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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.33 MB, 4000x1800, 20211209_132350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17106389 No.17106389 [Reply] [Original]

Got the vials today. I think they're going to work. Maybe.

Here's the idea..

Blend deenz, fill with exactly equal weight in 2 vials, spin at probably 50 F for 1 hour.

Still open for any good ideas.

Going to do peas for pea butter, caramelized onions, and chicken tendies.

>> No.17106392

What is the volume of the vials?

>> No.17106395

Nice. You delivered.

>> No.17106411

6x100ml vials.

>> No.17106419

For what purpose?

>> No.17106477
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Got the deenz blended and equally distributed into these two vials. Not sure if I should have added water to them or what. We shall see.

Just for fun. I bought some other scientific shit at auction today that's going to make a very interesting thread. Sonic dismemberator and a full rotovap set up.

>> No.17106483


>> No.17106486

you could spin mercury out of non-deenz to get them up to the champ's healthsomeness level

>> No.17106489
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In they go! I hope this doesn't make a huge mess or kill me. I'm going to set them spinning now. Results in an hour.

>> No.17106493

Waiting with anticipation. Do you have any plans for your hyper-pure deenz liquor?

>> No.17106514
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It's spinning now. 3200rpm seems to be the max, which is a reasonable amount of g force. Centrifuges are scary, but there's no percievable vibration, so I think I'm good.

Not really sure yet. Mostly just pure experimentation at this point. I know I'll get a fat, solids, and water layer, but other than that I have no idea.

>> No.17106523

Are you making canned fish pills or wut?

>> No.17106536

how much did that centrifuge set you back?

>> No.17106554

What'll you do if you open the vial and a whole fish comes out?

>> No.17106557

I'll shove the fish up my ass

>> No.17106567
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I stopped the deenz to make sure everything was okay and my suspicion was correct. The lids got pulled off and the vials are sunk down into the holders. I've got a fix for it, so hang tight.

The deenz seperated into 3 layers from about 10 mins of spinning, so things are looking good.

Idk. My dad got it at an auction with a bunch of other shit, so essentially free. I think you can get used ones for like 500-1k.

>> No.17106618
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Okay! Well here is the initial result. Definitely not completely seperated, but we can start to see the layers.

I think I found a fix to keep the lids on.

>> No.17106654

I'm glad you can continue. For science!

>> No.17106655

Okay. I fixed the problem. Back to waiting. I set the timer for 30 mins.

>> No.17106667

>moortuguese deenzonium
pls no
mankind isn't ready for this

>> No.17106676
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>> No.17106685

Not a bad size, you can definitely work with this.

The uses are constrained by the function of the centrifuge ie what function and benefits will separation have and what would be fun to experiment with? I think sweet foods are the first choice because meat is a bit off putting at first.

I can't think of anything right now. You could do water extracts of certain foods and separate the solids from the water? Or ethanol extracts for flavor?

>> No.17106722

Itd be like low temp distilling.

>> No.17106747
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A big one is seperating vegetable fats from the water/solid portion. This pea butter is something I'm going to try. Apparently it's delicious.

Making a tomato extract would be cool also. It should come out clearish yellow, but have tons of very pure tomato flavor.

I'll be messing around with a rotovap I got today sometime next week, which is low temp distillation.

>> No.17106748


>> No.17106752

This is probably the best thread on /ck/ now

>> No.17106832
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Here's after 30 minutes. 4 distinct layers. I think I will spin for 30 more minutes and decant the individual layers and taste them.

Refined and deconstructed.

I try. Got some real cool shit coming up next week also.

>> No.17106870


>> No.17106879

Are you gona present the food Alinea style?

>> No.17106892
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Fantastic thread OP, keep up the good work.

>> No.17106901

I don't know where we're going but by God I like it.

>> No.17106924

crack an egg into one of those vials bro

>> No.17106937

Not a bad idea. Looks like eggs actually contain a bit of fat, so I may be able to make egg butter.

>> No.17106966
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The layers are becoming more distinct. I think moisture is being squeezed out of the solids at the bottom.

1 more full hour and I'm going to take them out and taste them.

>> No.17106978

I wonder if the oil layer is distinct from fish oil sold in stores

>> No.17107007

Chemist here, I'm assuming you're aware but the layers are likely unsaturated oils (top; 1), saturated fats (white; 2), water-salt (3) and protein paste (bottom; 4)

As the oils float to the top the saturated fats (triglycerides rich in saturated fatty acids) can crystallize. Below them, and on top, of the fish paste, is probably a briny solution. Taste and let me know if I'm correct

>> No.17107046

i assume there was a thread about this before this one, anybody got the link?

>> No.17107070

Thread hidden

>> No.17107077

probably up your gaping bussy, you little deenz slut

>> No.17107079

probably. most deenz come packed in olive or canola oil so its probably mostly that

>> No.17107085

Will do!

Do you have any idea if warmer or colder temps are better for spinning organic material? I've got mine set at 50ish degrees seems to be doing a pretty good job.

>> No.17107100

Post hidden

>> No.17107113

if you're spinning up canned crap, might as well try spam
jello would be cool too
honestly it's fun to come up with what to put in it, I'm sure you've already considering a lot of things

>> No.17107145

So how are you planning on reconstructing these deenz?

>> No.17107147

17 minutes left.

Many interesting possibilities. It's a good way to get the fat from something you normally can't. It's a little unfortunate the spin cycles need to be in the 2-4 hour range for best results.

I've got some good quality strained tomato. I think I will try that next. The eggs could be cool also.

>> No.17107149

unhide them. NOW. >:(

>> No.17107150

You could just set it to run overnight or something then collect your fat in the morning.

>> No.17107166

Yes this would be cool, what about a ragu/bolognese butter?
Do you also read ideas in food and modernist cusine?

