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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17205599 No.17205599 [Reply] [Original]

>get a job at a fast food place
>it's slow
>sit in the back and chill for a few minutes
>2 says later
>manager texts me this

What the fuck? No one works 100% of the time plus they don't pay enough for this shit

>> No.17205604

You are a whiny lazy bitch.

>> No.17205609

Good thing that (filming like this) would be illegal here.
BUT. Just don't be a bitch or git gud enough to come to an agreement with the boss.

>> No.17205613

>No one works 100% of the time
at wage slave factories like fast food and retail you are expected to, they got mad at me for taking shits when i worked at target

>> No.17205615

>loss prevention
>at a fast food place

Pretty sure all that equipment and employees paid to review the footage cost more than the cheap ass ingredients they steal

>> No.17205618

What are you supposed to do? Shit your pants?

>> No.17205619

What food place? PF Chang's?

>> No.17205620

quit your job and firebomb it

>> No.17205625

I've had a manager bitch at me like yhat too. Slow as shit, no customers, all the prep done, store spotless, literally nothing else to do and I still got "stop sitting around, I pay you to work not be on your phone. What, nothing to do? Thwn just pull everything off the shelves then put it all back the way it was."

>> No.17205627

It's shit but you need to learn where the blind spots are.

>> No.17205628

You r/antiwork REDDITORS need to fuck off already back to your shit wagie jobs. 4chan is a board of neets we don't give a fuck about your shitty life.

>> No.17205633

guess so, also one time a coworker broke his leg outside of work, when he came back he set up a stool at the register so he could sit down, and they straight up told him that was against company policy, no sitting down during your shift

>> No.17205639

Why do Americans tolerate this shit? What the fuck do you have guns for?

>> No.17205641

Never understood the American obsession with keeping wagies uncomfortable.

My American Aunt was amazed when she saw that cashiers had chairs in the supermarkets here.

>> No.17205645

Who the fuck gives their boss their number?

>> No.17205658

Required on applications, dude. How else is your boss supposed to get a hold of you for work related stuff?

>> No.17205659

Anyone who doesn't work those jobs unironically believe your life should be hell if you do and you deserve what's coming to you for not "contributing to the economy"

american self worth is vastly tied to how much income you make, it's a fellow of a country, I need to get a degree to have any hope of leaving it

>> No.17205660

This is very far from an american only thing.

>> No.17205663

Turnover is extremely high, mostly populated by 16 year olds who otherwise won't do ANY work, and are managed by people who have no further upward mobility in their life and abuse their tiny power.

Do it anyways and threaten a lawsuit. If they continue you'll find a thousand lawyers in a 50ft radius ready to take on such a piss easy settlement for free.

See above. Either they're in highschool and don't care or trodden down losers who won't do the most basic thing to stand up to what is essentially just a public school bully.

>> No.17205674

They can contact me over email or direct mail, or talk to me when I'm in the store. Contrary to your immediate RIGHT TO WORK response I can't be fired for not answering my personal phone.

>> No.17205678

I was working prep at a local pizza place like 12 years ago, waiting on dough to rise and just leaning against a wall out of view from the cameras and sipping on a pitcher of beer I *accidentally* poured extra of for mixing the dough.
My boss walks in, and looks at me. I nervously say "so... uh... I'm waiting on the dough to rise and don't have shit to do..."
He takes the beer, chugs some, hands it back to me and says "I don't give a shit what you're doing. You could jerk off in the bathroom for all I care."
So I finished the beer and then jerked off in the bathroom. Good times. That pizza place was such a shitshow.

>> No.17205684

don't ever get a job with a state agency. if you're not busy 100% you're stealing.

>> No.17205691

Don't even take a private job with a government contract. I worked under a DoD contract for 6 months and they wanted 15m increment timetables. It's so fucking annoying.

>> No.17205692

more like anybody who thinks "manager of macdonalds" is a good career choice is a niggerfaggot

>> No.17205707

I never worked FF my first job was in a mainframe. I worked for a pretty cool boss for 12 years in IT. he didn't care what I did as long as the customer was happy. I once did a tech support call while fishing at a park. caught a 2 lbs bass mid call. customer never knew it.

>> No.17205710

There's always something that needs done. Don't sit on your ass unless your on break you little faggot.

>> No.17205713

That's not what right to work laws do. You're thinking of at will laws.

>> No.17205718

Shooting bottles innawoods

>> No.17205722

at every retail job ive worked there was at least one blind spot from cameras that we all knew about for this kind of thing. you should be aware that they have people watching those cameras and find a blind spot to slack in.

>> No.17205761

Cameras are cheap as fuck now and employers don't give a fuck if their restaurant looks like a Vegas casino on the ceiling.

>> No.17205766

Who the fuck willingly puts up with this type of thing? The first hint I get that I work at a place with a massive faggot like that as a boss and I'm gone.

>> No.17205774

There is no loss prevention, the manager was sitting at home browsing the cameras and is blaming a boogeyman because they're too afraid of conflict.

>> No.17205778

are you the same type of person to call ebt users parasites?

>> No.17205799

It's not actually that strict. I keep track to half hours and there was no issues when I was audited a month ago.

>> No.17205804

This, but I also make sure to shove my cock down their throat until the face changes color before leaving.

>> No.17205810

He said that loss prevention was doing it to cover for the fact that he was spying on staff using cameras.

>> No.17205818

it's a generational thing

baby boomers are fucking sadistic to wagies

>> No.17205837

It's about to do a 180 within this decade once millennials start taking all those positions. And not in a good way.

>> No.17205838
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Quit. Thusly.

>> No.17205881

day of the pillow

>> No.17205890

mega based

>> No.17205900

this happened just for a meme. wow. the cleanup alone...

>> No.17205910

I don't agree with this surveillance world we live in but if you are on the clock you should not sit on your ass and play with your phone. There is ALWAYS something to do and the bare minimum is grabbing a broom or mop and cleaning up.

I have no idea why phone addled people feel it is acceptable to text and check social media mid conversation or while working.

>> No.17205918

Hopefully they were quitting in style but I can imagine retards gladly cleaning up for 8 hours in hopes of making it viral. People are retards.

>> No.17205923

Hopefully for this faggot >>17205910 first.

>> No.17205928

You working at Carl's Jr. bro?

>> No.17205936

>baww i got caught
Kick rocks.

