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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1594x896, 4dccaac26c875c81196b105b46a52d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17122525 No.17122525 [Reply] [Original]

This is just plain stupid.
Make a patty or something, this is foolish.

>> No.17122530

they usually have too much sauce
bread becomes soggy mess
sandwich falls apart
yes, this is the stupidest of sandwiches

>> No.17122538

It’s like putting whole boiled eggs on a sandwich.

>> No.17122574

Lampreys in a pie

>> No.17122724

kill yourself its the ideal sandwich
no bullshit whatsoever

>> No.17122756

Works if you mash that shit with mayo, hot sauce and nutmeg. Salt too.

>> No.17123082
File: 100 KB, 750x500, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one is foolish but if you use a antiquity sized roll and smaller meatballs plus add some provolone over the meatballs and broil it till the cheese starts to crisp up, the cheese will hold it together
But for some reason in the last few years people started making impossible to eat sloppa that falls apart on the first bite

>> No.17123155

subway is dogshit and I don't know why they not only exist but have spread so far that they now exist in countries that don't even have McDonalds

>> No.17123158

>antiquity sized roll
based retard
you're supposed to cut the meatballs in half

>> No.17123159

Diet Dr Pepper is the most disgusting soda pop I’ve ever tried in my entire life. It’s seriously disgusting. I tried regular Dr Pepper and said okay maybe it’s not for me a little strong but nothing could have compared for when I drank warm flat diet Dr Pepper. It was like I was being forced to drink the spit from someone with chewwwing tobacco spitting into a Gatorade bottle. In fact when I accidentally drank my buddies spit that was the closest thing I can describe to diet Dr Pepper, lukewarm and flat. No carbonation. They say it has 23 flavors but1 of those must be water and the other 22 are different textures of human feces. I’d rather drink motor oil than drink that shit again. I hate it so much. When people tell me they drink it i immediately no longer respect them as a person. And don’t get me started on mixing it. There is no saving that abomination. It’s as if Satan himself came to earth, mated with a Walrus, someone took the demon walrus spawn fetus, aborted it, put it in a blender and used the mixture with water and poop and artificial cherry flavor and that’s how diet Dr Pepper was created. One thing is for sure, there’s definitely no peppers. And the guy that created it definitely isn’t a Dr. He might have had a doctorate but that doesn’t mean shit most college professors are doctorates because they don’t get jobs in the real world. Fuck you if you drink this abomination and fuck the company who makes it.

>> No.17123182

>you're supposed to cut the meatballs in half
that what i do

>> No.17123186

>based retard
it's like they're trying make a meatball sub on a hotdog bun

>> No.17123211

what the fuck does "antiquity sized" mean?

>> No.17123216

big enough to close over the meatball so they don't just fall out.
It's not a hard concept to grasp

>> No.17123226
File: 28 KB, 779x363, antiquity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck is anyone supposed to infer that from any possible definition of the word "antiquity"? are you baiting right now, are you actually illiterate?

>> No.17123249

I like balls in my mouth. They are nice and salty, especially when unwashed.

>> No.17123320
File: 45 KB, 562x434, 1561557581644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you baiting right now,
are you? when it's pretty obvious i made a typo given the context of my post (adequately)

>> No.17123398
File: 117 KB, 640x400, The-Sopranos_S.06_E.12_Kaisha-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typo is an accidental mistyping due to a mechanical error from the typist. It's not a typo if you didn't realize it was wrong afterwards; you straight up used the wrong word. It's okay Little Carmine. I know words are hard.

>> No.17123414

Literally no one could figure out you meant to type adequately instead of antiquity.

>> No.17123520
File: 117 KB, 577x720, 1560877903885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't know you were on a type writer, you see i personally use a computer that auto corrects and i don't proof read on a Tibetan basket weaving forum.

>> No.17123526

Okay, but there were two subsequent posts that used the word "antiquity" and you didn't feel the need to correct it, because you didn't know it wasn't the right word.

>> No.17123535

shut up twink, you wouldn't understand. Don't you have a cob salad or some shit to eat?

