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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.28 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211218_211816893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17148798 No.17148798 [Reply] [Original]

Help me step-lobster, I'm stuck

>> No.17148805

fucking size of that roach.

>> No.17148812

I shouldn't stick my dick in that...


>> No.17148815
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211218_211855112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wh- what are you doing?

>> No.17148822
File: 2.52 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211218_212030577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the smaller of the two

>> No.17148838
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par-cooked (steamed for 2 min) just to set the tail meat and help it get outta the shells

>> No.17148844
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20211219_034552814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked sous-vide in dill butter, served with roasted potatoes and artichoke, 10/10 would gladly have as my last meal on earth

>> No.17148848

>pacific lobsters
nice job choosing the shittier of the two

>> No.17148854

Unfortunately there weren't any Atlantic lobsters there when I grabbed these out of the Pacific ocean this morning

>> No.17148881
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20211218_202024500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one's on the left, big fucker on the right

>> No.17148903

food doesn't come from the ocean retard it comes from a shop

>> No.17149190

Fucking elites should put some food in the ocean so we can get some too.

>> No.17149191

are we being raided?

>> No.17149202

why the fuck do you have a bag in the sink you fucking mong I bet you're fucvking australian i really do hate you people just get off my fucking board I hate you so fucking much you stupid down under cunt i hope your gravity belt or harness or whatever gets rusted due to your shitty sea water I hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you cook the lobster well if you even know how you inbred fucking hick I hate austrlainans so god damned much FUCK

>> No.17149207
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>> No.17149622

>They have Pacific lobsters
Holy shit those things look weird

>> No.17149637
File: 193 KB, 1140x642, Selecting-Live-Maine-Lobster_1140x642_acf_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, I just realized why they look so weird. They don't have claws! That is so odd.

>> No.17149767

Yes I swam from Australia to California
Yeah it's all tail, plus they got bit ass antennae. Prep is a bit easier. When people buy frozen lobster tails it's usually from pacific lobsters.

>> No.17149779


>> No.17149822
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>living on the pacific coast
nice job choosing the shittier of the two

>> No.17150828

are lobsters one of the ugliest things that we been trick into eating

>> No.17150832

i hate lobster ever since i learned that they used to be associated with cockroaches and i could see why.

>> No.17150842

Given that they used to be considered trash food for the poor, yes.

>> No.17150908

Wtf you can eat a whole ass artichoke?

>> No.17150936
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Wasn't that monkfish?

>> No.17150937

No. He's retarded for serving it like that.

>> No.17150938

hating everything won't make girls like you anon

>> No.17151106

didn't Chilean sea bass name got a name change due to how unappealing it was?

>> No.17151111

yes you can. you pull the leaves one by one, all of them have a bit of meat on them. you are left with the innards, remove the hairs with a spoon and there's the heart.
used to serve whole artichokes at a restaurant i worked at.

>> No.17151115

on a break from your google job?

>> No.17151200

no I work at a call center

>> No.17151323
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>> No.17151327
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>> No.17151406


those are some ugly ass mutha. do they taste good?

>> No.17151472

Fukushima bro, that didn't go away the media just stopped reporting on it.

>> No.17151487
File: 78 KB, 834x979, coTim0k[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure, I've heard that argument about Aussies before
pic related has some questionable language but blame google for that. real coincidental.

>> No.17151667

hahahahaha what

>> No.17152248

The ones in my country, which is very much Atlantic, also lack claws. Maybe it's a warm water thing and only cold water lobsters have claws. Idfk.

>> No.17152336

Nice. Did you dive for them or put out traps? I've tried to dive for them but those fuckers are fast

>> No.17152338

What country is that? One of those islands around Cuba and stuff?

>> No.17152342

Looks like a california spiny lobster to me

>> No.17152378


>> No.17152411

Artichoke looks so unappealing like this. Everything else looks great though.

>> No.17152491

That seems wasteful

>> No.17152500


>> No.17152501


>> No.17152665

shut the fuck up

>> No.17152912
File: 407 KB, 650x650, lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virign Pacific lobster
>chad Atlantic lobstah

>> No.17152931
File: 4 KB, 250x183, 1639413296113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the UGLIEST fucking thing ive ever seen

>> No.17152946

thats one ugly motherfucker

>> No.17153270

Nooo Pinchy!

>> No.17153317
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>> No.17153424

Dive, I'm faster than these nerds
Congratulations you've revealed you've never had the joy of eating whole artichoke. Your bloodline is weak.

>> No.17153429

Make me, faggot.

>> No.17153498

>Half a fucking Unpeeled artichoke
>Fried sandflies
>Disgusting looking lobster drowning in oil
>Ugly plate
>Ugly fork
I hate you

>> No.17153796

You will eat the sea bugs.

>> No.17153821

>turk infestation

>> No.17153869

How did we come to a point where fucking sea cockroaches are considered a delicacy

>> No.17153878

Just looks like a regular fish?

>> No.17153880

Technically scampi are also lobsters.

>> No.17154713

tastes good

>> No.17154738

I don't even like lobster that much but all these posts really make me want to eat some just for the experience of cooking a beautiful creature alive.

>> No.17154742

I do not like girls

>> No.17154913

You don't cook em alive, you knife their brain first (although they still wiggle around a lot... this guy's legs were still moving minutes after his brain had been knifed and tail had been ripped out)
that's a whole artichoke you seething dumbass
tastes good

>> No.17154970

only gay redditors do that, I want them to suffer

>> No.17155042


>> No.17155055

wtf you can't eat something just because it tastes good

>> No.17156062

>pacific lobsters
>programmer socks

>> No.17156120

tastes good

>> No.17156331

>>programmer socks

>> No.17156341

Thigh high socks worn by programmers. It's a /g/ meme. In refrence to the lobsters, I'm assuming it's because they are striped like most thigh highs?

>> No.17156953

/g/ meme where tranny coders wear thigh high socks (usually trans pride colored) while programming

>> No.17156970

yeah yeah I know the meme im just not seeing the socks on the lobbies

>> No.17156978

Ironic mootposting is still mootposting

>> No.17157576

this desu

>> No.17158351

>Brother, some help