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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 640x480, 640px-Pho-Beef-Noodles-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17135125 No.17135125 [Reply] [Original]

Post your country's national dish.
Yes, I'm from Vietnam

>> No.17135143
File: 2.76 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20210613_132925668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just one of them cause we have many national dishes
Now let's see who guess the country lol

>> No.17135155

One of those shitty eastern European countries

>> No.17135198
File: 3.00 MB, 2448x3264, CAM02706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now guess which one lol

>> No.17135205

What even is that orange thing? Also, Hungary?

>> No.17135219

I’m gonna guess Czech Republic

>> No.17135227

water looks cold and tepid, i aint eating/drinking that shit lmao
fucking gooks

>> No.17135232

>Know anything about great cuisine
It's ok I forgive you

>> No.17135240

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17135252

>Immediately pull the racist card when you just used a racial slur out of nowhere
>American politics
That's a strange obsession you have there, my dude. We are talking about food here

>> No.17135395

Good Pho is an absolute treat. Bad Pho is absolutely disgusting. I've got a proper vietnamese chef around the corner, bless their soul.

>> No.17135444
File: 500 KB, 2048x1344, Rouladen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17135445

if its pronounced fur why not spelling fur?

>> No.17135452

>responding to copypasta

>> No.17135457

Would. Also checked.

>> No.17135475


im hgungry now

>> No.17135492

I'm Colombian and i legitimately don't know what my national dish is.

>> No.17135498

does that look like knedlíky? bet you are vietOP

>> No.17135503

bandeja paisa, you should try it

>> No.17135513

thanks anon i think i will

>> No.17135534
File: 70 KB, 1024x577, 567d120e61ba43a35504c75c03f28ca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straya here

>> No.17135569

whats the meat? is that chicken parmagane?

>> No.17135670
File: 17 KB, 306x277, rambo_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a Rambo knife?

>> No.17135677

These days with all the fags around it's likely insects from CNN and their hanoi jane bug people crowd.

>> No.17135686

how the fuck do I get pho broth right

>> No.17135690

>how do i make le shitty chink soup right
boil for a long time

>> No.17135702

Too many foreigners on this fucking website

>> No.17135721
File: 3.39 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20210526_160854235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cabbage fried with tomato paste
>Czech Republic
>I'm hungry
Have a wiener with cheese fried in a pancake

>> No.17135755
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>> No.17135763


>> No.17135843

Very nice for hot summer day

>> No.17135852
File: 121 KB, 1200x882, s777933512805876197_p1_i1_w2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proud Burgerstanitonian reporting in.

>> No.17135854

idk why but i really like all the baltic/belarusian/polish food. For a peasant food it uses high amounts of vegetables and not as much bread. Would love to try some of the fish dishes but i dont have a fish source

>> No.17136362
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>> No.17136397

Yes it is. Chicken palmy/Parma depending on which bit of Australia

>> No.17136406
File: 224 KB, 1680x750, goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in my region will now this, and cherish with much delight.

>> No.17136407
File: 189 KB, 1920x2560, 675E9C29-B56A-491F-96A2-1D7FE2EF5B2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come to Arizona, Burgerland
>Have a chimichanga with carne asada fries with a glass of prickly pear lemonade

>> No.17136409

How can chicken parmigiana be your national dish? It would be like if some random backwater in South America claimed said spaghetti was theirs - do you guys at least do something different from the OG?

>> No.17136432
File: 77 KB, 512x394, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' Texas chili
>inb4 national not state
Fuck off, if we seceeded I wouldn't bat an eye.

>> No.17136438
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The proud American invention of BBQ

>> No.17136439


>> No.17136442
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>> No.17136459
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i don't know if there is leaf cuisine other than [spoiler]poutine and maple syrup[/ spoiler]

>> No.17136496
File: 94 KB, 1049x1049, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have more but i will say this is the national dish.

>> No.17136502

God I love those lil shits like you wouldn’t believe. Never heard of them called as funeral potatoes but that strikes me as an American Midwest origin name

>> No.17136511

It is easy to take this simple and common dish for granted. I lived abroad for a year and missed it. It is sad to not be able to walk into any bar and have a nice pincho de tortilla.