>> No.17107170

Iowa hillbilly anon?

>> No.17107184

nice. godspeed anon. ignore the fun haters.

>> No.17107188

is OP a chemist/scientist?

>> No.17107192

he got a fucking centrifuge at a garage sale and is separating deenz what the fuck do you think

>> No.17107197

I'm a chemist, and I think this is awesome

>> No.17107204

do you have "cool" periodic table themed knickknacks around your digs, my dude?

>> No.17107209

No. Just lab chemicals.

>> No.17107211

doesn't make you a bad person

>> No.17107223
File: 1.72 MB, 4000x1800, 20211209_165659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the final product. Tasting notes soon.

Bolognese is an excellent idea. I'm definitely going to try that.

Yeah I've seen all the fancy science stuff they use. It's a pretty fun novelty, but mostly too impractical for regular use. Using some of it to make a commercial product special is another story.

>> No.17107234
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Alright, when are you dropping your version of picrel.

>> No.17107247

It’s like a deenz condom

>> No.17107295
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x1800, 20211209_171621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright everybody. I seperated the layers and got a good taste of each one.

Top layer oil: cheap olive oil and a mild fishy flavor.
White layer: hard to say exactly what this is. Could very well be saturated fat. Tastes like deenz, but with a little more fishy flavor. Very creamy in texture.

Off white/water layer: Anon was correct. Briny and strong pure deenz flavor. Very delicious.

Protein layer: bland, gritty, mushy fish flavor.

Overall very interesting. Using the water layer in large quantities as a fish broth would be great, but would take way too many deenz.

Now onto the tomato!

>> No.17107298

you should load one of the sides to be heavier than the other, itl let the heavier side compress easier giving you better yield

>> No.17107302

I hate the word deenz but good thread. Would have never thot of putting food thru a centrifuge for shits and gigs

>> No.17107322

That's how you break a centrifuge. By volume counterbalancing works with a small table top machine (think high school chem).

>> No.17107331

nah man give it a try, trust

>> No.17107338

God bless you science anon!

>> No.17107349
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Lucky for you I already broke it somehow. Going to try fixing it tommorow. Might need to replace or fix the brushes on the motor.

Exploding centrifuges are no fun especially when they're flinging 10 pounds of steel with 3k rpm attached to it.

>> No.17107866

use Egg yolks. Thats where most of the fat is.

>> No.17107896

No. I was in that thread though. I was the guy that called Iowa "chemist" anon an HPLC monkey because that's what chemistry graduates with B.Sc. end up becoming

I have a PhD and actually did most of my research in lipid synthesis/crystallography as it pertains to foods, cosmetics, and natural products.

That depends. What are you trying to do? If you want a better separation of lipids/proteins in your deenz system you're gonna have to increase the temperature at least to 40-50 degC, assuming deenz are rich in PUFAs

>> No.17107915

chemist anon here (>>17107896
), Where did you get your stuff? LabX or some shit? I have a Mettler Toledo analytical balance that needs power that I'm trying to get rid of if you're interested

I mostly have chemistry related decorative and historical pieces in my home

>> No.17107976

The centrifuge does go up to those temps. I'm not sure if I'm going to spin deenz again, but that could be useful info for doing other meats.

It was purchased at auction with a bunch of other science/analytical machines. Hyper specific water/solvent analysis stuff I think. I think the brand for all that stuff was waters or something...

Thanks for the offer, but I just got a pretty nice shimadzu scale today at auction to replace my ultra shitty chinese kitchen scale. Got a 500W fischer sonic dismemberator and a sweet 4L rotovap set up with chiller and pump. There's going to be some fun threads in a week or so.

I mostly like these machines because of the cool food stuff you can do with them. I'm more of a metallurgy kind of guy.

>> No.17107989

Hey, wanna buy some oscilloscopes or an NMR?

>> No.17108009

No. I just dropped over 6 grand on scientific shit today. Also how are either of those things useful for messing with deenz?

>> No.17108040

Material science? Did you study creep or some shit? I did quit of bit of crystallography of lipids and had to sit in grad classes with material scientists. Odd bunch, but they probably thought the same about me

Broker or Varian? I hear Varian is getting out of the business

An NMR is always useful. It's my bread and butter

>> No.17108046

OK we'll I hope you get stabbed to death next time you leave the house cunt

>> No.17108047

Well, you could use the NMR to find out what the functional groups are on your centrifuged deenz isolates

And I guess you could run an oscillating current through deenz cans or something and look at the funny shakamwypes it makes

>> No.17108056

No clue. An acquaintance of mine bought the NMR at an auction years back to flip. No clue if he did or not, he wanted me to ask my old chem professors if they wanted it. It's probably in a shed somewhere if he didn't end up selling it.

>> No.17108058

>man abuses science to create his own fish oil pills

>> No.17108076

If you're going to spin other meats, let me know what you have in mind. For reference, most meat fats (and oils) are rich in oleic acid so target your separation temperatures based on a template mono- or di-oleyol triglyceride. The other two fatty acid can be stearic, for reference, so look up the melting point of OSS or OSO triglycerides. This may be a good starting point. The USDA has a free food composition database, which you can use to calculate the average fatty acid composition of the food item in question, and you use that as a reference. There are excellent texts on all this which you can download from LibGen.

>> No.17108087

Jesus Christ. Probably an old Varian

Good luck getting rid of that. Might as well just sell the coils at this point. Can't imagine many chem department in the country nwould be willing to buy that

>> No.17108103

Well I didn't pay 5 figures or whatever for it so it's not my problem

>> No.17108123
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/tv/ reporting in.
watching thread for possible kino value.

>> No.17108138


For now my senses are good enough.

A while back I almost bit the bullet and got the consumables to get a plasma emission spectrometer running that came from the same lot of stuff as the centrifuge, but I decided not to spend like 2k on testing the dang thing.

