/skim milk with starch and a bunch of other stuff. There's even a big nutritional difference between this and Boar's Head, with Boar's Head cheese having about 50% more fat and protein which means the Walmart cheese has more water in it, and the Walmart cheese has 2g of carbs compared to Boar's Head 1g per slice.

>> No.17414528

i bought some cream, but it's gone south of sour and into blue cheese territory stink-wise, and has the consistency and density of mortar. It's also slightly carbonated.

I don't bake/do carbs, so can't use it as a leavener. Anything else I can do with this shit?

>> No.17415546

Do Anglo saxons really intentionally eat spoiled milk products?

>> No.17415596

whats the really orange one on the bottom left?

>> No.17416960

mimolette, I think

>> No.17416978

That shit literally can't be sold as cheese in my country lmao

>> No.17417549

>In america
yes, its where all the fat from 'fat free' options gets dumped.
>In europe
absolutely not, particularly varieties that have Designated Origin Protection. They've been making those kinds of cheeses longer than some nations have existed.

>> No.17417781

Shut yo cracka ass up nigguh goddam

>> No.17417797
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People have been making cheese as a way to preserve milk over the winter since prehistoric times.

>> No.17418362

>Fermented =/= rotten
You dumb dog-eating chink

>> No.17418377
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No, if it was it wouldn't taste like utter ass

>> No.17418833

american cheese is just a blend of two old world cheeses with an emulsifier

>> No.17418872

Is it true that blacks can't eat cheese or just made up bs like they can't swim?

>> No.17418895

Lactose intolerant people can eat most cheese. Most cheese has very little lactose and you'd have to eat pounds of it to get the same amount of lactose that's in a cup of milk. Lactose intolerant people can generally have yogurt too since it contains bacteria that helps break down the lactose and some of it survives passing through stomach acid. It's only really an issue with fresh milk, but lactose intolerant people can still drink around a cup of it before they start experiencing problems too.

Black Americans probably have more tolerance for lactose since most of them have some European heritage mixed in. Most Africans won't tolerate it as well, but there's a group of people in Africa called the Maasai that drink lots of milk and don't seem to have any problem with it.

>> No.17418921

No, it is an essential staple especially if you don’t or cannot eat a lot of meat.

>> No.17420036

Okay, little troll, I'll bite. Why don't you explain to us your rationale for calling cheese "junk food?"

From the standpoint of taste alone, cheese has endless variety, from the very bland used mostly for texture to the extremely pungent eaten only by dangerous cultists.

From the standpoint of nutrition, cheese is a good source of protein and tends to contain fats that can be a beneficial part of your diet.

From the standpoint of bacteriology, cheese contains a lot of organisms that might or might not be good for your gut. Seriously, no one has fuck-all specifics about yet probiotics.

Cheese was developed as a way of stabilizing valuable nutritional substances from milk, so they last longer without real refrigerator. In societies that had to work their asses off for every extra calorie, it was a huge blessing over the long haul, when crops might or might not cooperate with the community's needs.

>> No.17420062

lol slim jims contain protein
that doesn't make them not junk food

>> No.17420064

I refuse to eat cheese. It is one of the easiest foods to cut from your diet. It is a terrible, horrible food. Never eat cheese.
I make my own non fat yogurt using the water bath method with some extra milk powder.

>> No.17420089

The most important elements of nutrition are macronutrient balance and micronutrient content. For people in first world countries, eating more protein and less carbohydrates is likely to be beneficial, so you can consider high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods to be nutritious. You are dumb as fuck if you haven't learned this by now.

>> No.17420094

soooo slim jims arent junk food?

>> No.17420115

If slim jims are a high protein, low carb food, the chances are that if you're an American, eating slim jims instead of whatever average American food is, is going to improve your macronutrient balance and make you healthier overall. After reading the nutritional value of a slim jim, I am vindicated in this opinion. Next time you are about to eat a big bowl of cheerios or unbranded walmart macaroni, if you replaced equivalent caloric value of that food with slim jims, it would be a nutritionally superior meal.

>> No.17420241

lol i got you to claim slim jims arent junk food
what a dumbass

>> No.17420314

I'm eating the little bleu on the right atm

>> No.17420322

Yeah, it's just processed salt and fat, which is every junk food ever. Why do you think most of it is cheese flavored anyway?

>> No.17420335

Nobody cares.

>> No.17420337
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>> No.17420340
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>They've been making those kinds of cheeses longer than some nations have existed.
>it can't be junk food because it's old!
I hate retards so much.

>> No.17421216

everyone eats fermented something or other

>> No.17421224
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queso manchego > all

>> No.17421227

>Yeah, it's just processed salt and fat
Cheese is like half protein and half fat.

>> No.17421339

what the fuck was her problem

>> No.17421341


>> No.17421365

she's obsessed with the mold

>> No.17421457

cheese usually has too much protein to be considered junk food but it certainly can be very high in calories

>> No.17421462

Junk? No way, cheese is great as long as it's not the processed real Amerigan style.

>> No.17421672

anon... all cheese is processed to some degree.
i would say separating the curds from the whey and pressing it and dipping it in wax and stuff is a "process"

>> No.17421844

more like cheese is typically calorically dense. depending on how much or what type of cheese, it could be considered junk food, but I would have to judge that on a case by case basis.

>> No.17421876

Processed cheese is cheese that was already cheese before it was processed. Like those American Singles, or cheese that comes out of a tube.

>> No.17422175

>big ranch guerilla marketing campaign

>> No.17422195
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I like mah murrrican cheese for gyros

>> No.17422764

cheese is extremely nutritious

>> No.17422774

yeah because its made with crappy oils and a ton of nitrates, doesnt happen to cheese

>> No.17423933
File: 202 KB, 807x1199, 1643674924062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dairy fat: healthiest fat
Basically no carbs
Some salt which is something only pussies care about.