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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 474x632, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17116722 No.17116722 [Reply] [Original]

I should've got the reese instead

>> No.17116728

mmmm I'd love to stick some of those is my fucking face hole right about now

>> No.17116731

give your address i will ship the rest of the bag to you

>> No.17116735

watermelon sour sweets are either 0 or 10 out of 10

>> No.17116747

>not buying the huge bag and jarring for maximum freshness

There'a a reason many stores only carry this one flavor in the huge half-gallon bag; bitches love them. These are 100% pure distilled panty droppers.

>> No.17116756
File: 635 KB, 800x800, reeses-pieces-peanut-200g-800x800-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my second choice but my brain wanted to try something with a fruit taste instead.. never listening to this retard again

>> No.17118455

These are delicious fuck you

>> No.17118908

>sugar candy
Like apples and oranges, how do you fuck that up?

>> No.17119459

It depends if they are squishy or hard right?

>> No.17119922

I regret being a fat lonely virgin that goes on 4chan board about food

>> No.17119983

I remember buying a 1.8lb bag, it was in my room for years.

>> No.17120039

not that anon but wtf how did you know

>> No.17120655

Once as a kid, I drank 8 glasses of milk and threw up.
I also once had a whole shitload of popcorn during a road trip and threw up in the car.
I also shotgunned a large yuengling and threw up on a downstairs neighbor's patio.
There was also the time I downed something like 17 shots of svedka. I didn't throw up, but the taste of orange juice made me feel ill for a week.

>> No.17120660

Yes, but do you say Ree-Sez or Ree-Sees?

>> No.17120664

My wife says ree-sees. I say pee-can in return.

>> No.17120665

There are Pieces with peanuts in them? That's fun. I'm gonna pick up a bag when next I go out.
Semi-related: what happened to peanut butter Snickers? They were delicious.

>> No.17120677

I regret passing up all the chances I had to sleep around in high school and instead be in monogamous relationships with a few different girlfriends, then after high school get ugly and fat and bald and terminally single

>> No.17120678

Why. The fuck. Do people. Say. Ree-Sees? I'm foreign here. I hear the commercials say it clearly: Ree-Sez. But people seem to say Ree-Sees. It's just... bizarre.
I say p'Kahn.

>> No.17120697
File: 81 KB, 1825x702, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy's name is Reese and it's his pieces of treats. Reese's pieces, not Reecees Peecees. There's objectively one correct way to say this.
The one I find fascinating is bagel. All the dumb Susans I've ever knows pronounce it as bah-gle.

>> No.17120700


>> No.17120736

Probably the same retards who pronounce gyro as "ji-row"

>> No.17120753

How should it be pronounced?

>> No.17120774

In Greek, it's more like 'hero' but I ain't mad at you if you say 'ghee-roh' with a hard G, as in 'gimlet.'

>> No.17120786

I have never heard anyone outside of Britta from Community and white trash from Philadelphia say anything other than 'bay-gull.' Low-class white Philly natives say 'beg-gull/beggle.'

>> No.17120809

Makes sense considering Philadelphia is secretly a containment city for actual retards.

>> No.17120854

I'm starting to think that. A neighbour gasped audibly when I showed her a picture of my family outside of our house back home. She was surprised we have buildings in Europe. Seriously.
This same woman was once also surprised when I played her some 80s music from back home. She said "you had the 80s over there, too?" as if time only passes in the US.

>> No.17120856

I mean, for fucks sake, U2 are an 80s band.

>> No.17121009

Aren't the only buildings in Europe commie blocks?

>> No.17121960
File: 266 KB, 512x512, 1635742621867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was surprised we have buildings in Europe.

>> No.17121967
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x2000, Stoney-Patch350MG-y5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this allowed? Why are the famously litigious AmeriKKKan companies not suing them?

>> No.17122335

Give it time.