I took some introductory materials engineering classes in college. Now I make knives, so I've picked up a fair bit of knowledge through that.

Interesting. Ty for the info. Good to know I can figure out the most efficient temps for extracting fats. It's one of the most interesting results of spinning foods.

>> No.17108147

>funny shakamwypes it makes
Fuck, I meant shapes. Think I'm having a stroke

>> No.17108157

Every now and then a thread like this reminds me why I suffer through the endless fast food shill threads
Good stuff OP do hummus next

>> No.17108162

No problem. The two reference texts I'll point you toward are "Handbook of Lipid Research, Volume 4, Physical Chemistry of Lipids" which is unfortunately not available on LibGen, and "Crystallization of Lipids" edited by Sato. The former text is the bible of lipid physical properties, and the latter (available on LibGen) is an excellent reference on fundamentals and techniques for studying/separating lipid crystals.

Might as well drop some money on a DSV at this point, anon

>> No.17108199

Saved. Thanks again.

Are you talking about a viscometer? There was a brookfield viscometer being sold at the auction. Went for 1k.

I like the science things that manipulate stuff more than analyze it. Except for scales and microscopes that is.

>> No.17108200


>> No.17108224

No, autocorrect butchered it. Differential scanning calorimeter.
If you can splurge next time, pick up a differential scanning calorimeter (Perkin Elmer has some cheap models, although TA is the way to go) and a rheometer. a rheometer is the ultimate nexus between manipulation and analysis

Happy trails, I'm here for reference if you need help

>> No.17108832
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>> No.17109570

That's not baseball

>> No.17109593

Reverse the spin direction until you have whole deenz back in the tube

>> No.17109821

Best thread on /ck/

>> No.17109834

wtf bro stop making meth

>> No.17110357

Great news, boys! I got the centrifuge running again. Holy mother of god it was difficult to put the brushes back into the motor, but I got it!

Spinning strained tomatoes for 40 minutes.

>> No.17110361

Doing God's work anon.

>> No.17110433

How much of an increase do you expect on your energy bill this month?

>> No.17110448

Eh, not much at all. It says 140 watts, but I bet it's a little higher than that. Maybe like 2-5 dollars if I ran it a lot.

>> No.17110528
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Strained tomato after 40 mins. Going back for another 40. I'll have tasting notes after the spin is done.

Looks like water, starch?, and solids.

>> No.17110542
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What about spinning A1 sauce

>> No.17110554

Do cum next

>> No.17110579

Closest thing I've seen to this was Iron Chef Chen Kenichi putting deenz through an ice cream machine to make deenz mousse. He did it in two separate battles so it was apparently good.

>> No.17110633
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Glad to see you back, I was thinking today that you should do fresh unbrined olives (if you can get them) there's such a thing called olio nuovo and with this contraption it seems you could make really new olive oil

>> No.17110677

This is a cool idea if I could get fresh olives. Ill keep it in mind.

I'm going to do egg yolks next. Apparently they are almost 1/3rd fat by weight, so I should be able to get a decent amount of pure egg fat.

17g egg yolk has 4.5g of fat with 1.6g being saturated. I can fit about 160g in 2 vials. So I may get a couple tbs of egg oil.

Imagine a mayonnaise made using only eggs and egg fat.

>> No.17110694

>Imagine a mayonnaise made using only eggs and egg fat.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Yeah. Do that one next.

>> No.17110732

>Imagine a mayonnaise made using only eggs and egg fat.
Yeah that'd be cool

>> No.17110753
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Okay! The tomato is out. I put all the liquid layer into one vial for storage.

Tasting notes:
Liquid layer: mild V8 tomato juice in flavor and viscosity. It also has this really delicious fruity flavor to it. A little bit like mixing tomato with orange juice. This will make an excellent and unique vinaigrette.

The solids are bland tomato and vegetal tasting. Like really shit tomato paste.

Egg time!

>> No.17110769

Fuck ya

>> No.17110810

The eggs are in. 1 vial has yolks and one has whites. See yall in 1 hour.

>> No.17110816
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Its shit like this why I come to this shit hole web site lmao

>> No.17110855

How much was the centrifuge?

>> No.17110917



>> No.17110935

Cool I want one now

>> No.17110950

Nice! Definitely a lot of fun to be had. I've barely scratched the surface on what I can do.

I think for food one with a chiller built in is better, but the thing is nearly the same size as a washing machine.

>> No.17111073

>This will make an excellent and unique vinaigrette.

>> No.17111162

It'd be interesting to do a mozzarella salad with it or panzanella an then not ise any tomatoes except that tomatoe vinaigrette, you could maybe even make vinegar with it?

>> No.17111170

We used to gravity strain blended tomato through a ton of cheesecloth to make essentially that, but our results were always much clearer looking. It's a wonderful flavor. I wonder how much, if any of that cloudiness would filter out at this point, or if you'd have to actually clarify it with isinglass or something to remove the cloudiness.

>> No.17111211

I've been wanting to try that for ages, but cherry tomatoes are too expensive to buy 2.5kg for a reasonable batch and I wasn't able to grow enough this year. I was hoping spinning them would give me a similar result.
I have 2 guesses on making it clearer. Either using fresh tomatoes and gently blending them, or spinning it for like 4 hours. After 80 minutes it didn't seem like there was all that much difference.

Here's the recipe for tomato essence I've been wanting to try:


>> No.17111237

You could try ice filtration? Works with stock

>> No.17111259

Yep, that's where we got the idea. We did it a bit differently, though. With the centrifuge, I was also thinking you could just dump it in with some good chicken stock, then clarify it all with a raft to make a chicken-tomato consomme.