>> No.17205939

> Work as a janitor
> no one watches me
> get to sleep and talk to my nephew whenever I feel like
>boss actually gets annoyed when I text him to go above and beyond since it requires photographic evidence before clients do
Easiest job I’ve ever had. Barely do 3hrs of work a day

>> No.17205940

because not everyone in this world is equal and wagies are on the bottom rung. do you go around kissing single celled life forms on the forehead and telling them they're valid

>> No.17205944

I'm a janitor too and you're completely right. It's a travesty how easy this job is. There are people who can't get done in 8 hours. How??

>> No.17205947
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Are the women in fast food really THAT easy? My gf just got a job at Chick-fil-a and I'm freaking out.

>> No.17205951

That chick's going to get her a filled by Brandon, the 16 year old manager.

>> No.17205972

>This is very far from an american only thing.
Where else, China, North Korea and the USSR? kek what kind of cope is this?

>> No.17205989

I could do more work, but things can only be so clean, and I constantly get compliments on how well I do. Especially if all it takes is one person emptying their car of trash the second I turn around or leave and it looks like shit.

>> No.17205994

You’re a retard for sitting in an area where there’s a camera. Clearly you’ve never worked another job before and learned that you always go off camera to fuck around. If they’re everywhere, just grab a mop or even just a spray bottle and go into the mens room and sit around in there for a few minutes. Lazy faggots like you who are even lazy about their laziness deserve all the job losses they get.

>> No.17205998

>no customers? find something to clean.
>nothing to clean? find something to paint.
>nothing to paint? find something to fix.
>nothing to fix? go find some customers.

>> No.17206000

I just spent 5 min looking at this and it is all a bunch of whiny entry level workers trying to squeeze any sense of power out of their impotent positions kek

Don't like your lot in life? Do something about it. If that something means being a little bitch, doing the bare minimum and making faggy little power moves at every chance then don't be surprised when your career progression stops and you are a miserable fuck who everyone avoids.

>> No.17206003

Get her fired somehow. When I worked at a restaurant next to a chick fil a I fucked no fewer than five girls. It was my pleasure.

>> No.17206007

Most likely. He’s probably an r/thedonald immigrant who cries about border hopers getting fake SSNs and blacks getting welfare but constantly leeches off of his parents money.

>> No.17206013

>waaaahhh it's my right to get paid to do nothing

I'm 30 and I often thank the lord that I was not raised to be a special snowflake millennial. Not only that but I became increasingly competitive and cognizant of the way the world works instead of digging my heels in and being in awe that my employer doesn't treat me the same way my mommy and daddy did.

>> No.17206020

I don't know how you can equate parental care with illegal immigrants and Blacks taking advantage of social security and being net drains on the public coffers.

>> No.17206021

Yeah. The only trick is that I spend the first half of my shift moving. I've been doing it for 3 months, my area is always spotless. I do a little bit every day, it never accumulates and then I fuck off to the locker room to watch cartoons on my phone.

>> No.17206037

Their job is to cook, clean and serve customers. If there is none of that to do then they can clock off, sit down and rest and clock back on when there is work to do.

>> No.17206049

You will never be a Jew

>> No.17206052

Cleaning is never ending in a restaurant. There is never a time where you cannot clean. When I worked menial jobs I would grab a broom if I had nothing to do. I would never sit down and go on my phone, that's ridiculous.

>> No.17206063

My protestant work ethic says otherwise

>> No.17206064

You’re paying them to be there because you never know when customers are going to show up. If everything really is done, nothing to clean. Why can’t he just wait for customers to show up

>> No.17206076

You sound like you speak from experience, of being avoided.

>> No.17206082

>implying there isn't a fuckton of prep and/or cleaning your lazy ass needs to do
This kind of shit pisses me off. I get taking a break, but slacking off the whole time just because there aren't any customers coming in is pure laziness, and places which keep employees like that turn into shitholes then go under.

>> No.17206086

That black oil
He deserved it

>> No.17206098

Neets are disgusting degenerates. I was a plumber and I would walk into the rooms of pathetic neets. Your rooms filthy, with decade old wow posters on the wall and anime figurines everywhere. Online they’re all super based frogposters but in real life they’re covered in acne and suffering male pattern baldness. Very sad, don’t follow this path friends!

>> No.17206103

every job ive worked they expect you to at the least pretend to be busy even if there was nothing to do. you fucked up lol

>> No.17206129


>> No.17206148

I worked my ass off from BSc to postdoc. Which is why I'm simultaneously reviewing a paper, shitposting right and about to buy a Tikka T3x Arctic .308 online. While others try to play tit-for-tat with their bosses because they need impotent power plays to make them feel like important minimum wagies.

For some people minimum wage/entry level jobs are the best they can do with their aptitude. That's okay. But for most people, they settle for less and instead of pushing themselves they dig their heels in, all the while wondering why they didn't get theirs and blaming it on everyone else.

>> No.17206150


>> No.17206159

Yes but if you had a brain in your head, you’d realize mental faculties are not doled out equally therefore some intellectual pursuits become almost impossibly difficult if your races average sits around the medical definition for mental retardation

>> No.17206171

Funny enough, that is actually illegal. Him needing a stool during that time is considered a 'reasonable accommodation' under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If your employer is not willing to make reasonable accommodations for a disability, no matter how temporary, you have an easy-win lawsuit on your hands.

>> No.17206197

damn, woulda told him if i knew that

also when i worked at toys r us they didnt have the reflective vests for the cart pushers and one night someone got hit by a car, he didnt sue, dipshit

>> No.17206203

my boss gave me a "promotion" once but it didn't come with a raise it was just more work
i just quit desu if the boss is dogshit there's literally infinite places hiring all the time especially right now

>> No.17206209

We don't. There's a pretty massive movement of everyone quitting these shit jobs right now

>> No.17206216

To shoot any communists who try to introduce labor standards legislation

>> No.17206224

>Work IT for a hospital
>All the janitors here are low IQ tards who don't know how to use computers
>They're required to use computers in order to track the floors they clean
>As a result, we always get retarded tickets from the janitors
And most of these aren't actual boomers. They'll be people in their mid 40's. Kill me.

>> No.17206277

my wife worked for the state and when they were audited she had to account for each 15 minutes. but besides that there are agencies where they use skype and the supervisors watch your status like a hawk. if you show inactive for too long they traump over and find out why.

>> No.17206284

kek based

>> No.17206289

Apparently you missed what I wrote:

>For some people minimum wage/entry level jobs are the best they can do with their aptitude.

>> No.17206313

IT field here, too. I work at a school. It's not just the janitors, there's plenty of boomer faculty with masters and PhD degrees who need to retire. On the other hand, they make my job seem extremely essential.

>> No.17206326

>And most of these aren't actual boomers.
that's because actual boomers are all retired or dead.

