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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17118948 No.17118948 [Reply] [Original]

My blood pressure is through the roof at age 26. It's already in the "red" area in the blood pressure testing machine at Stop&Shop. They tell me I should stop eating so much lard, fried foods and ribeyes but I'm hesitant to make any changes because all the foods in this chart look terrible. What do you guys think, am I getting memed?

>> No.17118953

if that looks terrible to you then you deserve your high blood pressure.

>> No.17118954

Lol you don't deserve to live.

>> No.17118955

Prediction: thread will be filled with ketocucks shilling their diet and talking shit about respectable health institutions and their nutritional advice.

>> No.17118956

>red zone from the Walmart machine
Go to the doctor you fuckass. If you're hypertensive at 26 take amlodepine, start running, and drop your shitty fast food diet. You absolute moron.

>> No.17118958

Only about 6 to 8 servings in that chart look disgusting

>> No.17118960

Inb4 this cuck falls for shitty b8

>> No.17118974

I went to the doctor this year and it was even higher when the doctor tested it, you nigger. I'm not taking some fucking drug when I haven't even tried changing my diet. And for your information I don't eat fast food, I mostly cook at home, but almost everything I eat is fried in lard.

>> No.17118978

Then listen to your doctor, take a BP med in the short term, stop stuffing your face with KFC, and GO FUCKING RUN.
You dumb shit.

>> No.17118991

Oh and when I say "your doctor" I mean your regularly met primary care provider, not some trainee nurse you saw for 10 minutes at an urgent care clinic.
Go for a run and take an extended release vasodialator until your get your shit together. But let's be honest, you won't, you want us to validate you so you don't have to change anything and can keep eating your deep fried donuts and memeing about how doctors never help while you plug your ears every time you visit one

>> No.17118992

I don't need to be told what to do, I'm asking if it's even worth it in the first place. Obviously it's easy to write down instructions on the internet but exercising every day and eating bland, flavorless food is not very enjoyable.

>> No.17119001

Fix your obesity first

>> No.17119005

You clearly do or you wouldn't have made this thread.
There's nothing wrong with cooking in lard if you truthfully aren't being an obese shit (we know you are), so skip changing your diet. Take the vasodialator. Go for a run. If your BP drops then you can talk to your doctor about dropping the BP med and keep running. If it doesn't then fix your fat fuck diet.

>> No.17119022

I don't have a regular doctor, they're all scammers. You probably waste thousands per year on useless checkups and scans and take any pill they sell you. Total oversocialization, it's sad what they've done to people.
I'm not obese, I'm 5'8 165. The question is about whether or not it's worth it to cut out the lard. You admit you don't think so, so glad we got that settled. Not why you're having a complete meltdown about running and drugs, this is a board about food.

>> No.17119030

don't use BMI, use bodyfat percentage.

>> No.17119042

Okay so you haven't had a proper workup for a medical problem, you eat like shit, you refuse to change any part of your lifestyle, and you won't even take something that will mitigate hypertension at a young age for a whopping $8 out of pocket

Got it. You just want somebody to validate your preset ideas.

>> No.17119056

I'm 23.2% body fat according to the body fat scale. I'm not obese.
You sound very autistic and upset, maybe you should leave the thread

>> No.17119072

Go for a run and take your BP meds fatass.

>> No.17119076

Bruv you are like 1~2% away from obeisity even assuming your bathroom scale is accurate, which it probably isn't.

You are fat and unhealthy.

>> No.17119092

Yeah, I know I'm close to being overweight, I'm going on a diet to lose some weight but I want to talk about whether eating fat and lard is really as bad as they say. My preference would be to continue eating the same foods just in smaller amounts.

>> No.17119096

Go run

>> No.17119142

>Yeah, I know I'm close to being overweight
No, you are already overweight.
You are close to being dangerously overweight assuming you aren't already because we don't know the margin of error for your scale.

>> No.17119156

That's a lot of grains, wut

>> No.17119206

>"""healthy""" diet
>load up on bread and pasta

every fucking time

>> No.17119263
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I don't know what you're imagining but I'm not THAT fat. I can still run a few miles, I'm not 10lbs away from keeling over or something

>> No.17119269
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This took a bad turn

>> No.17119273

You must not be American

>> No.17119275

skinnyfat confirmed.
This is why we measure bf% and not BMI, kiddos.

>> No.17119296

use beef tallow, deer fat or duck fat instead of p*g products

>> No.17119340


>> No.17119380

Cut back on nicotine/caffeine or any other stimulants. Cut back on salt, salt isn't inherently bad but most people eat too much and it can affect blood pressure.