>> No.17111269

you've white layer might be nucleic acids with other junk, neat thread anon

>> No.17111350
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Egg yolk after roughly 1.5 hours. No distinct fact layer, but there is some white stuff on the bottom. I may add some salt to the vial and see if that would help.

Good idea.

I was thinking consomme as well. Almost has the viscosity of tomato soup, so it could be a funny take on the classic.

Interesting. Tasted pretty nice..

>> No.17111354
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Here's the egg whites. Looks like... gross lol.

>> No.17111374

did you put the fish water in a damn wine glass?

>> No.17111419
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you have my approval anon
but more importantly, you're giving me ideas

>> No.17111436

Hah, it's just a little tulip glass. It's to focus the aroma.

If you can measure the rpm on that fan you can use it to calculate the applied gforce. If you're in the 3000+ range you may have something there.

>> No.17111457

Is it taking so long to centrifuge because your fugues got a low rpm?

>> No.17111460

now reduce that shit and see how it tastes with fresh moz and basil.

>> No.17111477

Yeah. I'm only pulling around 1300 gs. The dial says it will go to 6k rpm, but it's only going to 3k. Even with 10k gs it still takes an hour or more for some food seperations.(from what I've read at least)

>> No.17111505

Thats pretty neat. I don't know a whole lot about centrifuges, what's a high end models g force usually go up to?

>> No.17111545

10k g is considered high for a standard centrifuge. I would need to have my centrifuge spinning over 11k rpm to achieve 10k gforce. That's insanely fast especially considering it's spinning over 10lbs of steel.

>> No.17111552

Hi pufatard

>> No.17111714
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Is that stuff eggs/semen/or parasites?????

>> No.17112171

i'm here for this thread.

keep it going OP, I'd love to see more of your work in teh future.

>> No.17112834

Nice thread OP, im excited to see what you do with a rotovap, i always wanted one of those back in my dude weed alamo college days.

>> No.17112915

Can you delete your post, please ?

>> No.17112981
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>Sonic dismemberator
I had to spend a billion hours homogenizing tissue in grad school using one of pic related and cleaning and autoclaving in between each use but OP has his dad buy a piece of equipment he can't even spell so he can huff deenz.
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.17113531

Why did they not go frothy

>> No.17114447

The egg yolk did not split at all after a good 3.5 hours. I'm adding salt to them to see if that helps. I wonder if a little vinegar would do anything. Maybe denaturing the protein will release the fats somehow?

I'm going to try to keep this thread bumped through the weekend, but my updates will be limited. Got a friend over and we're going to be doing some cool stuff with the centrifuge. I'll document for this thread.

You're doing the opposite of frothing in a centrifuge. Everything is essentially getting crushed by gravity.

Shit. Dismembrator* I purchased all the shit this time and will be trying to use them for more than just fucking around once i figure out what i want to use them for, commercially. You can use ultrasonic to extract essential oils for example then rotovap the solvent off. Sell it on etsy to women for lots of money.

>> No.17114453

Just remembered. Making jalapeno cheddar bread with centrifuged jalapeño juice replacing a portion of the water in the dough.

>> No.17114471

If I was put in one of those and spun around would I die?

>> No.17114486
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>> No.17114638

Boo hoo.

>> No.17114665

Ever heard of the vomitron?

>> No.17114680
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you'll never be a rad dude if u don't huff deenz

>> No.17114708

Those don't last very long though.

>> No.17114712

you should put your cum in the centrifuge

>> No.17114762

>scramble eggs
>put through centrifuge and unscramble

>> No.17114775

There's a reason why you don't sit on the vomitron for three and a half hours

>> No.17115236

So it will kill me, good. That's how I'm going to kill myself. Going to enjoy the last three hours of my life as I let centrifugal force take me.

>> No.17115251

Egg yolks are an emulsifieremulsifier. So youre going to need something extra to overcome that.

>> No.17115283
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>an emulsifieremulsifier
That's a lot of emulsifying.

>> No.17115299
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Blended jalapeno for 2ish hours. I wonder which layer will be the spicy one.

Will report with tasting notes back when I can

>> No.17115336

truly 4chun has been a lulz desert for recent history

>> No.17115511

Have any idea how I would deactivate or denature the lecithin? That's the main emulsifier. Maybe a few drops of acid or alcohol?

>> No.17115925

Best thread alive currently

>> No.17115950

There should be a hipster restaurant that specializes in nothing but these deconstructed ingredients. I bet you could make a lot of money doing this. Fools will pay for it.

>> No.17115971

Do pizza

>> No.17116213

Gonna guess the very top layer. Looks like chlorophyll down there.

>> No.17116578
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My best guess is the small layer of what might be liquid fat at the bottom? Capsaicin is more soluble in fats than water so whatever layer is the most oily is probably the spicy one

Fantastic thread btw, please keep us posted

>> No.17116682

>from a plant
fucking snakeanons

>> No.17116691

trust The Science anon

>> No.17116699

He's separating fish, that sounds like science to me

>> No.17116702

brilliant. serve it in the vials with a long handled tiny spoon

>> No.17116727

are oils not fats?

>> No.17116736

>He's never heard of vegetable oil
Come on anon...

>> No.17116959

Don't let them tell you different. Avocados are full of protein.

>> No.17117766

peepee poopoo

>> No.17117768
File: 2.01 MB, 4000x1800, 20211211_212150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hit my first true homerun with the centrifuge.

Carmelized onions made in the oven. Blended them with just enough water to actually blend. Spin at 20c for 2 hrs.

There's a very thin layer of oil at the top after spinning and it's extremely potent. I had 5 drops straight and the flavor of carmelized onions stayed with me for minutes.

I filled 5 vials and got around 1 tsp of that oil.

I'm using everything for breakfast tommorow.

