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File: 448 KB, 1600x946, VegNews.BeyondBurger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17288695 No.17288695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Veganism a class thing or because of the way it is cheaply produced, and made to be more expensive than the real food it is initiating it only is giving the illusion of being a class thing?

>> No.17288698

It’s a class thing. Poor “vegans” would have to drink milk and eat vegetables all day just like they did in India.

>> No.17288700

Neither you spazzy pseudopsychologist troll

>> No.17288706

I hate these vegan shit threads more then I hate fast food threads

>> No.17288733

>Is Veganism a class thing
it's a pretentious thing.

>> No.17288734

how rude.
you didn't even thank us for coming to your ted talk.

>> No.17288748
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you WILL eat the impossible burger
you WILL drink the soylent
you WILL eat the "meat" grown from human cells

>> No.17288763

sometimes people genuinely just don't want to hurt animals and are a little more health conscious too

>> No.17288775

>cheaply produced, and made to be more expensive
this is why i make all my shit at home. not all plant-based products are like this but some are for sure, but also, the more expensive stuff is genuinely not easy to reproduce at home... so

>> No.17288776

>genuinely don't want to hurt animals
OP is right, its a class thing.

>> No.17288779

It's a class thing and a globalist thing. To truly be healthy they have to import all sorts of seed and powders from the four corners of the earth using slave labour instead of just eating some eggs or fish once a week.

>> No.17288794

Hey, were you that one guy wearing a dress and smelling like literal shit?

>> No.17288798

Vegans are overrepresented among low income families.

Seriously, why can't anti-vegans stop spewing bullshit? Like what motivates to lie like this?

>> No.17288802

Flax seed or hemp seed (for Omega 3) and nutritional yeast (for B12). That's it. That's literally it. That's the entirety of my specialty shopping list. All other nutrients are covered by my regular shopping list of cheap beans, cheap grains and cheap vegetables.

>> No.17288812

of course it's a class thing, it's meat. poor people can't afford meat

>> No.17288816

>veggies are... LE EXPENSIVE
Kek, way to oust yourself as a fat fuck.

>> No.17288819

>doesn't want to hurt animals
>eats imitation animal flesh
hmmmmmmmmmm really makes you think

>> No.17288823

>health conscious
if they were they would realize that entropy dictates that they must replace their dead cells with new one from land animal since humans are land animals.
it's science.

>> No.17288836

>implying every single cow isn't getting 300x the amount of food imported from across the globe every single month

>> No.17288842

Its an obvious psyop by the meat industry.
Meat eater elitist can make fun of vegans, and rightly so. Having a certain diet doesnt have to be about having to substitute something you dont eat. It seeths both sides. You are a retard for advocating for it as a vegan and also a retard for caring about making fun of vegans if you eat meat. But i guess this is all fine with those who use twitter.

>> No.17288871

Because reminding them the harm that's caused by their lifestyle makes them feel guilty but giving up their Big Macs is literally a nightmare to them so they cope by spouting disinfo or by saying that vegans are virtue-signalling.

>> No.17288909

anyone else living that carn life just because it contrasts with the vegan sissy tranny femboy faggots you bully and breed? i can tell they like it, and their own diet makes them so skinny and soft and smooth. violence is the ultimate authority from which all other authority is derived, and these significantly younger traps need a believable authority figure, so i take care to eat meat, moreso earlier in the week however, so my loads taste better when we hook up on weekends.

>> No.17288917

Vegans are a group of mentally impaired people who never realized that their «healthy» food plastic wrapping and propaganda papers harmed more animals, and humans by the way, than my steak.

There's no valid reason to be vegan over vegetarian. None.

>> No.17288927

I have a large garden you dumbass. If you're actually poor you eat what you can for free. That means gardening, dumpster diving, foraging, hunting/trapping/fishing, doing whatever you can for food. And before you say "beans are cheap" They are, but they also give me horrible heartburn and acid reflux, no matter how long I soak them or how often I change the soaking water. So that source of protein is out of the question for me
>fat fuck
I'm 120 lbs.

>> No.17288938

>big macs
It's 2022, fast food is for vegans now.

>> No.17288973

they know they're animal abusers and cannot stand feeling called out for it, even when we walk on fucking eggshells to avoid it

>> No.17288978

Vegans can't walk on eggshells that animal exploitation and abuse.