>> No.17206335

>but besides that there are agencies where they use skype and the supervisors watch your status like a hawk. if you show inactive for too long they traump over and find out why.
Jesus. The administrative class always becomes bloated and needs to justify its existence so they do shit like this. It's literally all they have to do: they don't produce anything of value so they act like barely sentient employee monitoring bioware.

>> No.17206354

I fainted once at a retail job from being overworked. HR was on my ass everyday to get me to sign whatever bullshit they needed to cover their ass. I ignored them for days until I finally relented. I was such an idiot kid, I could have screwed them over big, I'm sure.

>> No.17206363

Oh it gets better a business partner for an IT company I worked for had us install spy software on all the computers in their office so the president of the company could watch anyone work and make sure they were always busy.

>> No.17206395

This doesn't surprise me in the least. Then again with a lot of people working from home because of COVID I've noticed a decline in productivity and HR/IT not doing their jobs properly.

>> No.17206416

this was 10 years ago.

I've never had a problem working from home, it was usually the only way I could get things done. in the office people coming in every 15 minutes, emails, phone calls... Oh wally llama I have a question? why dis? why dat?

>> No.17206423

>parental care
>sit on my fat lathargic ass and do nothing into my late 30s

the mental gymnastics of NEET leech scum

>> No.17206438

apparently to shoot politicians and police when they take peoples rights away hahahaha

>> No.17206547


My last job, this executive guy had access to the full payroll system meaning he could look up anyone and see when they were clocked in/clocked out. He'd catch someone in the hall going to the bathroom and then hustle back to his desk to see if they had clocked out to go potty and if they didn't, he'd get HR to fire them. Several people got canned this way before they managed to convince him it was a tad extreme and to accept a three-strikes system on bathroom infractions. But to even get that took lots of arguing, like straight up yelling matches. The head HR lady had a nervous breakdown over it.

>> No.17206603

you can take it easy and work at a comfortable and reasonable pace but unless youre on break you dont pull out your phone or sit down(unless theres a job you can do while seated, i wish that was more of a thing)

>> No.17206609

Yup, time to lean, time to clean I always say

>> No.17206615

A lot of engineers at my company left for AWS for fat paychecks at the start of the pandemic, a little over half came back because it was so draconian. People placed into management mentioned needing 3 years of constant paperwork to get people a raise or promotion, and you could notice every few seconds your computer lock up for 50ms while it took a screenshot of your activity.

>> No.17206619

Welcome to food business, keep yourself busy or you'll be replaced. Even if your manager doesn't care, corperate will twist their balls until both of you play ball. Don't complain or your fired.
Automation can't come fast enough.

>> No.17206644

>actual boomers are all retired
Not necessarily. One of the tickets I got was from a patient sitter who was older than my nana who actually is retired.

>> No.17206651
File: 94 KB, 976x850, rly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. midwit mgr detected
go fuck yourself faggot. "looking busy" is absolute retard shit - lrn2manage.

>> No.17206673

socialising is not done at the local pub anymore, everyone has wildly different schedules and will connect with friends and family when they are able. dont take 20 minutes to make a phone call but replying to a text is fine

>> No.17206714

go back faggots

>> No.17206726

that looks like used motor oil. im not surprised at a place that would hire a wagie like the one taping this being that shit tho

>> No.17206727

I do farm work.

I've worked at mcdonalds and arby's.

I don't feel sorry for fast food wagies, it's a piss easy job. In most cases it's for 10-30 hours a week.

>> No.17206737

Just blow her off and keep working like normal. They literally will never fire you unless you directly steal from the till. If you have even 2 braincells you will do better work than the average without trying to, so even totally blowing her off you'll get hours because she knows you won't give her problems in the actual output

>> No.17206767

When you have to work with Shaniqua and working for one hour you get more done than she can her entire shift, and you don't get -anything- extra for working harder, I don't care if there is more to do. I am not going to single handedly bust my back to take some fast food joint and massively improve it beyond the average for these locations for absolute no reward back to me. In fact, if you actually work hard at these jobs, they punish you with more work and higher expectations and still no extra pay, bonuses, freebies, etc..If you are Tyrone and you do basically nothing but the bare minimum the entire shift, you get rewarded by the manager not being up your back because they have no expectations.

If Im not getting fired and I get the same pay regardless of working twice as hard or not, Im relaxing. This is the flipside to fire at will, you dont like it then fire them. Not worth it to do that? Then it's good enough

>> No.17206771

How is this thread still up?

>> No.17206776

>anyone whose job is less good than the one my dad gave me in his firm in exchange for staying off blow is a single-celled organism
In a just world, you would be made to eat rocks until your intestines burst

>> No.17206777

>miss an entire line of text and the point of the post
why do you think he's stuck in a menial labor job and larping on 4chan.org pretending to be an elite self-employed chad?

>> No.17206787

Why lie on the internet?

>> No.17206788

>work in IT
>have to deal with retarded people

Yeah, why the fuck do you think IT departments exist? It's your fucking job wagie. Otherwise they'd outsource you to india.

>> No.17206799

>entry level
The fact that you even use this term in earnest is a sure sign that Schlomo has pistonfucked your frontal lobe into believing in the sustainability of the American Pyramid Scheme

>> No.17206807

>if you are on the clock, you should rub a broom against random tiles on the floor like a fucking skyrim NPC instead of using your free time (that you earned by doing your work quickly) as you please

>> No.17206817

I forgot to add that were are supposed to keep track to the 1/10th of an hour. The only time I don't do to the half hour is when there are all-hands meetings that last 42 to 48 minutes.
That shit sounds insane though, we don't have nearly the staff to do shit like that.

>> No.17206826

lol, manger has been watching you.

>> No.17206831

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.17206835


>> No.17206843

>had to position yourself infront of the camera
if you "chill for a few minutes", chill with colleagues, not on your own.

>> No.17206844

Impressive that he hasn't been anally raped to death with a general purpose chef's knife for behaving like this

>> No.17206848

I should not have to show someone how to literally turn on a computer. I should not have to deal with someone that doesn't know what a special character is. I should not have to deal with a fatass who literally can't bend down to plug something up. These are all basic functions that a fucking adult should know.

>> No.17206849

>that you earned by doing your work quickly
thats not how you are paid.

>> No.17206852

>you should not have to do work
fuck off lazy cunt

>> No.17206853

>No one works 100% of the time
At a restaurant you absolutely do. I haven't taken a break in 6 years.

>> No.17206857

Go to school and learn basic functions, idiot.

>> No.17206861

Please repeat that, but this time as if English is your first language.