>> No.17117778

The jalapeno was a little disappointing honestly. Each layer was a different flavor of green and all the layers underneath the top were spiciest. I think my centrifuge is just a little weak so it would take a very long time to fully seperate the layers.

>> No.17117807

Do..do you live in your car?

>> No.17117820

Never get salty over going to grad school, you're basically there to get a fancier degree and do research for profs.

>> No.17117823

What's the black stuff

>> No.17117859

It was a fad in the mid 2000s. I think theres was a famous molecular gastronomy restaurant in chicago that did it.

>> No.17118226

Try soaking the egg yolks in a brine for as long as youre willing then run them. Its water soluble and people brine and dry egg yolks anyhow .

>> No.17118237


>> No.17118360

So when you eventually serve this to someone, you can objectively say no artificial flavorings or colorings.

>> No.17119519
File: 3.08 MB, 4000x1800, 20211212_120005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is breakfast.

Fried ground lamb with the water layer added from the centrifuged carnelized onions and some of my 15 month homemade miso paste, and cheddar cheese. All wrapped in store bought puff pastry.

Also did bacon bits and blue cheese filled ones.

>> No.17119526
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x2636, 20211212_120214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside shot. These were so delicious.

>> No.17120151

2nd for cum

>> No.17120173

Chlorophyll? More like BOREaphyll!

>> No.17120239
File: 2.90 MB, 4000x1800, 20211212_140958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted ti make a loaf of bread, but it was too cold or something and the bread never really rose, so I made flatbreads.

I replaced the water almost completely with the water layer of the jalapeno extraction and used a bunch of cheddar chunks inside.

The taste and aroma are excellent. Perfect jalapeno cheddar flavors with little to no heat. On a couple I used the super green portion as a glaze, which added more heat and a nice extra bit of pepper flavor.

This technique shows a lot of promise for a variety of applications.

You're actually like the 5th person for it.

>> No.17120282

You should try spinning red wine

>> No.17120336

How about milk?

>> No.17120353

don't do this it makes muscat gas

>> No.17120364

this looks so horrible but I want to try it

>> No.17120377

Spin a log as a tribute to Andy Sixx

>> No.17120451

This is all fucking fascinating, but without the backstory that is some rough looking bread. Your lamb puffs look delicious though.

>> No.17120608

The bread did come out bad looking. Didn't really put too much effort into shaping them after the proofing failed, but they are very tasty.

I'll probably use them to make fried egg sandwiches or something.

I think you would get cream and skim milk if you spun milk. Cream seperators work by spinning milk, but in a sloghtly different way.

I think spinning red wine would only really clarify it some at most. Using the rotovap to distill a bottle of red wine is a different story tho.

>> No.17120710

What if you took a whole cheeseburger, blended it, mixed with water then spin cycle? Or a pizza slice?

>> No.17120711

Scramble an egg the unscramble it

>> No.17120829

Ive thought of this one before think next time I get or make a pizza I'll do this and then I will use the different layers to make a homemade pizza with.

Brush the pizza oil on the crust, use the pizza water portion to make the sauce.

You could make a secret sauce from burgers. Could also be a good one.

I really want to extract pure egg fat, so I may try cooking the eggs first and then spinning them.

>> No.17120862

Thanks for doing this centrifuganon looking forward to more spin

>> No.17120939

maybe soft boil or poach the eggs to break down the emulsifiers. Then blend and spin. Or just poach to yolks to getting more fat per tube.

>> No.17120949

>I really want to extract pure egg fat, so I may try cooking the eggs first and then spinning them.
Thinking about this, custards and sabayons split if you overcook them and alcohol doesn't help, so maybe you want to whisk just egg yolks and alcohol and deliberately curdle it.

>> No.17121015

Try a pH shift

>> No.17121026
File: 212 KB, 1908x1146, 3C3B6EB000000578-0-image-a-17_1484734900425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try a bar of chocolate. I wonder what it would look like compared to this pic of Nutella that's been passed around for ages.

>> No.17121243

My toes

>> No.17121252
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x1224, pb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17121881

I'm salty because my PI wouldn't pay for a sonicator and I had to homogenize tissue by hand for years until he lost his mind and his wife sued him for harassment and he lost his job and his lab and I never got my PhD

>> No.17121913

based, imagine being high enough iq to get a phd and actually deciding to go to grad school lmfao. Twisted

>> No.17121950

I'm thinking some sort of "chocolate' but probably not in bar form.
Like raw cocoa powder and water, until it separates into raw parts.
It might separate into the fatty acids. But this kind of raw chocolate can be expensive. Although I guess for these purposes, you would not need much.

>> No.17122415

Do a Century egg
Separate the stink from surstromming

>> No.17122418

When all that happened did you not appeal to the college heads and ask for a new prof?

>> No.17122441

College? No. This was at an Arby's.

>> No.17122456

I am wondering if you can make peanut butter powder.

>> No.17122507

I had a giggle. Underrated joke, friend-o.

>> No.17123431

Spun peas for a long ass time. No pea butter. Will need to try again at some point.


This could be interesting. Maybe Ill try with nibs. Definitely doing some chocolate extractions with the rotovap.


Probably with enough time and blended well enough.

>> No.17124163

epic thread post moar fag

>> No.17124236

>what is molecular gastronomy

>> No.17124269

the vatican is going to be knocking your door down soon, brother. miracles are meant to stay shrouded in wonder, not exposed to the masses

>> No.17124328

Doing some boring things today, so no more new stuff for a couple days.

I tasted the peas. The liquid is absolutely delicious super fresh, strong, and pure pea flavor even without any salt added.

Salmon and green peas is an excellent combo, so either doing a poached salmon in pea consomme or extracting salmon juice/oil and making a salmon and pea consomme would be incredible.

Pea juice + butter emulsified together with some herbs is also an option for a special salmon dish.