>> No.17288982

>Vegans are a group of mentally impaired people
fuck you, you fucking gaslighting psychopath
>who never realized that their «healthy» food plastic wrapping and propaganda papers harmed more animals, and humans by the way, than my steak.
tfw so full of shit your intestines might explode

>> No.17288995
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...good point

>> No.17289015

What the fuck are you on about? Seriously, I can't keep up with unironic schizos.

>> No.17289017

Yeah cause rice, beans, and peanuts are so fucking expensive..

>> No.17289018
File: 559 KB, 1280x720, KFC-China-to-sell-vegan-chicken-nuggets-_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you looked at this board?

>> No.17289026

the only thing that's needlessly expensive imo is raw soybeans. drives me crazy. it's nice keeping the okara but i really wish it were cheaper, especially being environmentally friendly and more easily cultivated. but supply and demand.

>> No.17289074

Oh no, you poor thing. They only sell Beyond Chicken now, and they threw all their regular chicken in the trash? Poor you, KFC chicken was your favorite chicken too.

>> No.17289081

>retards making threads over a novelty product in order to complain about vegans somehow proves that fast food is for vegans despite the fact that fast food chains' sales of meat products overwhelmingly dwarf their sales of meat imitation products

>> No.17289090

>health conscious
If they really were health conscious they'd realize veganism is the worst thing for their health
God I hate you niggers

>> No.17289097

It's a dumb thing because if you want meat you should eat meat, if you want vegetables you should eat vegetables.

>> No.17289099

Vegans rank better than carnists by most health metrics, seething fattie.

>> No.17289102

You cant get collagen from plants retard

>> No.17289126

>meh shit meh fuk iou
It's a fact that modern lifestyle kills more than eating omelettes every days. Unless they are willing to give up pretty much anything and lives like hermits all kind of animal care is bullshit in my eyes.

>> No.17289138

>swear words are le icky!!!1
What are you, an 80 year old woman? You don't belong here, snowflake.

>> No.17289142

They rank better because it's mostly healthy people who got swindled into going vegan, not that it made fatties healthy.

>> No.17289144

Assuming the focus was on americans then no shit they do when 40% of americans are obese.
Even people who are at a healthy weight eat a diet of fast food and industrial slop, but hey continue believing what the jews want you to.
Stay weak faggot

>> No.17289147

Grandson, it's time to sleep.

>> No.17289153

Nope. Even after adjusting for BMI, alcohol intake, smoking status, processed food consumption and socioeconomic status, vegans are still healthier.

>> No.17289192
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Lol, the bullshit you can make up is very creative, I'll give you that.

>> No.17289232

I know this is bait and all, but this is kinda half right. Fake meat products and some very specific vegan/vegetarian (vv) products are prohibitively expensive. I know this personally because I cut red meat, pork, shellfish and dairy out of my diet (for cholesterol reasons) and there's really no way I can justify spending $10/lb on beyond ground beef and $8/lb on their sausage.

That said, some things like vv mayo is about the same price as regular because Hellman's mass produces it. Not every vv product is a ripoff to the point where you have to be wealthy or willing to double the price of your food purchase just to have something once in a while. I saw one survey out there that said a higher % of poor people (in the US) are vv at around 7% than the national average of 5%.

Now, the other half of this answer is no, it really doesn't cost that much to be vv if you want. Grains and beans and root vegetables and basic fruits like apples and bananas and oranges are very inexpensive, especially if you can get in bulk. Salad greens can be a little pricey these days, but still not bank-breaking, especially if you buy things like spinach that you can cook with if it's getting close to expiration.

>> No.17289244

Nobody is a vegan.

Most vegetables are grown with bone and blood meal (made with so-called factory farm animals)

>> No.17289279

I don't eat fast food

>> No.17289284

Way to miss the point, retard.

>> No.17289289
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>> No.17289291

What's your point then? You've just been rambling and spitting childish insults at anyone who disagrees with you

>> No.17289332

Vegetarianism based veganism cringe

>> No.17289363

because they just focus on the small fraction of rich/trendy vegans that buy shit like soylent or any other vegan mainstream novelty
veganism is a class thing historically in the sense that poor people could not afford meat. Italian popular cuisine is full of vegan dishes because back then it was the only affordable meal for the majority of the population

>> No.17289424

Fast food is still 99% for carnists. Now there's just a vegan option for when carnists drag their vegan friends to get fast food with them.

