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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17126634 No.17126634 [Reply] [Original]

So yah I'm that guy no idea what it is but I cooked it in mayo with garlic some water and salt.
Tasted close to spinach no idea what it is.

>> No.17126652

Looks tasty enough

>> No.17126657

So when you see random, unidentified plants growing on your property, your first instinct is to cook it with mayo and eat it?

>> No.17126673

It was

>> No.17126678
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Yah what could go wrong!?
My rabbit likes it too so what's the problem...

>> No.17126699

Free food

>> No.17126708

next cook random mushrooms

>> No.17126716

I do trick is to not eat the mushrooms that aren't eaten at all by bugs.
Also I give them to my chickens if they don't die or start acting weird your fine.

>> No.17127203

You know there are some things that are toxic to some animals and not others? Feeding things to a different species and using that to determine whether you should eat it is not completely foolproof.

>> No.17127354

>cooked it in mayo
what the hell

>> No.17127413

Looks kind of like a radish or turnip leaf. Dig up where the roots of the plant would be and see what's down there.

>> No.17127429
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>Anon ate a random plant, this is what happened to his kidneys.

>> No.17127439

thank you for risking it all in the name of science
maybe the man doesn't want you to know that plant is edible

>> No.17128406

Worked for king's works for me.
Nothing is that lethal I'm in Italy unless it's belladonna or has cyanuric something in it it's fine.
A rabbit won't eat it also if poisonous garlic will turn black.
Also death isent a big deal live a little you will all get there.

>> No.17128440
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So it's white ish no bulb so i doubt it's a turnip.
I think it's this..
Also nothing happened it's been like 12h and I'm fine and since the garden is full of them and i like the taste I'm eating the rest

>> No.17128470
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You know Mayo is just cooking oil and 1 egg right anon!?
You can fry anything you normally fry in vegetable oil just make sure the taste wouldn't Clash.

>> No.17128505
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>insects function the same way as mammals
Ever considered that if you sprayed a cockroach and a mouse with Raid, one would immediately die while the other only be a little wet, or why some birds can eat berries that would give a human kidney failure if eaten?
The fact that you don't have an exoskeleton should've tipped you off

>> No.17128548

Have you considered that plants have common ancestors like humans with monkeys?
So if it has certain characteristics it's likely from the same family?
Also rabits have excellent smell are mammals and have been used with the purpose of testing edible plants for the past forever.
Chickens especially domestic ones would die in 45 minutes tops if the mushrooms would be poisonous.
Also poisonous plants are awesome you can use them to kill rats keep bugs away from your plants etc.
I'm a lar healthy guy there's nothing around that would kill me in a very small dose.
It's Europe we have lists with all the plants that can actually harm you.And we all know how they look.
Not on the list probably won't kill you.

>> No.17128585

Also you think you're body doesn't understand something is poison?
Do you think poison tastes good?
You know you have to hide the taste if you want to eat poison right?
Your body will puke out anything bad on its own.
This is food not venom it's ingested not in your blood.
Worst case the local hospital will have to pump my stomach and il end up on the local news as the Town idiot.

>> No.17128631

Are your chickens typing these posts?

>> No.17128681
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It's my third language I'm fine with my level of literacy.
Also you it's after midnight and I've been drinking

>> No.17128738

You misunderstood me. Your English is fine, but your reasoning is like that of a chicken

>> No.17128847

>live a little you will all get there.
some sooner than others.

>> No.17128860

Eat a single death cap and get back to us.

>> No.17129022
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