>> No.17206865
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Why not? The customers already are.

>> No.17206872

You sound like the kind of gay little bitch who throws popcorn on the floor and pisses his seat at the theater because "that's what janitors are for"

>> No.17206880

>IT wagie actually wishing his job away like the mentally retarded fuckwit he is.

Keep complaning until they get competent staff and you can sit on the unemployed line.

No, It's a little different when it's your job to address IT issues and you're complaining. It's like a fucking janitor complaining about why flushing doesn't magically clean the entire toilet and having to brush because it's their job.

>> No.17206894

I'm sorry, but a person who doesn't know how to turn on a computer should sniff mustard gas. You literally cannot miss the power button.

>> No.17206898

text him back asking for a raise to do busywork and quit if he says no

>> No.17206904

being unable to make manager at McDonald's is not a political stance

>> No.17206906

If they knew how to turn on a computer they wouldn't be a fucking hospital janitor you retard. Quit and go work at a place where everyone knows how to use computers then.

Oh wait you can't because you're not qualified and don't have the skills and that's why you're fucking IT for the jannies.

>> No.17206918

I support the whole hospital.

>> No.17206919

back to work wagie. Make sure my food is nice and hot :)

>> No.17206921

I'd rather solve an actual problem that requires the skills I have once a week than solve ten retarded boomer tech illiteracy non-problems a day, on top of that actual problem that requires the skills I have
I sense that you are insecure about your difficulty using technology

>> No.17206932

Post bank balance

>> No.17206933

>insecure about your difficulty using technology

Nah I just don't like retarded whining by people about the more difficult parts of their jobs.

>I support the whole hospital
Quit then if you hate it so much and get that dream job where you don't have to deal with the computer retarded.

>> No.17206934


>> No.17206942

The fact that you replied to that accusation directly instead of ignoring it as spurious vindicates it completely
"the more difficult parts of their jobs" advising retards is easy, it's just fucking annoying and could easily be solved by the removal of retards like (You)

>> No.17206945
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I used to go above and beyond, and all that happened was my work ethic was taken advantage of.
Do the bare minimum. And always show up to work when you're violently ill so they'll send you home. When you decide to just chuck a sickie and they've seen you there when you were green-faced and ready to vomit, they'll say "holy fuck, anon must be really sick if he's not even going to bother coming"

>> No.17206946

That's exactly what they're there for. To clean up my piss and shit, and you know what? There's nothing wrong with that, they earn a living while you get to shit and piss on everything. This the fundamental basis of society.

>> No.17206953

Even if you posted this ironically, I get the sense that society would be improved if you were to die of a massive brain embolism right now.

>> No.17206983

and then you'll complain that you have to speak to some pajeet that barely knows english.
>"whyyyy did corporate outsource american jorbbbssss :(("

>> No.17206985

Then you're a pig. You're one of those kitchen hands who just makes a fucking mess all over the goddamn place while you're working. Slopping shit everywhere like a spastic and dumping half your weight in tongs all over the fucking place because you keep using a different one each time. You're one of those people who will do the prep on every single fucking bench possible, rather than keeping it to one, and cleaning between different categories of food item.

One thing I learned from hospitality is most people in a kitchen cannot fathom Clean As You Go. And then they piss and moan about how hard cleaning the kitchen is at the end of the fucking night. I had people I wanted to throw to the fucking ground and rub their noses in the mess they made like a puppy shitting on the carpet, because they would just make needless mess.

>> No.17206994
File: 37 KB, 559x404, 1472033850887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the Zoomer, whether corporate outsourced or not you'd still be dealing with something vaguely brown and unable to speak english.

>> No.17206995

why would you lie? I'm in a skilled trade along with a lot of people around here. Imagine thinking your only options are retail, neet bucks or college.

>> No.17207011

seriously when you enter the workplace you are now a part of something bigger than yourself
cmon man have some dignity even if its a shitty fast food joint
seriously you wont get too far with that attitude and people all already noticing your lack opf effort
this picture says alot about you
dont be that guy
bust your ass then bust your ass some more

>> No.17207013

thats not how you are paid

>> No.17207021

>you are now a part of something bigger than yourself
this is how managers con you into staying late on holidays

>> No.17207030

Your boss isn't paying you to sit on your ass and browse /ck/ in the back room. At least not from his perspective which, even though he lacks context, it is the only perspective that matters. If you can't handle it maybe you should get a different jo-... Oh wait, I forgot. It's fast food. You have no other prospects.

>> No.17207036

you first cletus

>> No.17207041
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>> No.17207042

nope fuck the bosses
i work hard for myself
not some stupid manager who thinks he/she can take advantage of my will to work
you can walk out anytime you want you are under no obligation
you chose to wqork there
dont like it LEAVE
dont act like a gradeschooler

>> No.17207047

the boomers got to you, many such cases

>> No.17207059

youre hilarious
im not 18 moron
physical work is rewarding wether you belive it or not
and i enjoy cooking
so win win for me
we are not the same
dont you have some masturbating to do ?

>> No.17207067

he's probably not, all waitresses and bartenders are loose and all waiters/busboys are hound dogs

>> No.17207070

if you like to to work hard thats fine, its fun to cook a lot of stuff, but dont think youre better for selling yourself cheaper than anyone else for the benefit of your boss.

>> No.17207075

work without purpose is demoralizing and why would my job keep me from jacking off in my free time? If you don't have enough time for both something is wrong

>> No.17207083

Bill them an hour wages for reading their messages.

>> No.17207092

pretty sure that's illegal even in states that arent union friendly. maybe even illegal at the federal level

>> No.17207101

I mean bill their employer for reading their bullshit.

>> No.17207111

That's a funny, and way more beta, way to say "I quit."

>> No.17207112

ifd you find no purpose in your work place thats your own fault..and like i said before you can LEAVE

>> No.17207152

Not that anon, but I know someone who was told to bill for an hour if they responded to people outside of work, even if it was just a two second response.

>> No.17207155

Literally everyone with a real job does that

>> No.17207165

I could see that as a reasonable response for some jobs, but if I was OP's boss I'd tell him to return his uniform and recommend that he not put me as a reference.

>> No.17207184

Considering the way he types, I think he is a boomer.

>> No.17207190

>megakike lawyer
>real job
>wage tallied hourly
>real job

>> No.17207193

If you think any job on Earth is actually hourly, like "be working at all times for all hours or get fired," and not based on the completion of a given number of responsibilities (besides security or some shit) you're retarded.