>> No.17289444

I don't eat fast food and I'm a "carnist". Though I prefer the term omnivore since I eat from all kingdoms of life. If I had a vegan in my life who I could trust enough to bring over and feed I would have no issue making them a whole food plant based meal perfectly catered to their religion.

>> No.17289466

Seriously, leave some chromosomes for other people, bro. You can't keep them all to yourself.

>> No.17289476

None of what you wrote is relevant. The current line of discussion stems from >>17288938, about who fast food is for, and the sensible conclusion is that fast food is still for carnists by and large, with vegans making up only the teeniest tiniest smallest little market segment of the target audience.

>> No.17289500

I eat meat because it's halal, simple as

>> No.17289508

No, everything is a conspiracy to make anon feel low class

>> No.17289524

So do you accept that the world is never gonna go vegan?

>> No.17289533

veganism is a weak person thing. Not just physically, but mentally.

>> No.17289555

Not relevant to this discussion. What is wrong with you?

>> No.17289570

Nothing is wrong with me other than vegans are egotistical, annoying, and call for the extinction of animals I am passionate about.

>> No.17289583

Do you fucktards ever get tired of posting the same picture over and over

>> No.17289596

That's because poor girls develop anorexia as a coping mechanism for not being able to be as pretty as the women in magazines

>> No.17289603

If you want to be vegan, fine whatever, but why do you need fake meat. Just eat your tofu and be happy

>> No.17289609

not the person you were replying to, but
>vegans... call for the extinction of animals

>> No.17289617

>Health conscious
>45+% carb diet
>PUFA-rich vegetable oils

>> No.17289636

If you don't want to hurt animals you *HAVE* to give up mechanically harvested grains and pulses.

>> No.17289643
File: 647 KB, 700x457, thepeacefulhippo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to any vegan, ultimately you will find they are adamantly against domesticated animals being bred into existence, because vegans think it would be better for them to never exist than to have to "suffer" under the horrible treatment of humans. Yes, they even see your dog as suffering under your so called care. In their eyes, animals would never voluntarily choose to be domesticated, even though humans offer animals a deal that they simply cannot receive in the wild.
Does animal abuse exist? yes. Does that mean all people who care for domesticated animals are abusers? No. Is raising and slaughtering a domesticated animal for food abuse? No.

>> No.17289651

And most fruit, vegetables, and nuts too.

>> No.17289653

And neither of those are unhealthy, lardass.

>> No.17289662

yum totally healthy

>> No.17289663

Always the same retarded talking points. Arguing with you is like beating a dead horse.

>> No.17289664

>having to come up with a buzzword to call normal people
omnivores if anything, retard
aka the normal choice as intended, not this gay faggy globohomo lifestyle vegan shit you little twinks think makes you so special and superior

>> No.17289666

You can't beat a dead horse that isn't vegan and is therefore animal cruelty.

>> No.17289670
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>> No.17289673

lol fat subhuman is mad

>> No.17289677

>has no actual counter argument

>> No.17289681


>> No.17289685

Get the fuck off this board schizo.

Post meal that you made.

These beyond meat threads are beyond food and beyond cooking so you all should be beyond done with having them.

>> No.17289695

You don't have an argument, you have a strawman. I'm vegan and I'm fine with domesticated animals.

>> No.17289704
File: 102 KB, 756x567, 20210829c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post meal that you made.
With pleasure!
Duck breast, roast scallop squash, cherry tomatoes, and sautéed onions. All homegrown/raised.

Your turn :)

>> No.17289710

You're fine with domesticated animals except for when they feed people?

>> No.17289712

that plate, are you from the 70s?

>> No.17289713

i dunno if you know this, but most vegans are not eating beyond burger mass produced garbage. most vegans are eating rice and beans, which are cheap as fuck. so other way around

>> No.17289714
File: 751 KB, 1377x1252, pretzlel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice plating.

I made pretzels and yes I am not that good at making them brown. I did an egg wash but it probably needed misting with water.

>> No.17289715

Yes. I'm sure that makes you upset somehow, but the point is that all you have is a strawman.

>> No.17289728
File: 56 KB, 533x400, 20210626_22233c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but my grandmother in law (may she rest in peace) collected blue willow so I have a lot of it.

That looks way better than what I can do. I am not a baker but I'd love to make pretzels someday. Did you use shortening or butter for the pretzels? I'm looking at a recipe and it says for the wash its one yolk with a bit of water. Did you use a whole egg?

Anyways, here's a chocolate cheesecake I made.

