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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17118799 No.17118799 [Reply] [Original]

where can i purchase food meant for professionals? it tastes better for some reason i think they just make it higher quality for professionals so people will actually go to restaurants

>> No.17118937

Not OP but cannot wait to see replies!

>> No.17118951

"industrial grade" doesn't go to restaurants, it goes to processed food factories.

Just go to your grocery store and buy anything in a can or with Tyson on the label.

>> No.17118966
File: 179 KB, 900x601, 78F9A6D3-AE3C-41C0-9240-958C90E0B066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw the GFS delivery arrives and you have to put it away

>> No.17118967

I think you are taking about wholesale food, not industrial quality. If that is the case, there are places similar to Costco that only sell gigantic containers of normal items and also some stuff you can't get at stores. In my area its called resteraunt depot. I remember getting 20lb bags if frozen precooked halal chicken wings when my mom would take me (not a muzzie they were just delicious) and frying them all the time as a snack.

>> No.17118971

>(not a muzzie they were just delicious) and frying them all the time as a snack.
yeah because they were meant to originally be sold to restaurants
thats why they taste better

>> No.17118979

>better food
Are you fucking kidding?

>> No.17118990

lets say i make a hotdog at home
it will never taste as good as if i were to buy one from a hotdog vendor

>> No.17119018

Don't tell him lads or we'll all be out of a job

>> No.17119081

Worst hot dog I ever had came from vendors. You live in opposite land.

>> No.17119163
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>industrial food
Maybe a prison supply company?

>> No.17119199

Sysco will never share their secrets with you.

>> No.17119265

Yo I go to the 'cash and carry' which is basically a wholesale/supply warehouse pretty often. It is only cheaper on certain things and the quality is varied. Supermarkets offer many loss leaders to make their comparative baskets look better compared to other stores under the assumption that once you are in the place you'll spend on other items. The cash and carry is similar, but across a different range of items which sometimes works in your favour, often not, you are unlikely to care about discounted super concentrated industrial dishwashing detergent. Also the pricing model is kind of worked out on profit margins, so some items aren't actually very cheap, but are still considered to have decent profit margins in trade, like a giant ass cake will be $200, but it is sold under the assumption that it'll break down into 64 $6 servings in trade. Nobody buying a cake for home is going to spend over $3 a serving on a cake. Often between loss leaders and promotional offers supermarkets will be much cheaper, but the wholesale thing is often about convenience. Often you don't care about the actual price of something because you'll just apply the margin you need and it is almost irrelevant on a price per serving basis and you'll write the cost off against your tax bill, it is more about being able to rock up and get 10 boxes of 500 items instead of having to buy single products. Stuff that is cheap ... low end alcohol ... soft drinks ... confectionery ... bulk baking/cooking staples ... weird 'high end' restaurant staples you don't see elsewhere ... tableware/glassware. If you like hoisin sauce you are in luck because 6 gallons of the stuff is like $12. If you like imported 00 pizza flour then great because it is $9 for a 55lb sack. Stuff like that is legit.

>> No.17119291

That has nothing to do with the quality of the hotdog and everything to do with the fact that you are a soyboy who "craves the hustle and bustle of the big city".

>> No.17119294

That's the 10 year old grease, covers up the taste of hog anus.

>> No.17119295

t. too poor to eat out

>> No.17119304

>buying a $3 hot dog from a roach coach is hifalutin fine dining
Shut up, idiot.

>I want restaurant quality ingredients
Call up Sysco or another distributor. Because that's what 90% of restaurants buy their food from.

>> No.17119312

i don't live in the usa

>> No.17119319

Sysco is a multinational corporation that distributes all over the civilized world.

>> No.17119391

In shops for professionals, where they check your tax registration at the door to see if you apply.

Forget about the big/volume/cheap ones. They offer the same products as supermarkets or worse. They advertise lower prices but charge you 100% if you're not a hotel, restaurant, pub or caterer.

There are a few notable exceptions, of course. You can find them in good cookbooks.

>> No.17119409

restaurants just put tons of butter in everything. that's why it tastes good.

>> No.17120237
File: 376 KB, 603x544, Screen Shot 2017-09-16 at 3.59.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le professional food may may


>> No.17120297

>Takes any chance to make a soy joke
Rent fucking free

>> No.17121976

The first secret is to always be late. The second secret is to arrive at the most inopportune time possible. The third is to occasionally hit something with one of the trucks, just to keep everyone on their toes.

>> No.17121995

Hmmm interesting stuff here

>> No.17122002

The highest quality ingredients are generally not available to the public. They sell almost exclusively to restaurants.

>> No.17122048


>> No.17122065

>all over the civilized world
He doesn't live in the usa

>> No.17122071
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>only person working morning prep shift
>lots of fucking shit to do for the weekend, tight schedule
>massive fuckoff order arrives 10 mins into the shift

>> No.17122078

Metro C&C?

>> No.17122290
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>i think they just make it higher quality for professionals