>> No.17136513
File: 102 KB, 870x565, BakenThingsDouble_PhootoCourtesyofArthurBovino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my country's national dish. It is actually quite delicious. It is curried chick peas and fried bread. Basically, a sloppa sandwich. Honestly it's become very over hyped in the last few years, people need to chill the fuck out about it. If you look it up online you have all these dressed up versions of it but the reality is that they look like this.

BBQ was invented by Amerindians, but I will agree that Americans perfected it. American BBQ is the best I've tried so far and all the Amerindians are dead so it's yours now.

>> No.17136524

it's a mormon thing, so you're not wrong

>> No.17136529

I had those for the first time at Thanksgiving and holy hell they are delicious. I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.17136547
File: 196 KB, 1200x675, banh_mi_hed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many superior dishes
>bun cha
>bo kho
>bun rieu
>my thap cam
>hu tieu nam vang
>goi vit
>bun bo hue
>bun rieu cua
>bun mang vit
>ca ri ga
>cac loai oc, hai san tuoi gan bien
also, Saigon pho > Hanoi pho 95% of the time. Pho Ga in Hanoi is bomb though, especially when it's rainy and cold out.

this thread made me sad. minh nho VN qua nhieu.

>> No.17136557
File: 57 KB, 512x384, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm hungary.

I'm from the USA, from a state where the special food is sweet corn and pork tenderloin

>> No.17136565

Based Hoosier

>> No.17136567

Tfw my country doesn't have an official language let alone a national dish.

>> No.17136573
File: 62 KB, 750x750, GgnyftZA5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17136576


you have to boil bones for a long time. a pho cook i trust with my soul said the secret was to add a little rice wine to the broth in the beginning, 1 liter for a big-ass pot so i'm guessing a few shots would be appropriate for a home batch. but really you'd be better off just buying it from a vietnamese restaurant, it's one of those dishes where it's hard to get right without years of experience and the right ingredients. it can be done well, and be tasty- but it'll never be quite right. in my experience western cooks tend to over-season it and make something different. in order to get it authentic and real it's a multi-stage, multi-day process done in pots which have been going more or less continuously for years.

>> No.17136598

that looks good as fuck, how can i buy one

>> No.17136622

The heat from the broth cooks the meat

>> No.17136631
File: 55 KB, 774x475, chicken fried steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17136967
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, lunch-dinner_burgers_all-american-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the All-American Burger.
There's nothing more American than a good ass burger.

>> No.17136978
File: 133 KB, 1175x620, snappy-lunch-mount-airy-north-carolina-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is a big place.
My state's specialty is the pulled pork sandwich, but my hometown's most famous meal is the porkchop sandwich from Snappy Lunch.

>> No.17136991


>> No.17136994

I ate a rendition of this in Puerto Rico, it was very good

>> No.17137060

This is my favorite food in the world, havent ate it in years.
Soijacks will get filtered of course

>> No.17137073
File: 121 KB, 1000x667, Cozido-à-Portuguesa_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17137688

Yo that looks delicious

>> No.17137833

t. Ramesh Punanan

>> No.17137922
File: 261 KB, 1280x936, 64C4F243-7DBD-4004-9410-115BBD88D3D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoosier here as well fren

>> No.17137953
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>> No.17137996
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Im diasporafag

>> No.17138018


>> No.17138038
File: 646 KB, 1920x2560, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say America is most known for its pizza

>> No.17138043
File: 45 KB, 720x480, silltallrik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we got several but the most popular ones are meatballs or a plate of herring, posting a pic of the herring plate :D

>> No.17138046

this is considered the national dish of Lithuania

it's considered a regional/casual dish in Poland


>> No.17138053

poutine, I would post a picture but I’m lazy

>> No.17138104
File: 188 KB, 937x699, Screenshot_20211217-004800_Motion photo viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had some pho for dinner

At a Vietnamese restaurant in
And I'm an

Good times.

Pho is definitely top 3 favorite dishes for me. Number one is the Iranian national dish, ghormeh sabzi

>> No.17138115

Go back. Now.

>> No.17138141


>> No.17138157

Gazette? Belgium, Luxembourg, France?

>> No.17138173


t. phone poster

>> No.17138233

Banh mi is better imo but Vietnamese is an underrated national cuisine.