>> No.17207196
File: 17 KB, 250x223, 1611847838557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I worked at an ihop back in 07 this tiny little mexican cook who didn't speak any english would sometimes sleep in a tiny space under the rack in the storage room and sometimes scare the waitresses that came in there by grabbing their legs.

>> No.17207205

Conversely, if you think any fast food or other unskilled labor job is "if you finish your responsibilities before the end of your shift feel free to goof off in the break room until it's time to go home", YOU'RE retarded.

>> No.17207218

>this tiny little mexican
You don't have to be so redundant. Mexican would have worked just fine.

>> No.17207221

Yeah I know but he was tiny even compared to the other mexicans that worked there. I'm pretty sure he was well under 5 feet tall.

>> No.17207226

That reminds me of a story where a friend of mine brought a Mexican manlet home from the bar and he had to take a cab home because he pissed her bed.

>> No.17207242

>And always show up to work when you're violently ill so they'll send you home. When you decide to just chuck a sickie and they've seen you there when you were green-faced and ready to vomit, they'll say "holy fuck, anon must be really sick if he's not even going to bother coming"
That is genius.

>> No.17207245

>slacks off
>gets caught
Yeah, something tells me this guy is actually a much shittier employee than he's letting on.

>> No.17207247

lol fucking bootlickers in this thread are hilarious

>> No.17207256

Getting a job like that in the first place is consigning yourself to licking boots. Don't act surprised when they complain about their boots not being clean enough.

>> No.17207268

>clock in 10 minutes early
>a month later get to hear some middle aged, fat cunt belittle me for "time fraud" and "stealing labor from human resources"
I worked there for a short while, got a few good work references, quit and told her to fuck off my last day.
Felt great.

>> No.17207273

I knew plenty of upper management and human resources types that do this.
Fucking worst types of people to work with. Absolute fucking hypocrites.
One of those people I knew got cancer, and is currently suffering as I type this.
I'm glad.

>> No.17207279

Some people might have disabilities or whatever, which is fine.
90% of the time they are just fucking retards.

>> No.17207290

He's just telling you not to relax in front of the camera, but professionally. Just go outside or somewhere with no camera. Ez pz.

>> No.17207293

Post face

>> No.17207294

>being unable to make manager at McDonald's is not a political stance

>> No.17207307

The concept of “entry level” is a cross-cultural phenomenon. Do you think people magically turn into amazing hunters, learned healers, excellent tradesman etc the moment they decide to pursue that path?

I never post personal information because I actually have a career and professional reputation to maintain. But most of all because I value my personal privacy. I’m not some retard zoomer who would post their personal information if it meant having ephemeral popularity.

>> No.17207314

>I'm a professional
What are you doing on 4chan on new year's eve?

>> No.17207326

I just put the kids asleep, wife is having a shower and I’m having a beer. New Year’s Eve lost its appeal quite a while ago.

>> No.17207333

>Can't even blur out their eyes

>> No.17207341

get gud
>not applying to a place with a manager of similar age

>> No.17207348

What kind of weak fucking cuck think likes this? If you aren't trying to wring every instant of free time out of your boss's grubby little hands you're retarded. It's not like they're gonna pay you more for virtuously swabbing the patty grill when no one was looking.

>> No.17207386

Here's a secret, the more money you make, the less work you have to do.

>> No.17207392
File: 56 KB, 612x612, 1410950769977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't pull it off too much. You want a "Sent Home Because You're Sick/Stayed Home Pretending" ratio of about 85/15, 80/20 at most, and you need to look like a hard worker the rest of the time. That shit's easy to fake with cameras. It's called wiping down shit you haven't used while you've shoved your phone in a blindspot and are currently watching whatever the fuck you want, silent, with subtitles.
What are you doing? Why, you're cleaning down in the spots other people miss! Actually do clean it sometimes though while watching whatever or you'll just look diligent but useless.

The something telling you that is this retard not even being smart enough to find the blindspots.

>> No.17207394

If half assing and taking the mediocre route works for you then congratulations. But I have a feeling you guys aren’t exactly happy with your lot in life hence your incredulous reaction to a normal work ethic. You have to cultivate a good work ethic early on in life otherwise there is a good chance that ship has sailed. You might tell yourself that you can work really hard if you want to but the truth is if you never push yourself, cultivate ambition, show discipline etc it isn’t going to spontaneously happen at opportune times (or when it is truly needed). It’s like being a sedentary weak person who thinks when shit hits the fan they can beat the shit out of anyone and be a survivor. In other words it is delusional fantasy because people don’t like to think poorly of themselves even if it is the truth.

Anyway, I worked fairly hard at every job I had including the menial ones. The best thing I learned was that I most definitely did not want to be stuck in a factory or washing dishes or doing a shit retail job. So now I’m a STEM researcher making good money with a nice home, family, dog and pretty satisfying life. There are things I would have done differently but working hard, learning about discipline and compromise, being adaptable and not just sitting back and complaining are assets I don’t regret.

It’s the little worms in life who complain about everything. Yes it is a rigged game, yes there are people pulling the strings, yes there will always be those richer, more handsome, more privileged and simply better than you. Welcome to the nature of life. Just because a seed happens to land in shitty soil in the shade of an enormous tree doesn’t mean it has to give up, it can make the best of its position and get something good out of life and give back too. Too many people give up because things aren’t perfect, it makes no sense.w4

>> No.17207411
File: 163 KB, 401x363, Guess I'll die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not happy with my lot in life because I'm not a hot white girl who can bottle my farts and sell them to people on the internet for 10k a Brap, not because I have a schlubby job.

As long as I make enough to get my videogames and look after my vegetables, I'm fine. Also there are lots of seeds that will just give up if conditions are prime. I know. Ever tried growing bitter dream herb? It's a fucking nightmare. I got one seed out of fifty to strike and it went the way of Tiny Tim. Grew up stunted and died early.

>> No.17207417

Many seeds will not germinate if they are too close to their parents or are in too rich soil or exposed to too much sun. Many plants bloom best when stressed.

>> No.17207422

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.17207429
File: 25 KB, 500x388, 4522621+_656ecdd05964d9ba340206cbf127d75e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain that to my borage. There's about a hundred sprouts right next to mumsie, and borage isn't a plant that gives a fuck about root space, it'll just take over from everything else.

I'm sure you're trying to craft clever horticultural metaphors, but I've been wrist deep in horseshit with my boots covered in stomped on slugs and all I can say is the only metaphor is that when you hand-pollinate a pumpkin it's a metaphor for marriage. You do the hard work and all your wife will do is sit there and get larger.