>> No.17289729

He didn't say beating a dead horse is a good thing. The opposite in fact, he compared arguing with you to beating a dead horse precisely because they are both pointless cruelty.

>> No.17289738

So you don't want livestock, whos whole purpose of existing is to feed people, to exist. So what do you want done with them? And how do you plan to keep people from eating them?

>> No.17289746

How is beating a dead animal cruelty? It's dead.

>> No.17289747

>Meat is delicious, good for you,and is what humans are meant to eat
>vegans are lying narcissists who belong to the cult of veganism and are happy to see their fellow humans starve even if it means only one cow is saved from being a hamburger
>vegans lie and gaslight about animals and "climate change"
>vegans all secretly crave and eat meat like closeted gay homosexual priests and preachers

>> No.17289754

Why are you moving the goalposts? Just a moment ago you were claiming that I'm against the domestication of the dog. Is this really how you choose to behave yourself?

>> No.17289759

Are you kidding? Meat is delicious and easy to prepare, nothing's "stromg willed" about eating it

>> No.17289760

I used shortening. Yes I did an egg yolk with water wash but it didn't do much. Next time I am going to manage the moisture of these better.

As to the beyond food topic. Sorry for name calling someone schizo. I think that the real deal will always be better. And they aren't going to have dystopia mega corpo cities in the rural areas. So just like live and eat what you can. And if you're in America and don't like it vote or move.

Why do we have three threads on meat replacement? Is it a bunch of stale threads getting bumped? I would prefer if you anons went and got the food and bisected it and showed us and tasted it. It's boring to me to read classist philosophies between anons who are real close in class anyway.

>> No.17289767

Stylish plate, anon!

>> No.17289814
File: 79 KB, 518x562, buscuitc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean desu I dont care if someone wants to eat silicon valley meat surrogate made from gmo cash crops (and yes, field peas are cash crops). But when the founders of these food companies say their goal is to eliminate real meat, he is basically saying he wants to remove real livelihoods of people. Like imagine the inventor of the camera saying he wants to get rid of all painted portraits.

I didn't make this thread. I would never make these fucking threads, but they get produced and bumped because it triggers emotions on both sides of this very polarizing debate. And lets face it, humanity is incredibly tribal, and it gets taken advantage of. If we truly put our differences aside and banded together against a shared cause (like wealth inequality), progress would actually be made.

But yeah, nix the shortening all together. Everytime I have had a baked good made with shortening it just is never as good as if it's made with a less refined fat like butter. Plus, maybe the butter might help with browning since it has a lower smoke point.

Here's some biscuits I made

>> No.17289821

When did I mention dogs? I said domesticated animals in general.

>> No.17289829

>Yes, they even see your dog as suffering under your so called care.

>> No.17289856

I still don't understand why it's horrible to raise an animal for food but it's okay to keep an animal as a pet.

>> No.17289878

We could fill libraries with what you don't understand. You can't even understand your own posts.
>DUDE when did I mention dogs LMAO

>> No.17289930

You didn't answer my question. Also you don't have to buy from factory farms. In fact I encourage most people to seek out and tour small farms in order to have a closer connection to their food, instead of just being a smarmy asshole on the internet because they got spooked by a netflix documentary.

>> No.17289937

Mechanized agriculture kills massive amounts of small mammals. Vegans probably kill more animals than meat eaters.

>> No.17289985
File: 84 KB, 690x960, 1599191427582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset

>> No.17290005

There's no reason to believe that any answer would satisfy you, because you're not posting in good faith. You don't pay attention to what you post and you don't make an effort to be consistent, because you're not arguing from your actual beliefs (assuming you have any). You're just posting whatever you think will get you the most entertainment, the most (You)s. This word is often misused on 4chan, but on a purely functional level, what's the difference between you and the common troll? If I'm mistaken about you somehow, then you're free to start acknowledging your fuckups and the retardation of your manufactured strawmen.

>> No.17290015

Damn those look good. You're alright anon.

And all the lurkers out there you're alright too. Speak up or vote with your wallet. Don't go too far off the deep end in believing one side versus another. These threads bore me. I will make a new cooking thread tonight to make up for my selfish bumpage.

>> No.17290037

How am I to believe you're not a troll? All you can do is hurl insults like a red faced 8 year old who was told "no".

>> No.17290045

You can bump up my chili thread if you want.
Just post homemade food. That's the only rule of my thread. Bonus points if its something you raised/grew.