>> No.17138419
File: 326 KB, 634x517, EpI3RHr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Finland

>> No.17138429

I don't know about "better," but I do love banh mi. There's a place by my house I've been going to for years, and I stop by at least once a week. When I was in college, my roommate and I basically lived off them.

>> No.17138469
File: 59 KB, 634x470, 18249738-7443405-image-a-5_1568027200267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerilards and Yuropoors can't compete

>> No.17138477

My mum used to put peas in this too. We would have it every week.

>> No.17138479

do I see beans in that "Texas" chili?

>> No.17138511
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>> No.17138565
File: 661 KB, 1200x800, TF-la-cocina-chimichanga-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the great country of Arizona. With a tall glass of iced hibiscus tea (Jamaica has too much sugar)

>> No.17138582
File: 31 KB, 389x216, cow-urine-dung-eating-doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the country

>> No.17138587

I refuse to believe there's not 1 beaner itt. why are mexicans such pussies?

>> No.17138612


Birmingham, United Kingdom

>> No.17138615

What is this called? I must have it.

>> No.17138629

I'm so fucking hungry after reading this thread that I would eat my grandfather's smegma, and he's been dead for years.

>> No.17138751
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, whitebait fritter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17138755

Goddamn, these make me miss home.

>> No.17138763

i haven't had one in about three years, whitebait is so expensive now

>> No.17138769

>that lazy chopping
you can count the onions and cilantro, couldn't they have chopped them better

>> No.17138771

Chole Bhatura

>> No.17138861

It's Ok abroad bro. They will open next year. You can finally come home

>> No.17138926
File: 35 KB, 620x413, 51236147623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg has to be deep-fried, lots of bird chili, serve with extra crisp cool cucumber.

>> No.17138952

Find a ghetto area in New York, Miami or Toronto and there will be a place that sells them. You will pay 7x what they charge for them in the native country and they will taste half as good.

t. Saucy Pow

It's this >>17138771 but the bread is more oily and soft. It's slightly different so it's called "doubles". They like to pretend they invented it there. Lmao. But hey it's the national dish.

>> No.17139126

Do you feel good about that one

>> No.17139184
File: 587 KB, 2560x1709, shutterstock_1488540764-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have many national dishes but this my frens despite the hate it may receive is amazing drunk food.

>> No.17139197

oh its meat with water, i prefer my meat with out water.

>> No.17139231

that's what your water looks like? what shithole are you living in?

>> No.17139320

never had i ever had a sandwhich that is as balanced as a bahn mi. its probably the best kind of sandwhich out here in the pacific north west

>> No.17139326

though this is also coming from me who is a philly boy so i have to compare it to cheesesteaks, italian hoagies, and roast pork sandwiches

>> No.17139328

Everyone raves about it, but to me that that just looks gross and messy. It's just fries, but with gravy and curds? So it just gets soggy? And like it doesn't even stick together really so the topping fall off the fries? And it's just a shitty version of nachos? Or a crappy baked potato?

>> No.17139519
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>> No.17139546
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Fries and gravy (with the gravy served on side) were the superior dish before just over a decade ago when the gov't started promoting this regional sloppa as a "national dish" because apparently they didn't like how Canadians don't have a "national cuisine". Like, fuck it, that shit is Quebecois and even they don't like being considered Canadian half the time.
It's so goddamn synthetic in how they managed to fucking dupe everyone into going "oh, yah, poutine's Canadian; always has been" when as recently as the 90s, most people outside of Quebec either didn't know about it or knew it as "that thing you had to try if you were ever in Monteal". I feel like I'm on crazy pills.

I fucking heard someone call chips/dressing/gravy as fucking "Newfoundland poutine". What kind of revisionist bullshit are we living it?


>> No.17139555

Most places don't make poutine very well, even inside of Canada. But when made well, it comes together quite wonderfully.

>> No.17140342

My god, the Brits still eat like the Germans are flying overhead.

>> No.17140352
File: 576 KB, 1920x1280, nasi lemak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these tasteless European food

you'll never guess where this is from

>> No.17140362

Bold to use pepto bismol as a soup base

>> No.17140372

THIS is Sunday roast?