If you've already done those things then maybe try cutting back on carbs. Carbs aren't always bad for everyone but some people don't tolerate them as well. Try just eating more meat/fat/non-starchy vegetables.

>> No.17119382

>American thread
>how to combat hypertension in your 20s
yep checks out

>> No.17119389

in America, a quarter of your entire body weight just being fat is normal

>> No.17119395

It's becoming more of a common issue everywhere. Even though Japan has a much lower rate of obesity than the USA the percentage of people with diabetes is similar.

>> No.17119405

if you count pre-diabetes the US is actually about 50% insulin impaired, and Japan is somewhere in the 20% range I believe

>> No.17119444

I am 180cm x 65kg and https://www.active.com/fitness/calculators/bodyfat says I'm obese

>> No.17119454

Stop frying everything in lard

>> No.17120552

There's never been any legit studies that conclusively said eggs will raise your blood pressure.

>> No.17120559
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>> No.17120564

>eats 8 servings of bread a day
>help 4chins now i jave hypertension AND diabetes

>> No.17120566

you are a fat and slovenly race, yankee

>> No.17120570

>What do you guys think, am I getting memed?
I think we're the ones getting memed by your post.

>> No.17120611

Herbs and spices are your friends

>> No.17120698

cut the sugar and refined grains and your blood pressure should normalize. also make sure you get enough salt

>> No.17120718

here is what I did. lost a bunch of weight by doing rolling (back to back) 72 hour fasts with my refeed meal being done in an hour or so. ate low carb about 50/50 fat protein split. took serrapeptase, nattokinase, d3k2 to clean up my arteries. now I have a resting heart rate of 60 at 190 pounds.

>> No.17120724
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The number one thing is to cut salt out of your diet. Aim for less than 1000mg a day.

And yeah definitely cut meat and dairy (i.e. saturated fat)

>> No.17120737

This is huge, as are cigarettes and booze.
My blood pressure used to be fucking awful when I was balls deep in my alcoholism and was fat. Salt is a god damn killer, but it's so hard to cut down on. Salt and sugar are definitely the two vices that I overindulge and struggle with.

>> No.17120747

>The number one thing is to cut salt out of your diet.
This is nonsense. Reducing your salt significantly has a meager effect on BP. Much better to get the sugar and grains

>> No.17120754

anyone having blood pressure issues due to salt is not drinking enough water simple as

>> No.17120755

I think the "cut salt" advice is usually given because you can't eat fast food shit while cutting salt

>> No.17120756

>hurrrr durr instead of listening to the advice of professionals i'm going to ask schizos on /ck/ what they think instead
dumbass, just do what the doctors say. Or die.

On second though, just do what /ck/ says so that you die faster.

>> No.17120777

>medical authorities are infallible
>im a retard and cant think for myself
>if you disagree with "experts" you should die
great take anon

>> No.17120781
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You're a fucking retard. Salt and red meat are the biggest dietary contributors to high blood pressure. OP's trying to lower it and you're giving him advice that will make his health worse.

>> No.17120785

if a medical professional is wrong they can lose their license
if an anon is wrong he'll laugh at you for trusting him

>> No.17120791
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>but almost everything I eat is fried in lard.
What the fuck. Get your cholesterol checked as well.

>> No.17120796

>Higher sodium, lower blood pressure. You read that right.
boomers really think that whatever they were told as kids is the word of god and can thus never be wrong lmfao

>> No.17120797

I'm not saying take one persons word as gospel, I'm saying that if you want a second opinion get in from someone who:
A) Is accountable
B) Has devoted their life (or most of it) to this field.

rather than from dumbasses on the internet who have no accountability and only know how to spout "urrrrr seed oils bad bro they give u cancer you should instead deepfry everything in lard and tallow"

>> No.17120801
File: 198 KB, 872x1020, 15213413411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: sedentary vegans have lower blood pressure than active non-vegans.

>> No.17120802

Your body takes time to process the salt and get rid of it. You can still feel crappy for a while if you consume too much salt even if you drink a lot of water. Your body also eliminates other stuff with salt so drinking too much water could mean you won't have enough of some other electrolytes.

