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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17304018 No.17304018 [Reply] [Original]

You know what? You bastards spammed this board up with your stupid panettone threads that no one cared about. Well, make way for a thread about a REAL seasonal cake, bitches.

Here's something interesting for you people unfamiliar with the legendary KING CAKE: it comes with a baby. Something you king cake hating incels will never have! Ohohoho!

>> No.17304033

your literally talking about stale bread topped with basic sugar water icing and colored sprinkles

get a fucking grip

>> No.17304046

Yep, you're not gonna have a baby though. I am, since I'm a king cake eater. A baby comes with every delicious king cake! So tasty.

>> No.17304063

1) I made a thread about it by the tine of the epiphany;
2) I VILL make threads about hot cross buns and colomba come Easter.

>> No.17304074
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Huh, looks good. Not a good cross shape though.

>> No.17304091

Colomba means dove, so it’s shaped like a dove.

>> No.17304186

thinly veiled pedo thread

>> No.17304201

>Look everyone, I'm projecting!
Neck yourself, sacrilegious pedo. You pedo king cake hating incels will never have babies, or have a little toy of baby Jesus in their cake. What a sad life.

>> No.17304222
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>> No.17304238

Honestly that sounds better than panettone

>> No.17305311

How many fucking versions of panettone do Italians have???

>> No.17305383

You probably don't even know what the baby is for

>> No.17305431
File: 497 KB, 1536x2048, The King's Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I prefer the King's Hand, no offense to your gay french stuff

>> No.17305611

Based. I loved visiting Nola.

>> No.17305764

Of course I do. You're telling me I don't know that whoever finds the baby in the king cake has to cram it up their ass?

>> No.17305851

>First it did not exist
>Then it did exist

>> No.17306683

Is your technicolor Americake filled? Our king cake has almond paste (or almond cream, preferably) in it.

>> No.17306879

alright real question who has the best king cake

for me it's meche's

>> No.17306890

only heathens celebrate this Holiday.

>> No.17306920

Let it be known that I was going to make my neighbor mardi gras cookies, but than they flew a Three Percenters 13 colony flag, so fuck them. No cookies for you. Stupid alt right insurrectionists don't deserve my cookies.

>> No.17306936

thats pretty neat

>> No.17307104

I ate these really good ones last year but I don't remember who made them. They really were the best ones I've ever had. Right now I just ate some from
Marguerite's, it was pretty tasty but they're a bit stingy with the filling. I got cream cheese.

>> No.17308334
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Based King cake chad. My favorite of the seasonal cakes

>> No.17308347

So who makes a good one I can order?

>> No.17308438

Did you want to kiss them on the mouth?

>> No.17308440

Baking isn't cooking. Putting dough in the oven and just waiting for 2 hours doesn't require skill. It's peasant work

>> No.17308481

Those things suck balls even worse than cheap panettone. But the ones bruno albouze and yuros do look delicious.

>> No.17309765

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.17309891

Think you should go kiss them anon.
Why are you giving up? That's not cool.
Buy a pirate flag and show them what's cool.

>> No.17310571

I don't want to kiss them, I just wanna eat their king cake

>> No.17310744

Spic, please.

>> No.17310815

How am I a spic? This is a Louisiana tradition, not many spics here. Mardi Gras is French. Stay mad incel.

>> No.17311095
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I found it! :o

>> No.17311109


>> No.17311641
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That is all.

>> No.17311646

Isn't it a choking hazard? I heard about its origin in nawlins, but I am surprised there no trigger warning due to the whole kinder thing

>> No.17311653
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m&m in a savory pie?

do wippo really

>> No.17311664

Sauce me on these lasses bros

kinda butterface but loving those bodies bros

>> No.17311690

Yes. That's what happens when you take the Hons and the Dagoes out of the equation.

>> No.17311704

It is a choking hazard, which is why most king cake producers now have the baby outside the cake so you can choose to put the baby in if you want. I was surprised to have this in my piece, I don't think anyone in my family put it in there lol. I almost bit down on it really hard but then I thought it could have been the baby. It really is pretty dangerous.

>> No.17312075

Shut the fuck up faggot and choke on my babies.

>> No.17312239


>> No.17312501

I went to New Orleans once and got drunk and licked a girl’s feet it was pretty awesome.

>> No.17312509

ahh that make sense.

>> No.17312563
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is this you

>> No.17312608


>> No.17312636

Thats not the real bread.

>> No.17312641


>> No.17312643

So where's the real bread?

>> No.17312690

This is a really weird hill to die on

>> No.17312697

The king cake hill is prosperous and delicious. It is surrounded by endless plains and fields filled with fresh wheat and vineyards and flowing with milk and honey. Your land will be laid to waste.

>> No.17312704

holy fuck I think I'd assault a minority for this

>> No.17312710

Yes you are.

>> No.17312716

Dude do you know what people in New Orleans do?
They fuk.
King cake is the cake of sex-havers.

>> No.17312730
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>Tourist who will 'save' /ck/

>> No.17312733

Bro you can pick any random thread on /ck/ and at least 10 posters will have licked some girl’s feet in new orleans that’s just statistics man.

>> No.17312756

they want $70 just for delivery

>> No.17312761

I licked my wifes feet while in new orleans for mardi gras in like 2013. I'm a footfag so that isn't out of the ordinary for us. she had worn ankle boots and socks which made her feet sweat. v nice.

>> No.17312791

King Cake offends these retards so bad they will resort to mindless name calling. Fuck off hater. You will never eat king cake.

>> No.17312842

It's a soft plastic figure that's about the size of a quarter. The actual number of incidents caused by people biting down or choking on them is very, very small.

>> No.17312939

Shut up racist.

>> No.17313185

cut your nails, nigger.

>> No.17313308

I can already smell and aroma stale beer and piss from the picture.

>> No.17313321
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King cake is bland and full of plastic.

>> No.17313362

>can't enjoy the trifecta of pannetone, hot cross buns and king's cake

>> No.17313777

Panettone and colomba are different. Colomba is a simple baked focaccia with almonds and sugar on top. Panettone has a specific recipe that's almost impossible to make at home

>> No.17313982

Anon none of these faggots know what this is because you need multiple friends to do the whole thing right

>> No.17314229

Thanks doc.

>> No.17314247

it was a dream until it got out

>> No.17314254

why does his shitty dream food get to materialize but my dream wife doesnt? its not fair.

>> No.17314258

The King's Hand knew it didn't exist and found a way out. I suspect your dream wife doesn't even know she doesn't exist yet.

>> No.17315179
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>Colomba is a simple baked focaccia with almonds and sugar on top.