>> No.17140471

You need to learn to cook nigga, this shit looks horrible compared to actual traditional dishes

>> No.17140474

German or Silesian

also checked

>> No.17140480

Người Việt trong /ck/, stop it.

>> No.17140495

I've got a close Canadian friend who hates Canada for many reasons, including the shitty cuisine; she is of Italian heritage and told me when her Anglo friends visited her they were flabbergasted by dishes considered normal in any sane country

>> No.17140502

Oh yeah, it's great! The one fault is with the chefs not cutting the skin right, so you get 4 rows of crispy skin instead of just the one.
Is the standard to serve with potatoes and gräddsås in denmark also?

>> No.17140527
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>> No.17140530

Dude, Vietnam is not an isolated country anymore. You should be glad that more and more Vietnameses joined these global communities

>> No.17140535

Taco and burrito are not national dishes, hombre. They are global dishes now

>> No.17140540
File: 99 KB, 1200x1200, classic-tourtiere-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always claim cajun cooking for Nova Scotia. Its bullshit but its funny to see peoples reactions.
Also, tourtieres, donairs, and nanaimo bars are top contenders.

>> No.17140560
File: 195 KB, 700x751, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no Mì Quảng
> no Cơm Hến
> no Cao Lầu
Also imo Hai Phong food = underrated too

>> No.17140570
File: 413 KB, 800x782, bri'ish ''cuisine''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the country without reading the file

>> No.17140603

My first guess is Portugal. The ports love their sardines.

>> No.17140750
File: 32 KB, 400x300, bowlotastysnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do my country.

>> No.17140753

why the fuck are you eating naleśniki with ketchup

>> No.17140771

The service that delivers lunch to our office used to have a good pho place, but haven't seen them on the menu for a few weeks. Very sad.

>> No.17140886

i always wondered how fish sperm tasted like

>> No.17140972

what is it?

>> No.17141463

Savoury mince beef, boiled spuds and buttered white bread. Don't think there is a name for it really, when I was a kid my mum would just call it savoury mince for tea.

>> No.17141498
File: 350 KB, 1920x1236, belgium-moules-frites-mosselen-met-friet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good. Mussels aren't in season all year long though, so stoofvlees is an acceptable substitute national dish.

>> No.17141500

This sloppa looks good. Can you share the recipe, anon? >>17141463

>> No.17141527

It’s a shame that the bread in Vietnam sucks so much. Banh Mi would be the perfect dish if it was just in a nice soft baguette instead of a rock hard bread stick.

>> No.17141534

some white ass country

>> No.17141572

Baguette isn't soft. Vietnam actually has decent bread compared to the rest of its neighbors.

>> No.17141584

i loves me some moules frites

>> No.17141713


>> No.17141719

Chachapuri is different, at least my gf's one is

>> No.17141723

ah yeah, the bread looks different than chachapuri- still want to try it sometime

>> No.17141733

It's delicious, but Georgian cuisine isn't that widespread sadly lol

>> No.17141747

Nice try but
Actually would be Senile Dick(but Kosher)

>> No.17141751

It should be, sweet tea is very delicious

>> No.17141754

I don't know much about the American state, sorry

>> No.17141760

Circumcised sausage

>> No.17141802
File: 122 KB, 680x1020, 1639770508598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fave dish

>> No.17141816

poutine is not canadian, you guys only started eating it because it got popular in the states.

>> No.17141835

oklahoma isnt a country,patrick.

>> No.17142021

you give us a bad reputation

>> No.17142026

this is stargazy pie. it's a traditional cornish dish.

>> No.17142056

Also it is lame. Make some proper chili cheese fries.

>> No.17142074

Are you Cuban?

>> No.17142573

this thread is just an attempt to fish people's country of origin and cross-checking poster IDs in other threads to see where people are from and what kinds of things they post on this board. do not post your national dish or people will know where you are from just from your poster ID which can be easily read with two clicks in a chrome addon

>> No.17142647

Based lonestar chad, making 49'ers seethe.

>> No.17142708

na, venezuelan

>> No.17144029
File: 145 KB, 1024x634, ari-helminen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like this you are just a contrarian

>> No.17144774
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>> No.17145085

Wait you can eat bananas as a vegetable?