>> No.17290071

All you can do is forget the contents of your own posts, forget what you said just minutes earlier, because the content doesn't matter. You just want a reaction.

>> No.17290081

I'd love a proper conversation with you but you are just so pissy that I forgot I mentioned dogs a trillion posts ago on this stupid thread that you had to point it out. Idk how the fuck you eat with normal people. They must find you annoying as hell.

>> No.17290095

You didn't just forget that you wrote about dogs, you also forgot that you wrote about dogs in a strawman. When it's pointed out to you that you don't have an actual argument, that you're just setting up strawmen, you deflect and try to pretend that it never happened, that you never wrote the post. Nothing matters with you, you just want the (You)s. This is how you choose to behave yourself, and it's a damn shame.

>> No.17290105

I don't want the you's, I want to know wtf you deal is. You're so bitchy.

>> No.17290142

My deal is that I don't eat meat. That's it. With normal people, I don't comment on their eating habits, and they don't comment on mine. The topic only comes up in threads like this with people like you, who seem to be offended by the very existence of my diet. Apparently it's classist that I eat cheap rice and cheap beans as the majority of my diet? Apparently my refusal to eat chicken means that I want dogs to go extinct? You're a strange person, Anon.

>> No.17290171

Round here when the covid panic first set in people were hoarding shit from the stores. Know what was left behind? All the fake meat products.. Should tell you right away that the products have little appeal. Hey if a pandemic won't move your shit not much will either.

>> No.17290191
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>> No.17290249

It's a moot point because not only most crops are grown to feed cattle but the amount of crops required to feed cattle is substantially larger than the amount of crops required to feed people directly.

>> No.17290262

I doubt irl you don't comment on normal peoples eating habits if you are someone who wants chickens to go extinct.

>> No.17290271
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x800, WE COULD FEED THIS STUFF TO PEOPLE GUYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the crops by weight are fed to cattle. But you have to keep in mind most crops by weight are completely inedible to humans. Just look at what the cows are eating in this picture. Would you want to eat any of that shit?

>> No.17290655

I bet OP is a marketer...

>> No.17290889

This is some extreme projection.

>> No.17290899

Do you avoid leather products, eggs, and honey as well?

>> No.17291349

This is all total bullshit

Vegans are also against this. Listen there are those vegans that are complete posers and will eat cookies and drink soda, but they're these weird political vegans that hate everyone else and try to push their weird climate agenda on everyone.
What nobody, and I mean NOBODY seems to realize is that there are tons of plain ordinary vegans that are not fanatics OR posers. We're not politically brainwashed, we just like eating healthy whole non-processed plant foods.

Vegans ALSO do not want to eat the bugs
Vegans ALSO do not want to drink the soy
Vegans ALSO do not want cannibal schmeat grown from aborted fetal cells
we don't want the soy or soylent green. We like REAL FOOD. We also HATE imitation meat products. I did not go vegan just to try to chase after fake bullshit unhealthy foods that try to remind me of the meat that I do not want to eat!
We also don't want to live in any pods. We like nature, but we don't worship it.
It's really frustrating because there are people who believe that we are the reason behind these crazy things, but we hate it just as much as you do! There are TONS of shills spreading disinfo about us all the GOD DAMN TIME. Like it's their fucking job to lie to people and give us a bad reputation. We're being used as scapegoats for some horrific evil plan when we just want to eat veggies.
Anyone that falls outside of what I'm saying here is some kind of twisted fake poser and has succeeded in giving most people the wrong idea about vegans and what we do, think, eat, and care about.

I love roasting vegetables and then putting balsamic vinegar on top or baking my own bread.

>> No.17291430

Bitch all of you infight like reality show thots.
I got a newsflash for you, there are plenty of omnivores who eat whole foods also. It's just easier for us because we can get unprocessed whole foods whenever we are craving eggs, dairy, or some meat and whenever you crave it you either have to suffer and pretend you don't or go to a big industrial cooperation to make you highly processed slop that is still inferior to the real thing.

You say "We", but you ALL fucking do it. You all eat the fake meat, the soy, the fake eggs, the works.

I know it's hard for you to be honest, but please, stop fucking lying for once in your god damn fucking life.

>> No.17291482

Every single nonvegan I've met is fat. Every single one. I've never met a fat vegan.

>> No.17291490

Where do you live? Inside a walmart in Alabama?

