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File: 145 KB, 800x800, cheto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17131527 No.17131527 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought these for around 10 euros and I gotta say, from all the things I've heard about this particular snack, what a letdown.

>> No.17131531
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these are the swedish kind, which are fucking delicious yo u ga y

>> No.17131537

You paid 10 euros for that? What the heck. Are they not normally available there or something?

>> No.17131548
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the lime ones are significantly better

>> No.17131565

I purchased it from a webiste that specializes in american snacks and treats. I live in Sweden.

>> No.17131568

I feel like the original ones are already pretty tangy, almost too much. I'm not that keen, however, of spending another 10 on something like this. But it's fun to try now and then.

>> No.17131571

>what a letdown.
Well yeah, at 10 yuros of course it’s a let down.
I love Cheetos but would never eat them again before I’d pay that for a bag.

>> No.17131577

Basically this. You should really only be paying like 2 dollars

>> No.17131581

I’m not stupid, of course I had to have in my mind that I didn’t pay that much while eating them. I just think they have too high praise in general.

>> No.17131588

>I just think they have too high praise in general.
I would agree as far as the flaming hot goes.
I greatly prefer the normal Cheetos.

>> No.17131592

What high praise were you seeing for these and where were you seeing it?

>> No.17131598

They are not bad everytime I have a craving for something spicy I get it. Would I say its worth $10 noo way

>> No.17131603

On here I’ve seen it. It’s definitely the most talked about ”chip”.

>> No.17131605

Look to make it clear, I am not saying that I think any bag of chips is worth anything close to 10 dollars.

>> No.17131609

>10 euros
They cost $0.5, and even the largest bag I have seen is $2.5.

>> No.17131801

sorry to hear that man, flamin hot cheetos are probably my favorite packaged snack and i didn't even grow up on welfare. perfectly tangy, spicy, savory and red. nice crunch too
i've had the same snack manufactured for mexican and japanese consumers and they tasted completely different. did you for sure get the VIP POISONOUS AMERICAN edition?

>> No.17131805

gawd, i'd put anything swedish in my mouth, even cock and i ain't even gay

>> No.17131824

Swedish fail

>> No.17131830

The actual american products get stupid expensive in Europe
Ive bought takis for almost 10 a bag and single hostess cakes(stuff like twinkies) for 3-5 euros a 2 pack, where i guess 10 bags of 2 cost like 5$ in the US

>> No.17131839


>> No.17131872
File: 3.31 MB, 2375x3865, E25FE7A1-EC4C-4C21-9F46-2028AD0BEE71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, shipping things from other continents tends to do that.

My grocery store has a small British section and I assume it’s all significantly more expensive than what it sells for in Bongland.

>> No.17132269

I fucking love those Haywards pickled onions but my store stopped stocking them. I've been giving serious consideration to making my own.

Just for reference they're $7 here in Texas.

>> No.17132280

Why do you purchase this kind of crap

>> No.17132642

Gotta get the double hot ones you fool. You will shit blood my man but in a good way

>> No.17132666

>why do you try things you haven’t tried before
Because not everyone needs reassuring validation from a perceived group of peers before trying something or forming an opinion.

>> No.17132713
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You got the wrong thing your supposed to get hot fries not hot cheetos

>> No.17132755

they are worth about 1 (one) euro

>> No.17132778

These are 50 pesos man, and the big bag
I dislike them
I like the normal ones better

>> No.17132788

ehh they're alright but something about corn chips and spice just doesn't go well together

>> No.17133289
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satanic trips win

>> No.17133314

That caught my eye, my local farmfoods sells them for 79p

>> No.17133388

Not sure why but I always thought these sucked when I was a kid and then I tried them again and can't go back to the normal ones.

>> No.17134512

Gimme address op and I send you American snacks.

From Burger wit love

>> No.17134775

>paid 10 yurops for a small bag of chips
>I’m not stupid

>> No.17134855

>10 euros
>for fucking cheetos

>> No.17134858

Everything Americans hype and cum their pants over is incredibly mediocre, this is no exception.

>> No.17135090

The Mexican janitor-cum-fraud who 'invented' these instantly turned into a faggot who lectures actual Americans about diversity for money. He also didn't even invent them. Frito Lay sat back and let him peddle his Cinderella myth for over a decade to a credulous audience of women and idiots. Don't buy them.

>> No.17135117

For some really strange reason... the ones you get from the gas station always taste a million time better than the ones from the grocer.

>> No.17135354

the really small bags taste spicier for some reason also. the big bags taste more cheesy

>> No.17135383

nobody fucking hypes hot cheetos you trog

>> No.17135688

I love em but not for 10 bucks fuck that

>> No.17135693

What are you yammering about retard? Boycotting is for niggers.

>> No.17135708

I’d say everything there looks to be around 3x the UK price.

>> No.17135736

The "American" section of foreign grocery stores is usually pretty shit.

>> No.17135740
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t.achmed reporting in,
wtf is a "turkish"???????