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17130092 No.17130092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I say this with absolute sincerity. Alcohol should be outlawed in every nation on Earth. Nobody I have ever known has had their life positively affected by alcohol. It is purely an evil substance that must be destroyed for the good of the world.

>> No.17130107

cope drinklet

>> No.17130111

you should kill yourself.

>> No.17130116


>> No.17130131

Got me layed quite a few times

>> No.17130135

I hate that puritanical faggots like you have become a new norm on this site.

>> No.17130141


>> No.17130142

That’s a fair point, but it’s like trying to get out a cancer, you can’t just rip it out because it’s entangled and growing in all facets of our society.

>> No.17130143

i have unironically made the same argument for years
problem is we dont have enough control over people and producing it is much to easy
i did it without much trouble when i was 14 and have continued to do so since

>> No.17130146

We saw how well that went back in the early 1900s. Banning it creates a black market and allows crime to thrive.

>> No.17130148

Yes, because outlawing alcohol was such a success the last time.

Retard frogposter.

>> No.17130151

Nah, it’s existed for thousands of years and we’ve done just fine. Cope/seethe/dilate etc.

>> No.17130155

>Nobody I have ever known has had their life positively affected by alcohol.
Jokes on you. I got shitfaced with a girl once and she passed out and let me lick her feet and armpits and put my dick in her.

>> No.17130159


>We tried to kill one of the greatest evils in the world once and it didn't work so we gave up

>> No.17130174

>I need gubbyment to tell me what is right and wrong


>> No.17130183

>believing in evil
grow up. there is only sense and nonsense

>> No.17130185

Fuck off yenta

>> No.17130196

there is only poop and nonpoop

>> No.17130308

But nearly every government around the world has decided alcohol should be legal.
To say that alcohol should be banned is at the very least clearly going against what the government wants as well as the general consensus which to me seems to be the opposite of letting someone else tell you what is right or wrong. If you think alcohol should be banned that makes you the rebel not the other way around and most people end up thinking this only because of what their own experience has taught them.

>> No.17130313

This was already tried and people started drinking even more

>> No.17130321

Agree. I've never tasted alcohol and will never do so as long as I walk this earth.

>> No.17130322


>> No.17130326

Presumably with women you were not married to, which proves his point.

>> No.17130331

do moderate amount of GHB once a weekend, it's more fun, more cost-effective, and no hangovers

>> No.17130338

They didn't have the technology we have now. Alcohol free states are now possible.

>> No.17130342

>filters retards
based alcohol

>> No.17130343

The absolute seething you caused is beautiful

>> No.17130346

gay homo buttsex is great

>> No.17130347

>The hands of a man who will never touch a woman typed that post

>> No.17130354

Can you imagine how much more crime there would be if we banned black people?

>> No.17130380

I only do it with my gf and the sex is insane

>> No.17130387


first off. ya drinking it is almost always negative or neutral. Second we use it to sterilize things. This people sniff petrol when they cant get alcohol so true is people just want to get high.

>> No.17130403

You mean like narcotics? How long has the war on drugs been going on?

>> No.17130439

if you mean looking through everyone's phone cameras and coming after them with guns if you see them making sugar wine I think that raises incredible questions whether this actually is about caring for their wellbeing or your personal issues

>> No.17130450

It’s fine being legal. I just never drink. People look at me funny when I say no thank you and ask for a soda instead. It never tastes good and it makes me feel terrible. Plus it can age you. I don’t understand it.

>> No.17130548

Hooch can be made with store bought apple juice and bread yeast. It is incredibly hard to root out of society due to the prevalence of sugar water and bought/wild yeasts. They figured this out over 100 years ago that it just creates a black market due to ease of production, why are you so stupid?

>> No.17130551

i agree with you but also you can suck my nuts and fellate me, fuck you op

>> No.17130554

gonna have to disagree with you, laws don't do anything but create black markets

>> No.17130564

Muslim immigrants are rapidly rising above natives of alcoholic nations simply because they're clear headed all their waking hours. Find a Muslim wife if you're young, because this is definitely the future.

>> No.17130566

It keeps retard in line and the low end service market running. It should be abolished but on that same point hallucinogenics should be legal so whatever. Alcohol only exists to keep boomers and autistic layabouts happy
>t. I down at least a fifth of red label Smirnoff A night

>> No.17130590

muslims smoke fucking spice and k2 instead and stand behind the counter of the corner store spaced out as fuck lol

>> No.17130591

of course it's a frogposter posting these shitskin takes.

>> No.17130629
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Bartender here.

Every single person I give beer to is happier for it.

Checkmate faggot.