>> No.17207450

Some of them are, herds of them would come in at midnight and order $50 to $100 worth of cold hoagies

>> No.17207458

You're the kinda faggot who works a shit job and doesn't steal

>> No.17207459

you've never had a job lol

>> No.17207468

Look man that's terrible but there actually are real jobs out there that you can get without qualifications, you don't need to take this shit.

>> No.17207469

>""work"" security
>just call police once every few months
>get paid 23$/hr to watch youtube and yell at homeless
pretty comfy ngl

>> No.17207526

same here lol and I get a .50 raise every june

>> No.17207536

The amerifats jn this thread are absolutely pathetic.
Imagine living In a shithole where you can't openly take a seat and use your phone on shift, wouldn't be me.

>> No.17207562

Shit as you work, that's why they have mops.

>> No.17207567

>few years ago
>be young anarchist who wouldn't waste time on something i think is bullshit
>will only work job im interested in
>put in effort to clean because i hate dirty working conditions and it lets me get paid without producing anything
>make good quality products slowly so the end consumer gets their money's worth and the bosses make less off my work
>get promoted to management because of "attention to detail"
>become extremely popular because i'm not a bootlicking dipshit like OP's manager
>use position to foster relaxed and efficient workplace culture
>everyone benefits

>> No.17207601

I worked at one cell phone place and they were like this. Had maybe 2 customers a day. I mopped the floors probably 10 times every day

>> No.17207608

Drug addict trantifa cope

>> No.17207613

>succeeds in capitalist business

>> No.17207625

Why lie?

>> No.17207640

Man fuck off. I used to play by their rules but now I retired at 35. Fuck big corporate

>> No.17207667

youre not happy

>> No.17207672

Just keep prepping food and when anyone bitches about all the waste tell them that's what you were told to do

>> No.17207673

you are employed to work at a minimum pace for the time you are there, if you want to go faster thats on you, i wont stop you giving labour away for free because it makes you feel special. if you want to work based on the product you produce get a job that pays that.

>> No.17207674

If you want me to work after hours im charging for it, dont care how easy it is im off the clock

>> No.17207678

Nice fanfic, Anon

>> No.17207708

>being a parent
>sitting on your ass
You were never raised you unhinged child

>> No.17207711

I was a retail wagie but I never had a take a shit at work you must be obese with a fast food diet disgusting ass

>> No.17207714

>t. helicopter mum

>> No.17207734

>each 15 minutes
Reminds me hearing that lawyers have to account per six minutes so their accounting can charge 0.1 hours easily.

>> No.17207792

Its because the mentality of working yourself to death for a company that cares nothing about you is fucking stupid and what older people drive into your head. However there is a difference between being a lazy cunt and not wanting to work versus going above and beyond every single second for nothing in return

>> No.17207795
File: 125 KB, 576x768, 8ede86631c4c091eaa6ad10ef3656955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gloating about being an assistant manager at mcdonalds

>> No.17207811

cranky because you don't have a cool and nice manager like me aren't you :)

>> No.17207829

Google up the laws in your state for breaks and text the link back to him.

>> No.17207835

Mister Goldstein the grill is hot, can I open the window? Mister Goldstein can I play music on my phone?

>> No.17207836

>nah ima do what i want. find someone else if u dont like it
We have the power now

>> No.17207881

>your free time
It's not your time, wagie.

>> No.17207924

Warning to everyone who is young and reads this bullshit about "there is always something to be done".
In itself this sentence makes sense
But only if it is your own fucking business or your are a partner. Not if you are a wagie.
If you work fast, you will have to work more. If you have to work more, you have to work faster. You don't get more money or time, you just get more work with that mindset. This philosophy directly takes advantage of you and lowers your worth, not increases it.

I believed in this shit long ago. Always picked up a broom, when I had downtime. But it is not worth it. Never was. Never will be. Do what you are contractually obgligated to do and not even an inch more. Most will have to test this wisdom. Most will have at least one job, where they try to be better. And most come to the same conclusion: It is not worth it.

>> No.17207970

Keep seething on $7/hr while ankle deep in my shit and piss, wagie.

>> No.17207981

this is all very true, but to continue you thread of thought, most wagies will have also realised that sometimes, picking up a mop and just slowly walking around waving it left and right is a lot less hassle than straight up sitting down and suffering the consequent negative PR image that this creates between you and your wagemaster.

yes, in an ideal world you'd just kick back and tell them that you've done all your alloted work. but the smarter thing to do might be to waste an hour or two here or there to strategically keep management happy.

>> No.17207985

What did he mean by make sure you are fully prepared for the day

>> No.17208003

Must mean for him to wear a buttplug for special manager one-on-one development sessions.

>> No.17208005

Holy fuck I’m only a short drive away from where you work.
Pay me and I’ll rape your manager sensually. I’ll whisper sweet nothings into his ear while I suck on his lobes and softly tell him to stop being an overbearing faggot.

>> No.17208029

white LTG is never wrong

>> No.17208037

>when you hand-pollinate a pumpkin it's a metaphor for marriage. You do the hard work and all your wife will do is sit there and get larger.
It all makes sense now.

>> No.17208041

>get a job
>get paid to work
>try to sit in the back not working
>get caught
>get politely but firmly asked to stop, while being recommended tasks you can do during slow hours that will help you close earlier
Oh no how awful

>> No.17208043

based pumpkin-architect

>> No.17208535


This post made me think, I remember the line "Pay your dues" was popular a while back but you never hear anyone use it anymore. Probably because it was mainly used by boomers to extract free/extra labor from young people to their own benefit and that fact became very obvious somewhere around 2008. But the sentiment still exists as this thread clearly shows. Well, I shouldn't say sentiment. Really it's just manipulation. The assholes who would use "Pay your dues" or "There's always something to be done" lines know good and well what they're doing.

>> No.17208554

might as well be called dick-fil-a.. good luck buddy

>> No.17208568

The boomers that still think this way believe that work is still like it was in their day as door to door shoe salesmen.

>> No.17208584

in my IT job the president of a company asked us to install a filter on the firewall to keep people from watching porn. a couple days later he called us up and insisted that his computer be exempted because he "had to have his porn".

he was totally matter of fact about it. like asking for different color paint on a wall or something.

I used to be an Aircraft mechanic at a union shop. one of my co-workers (a darky) told me to never walk around (if you had nothing to do) without something in your hand; wrench, clipboard, paperwork, even just a rag. because a supervisor would see you and think you weren't working then give you a shit job.

I tried it and it worked like a champ.