>> No.17120811

that's why you make your own electrolyte mix of sodium, potassium, and magnesium

>> No.17120815

Fun fact: vegans are at higher risk of hip fracture than non vegans

>> No.17120824

OP here, I did go for a run today. I don't eat much refined carbs except for occasionally homemade bread, maybe once every two weeks, or when I go to restaurants which is maybe once a week. I normally eat brown rice or potatoes for carbs. I don't eat sugar at all except for what's present in whole milk and berries. This isn't for health purposes I just simply don't like sweets very much. 90% of my diet is steak or pork, vegetables fried in lard or bacon grease, and brown rice, usually in one big meal at the end of the day. I eat a ton of salt and soy sauce also, usually a tablespoon worth of salt a day.
I got my cholesterol and other blood stuff checked recently, at an actual doctor, all of it was good. I don't have any heart disease concerns, prediabetes, or hormone issues. The only thing wrong with me is astronomical blood pressure.
This is wrong, I drink at least 2L of water a day. I work from home and drink water and tea all day. My piss is always clear or very light colored.

>> No.17120831

The common advise is to reduce salt, which works but it's not a chronic cause. If you cut your salt to nearly zero in like 3 days you will bottom out your salt caused high blood pressure. To lower your blood pressure as part of being healthier you need to be less fat.
Easy sources to cut are high sugar drinks including fruit drinks like orange juice, or hipster coffee drinks. Alcohol of any kind.
Harder are high energy dense foods like meat, high fat foods like nuts and fatty meat.

The a cheat you can use is a diet drink that has expansible fiber. You drink it and it will slightly expand when mixed with stomach acids making you feel full when you are drinking something with little caloric value.
Depending on how much physical activity you do get you may see some impressive gains from a little bit if you get very little currently.

>> No.17120832

Well you probably already know what to do. Drastically cut down on meat, salt, and lard. Replace them with beans, fresh veggies, and fruits.

>> No.17120833

Sounds like literally the only dietary concern is how much lard you fry things in. Just use olive oil for low-medium heat and canola for other things. People on /ck/ like to say to use animal fats, but this truly is contrary to all established dietary guidelines around the world.

>> No.17120834

>angry at everyone
>eat too much fried food
mutt detected

>> No.17120879

the clinical trials on this showed a meager effect on BP ~ 5 mm Hg. You could get a greater reduction by cutting the sugar and grains

>> No.17120903

>I am overweight and unhealthy
>Will you please tell me it's fine to double down on my current diet and make no changes?
Poach your eggs, boil or steam your veggies, and cook your meats in something other then lard. And just don't eat as much. It's literally that simple and if you struggle with that then you deserve your heart disease.

>> No.17120923

high fat diets reverse heart disease risk factors. Clinical trials have never demonstrated a mortality reduction from low fat or saturated fat reduced diets despite billions spent trying to show this

>> No.17121568

>6-8 grain servings per day

>> No.17121679

In these pyramids a 'serving' is a standard unit and much smaller than you think.

>> No.17121952

I'm a recovering dough golem, who started working out and eating healthier half a year ago.
I still eating plenty of red meat, lard, olive oil and butter, but have practically cut out all fried junk food, bread, rice, pasta and sugars.
I'm nearly 35kg overweight (36,7 BMI), and I had my blood pressure taken last week: 117/73
I'd say you should cut out most simple carbs, stick to mostly vegetables and meat, start doing cardio daily and try again in a couple of months.

>> No.17121971

>cut meat and dairy

Nice try Schlomo

>> No.17121980


>> No.17122007

Yeah yeah, that's neat. But if eating what you're eating is making you a fat fuck, then you should cut it out in order to become less of a fat fuck. Simple as

>> No.17122927

its probably not the fat making people fat. fat and protein are difficult to over consume.

>> No.17122934

> Lumping fats and sweets together
> Encouraging Low fat dairy

>> No.17122943

this chart is very much wrong but yeah you probably should eat less fried stuff

>> No.17123051

cut out all the lard and start boiling your food

>> No.17123220

increase fat and decrease carbs

you're welcome

>> No.17123382

>fat and protein are difficult to over consume.
When you're cooking literally everything in lard like OP says he is, it really isn't

>> No.17123389

>Yankee doesn't know about mixed greens
When I say "boil", I mean boil in a nice broth.

>> No.17123446

>6 8 servings of grains

literally the reason western people are fat and ruined

>> No.17123447

You're an idiot.

>> No.17123452

yeah bro, it's okay for one's diet to consist primarily of simple sugars

eat more white bread, cereal, and pasta, it's good for you. sugar industry says so.

>> No.17123455


>> No.17123458

no, please, tell me more, i'm sure you know what you're talking about and have a formal education on this subject

>> No.17123471

No. It's being lazy fucks and not doing cardio and eating too much meat and especially animal/dairy fat. Calories in, calories out. Sugar 4 calories per gram, fat 9 calories. You stupid fuck.