>> No.17145091

At least hide your filename, Anon

>> No.17145095

That's Greek yogurt and strawberry right?

>> No.17145098
File: 39 KB, 731x491, correct taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are only good when made correctly

>> No.17145116
File: 66 KB, 550x339, firebrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the best chili you have to go to the literal chili capital of the world, not faggy texas or ohio.

>> No.17145119
File: 143 KB, 1200x630, fødselsdagskage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17145156
File: 482 KB, 2560x1916, currywurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Germans might talk shit about this, but a traditional Berliner Currywurst is the peak of German "cuisine" and the only real national dish we can show to the world besides a döner kebab

>> No.17145201

Germans got a taste for curry sauce from the British troops stationed in Berlin post ww2 so its not even german.

>> No.17145210

Why are you so obsessed with finding the inbreeding pinnacle of perfection in a society that only narrowly avoided complete failure due to perchance heterosis.

>> No.17145226

They call them funeral potatoes because they have so much fat in them you die if you eat too much

>> No.17145235
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I thought mammi was Christmas fare

>> No.17145254
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pootine is the meme answer

>> No.17145263

like most things, quality varies widely. a good poutine will blow your tits clean off but most of the time it's pretty mediocre

>> No.17145270
File: 6 KB, 256x290, 1408523507215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1755 never forget
Also the only good thing to come out of the Maritimes was TPB

>> No.17145277
File: 1.80 MB, 3648x2736, tunnbrödsrulle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stargazy pie is such a meme I even know it's from Cornwall
t. Nord

>> No.17145300

It's fairly straightforward but there's a lot of variation. fry a small onion in some oil, add beef mince and cook till crumbly, then add beef powder and some tomato puree and worchester sauce and a cup of water and a sliced up carrot and cook till it's how you like it thickness-wise
You can also put frozen peas, sliced mushrooms, garlic, celery, corn, or potatoes in it but the pic doesn't look like it has those. Peas are usually in it
It really is middle class sloppa that everyone makes differently and according to how their mom did it

>> No.17145303
File: 105 KB, 675x1200, DAYimTCWsAAJ8wY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the great fortune of dating a Georgian woman who had a wedding in the family and got to go along. I was there for a week and I gained 4 pounds

>> No.17145314

I have always found it curious that even in "muh 1/32 heritage" America it seems like we can't support German restaurants. I live in an area heavily settled by Bavarians and we have one German restaurant and one specialty shop for 250k people in the county

>> No.17145381

>potatoes didnt arrive in Europe until the 16th century therfor every dish featuring potatoes isn't even European

>> No.17145384

isn't everything around the oktoberfest always a good attractor in the states? I guess most Americans have a weird image of German cuisine and therfor it's hard to sell, maybe doesn't fit the Zeitgeist

>> No.17145396
File: 72 KB, 1200x800, 1608530973999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess where

>> No.17145450

Anything 'curry' isn't European what soever, tikka marsala isn't British food. Curry worst or schwarma isn't german food. Nuff sed.

>> No.17145451

There are pockets which will do something about oktoberfest. Milwaukee has a beer garden that is viable in good weather and has events during the festival that has a good attendance, good enough that they can charge a 10$ entrance fee

The American idea of German food is more or less bratwursts with sauerkraut and pretzels, both with mustard. We eat a fuckload of brats, but a sauerbraten or roasted pork knuckle or any kind of German dumpling is somewhat hard to find and a good one is very difficult unless you know a German family with a grandmother who likes to LARP

>> No.17145452

only retarded, toothless, leatherskin strayans think a slice of wonderbread is a suitable containment vessel for sausages

>> No.17145455

Based fellow breton poster

>> No.17145456

Get fucked . Curry is as british as sausages

>> No.17145464

>tikka marsala isn't British food. Curry worst or schwarma isn't german food
chicken tikka and currywurst don't exist in India except perhaps in hotels that cater to foreigners. They are very much european foods

>> No.17145472

>German dumpling is somewhat hard to find
You just have to mix potatoes with flour and depending on the regions also eggs or not.

>> No.17145474

>chicken tikka and currywurst don't exist in India
I have watched food videos in India and they most certainly do eat chicken tikka and even chicken tikka masala among themselves, not just for tourists.