>> No.17124370

>used lab equipment
>used to process food
>get cancer

>> No.17124373

Cancer from what? You don't put radioactive shit in a fucking centrifuge, do you?

>> No.17124377

based and centrifugepilled

>> No.17124469


>> No.17124472

I'm asking what it depends on, dipshit

>> No.17124615


how bad you want fissible fuel

>> No.17124664

Like cherry wood?

>> No.17124713

Look, guy, you're not getting any quantity of fissible fuel with a centrifuge that size.

>> No.17124926
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1619436824088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.17125211

>he doesn't know about cesium chloride 'fuging

>> No.17125218


>> No.17125603

>OP doesn't use triton X-114 phase fractionation to extract membrane proteins as outlined by Bordier in 1981

>> No.17126621

Adding a detergent to your food...

>> No.17127356

Are you still here?
Make some yeast extract
add yeast to water, hold it at 50c for a few days, put the result in a centrifuge and reduce both results

>> No.17127412

Based OP

>> No.17127423


Do non-homongenized whole milk

>> No.17127456

Dave Arnold (Liquid Intelligence) is obsessed with centrifuge cocktails. His book has a few chapters on them if OP is looking to mix cocktails.

>> No.17128503


not with that attitude

>> No.17129254
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x1800, 20211214_164242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Forgot my cellular service is range banned, so couldn't post the past 2 days.

Grabbed everything from the auction today. What an absolute haul.

Everything seems to work and is in very good condition. Tommorow is going to be interesting.

>> No.17129459

That's a lot of shit, anon. What was the intention of buying all of it? Are you wealthy?

>> No.17129531

Well first and foremost everything being sold was going for relative pennies on the dollar. It was a rare opportunity to get some top tier scientific shit for 70-90% off. I have plans with a friend to do essential oils where we grow the plants and do the extracts all in house.

Some examples
900 for a 6k dismembrator
500 for a 2k rotovap
2k for a 10k+ metallurgy microscope

The rotovap setup and dismembrator are really cool for tons of different extractions, distillations, and emulsifications.

I'll post a few more pics tommorow when I start experimenting with my new toys.

>> No.17129630

You ever consider selling some of that stuff? Like the caramelized onion oil is pretty cool, same with the jalapeno juice, and I'm sure some hipster restaurant would buy it.

Also did you ever successfully get the egg fat?

>> No.17129706
File: 1.96 MB, 1800x3627, 20211214_164253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the plan, at least eventually. I'm on a farm, so I could set up a wild farmstand selling bottles of the interesting stuff I make. There's a handful of "cottage industry" food things you can sell with essentially no permitting.

My friend has fuck loads of lavender growing at his place, so going big with lavender essential oil and lavender products seems like a good start.

I'm going to try and sous vide the egg yolks, blend with water very very well and spin them. I'm hoping that will work.

Using the dismembrator may also break the fat cell allowing it to more easily seperate, but that's just a thought from how it works on plant cells.

Pic is a 50L jacketed, auto stirring, reactor I kind of impulse bought.

>> No.17129708

What drugs are you planning on cooking up?

>> No.17129777

>Doesn't have detergent removal resin

>> No.17129799

Heh. A lot of people seeing that big glass reactor in my truck were probably thinking the exact same thing. Nerve wracking 80 mile drive back home.

It would be cool to have an easier route like detergents, but I'd like to see if there's a simpler way through heating, acidification, etc.

>> No.17129881


>> No.17130055

Top tier is stretching it.

>> No.17130596

>most /ck/ anons buy shtty fastfood
>one guy splurges on scientific equipment
this is why I love 4chan

>> No.17130631

These are not bad points, but do you have any idea what the equipment was used for? Do they sell you the records of that stuff, and are they trustworthy, or just some 3rd party sellers going
>trust me bro
I agree that some equipment is likely fine to use even if you have no trustworthy documentation and don't completely go to town on scrubbing and sterilization, but buying loads of stuff like that makes everything seem sketchy. At the very least, you're getting equipment that did what the labs needed it to do, but that doesn't say anything about what they really needed it to do. In my experience, most moderately complex measuring equipment comes faulty from the factory, and you end up having them send you 2-3 of an item before it does what it ought to do. That's just the way of things in scientific equipment. While that means the stuff was at least initially vetted, what's to say they kept up on their standards, or that they aren't getting rid of it because it no longer meets their standards, or because they neglected it? That just freaks me out when you're talking about consumables.

>> No.17130856

Great thread, thanks anon!

>> No.17131023

who cares just wash it

>> No.17131066


what the fuck are you talking about. shutup.

>> No.17131477

Today I'll be cleaning, organizing, and testing out all the lab equipment. The microscopes have digital cameras on them, so I might have some cool pictures of the different layers in cooked eggs.

You're correct. I should have actually said good "lab-grade" brands. Buchi, Fischer, Olympus etc. The stuff is a little old to say top tier scientific shit.

I got all the stuff at an abandonment auction, so theoretically everything was being used and everyone just left for some reason. The auction house is a third party that goes to these businesses and itemizes and auctions everything off.
There is a risk for stuff not working, but the price means I can buy a couple replacement parts and spend the time fixing it.

They did some sort of shit with nanocomposites.

>> No.17131486

You have to make ketchup water
Cycle a few loads of ketchup for 15 min and produce a pint and pour it into a nice glass

>> No.17131554

I'll do it along with the eggs. I think I'll have room, but only 1 or 2 vials worth. So maybe 150 grams.

>> No.17132274

>do you live in your car?
I would say no, but that wouldn't technically be true

>> No.17132424

Blending the egg cooks it

>> No.17132934

Try spinning worchestershire sauce, might be interesting to see how many different layers are formed.

>> No.17133498


>> No.17133714

Well... the eggs show promise. I can see oil blobs working their way up through the cooked egg. The centrifuge needs a bitbof fiddling with. Getting the brushes imbalance error again. Ugh...