>> No.17291504

No, I live rent free inside ketoschizo's head.

>> No.17291580


>> No.17291590

Do you freaks seriously think normal people feel a modicum of guilt for living the way our ancestors did for a billion years? Can you not even remember how you used to feel before you got indoctrinated? Veganism is a contagious eating disorder that spreads like a mind virus. The guilt you feel originates from the viral payload that you're now trying to ram into my head, and you'll never succeed. It only sickens me how many others you do manage to infect. How much ill health, financial hardship, and social ostracism you have burdened them with. How many millions of HUMANS suffer due to your sick campaign? You're no different than armed Spanish colonists "teaching" native Americans and Africans to experience guilt for not donating gold to the Catholic Church.

>> No.17291616

Mashallah brother, dubs checked

>> No.17291618

>financial hardship
Yeah, people are really struggling to afford grains and legumes. I had to sell my car so I could buy a bag of lentils.

>> No.17291634

im pretty sure these products are actually designed for and consumed by meat eaters
people on plant based diets generally konw how to cook and dont look at rotting animal carcass as tasty

>> No.17291658
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It was never about the food. It's about appearing superior to others.

>> No.17291661

:( why u hate dead things anon?

>> No.17291670

Shut the fuck up, I refuse to even consider a word of your twisted faith, you sick subhuman trash. I have seen a vegan toddler jump onto the table at a Thanksgiving dinner and dive headfirst into a turkey before its parents could pull it away. That's what happens to people who get infected with your illness. The only response your doctrine deserves is violent suppression.

>> No.17291685

I literally cannot digest beans. It gives me horrible heartburn.

>> No.17291719

Sounds like you're a little mentally ill yourself there, partner.

While I kind of agree I hate to see starving kids be forced on meme diets. I gotta say that no other human is a subhuman to another human. And if you disagree with that then you know what they say, Glue, I am rubber.

>> No.17291743

Shut the fork up, I refresh to even consequently a work of you're twinkle fist. I having sent a vagina toodles jimmy onto the tuber. I will violin your surprising doctorate.

>> No.17291745

hmmmm yes very curious you dont want to eat raise your blood sugar but eat food???

>> No.17291799

It's just a figure of speech man, that's an odd thing to get sensitive about on this website. My point is that considering the arguments of vegans is like considering the arguments of fanatical Mormon fundamentalists, anorexic teenagers, or the Christchurch shooter's manifesto. Just because it's written in English and takes the form of a logical argument doesn't mean it deserves engagement. Any idea that demonstrably leads to a destructive outcome if believed can and should simply be discarded. The more convincing of those destructive ideas should be forcefully suppressed because of the outsized danger they pose. I fear for people like my sister, she has a huge heart and she's not the most self-directed when it comes to ideological beliefs. She's the type of person who could easily get infected with veganism if like two of her close friends got involved in it. She could end up like one of these people who starves their children and there wouldn't be anything I could do.

>> No.17291807

Reading this post turned me vegan.

>> No.17291828

I prefer to ignore all arguments. Who suddenly cares so much about it? Is there some commercial I'm not seeing that everyone else is seeing? My grocery stores are normal nobody pushes this on me.

How are you so cocksure of yourself in saying that the mere idea of veganism is destructive? Why do you care so much, man? Why, consider your desires from 10 years back, did you really care this much about veganism? Would you care 10 years from now? Talk with your sister about it, not us. It seems like you care about family, which is admirable, but do take care of your own first and then come to others with complaints.

>> No.17291976

>Why do you care
Why care about anything? I get that nothing really matters because we're all going to die but you can say that in literally any situation, it's not relevant. I care about things and get into arguments because that's the role I'm playing in the show we're in. I'm not buying the tactical nihilism bit.
>Talk to your sister not us
Considering that this is a thread on the topic of veganism, which I didn't even start, I must insist that my posts are in an appropriate place. Besides, everyone here has sisters or friends who aren't any less deserving of health and wellbeing than mine is.

>> No.17291977

How many more vegan threads made for the sole purpose of being angry at vegans are you going to make until you get sick of being angry at vegans for no fucking reason?
Seriously, every single vegan bashing thread brings me just a little closer to finally bite the bullet and go vegan myself.

>> No.17293009
File: 106 KB, 601x601, 1626220880526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every reply is literally seething


>> No.17293012

meat eating anons ARE low class

>> No.17293020

wow, you are really struggling. smoke a joint