I don't doubt that chicken tikka masala was invented in Britain by Indians but its not British. The only true British are the ethnic English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish.

>> No.17145477

Tikka masala and other curries were made by Indians in India, or Indian chefs living in Britain. The only true English 'curries' are things like Kedgeree, which were made by English people using spices from india.

A mouse born in a stable isn't a horse.

>> No.17145483


fuccin delicious

>> No.17145514
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Were they speaking English in those videos anon?
Regardless they originated and propagated in Europe

Americans making spaghetti with marinara sauce doesn't make it American, it's Italian. But if you add big ass meatballs (which they wouldn't do in Italy) because of the shared cultural history of Italian immigrants to the USA, it becomes an American food. Likewise when Euros tweak a dish from the subcontinent to suit their own tastes it becomes a European food. If it makes its way back to India it doesn't stop being European

>> No.17145519

Yeah I know but it's kind of a hard sell to Americans
>hey let's go out tonight for something special- potatoes mixed with flour and then boiled

>> No.17145536

The reputation in Germany isn't much better though. It has less of a flavour than plain potatoes and just exists as a sponge to absorb gravy. People don't make them often and only positively associate them, because greatparents always serve them for christmas or other festive occasions.

>> No.17145568

I have eaten mämmi and it was really good :D

>> No.17145669

Fuck you for posting this.I want this thing so fucking bad but I can never find a good place to get it

>> No.17145774

>Nyama Choma
Everytime I see another Kenyan on here I get a little weirded out

>> No.17145798
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Not from Laos but I love me some larb

>> No.17145814
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Based cubanposter. The cabbage goddess smiles upon ye

>> No.17145969

>meat flavored with fish
not for me pham, I can't stand that shit, haven't tried the specific recipe you posted, but I ate some beef with a fish sauce on top and was repusled

>> No.17146203

Lol!! Nobody called you racist. What an insecure fucking post. Knife yourself to death

>> No.17146213

Get laid

>> No.17146231

>It has less of a flavour than plain potatoes and just exists as a sponge to absorb gravy
That's why there are Semmelknödel. Vastly superior to regular.

>> No.17146333

Semmelknödel are even worse.

>> No.17146444

A venezuelan restaurant opened up near us and I had this dish. 10/10 dish.

>> No.17147822


Nobody eats mämmi like that, you mix it with vanilla sauce and it's pretty good. Mainly because of the vanilla sauce since mämmi itself has little no no flavor.

>> No.17147830
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>> No.17148070

we add some ham between the cheese and napoli sauce? Of course we didn't invent it but it's the most commonly found dish all over the country. Just about every pub, restaurant, cafe etc will serve a parma

>> No.17148076
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>> No.17148077

You're right to be proud of it anon, it's really taken off in my country and is fantastic every time I've had it

>> No.17148080

Came here to post this. Heil Hoosiers.

>> No.17148089

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.17148115

Pabellon criollo, my mom made the shredded beef for me as a kid

>> No.17148120

Try cachapas next time

>> No.17148442

Arre~ Tacos bien echos.

>> No.17148444


>Taco Bell
Enjoy pleb tacos

>> No.17148447

As ghetto and shitty this looks. I want!

>> No.17148843
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I feel like we don’t get enough credit for our breakfasts in burgerland (not pictured: chicken fried streak and eggs, biscuits and gravy, Belgian waffles and French toast).

English breakfast comes in 2nd. My fat American tastebuds demand some dessert as part of a balanced breakfast. English breakfast just needs a pancake with syrup.

I have heard good things about Breakfast from the Philippines.

>> No.17148954

I guess a good counterpart would be a scone? Though those technically aren't part of English breakfast.

Kenya is a pretty big country though, right?

>> No.17148963

Tell us, OP, is Vietnamese socialism good or is it garbage soviet union tier starvation?

>> No.17148966

trips of truth

>> No.17148971

I loled

>> No.17148972

Finally, tőtöttkáposzta

>> No.17148975

sounds good but all in one meal sounds like a gastrointestinal nuclear meltdown

>> No.17148981

Middle America

>> No.17148992

As a fellow Australian, I was wondering what might come up on this thread. A few decades ago it might have been a meat pie or vegemite or some other shit, but I think you've actually nailed it for the current epoch. Well done. Seconded.