The entire rotovap set up works except for the chiller. I think I need to either flush the system or get a new pump for it.

I used the dismembrator to make lavender infused vodka. Maybe 3 grams of lavender + 2 shots of vodka. 1 minute in the dismembrator and the vodka is extremely potent in both aroma and taste of lavender. I would say the lavender taste+aroma is about as strong as the botanicals in gin.

Made a delicious lavender vodka tonic with it. Extremely promising results.
I like it. I'll grab some sauce next time I go shopping.

>> No.17133809

Can you use the rotovap to reduce a sauce or something? Is it a buchi? Also what are you using for the condenser? Lol I just find it so funny that you bough a rotovap just for shits and giggles, makes me happy, thanks anon

>> No.17133841

>Lab equipment is sold faulty by the manufacturer

What you talking about? If instead you mean equipment (usually analyzers with proprietary reagents) typically needs a service contract or preventive maintenance plan then that's true for some cases, but if you know what you're doing you can maintain it yourself if you're a privateer like OP. I manage chem/microbio labs and I would absolutely not say that the lab equipment industry has a history of faulty equipment being shipped out. Now I do agree that he should calibrate and routinely verify his equipment if he's really serious about results, and those methods should be available in the manuals which can be hunted down online.

>> No.17133853

Hah that could be cool. I wonder what would happen if you did sauce + ethanol distillation. Shame rotovapping ethanol is still considered distillation and illegal.

It is a buchi r3 with a standard graham-like condenser. I'm impatient so I will be messing with it using a simple pump + ice water bucket tommorow. I have another chiller, but I would need to work out the plumbing.

>> No.17133912

It's some under-educated fag on 4chan, why would you believe what they say?

>> No.17133913

spin pilk
see if it returns the pepsi and the milk to the fires of their creation

>> No.17133914

Godspeed anon I'll be monitoring tomorrow

>> No.17133923

Hey I'm A2grip and I'm what you might call """the spinmaster""" I own a better rotational machine than this stupid dummy

>> No.17134019
File: 100 KB, 1392x1040, Edge of Knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messing around with my Olympus BH2-MJL metallurgy microscope and the camera it came with. Thankfully the drivers were free.

Here's a picture of one of my knives edges. Still figuring things out, but it's about 1000x better than using a conventional microscope.

Let's see what you got brother.

>> No.17134062


Did you give a location? Would you sell one of those microscopes?

>> No.17134097
File: 1.40 MB, 1617x3963, 20211215_182726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in california.

I also picked up the older olympus BH-MJL that I plan on selling. I can post some pics of it tommorow if you're actually interested and have a reasonable offer. It has a smaller camera on it and 4 objectives I think.

Here's the BH2. The thing is an absolute beast. I love the push button objective cycling on it.

>> No.17134252

>I have plans with a friend to do essential oils where we grow the plants and do the extracts all in house.
Fuck bro I had the same idea a few months ago but I don't have the space right now
what's your background in science?

>> No.17134328


too far away to drive and too expensive to ship. thanks though. they look to be in reasonable shape, you shouldnt have any problem selling them

>> No.17134344

Honestly not much. A good handful of introductory to mid range college classes before saying fuck it and doing things I truly enjoy. Also loads of self taught stuff.

I grew a pretty big garden this year for my first growing season and really loved it, so this is kind of a logical next step to maybe make some money off it and preserve the excellence that is homegrown foods.

>> No.17134376

I have a degree in chemical engineering which I got right before the coof and I'm working in pharma right now
while I really like what I do I am amazed by everything you've been doing and really would like to get a fucking hobby so I'm not just rotting at home after work everyday
how did you go about finding these auctions?
I've looked before and could only get good finds/prices if I drove 8+ hours. I also live in an apartment right now so not great for gardening or setting up equipment so I need to work on getting a house or at least a base of operations

>> No.17134462

The auction house I got this stuff at is called west auctions. They do lots of bankruptcy and abandonment type auctions where everythings gotta go and there's no reserves on anything. Luck played a big part in things as well because everything went for unusually low prices.

A full on 20L heidolph rotovap set up with all the modules went for about 2.5-3k. New you'd be paying over 90k for it all.

95% of their auctions are in california. I just got really lucky and it was only a 1.5hr drive. I'm sure there's some auction houses where you're located. Sign up for their newsletter and pay attention.

Maybe there's a communal garden you could grow some nice smelling flowers at or something. Windowsill gardening works pretty well if you just want to do herbs also.

>> No.17134516

Cum/piss/poop in the vials and post results you nboring trredit cunt fuck off boring bastatrd kys kil oevery fuckin redit fag

>> No.17134541

Woah there, bud. Sorry the thread you chose to look at bored you so much. Was there not enough fast food or chicken tendies for your liking?

>> No.17134548

Maybe it doesn't have enough power. Look up what kind of supply it's supposed to be hooked up to.

>> No.17134559

How am I going to know if its boring or not without looking? Stupid cunt.

>> No.17134562

It would be extremely painful

>> No.17134570
File: 572 KB, 1546x1546, Easylife-Tech-3-prong-male-plug-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking it may be something like that. Pic is the kind of plug it uses. I think I'm going to take the brushes off again and try cleaning the commutator a little bit and maybe poke around a bit more.

Another thought I had was that it needs to either be perfectly level. There's quite a few safety features on it, so maybe there's something stopping it from going full speed.

I've looked for manuals online, but haven't found anything yet.

>> No.17135449

No there wasn't. No one cares about your dad's auction grabs. Put the cum in the centrifuge.