>> No.17123537

>never cooked other than bacon and eggs
>want meatballs
>pick up some pork, eggs, breadcrumbs
>throw in whatever spices
>struggle forming them at first but learn to have a bowl of water to rub hands in in-between
>brown in skillet and finish in oven
>mom loves them
>slice in half and put on fresh bread

>> No.17123545

I thought I had coined a fun new meme.

>> No.17123546

that sounds like a personal problem if you're getting so defensive

>> No.17123550

A ball a bite, nothing foolish about that?

- If you're American

>> No.17123553

Did you honestly not understand why I said "based retard"? I hope you do now.

>> No.17123579

if that's defensive you must be new now kys

>> No.17123582

do you think you're talking to one anon?

>> No.17123600

Hairy or shaved?

>> No.17123741

When you wrote antiquity, did you mean sufficiently? or amply? I can't even...

>> No.17123756


>> No.17123760

So, no longer whole eggs.

>> No.17123761

There's literally no way to prove that I'm not.

>> No.17123764

It's the bread. Cut the meatballs in half and use bread that won't fall apart when you try to pick it up. Something like a sourdough roll with a stiff crust. That or make them more like sliders.

>> No.17124413
File: 415 KB, 1102x2080, 693151F0-F511-4FF3-9AF2-1FAA733AB7CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the meatballs in half you muppet. I make cheap shitty ones at home with frozen meatballs. Always better than what I get at the pizzeria

>> No.17124453

Based, I do this too with my giant bag of costco frozen meatballs. Easiest and cheapest snack.

>> No.17124489

this actually looks pretty good

>> No.17124651

Chicken parm sandwich is pretty stupid too, its hot, gets to a be soggy like a twink that cant get it up.
The idiots that make it wrap it up which helps to make it soggy, go figure?
Some folk are homosexuals and like the soggy.

>> No.17124661

>Not using a typewriter


>> No.17124679

You have to admit idiot that this anon >>17124661 has a point.

>> No.17124691

i actually have little suitcase style one i got at a garage sale but it's some off brand one and it needs ink and there problem where it wont feed the paper through

>> No.17124759

I like meatball subs but chicken parm sandwich is just too much bread

>> No.17124798
File: 221 KB, 600x400, sea-lamprey-usfws-pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor things, they just want your lovin.

>> No.17124804
File: 99 KB, 605x658, 1638780104453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misspell adequately so bad it auto corrects to antiquity
>too retarded to realize the error
>continues to double down when called out
>le basketweaving
Just close the thread anon.

>> No.17124829
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1582598356564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too retarded to realize the error
well you got me there

>> No.17124839

I haven't used one of those old style typewriters for a long time but from what I remember is that they seem to respond to a bit of WD-40. Give it some love and caring and it'll respond, kind of like a woman.
I'm not even that old yet I had to take typewriter classes when I was a little kid, go figure. Music classes as well, it's interesting how a rhythm can be made.

>> No.17124863

Look up the model number, it'll likely be on the bottom of it, not the suitcase, but the hardware itself, and look that up. It might some real to real kind of thing and yeah those are difficult to get these days they'll all be refurbed.
That's expensive, it is what it is to use one of those cool old things.

>> No.17124990

there's 0 chance that's better. looks fucking disgusting, frozen meatballs saves you like 10 minutes of work and it's like eating little rubber hockey pucks

>> No.17125185

>too much sauce
No such thing

>> No.17125193

it's so fucking good bros holy fuck i gotta make one of these bad boys

>> No.17125220

I like them because the size reminds me of the BBC and the 6+ meatballs remind me of 3+ different pairs of balls in my mouth. If you grate real Parmesan on it then I sometimes think about the coarse curly pubes of a silverback buck.

>> No.17125252

How often were you forced to eat little rubber hockey pucks? In some states and maybe even in Canada that might be considered child abuse.

>> No.17125253

peak comfort food

>> No.17125275

What OP wrote is foolish on many levels, let's say you take something like that bite down on the end of it, the rest of it gonna fly all over the place.
The old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
And that shit is a shame that would only be bought by hipster faggots, but then they have no shame for they wear vans and sketchers.

>> No.17125278

... OP is not foolish, what he depected was foolish. Damnit it's the rye.

>> No.17125281

Do people here actually have difficulty eating a meatball sub?

>> No.17125293

Given that nasty looking thing with the dry bread in OPs pic then yeah, that looks retarded.

