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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17154997 No.17154997 [Reply] [Original]

Today, I made bread. Its my 4th ever time. Say something nice/mean about it

>> No.17155003

Why does your dog look so disappointed?
What did you do to the poor dog?

>> No.17155012
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Shes disappointed because she knows she can't have bread

>> No.17155025
File: 335 KB, 768x1024, fr_6883_size1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bread thread? I'll post my bread in the bread thread. Pic related is my first attempt.

>> No.17155026

Bake it more, it only started to get a crust

>> No.17155030

It is bread.
This is also bread.

>> No.17155031
File: 194 KB, 768x1024, fr_6985_size1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my second attempt. Trying to get a more sour taste and have a better oven spring. My bread is looking a little too much like a Frisbee.

>> No.17155052

Nice color friend. No knead recipe?

>> No.17155054

I had trouble getting rid of the sour yeasty taste. Youre saying thats desirable?

Will do when I make more tomorrow. I do 375F for about 35 minutes

>> No.17155056

You probably should've let it cook longer

>> No.17155064

If it were me I would say it needed a more shallow score and more time in the oven. But it's not me, and I know bread can be tricky and have failed many times. Looks good! Give your dog some, asshole.

>> No.17155078

Thanks. There was definitely kneading involved, however this was my first attempt and I think my stretch/folds and shaping of the dough wasn't very good. The bread was still pretty tasty though.

I personally enjoy the sourness in my sour dough bread. The first attempt was very wheaty, which while still tasty wasn't what I was looking for. Second attempt I let the dough proof more and also the starter fall a little before making the dough. Very tasty, but I still didn't get the sour tangyness I'm looking for sadly. I will have to make more bread and practice.

>> No.17155082

375F seems pretty low from what I've seen in many bread recipes. I always see something like 480F for half an hour, then down to 400 for another 15 mins.

Do you use a dutch oven?

>> No.17155112
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I love me some seedy rye, pic related from yesterday.

>> No.17155116
File: 2.30 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20211203_193035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog catches enough treats in the backyard. Pic related

>> No.17155118


She's upset by the betrayal of you wearing Puma brand socks on it.

>> No.17155125

Well, if you want the sourness, i suggest kneading after the dough is proofed. Crazy, i know, but this time I kneaded it before and the sour taste was gone.

I use a regular electric oven. Ill try doing a higher heat next time. I always go on the lower side because im scared of burning my crust

>> No.17155129

I see your little feety weetys

>> No.17155136

Today I will make a bread and for it to

>> No.17155137

If you think bread is boring you should try making shit with it. This crayfish was easier than expected to mold by simply cutting up pieces of dough. Just don't go thin so it'll get dry.

Seems like a decent rise but can't tell how flat it is. I would have cooked it longer/hotter for more color personally.

>> No.17155142
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Forgot pic.

>> No.17155159
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Pic for rise

>> No.17155162

Good rise, scoring was way too deep though. Deformed the bread unnecessarily much.

>> No.17155163
File: 22 KB, 466x344, 71gIC8fAFoL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use a regular electric oven

What? Do you know what a dutch oven is? It's pic related. Using this will help with the crust.

>> No.17155192

Kek i knew what a dutch oven was, but i guess i made it seem like i didnt. I use a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Ill try the dutch oven if i cant succeed in getting a good crust by just increasing heat/time in oven

>> No.17155239

That looks really good OP. I like my crust darker than that though, if it were me I'd either put it in longer or hotter. I usually do 450 with a lid on it about 30 min then take the lid off for another 15