>> No.17208587

quit the job and let them find someone else short notice lmao

>> No.17208606

this is why I left IT as soon as I could and retired after 25 years. fucking retarded people that can't do their work if their desktop icons get re-arranged because they don't know the names of the programs or pay attention to what the icon looks like.

having to fix the same stupid problems and explain the same stupid things to different faces day in and day out.

having grown people throw a shit fit because management upgrades office 2010 to 2016 and they don't like it.

supervisors who try to refuse new computers because they don't want their people to be down for the 1 hour it takes to back up the users data, install computer, and restore data.

having to remove viruses from computers because people HAVE to get their horoscope/porn/play online game/gossip/whatever.

have to tell someone I can't restore their computer to the way it was because they refused to implement backups and they have no original software because the previous IT was cut rate and sold them pirated shit with no install media or product id's/serial numbers.

giving customers a backup strategy, then have them gut it, and they get pissed when their old computers (we told them to upgrade) die and they lose 10 years of data (try to blame us).


>> No.17208611

I was working one day and could hear one of the other techs explaining for 45 minutes over the phone to an older couple that just bought a computer from us how to turn on the computer. they kept turning the monitor off and on.

>> No.17208614

black dude in our repair shop was caught sleeping in the shitter. is loud snoring gave him away.

>> No.17208615

>time you are experiencing in your life is not your time because some fat middle-manager fuck has you on the clock
Cucked mindset

>> No.17208626

Bro it's fast food. If you don't like it just quit(no notice) and get another fast food job. It's literally that easy. When I was 17 I worked at a Wendy's and this kid got in an argument with the shift manager, quit on the spot, walked across the street to McDonald's and applied. He worked there after that, would come in before his shifts and shoot the shit. Was funny af

>> No.17208644

>Rent free

Grow up dumbass.

>> No.17208690

fuck the boss i work for myself
you young idiots want everything for free
and wonder why you are depressed virgins

>> No.17208697

A clipboard is a magic shield in just about any productive setting. Nothing makes you look more busy and important than making little checkmarks and doodles while looking at things.

>> No.17208715

I'd dropkick your head into a curb

>> No.17208722

Yeah too bad you and all your countrymen are stupid as fuck lol

>> No.17208727

pre 9-11 (pre-internet) I used to go to the local college and use the computers in the lab. I even went in to the cad lab and learned how to use the software for months before I decided to take the class. I did this for 2 years before the college started checking for proof you were taking a class. Just look like you belong there and act like you have been doing it all along.

>> No.17208734

It is fitting and sweet for a young man to die for his cooperation

>> No.17208774

>What the fuck do you have guns for?
>shoot owner
>media depicts you as an incel
>libtards take the bait
some DO fight back

>> No.17208824

>that pic
that absolute state of wagies

>> No.17208893

You work in a restaurant lol

>> No.17208929

>"Just find something to do!"
>everything done

>> No.17208935

Fuck off with your stupid phone.
Yeah have a seat take a break but fucking leave your phone in your coat/bag/car.

>> No.17208962

I disagree. If you are a wagie who needs that job to survive it is absolutely in your best interests to be a good little wagie. You have zero power and need that shitty little paycheck.

If you are young and have potential it is in your best interests to cultivate a solid work ethic and learn how to play the game. You can constantly try to hide in the bathroom to play on your phone and take shortcuts or you can put in a good effort and absorb whatever can be learned including networking and the game of appearances.

But again I’m assuming you aren’t going to be a perpetual wagie and actually have a modicum of potential. But if you’re an adult constantly looking for time to slack off and bemoaning the travesty of having to work while at work, something tells me there is perhaps a reason why you aren’t successful. Of course these /antiwork losers would never want to consider that their lack of ambition and bad outlook are the cause of their misery, they’d rather turn it into a class warfare anti-work coping fantasy.

>> No.17208967

Nah im my own boss and make 150k/year. Have fun with your job though hahahahahaha

>> No.17208971

>There's a pretty massive movement of everyone quitting these shit jobs right now
Isn’t this because of COVID bux? I doubt these wagies are quitting their jobs and stepping into better paying menial jobs with benefits. If they are quitting how are they paying the rent and groceries?

In Canada we had a similar thing happen but when COVID bux were clawed back in the fall we had a sudden spike in job numbers kek

>> No.17209011

Not him but that's a serious cope

>> No.17209021

>Browsing /ck/ at work
Do wagies really?

>> No.17209027

>plus they don't pay enough for this shit
Everyone says that about every job. You're not special.

>> No.17209034

Wow you must be a manager at Wendy’s

>> No.17209046

I am. Especially my work situation which involves me deciding what I am going to do the vast majority of the time and having a lot of control over my working hours and schedule.

I work hard in a field I love which gives me a sense of purpose and productivity. It also affords me an excellent quality of life through a great salary, benefits (medical/dental but also fringe benefits like travel, gym etc) and a decent work-life balance.

I worked minimum wage and difficult jobs to get through my undergraduate degree and worked my ass off to get scholarships as a grad student. I focused on publishing and networking as a grad student and post doc and I worked extremely hard while refusing to become cynical. I had goals and plans but was never too tightly bound to them because I am adaptable and like exiting my comfort zone if a better thing comes up.

This alls sounds good and easy after the fact but at the time it wasn’t. But I persevered and did all the right things and now I have something to show for it: good salary, family, freedom at work and so on. This is WHY you work hard and work smart. Do you think the prematurely embittered mediocre people complaining about having to work are where they are because of their mentality or because of coincidence?

>> No.17209058

>I work in food industry like a brainless dipshit therefore everyone else must too!
Lol at your existence hahaha

>> No.17209069

go hide and smoke by the dumpsters

>> No.17209085

>being this new

>> No.17209093

I'm aware of your shit tier meme, nice try moving the goalposts you poor, service industry faggot hahahaha

>> No.17209118
File: 374 KB, 823x1029, It's Lord Hummungus to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just walk away, Just walk away and there can be an end to this horror, just walk away.

>> No.17209124


I'm going through this motions right now. In my second year of grad school at moment in chemistry

>> No.17209135

who is more retarded, the ones faking this to go viral or the ones posting it on their favorite laotian fishery imageboards, perpetuating the virality

>> No.17209160
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 1493087387802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I worked at starbucks we got a 10 minute break every 2 hours, which was enough for me to rest my haunches. If it was slow I would do dishes or take apart the grinder and clean it because otherwise I would be bored. Mind you this was before smartphones so my brain wasn't addicted to checking twitter every 5 minutes

I feel sorry for wagies who have to stand all 8 hours when they could easily be on a stool or something to do their job but hey that's capitalism baby

>> No.17209222

If you shit on the floor you're keeping the janitors busy so that's a bonus

>> No.17209387

Why are wagies too stupid to find another job if they don't like their current one? There's never been an easier time to get food service gigs. At least neets aren't so self righteous thinking they deserve the world in when they do the bare minimum to work in the lowest barrier of entry work

>> No.17209536

Nice, enjoy this time to its fullest because you will one day be looking back with nostalgia. If you aren’t the most socially competent person make sure to work on this through networking and just putting yourself out there as much as possible. Especially if you are thinking of grad school: grades are one thing, you need solid letters of recommendation from respectable people and the means to fund yourself (scholarship) to make yourself marketable.