>> No.17125296
File: 178 KB, 400x609, 1420370344386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I did my little stint of Target seasonal work that every one of us does, my go to was frozen meatballs (on sale) on hoagie rolls with the meatballs cut in half with parm of some kind and the store provided Franks.

That stuff got me through that shitty ass season before the higher ups decided to be retarded and decide that people who were specifically hired to do stock/grocery people needed to also walk their way to the front and do faggy ass cashier and bag shit that you could hire any crackhead bitch off the street for and took 1/3rd of the training as their Zebra-device Hide-And-Seek library program apparently took. I don't miss being 23.

>> No.17125303

shitty ones

>> No.17125318
File: 8 KB, 480x360, kinison-say_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least with a chicken parm sub/sandwich it gets wrapped up and the bread gets a bit moist and it can be eaten without it getting all over the place, what are you some kind of barbarian?

>> No.17125325

In university the only reason I got them is because it had the most meat for all subway subs and was the cheapest. I could get a meatball foot long, cheese, and shit ton of veggies and sauce for 6 bucks. Would eat half, go to class, then to the gym, eat the other half, go home eat dinner, study, then go to sleep. You don't like commas? fuck you here is another, one.

>> No.17125337

There's nothing BUT bullshit there, anon. Meat is in a bullshit shape, the amount of sauce is bullshit. You're bullshit.

>> No.17125353

comma comma comma comma chameleon, one my ex used to drag me to that of course I had to paid for

>> No.17125365

that would be so good. like a egg salad with whole eggs.. omg sounds good

>> No.17125372

Needs bacon to make it wholesome.

>> No.17125396
File: 429 KB, 976x649, BUORDONGHUNGHISSELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meatballs a shit..

>> No.17125661

I've kind of wanted to try one, but I don't like soggy bread and I'm not sure how I could keep the thing together to eat it.

>> No.17125789
File: 13 KB, 350x350, Meme-s-Rich-Guy-Meme-Decal__83742.1510982846_8cf5a3ff-b5b2-4265-a483-2945cdc4147c_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plain stupid
>Make a patty
No you're stupid. Patties are different to meatballs. Meatball subs are delicious.
Sandwich expert here.
The issue isn't the sandwich itself but those who make it. Here in America when subway workers ask if you want your sandwich toasted they'll put it in the oven for only a few seconds. This leads to a soggy sandwich. What they should be doing it is toasting it till the bread is crunchy. I like to airfry my sub for like 10 minutes when I get home. This makes the meatball sub experience so much better in my expert opinion.

>> No.17126009

>antiquity sized
Da fuck you on about?

>> No.17127415

Meatball grinders are good suck my taint.

>> No.17127469

post hand and ask me how I know you're not allowed to have anything good in life

>> No.17128423

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

>> No.17128521

are those the things that swim through your urethra?

>> No.17129852

>I like them because the size reminds me of the BBC and the 6+ meatballs remind me of 3+ different pairs of balls in my mouth. If you grate real Parmesan on it then I sometimes think about the coarse curly pubes of a silverback buck.
Americans are the absolute worst.

>> No.17129869
File: 60 KB, 640x638, CqZ6A5jW8AAnbZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Chicago we have breaded steak sandwiches, which are tenderized and breaded steak, mozzarella, and marinara. Basically like a meatball sub, but with a cutlet.

>> No.17129890


>> No.17129894
File: 216 KB, 471x330, R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill me up Diet Dr. Pepper

>> No.17131012

I'll fill you up alright.

>> No.17131941

youre bullshit

>> No.17132166

when i worked at subway fresh out of high school people would order the meatball marinara with double meat and extra sauce all the time. it was literally 16 meatballs and an extra fat scoop of the marinara sauce on a footlong. they usually also added a bunch of veggies and shit to it that wouldn't fit. it'd fall all apart if i tried to fold it, and the sauce would get all over the knife and cutting boards. the oils would seep through the wrap instantly, and pool at the bottom of the bag. you basically needed a fork and spoon to eat something like that. it was very fucking gross and weird to me.

the customers would also ask for their seafood or tuna sandwiches to be toasted, and i would always ask are you sure because it's going to cook the fucking mayo. those people were a lot more rare.