>> No.17123473

>fat bad
>sugar good

k. as I suspected you totally know what you're talking about

>> No.17123521


>> No.17123609

You weren't wrong lol

>> No.17123610

Just get the blood pressure pills, you idiot. Eat what you want and don’t give a fuck.

>> No.17123853

Mine dropped a lot taking beet root. It eventually became normal and started getting a little low, so I eventually cut out the beet root pills. I think it was a combo of that and the 1gram of flushing niacin I take.

>> No.17123950
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OP here, I'm having roasted chicken breast and brussel sprouts and mushrooms, two tablespoons of EVOO, lots of spices but no salt. It's not that bad.

>> No.17123960
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All that grain
literally a goyim cattle diet

>> No.17124394

>under 30
yes go to the doctor, they surely will help you
literally just relax and stop being a neurotic freak you imbecile

>> No.17124427

Life isn't going to get any better, so just eat whatever and accept that you'll die at a younger than average age.

>> No.17124460

just eat better
it really isn't hard, at all
generally aim for about a tad less meat than vegetable for dinner
dont eat snacks except for a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts here and there
move more
it's pretty simple stuff, i'm not sure why i'm responding. it's like you're asking "how can i walk 1 mile a day?" you literally just do it.

>> No.17124470

OP you're retarded as fuck and i'm glad you'll die young the only shitty part is it's going to cost everyone a lot of money to fruitlessly extend you're life by 2 years
do us all a favor and do a flip, faggot

>> No.17124841

>What do you guys think, am I getting memed?
Do you take meds for ADHD?

>> No.17124903

Does high potassium intake counter high sodium intake? It's harder to reduce sodium than to increase potassium.

>> No.17124950

I mean any fat has the same amount of calories. if he was using olive oil instead caloriewise it wouldn't be any healthier.

>> No.17125016

I used to but haven't in a few years

>> No.17125037

needs more seasoning.

>> No.17125054
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dubs heed

>> No.17125092

maybe but reducing sugar even at the same calories will lower blood pressure

>> No.17125097
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>calories per gram

>> No.17125107

Healthy diet
moderately active
I sometimes eat too much sugar (50-80g in a day instead of limiting to 30 or lower)
Since I was 20 (now 27) I've had high blood pressure and chest pains
Its not fair. I don't know why. It hasn't gone away or fixed itself, even when uplifting my diet and exercising even more.

>> No.17125112

cut out the sugar

>> No.17125123

I did for about 7 months I had less than 10g a day, which was solely from the small amount of carbs/grains.
I still just maintained the same BP - With meds about 140/100/95, without meds ~180/110/100.
I got sick of the diet when it wasn't doing anything and I missed eating pierogies and stuff
I'm a bit overweight, I know, but I have decent muscle so I don't feel like cutting

>> No.17125124

yes it's worth it you fucking clown
>"eew I'm not taking some.. DRUG"
yeah I'm sure you're an absolute paragon of the straight edge lifestyle you fat fucking shit

>> No.17125133

could be caused by stress if diet didnt have an effect.

>> No.17125140

I am under constant stress I guess, hasn't really gone away in a decade or more. Its also really, REALLY hard to cut sugar in the extremes (less than 10-20g a day). I mean, 1-2 tablespoons of stubb's BBQ sauce is like, 4g right there.
I was wondering if I should pick up some kind of meditation. I was also on fluoxetine (prozac) for years during the blood pressure problem, but it didn't seem to help. But it just didn't do much anyways. Glad I got off that stuff, it made me weird.
Its frustrating to have blood pressure problems, and try a lot of things just to see people go "lmao u eat bad haha". Sure, its not great and I probably had 50g of sugar today (One can of lemon soda, 24g. A slice of cake from a cute girl, around 20g. Some pretzels, like 5g).
It just adds up.

>> No.17125150

yeah give meditation or low intensity exercise a shot. jogging helps me maintain my sanity. id still say try to keep the sugary drinks to a minimum because theyre certainly not doing you any favors

>> No.17125171

100%. I usually have a can of soda a few times a week, but I used to only have one ever week or two max. I'm going to try to go back to that. Jogging is alright but my chest starts to immediately hurt, so I usually just walk an hour a day.
But...yeah. I'll keep trying. I implore anyone else suffering to try everything, too.

>> No.17125597

Sprinkle cinnamon on everything. The Ceylon kind, the cassia one is poisonous in large quantities.