>> No.17148994

salty milk and coins

>> No.17149007

I've never tried that 'chicago style' pizza. I'm sure it's nice, but I have to say: what kind of insane fucking drugs were people on when they invented that? It's the most retarded upside-down shit I've ever seen. Honestly not pre-judging here, but it's just so... fucking weird.

>> No.17149089

Indonesia or Malaysia? I had that a few times. It's great. I love the little fishies.

>> No.17149090

Yeah, nah, the meat pie with tomato sauce is eternal. Same with the bunnings snag.

>> No.17149098

It's 'plantain', which looks almost exactly like a normal banana but it's not sweet at all. It tastes quite similar to potato, actually, only more fibrous. It's very nice when deep fried and served with meat like this.

>> No.17149100

It's basically a casserole/pie. I don't understand why you people go to shit over it when similar heavy and rich dishes such as lasagna are considered perfectly normal. Does the use of the word "pizza" really confuse you that much?

>> No.17149113

Oh, don't pull that shit. There's no such thing as 'real' regional food for anywhere in the world. People always use what's available. As soon as a new food product becomes available it is incorporated. You would have to discount 99% of asian food because it contains chilis (from America) or Italian food because it contains Tomatoes (America again). Just stop. Nobody's impressed.

>> No.17149115
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carrots n' sloppa wit a side o mash. yumma yumma for my tumma

>> No.17149118

If you let it ripen all the way then deep fry it it becomes sweet. The best sweet cooking banana is moco though

Yeah, not anymore

>> No.17149119
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big time brits

>> No.17149129

You're an idiot. How far back do you take this? Are you going to say that any European food containing citrus is not 'authentic' because the fruit was introduced from the Middle East? Or are you just trolling?

>> No.17149145

I always loved the stories about this guy, and how he was apparently still extremely athletic and a good fighter despite being morbidly obese. He could perform a standing high-kick that would bring his foot over his head, and one time he even pummelled a bear into submission with his bare hands.

>> No.17149146

Don't piss your panties, princess. I said it looked good and I'd be happy to try it. It's just fucken strange and a weird approach to pizza. Jesus.

>> No.17149157

I'm just getting tired of people acting like it's some bizarre oddity when it's perfectly obvious why the dish came about. No offence to you in particular.

>> No.17149205

It kinda looks like a deformed chocolate chip cookie

>> No.17149494

hello jobro

>> No.17149570

ching chong nip nong

>> No.17149582
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>> No.17149601

And a ching chong ping pong ding dong to you too, asshole

>> No.17149604

I will remember this and snarkily tell off the next person who talks about Canada and their poutine.

>> No.17149620
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>> No.17149667
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>> No.17149683

Medium rare roast goose


>> No.17149692

Poutine is a Quebecois dish. end of story.

>> No.17149851

The famous Polish smegma cheese

>> No.17150877

crisse que ta raison.

>> No.17150910
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It's not bad. The texture is interesting.
Beluga whale tastes like salty ass though.

>> No.17151615

One of these breakfast dishes imo

>> No.17152226
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>t. Ching Chong

>> No.17152285

Feijoada based

>> No.17152445

Bunnings snag

>> No.17152639

So cook it yourself. it's three very common and very cheap ingredients.

>> No.17152675

Looks like shit.
Also looks amazing and I want it.
How have you done this? What foreign devilry have you wrought?

>> No.17152793

>it's perfectly obvious why the dish came about.
Because someone fucked up and put the cheese first?

>> No.17152813

Il est un faggot tabernac.

>> No.17152847
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Wyoming here. We eat a lot of elk

>> No.17152854

Wrong. BBQ was invented in Africa.

>> No.17152861

BBQ mud perhaps

>> No.17152883

Big black queefs?

>> No.17152926

because of the long cooking time, the sauce has to go on top or the cheese would burn, thats why it's done that way

>> No.17152945
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>German or Silesian

>> No.17153080


>> No.17153098
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That's not even the national dish

>> No.17153692
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>> No.17153708

That's interesting, what is it?