I used to think networking and playing the game was slimy and beneath me. Then I realized it is simply part of the game of life and to enjoy it for what it is. I can’t say I envy undergrads during the pandemic but make the most of it.

>> No.17209653

If you're strong you live, if you're weak you die.

>> No.17209691

i don't pay wagies to think. Go clean

>> No.17209692

all women are low self esteem whores
now imagine one that would work in fast food

>> No.17209709

Got a ticket like that once from a CNA. Our CNAs are either Shaniqua's or Sallie Mae's. It was a Sallie Mae who kept turning the monitor off and on despite me explaining where the power button was and what it looked like. I eventually told her to find another PC because she was wasting company time and she could have asked a co-worker for help.

>> No.17209721

Covid assistance ended months ago

>> No.17209785

Shut up Boomer. You were young once you stupid doucebag

>> No.17209797

>30 and still this whingy and immature
go cuck your life away for a company that couldn't give 2 shits about you
If you have your own business or a job you're passionate about then fair enough but if you work a shitty or boring job it's pathetic to have the subservient mindset you do

>> No.17209805

Quit your job and work at taco bell instead. You get high with your managers behind the dumpster during slow times.

>> No.17209810

lmao I'm gonna go to the McDonalds down the road with the retarded guy working there and ask him if he can deepfry my ice. Gonna tell him it makes coke taste way better.

Hopefully he does it and it'll fucking kill him. Wish me luck boys.

>> No.17209811

>mentions he's buying a gun when literally no one asked or cares
you sound cripplingly insecure, no wonder people avoid you

>> No.17209827

ikr fuck workers rights

>> No.17209847

>cmon man have some dignity even if its a shitty fast food joint
we have very different concepts of dignity
cucking your life and energy for a shit job like that is the opposite of dignified

>> No.17209854

>retarded typing
you're either mentally handicapped or a real life boomer on 4chan, congrats

>> No.17209868

>pretty satisfying life.
Someone who posts insecure wall of texts like this on 4chan are certainly not happy in their life kek

>> No.17209872
File: 26 KB, 556x500, 1594010678217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17209929

anonie it's a joke, get over yourself you thin skinned bean fucker.

>> No.17209947

lmao beaner seethe

>> No.17209973

fucking hate the US and their overzealous work ethic bullshit. it's a quiet day, go relax or something.

>> No.17209992


>> No.17210007

People who work normal jobs don't have to deal with this shit. It is literally low-IQ/education peons whose career peaks are fast food and retail management, the sort of people whose incredibly small time horizons that led them to make a career out of fast food instead of going to school or trades is the the thing that also leads them to not see why micro-managing and nickel and diming employees is ultimately a terrible thing that leads to high turnover, theft, and poor service. It's a self-perpetuating cycle, and the deadbeats that suffer under it become the next generation of management.

Also, a lot of these things are fake posts for reddit sympathy karma, just like the people who post the $500k hospital bills that they will never actually be paying in their life.

>> No.17210025

do you think putting on the chick-fil-a hat will rewire her brain and turn her into a cock-hungry slut or something? I think you're confusing cause and effect

>> No.17210041

We haven't had Covid bux for an entire year.

>> No.17210043

Pathetic retard middle manager of a store detected.

>> No.17210149

this most managers ive had really didn't care but their boss would yell at them so they had to say something.

>> No.17210199

If you get a "real job" even if the pay isn't much better the environment is, no weird rules against sitting when appropriate, pulling out your phone for a second, or having a chat for a minute with someone.

>> No.17210200

At any point in 2021, did you touch a woman who was not directly related to you?

>> No.17210204

The "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" wagie-hating archetype is the worst thing ever produced by the American experiment

>> No.17210241

Shut the fuck up. Minimum of wage=Mininum quality of labor

>> No.17210249

Is factory work considered a real job? If so, then you can get fired on the spot just for being caught using the phone on the floor.

>> No.17210252

Hell, you don't even need a 'real job,' you just need to work for a restaurant that hasn't grown large enough to develop a parasitic middle-manager class that exists solely to shit on wagies for not waging hard enough every hour of the day.

>> No.17210260

Anon it's a fast food place, do you really give a fuck what he says? I'm about 99% sure we're missing context that would make you look bad or her look less retarded anyways.

>> No.17210289

Tell that Boomer to go fuck himself 5 minutes before your next shift. Laugh at how desperate they get threatening you and then begging you to come back when no one else will cover your shift.

>> No.17210295

>you can get fired on the spot just for being caught using the phone on the floor.
No you can't

>> No.17210334

Yes you can. I've spent my entire life working in factories and warehouses as a fork lift driver or press operator.

>> No.17210393

There used to be a really nice Mexican restaurant near me owned and run by a local family. It was a fun place to work and as long as you got shit done nobody cared if you sat down for a while when it was slow. They eventually sold the restaurant to Indians who micromanaged everything from New Jersey via camera and nobody wanted to work there anymore.

>> No.17210499

brutal shut down of the whinging wagie incel

>> No.17210519

Its fine to complain about your job but most of these threads are filled with losers who just complain instead of talking about what they are doing to improve their prospects. This board didn't have all these victim complex threads until recently. It's like spill over from r/antiwork smooth brains

>> No.17210520

Nah I quit that job and am quite happy with my life now. You can have a strong work ethic and know when to use it, and when to not. You dont need to be lazy 100% of the time or a hard worker 100% of the time

>> No.17210522

damn must suck having no workers rights

>> No.17210604

You've never seen the term in anything but its acronym, have you?

>> No.17210817

pretty sure in most cases its about safety and being observant when forklifts and machines are running

>> No.17211261

Just buy a better job.

>> No.17211288
File: 25 KB, 500x338, 1641017954060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe poor wagie

>> No.17211442

>Literally hiding
>Obvious that you know you're not supposed to be doing that
>Look sketchy as fuck
>Do it anyway
Get back to fucking work, you aren't getting paid to hide in a corner and surf the web.