>> No.17153751

Greetings newfriends. You will be welcomed warmly here and not verbally abused wherever you try to post, I assure you.

>> No.17153760
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>> No.17153769
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>> No.17153773
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>le regular sandwiches but in le funny moonrune names LOL!!!

>> No.17153782

>It's basically a casserole/pie
It IS a casserole/pie. It'd have 0 cultural relevance if it wasn't so fun to troll people by calling it a pizza.

>> No.17153788
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love me some classic turkish sloppa, just with pilav and yoghurt on the side, simple as

>> No.17153791
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To visit texas and go to one of these places is one of my long term goals texas anon, it looks very good and I'm curious if it's just a meme or if it holds up to it's reputation. What city would you recommend that I visit?

Pic related is a popular dish among real swedish people, traditionally served with a glass of pilsner and a minus celsius snaps such as OP Andersen

>> No.17153801
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Or raclette, whatever you like

>> No.17153914
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>> No.17153963

wyoming isnt a country retard

>> No.17154061

That's a South African Braai plate.

>> No.17154063

lol its called a braai not BBQ. We South Africans invented and mastered the grilling if meat in a flame.

>> No.17154087
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 430D7B70-2F63-4CB3-A132-2ACFE21A36DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came, I saw, I jingled
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17154099

It's going to be when we succeed and take the nukes with us faggot

>> No.17154106

looks Malaysian or Indonesian

>> No.17154333
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>> No.17154336

After he came, he saw and then he jingled.

>> No.17154356
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Made a thread about making these lately nut couldnt finish cuz all the hate

>> No.17154441

Checked and Valenciapilled.

>> No.17154537

I know I know MOLDAVIA

>> No.17154605
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>> No.17154630
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>> No.17154633
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>> No.17154652

Prickly pear lemonade is pretty darn good, it's around in New Mexico too.

>> No.17154820

Based and Grottopilled. Also here for the scrapple and peach cobbler.

>> No.17156052

Enfin d'la vrai cuisine

>> No.17156092

Overhyped. Had it in PR and it was dry,bland, and not very good.

>> No.17156125
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Fårikål. Should be pinnekjøtt imo though.

>> No.17156149

I know a guy who runs a sausage sizzle at Bunnings. It's actually super fucking unprofitable.
Bunnings won't let them use any of their own logos (they're a Rotary club, but other charities are also forced to subdue advertising their charity) except on one small sign, they have Bunnings signage everywhere. Bunnings does not pay for any of the ingredients despite forcing them to act as advertisers for Bunnings. Because the cost of supplies have gone up, this becomes an even bigger problem because Bunnings refuses to let them raise the price, despite meat, bread and soft drinks being more expensive than ever.

That being said, I still love a Bunnings snag.

>> No.17156161
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>> No.17156730

>since mämmi itself has little no no flavor
also most eat it with milk but vanilla is still pretty popular choice

>> No.17157025


>> No.17157321

In Penang I'd say CKT or a big plate of Nasi Kandar sloppa would count more as the classic dinner dish

>> No.17157347
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Pretty easy to tell who the fat ass Americans are anyway

>> No.17157355

Hold still while I glass you cunt

>> No.17157559

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.17157907
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>> No.17157994

Vietnam is doing pretty well and has a releticely high standard of living compared to most Southeast Asian countries. They'll probably be a regional power in the next decade or two.

>> No.17158014
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>its good if you compare us to Laos and Cambodia

>> No.17158138
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>> No.17158150

looks like throw up

>> No.17158152

give me on my back teeth

>> No.17158186

why post...what ever this is when you could have posted a nice shepherds pie with basically the same ingredients, but HP sauce is absolutely brilliant so I can't complain

>> No.17158199

Bunnings are a buncha fuckin dogs, I'll make sure I put a fiver or something in the rotary tin next time I'm getting some (nobody gets just one snag)
I have a theory that the snags at Bunnings are so good because of the ancient barbecues they're using, there'd be the fat from tens of thousands of sausies soaked into them by now

>> No.17158689

Checked, my favorate food

>> No.17158693

German cuisince is the best of the world, while currywurst is a good modern addition the real shit is older like >>17135444 or all kinds of Braten and special foods

>> No.17158939


nice trips, patient shit eater