>> No.17135876

that's a 20 amp plug. typical household circuits are 15 amp. If you have an outlet that takes that plug it should be a 20 amp circuit. Either way that shouldn't be your problem. If it's trying to draw 20 amps on a 15 amp circuit it should trip the breaker. If you think it's an electrical issue check out the specs for the machine. Maybe your voltage is too low in your house or it's inconsistent. Or maybe there's an issue with power filtering in the machine.

>> No.17135946

This is what all tripfags sound like.

>> No.17136379

On the docket today is my first rotovap run. I'm going to be running 99% iso propanol to kinda clean the condensor side. If it goes smoothly I may consider messing with some "water" distillations to see what kind of flavors come through after a fairly aggressive sonication. Should be quite interesting.

Working on fixing chiller and centrifuge also. Ty for reading my blog post.
Hmmm. Well I'm running it in my shop through these fucked up gcfi outlets in a spider box. I think looking at the power filtering is a good idea. Maybe some blown caps or some shit like that. Hopefully it's a visual problem.

Yeah and the buster didn't even post his centrifuge.

>> No.17136765

2. For best results, the refrigerated centrifuge should be
used on a dedicated line. Variations in line voltage or
frequency affect the unit’s speed and other
Less than nominal line voltage may prevent the
centrifuge from reaching maximum published
specifications of speed and/or temperature. Power line
voltage, at some locations, may sag when the
refrigeration system turns on

Maybe if you have a sub panel in your shop you should run a circuit for it and see how that affects it if you're that concerned about it.

>> No.17137078
File: 1.41 MB, 1800x3619, 20211216_112223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 grams of blended frozen strawberries
200ml of titos vodka.

5 mins in the dismembrator.

Please excuse the excessively ghetto stand for it.

>> No.17137125
File: 1.46 MB, 1800x3599, 20211216_112317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out tasting quite strongly of strawberry, but not as potent as the lavender. Might need to work on the time/intensity of the sonication.

>> No.17138089

the heat of the blend cooks the egg

>> No.17138235

The strawberry was a resounding success. So successful just sonicatint it that I actually made another strawberry extraction with water and distilled the strawberry water in the rotovap.

The liquid had a wonderful strawberry smell and every flavor of strawberry was in the taste. Really unbelievable how awesome the rotovap is.

I still need to fix the centrifuge, sadly. On spin down there's excessive vibration.

Lots of dismembrating and rotovapping to come.

>> No.17138340

now dehydrate the protein and make deenz protein powder

>> No.17138398

Could use that off/white layer as an addition to a dashi.

Also if you have small quantities, could use as a marinade in a vac seal so there’s full contact

>> No.17138407

You're lying.

>> No.17138549

Good idea, but I don't think I'm going to spin deenz for a while haha. I like the other idea of drying it into powder and seasoning your deenz with deenz.

This research is for everyone. Why would I lie?

>> No.17138821

centrifuge the strawberries first and get rid of everything that isn't strawberry flavour

>> No.17138851

The dismembrator creates cavitation that ruptures cell walls and mixes things incredibly well, so spinning after that would be best for clarification. I was lazy and just strained it with a fine mesh sieve.

>> No.17138881

What if you put deenz in the centrifuge then put the centrifuge on the vomitron?

>> No.17138960

I mean it's only 1/3 frozen strawberries, and they already don't taste very strongly unlike lavender, you need to concentrate the flavour somehow. Try the rotovap

>> No.17139016

It's a difficult problem because heat drives off a lot of the good flavors and kind of ruins the purpose of the rotovap.

If you concentrated a strawberry pulp with the rotovap you would distill the water and all the volatiles that have a lower boiling point than water, so you would end up with very aromatic water and a strawberry jam of sorts that would probably taste similar to cooked jam.

I think freeze dried and powdered strawberries would work great. Dismembrator then centrifuge and if you didn't use ethanol(illegal) you could rotovap that to refine it and make a perfectly clear colorless liquid that smelled and tasted strongly of strawberry.

>> No.17139038

I didn't think the rotovap would be hot. Yeah that process would probably be great, but I wonder how much flavour is lost freeze drying

>> No.17139048
File: 199 KB, 480x360, 1606018537693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17139092

For water distillation you need to pull a vacuum of 72 mbar with a water bath of 60 C. Comparatively speaking that's a pretty low vacuum, so essentially everything you lose through evaporation doing a standard boil you lose from your initial strawberries in the rotovap and is captured in the distillation flask along with the removed water.

I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it's a little tricky to explain. With the rotovap you shift the boiling point of everything.

I wonder the same about freeze dried berries. I think the vacuum may pull off a lot of those same volatile compounds.

Hmm. My guess is if you can hand pick ripe berries that would be best followed by organic frozen. Needs testing I suppose.

>> No.17139288
File: 1.05 MB, 1241x929, is_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caan you do poop next?

>> No.17139404

boasting in an intrepid shed

>> No.17139456
File: 448 KB, 681x696, 1576625166484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ reporting in... godspeed, OP
didn't know /ck/ had such good threads like this!

>> No.17140607


>> No.17140918

Dismembrator sounds a lot more metal than what it actually is.

>> No.17141227

Stealing the 300th reply and finally killing this thread

>> No.17141813

Making a compound butter for steak tonight.

Melt butter, blend with herbs and spices, dismembrator for enhanced extraction, spin in centrifuge to clarify.

You know I'm starting a new one after this dies.

20khz of implosions is kind of metal, but not as much as actual dismembering.

>> No.17141847

For everyone who cannot afford a centrifuge, it might be worth trying one of these

>> No.17141852

You put sardines in a blender?

>> No.17141898

Not the first anon, but I had a similar situation recently
Tried to switch profs, but the department kept trying to talk me down from switching labs
Later on it just ended up getting worse and worse

>> No.17141905

Depends on if the previous chemist might have been using benzene or some other carcinogen as a solvent for a long time

>> No.17141909

> The detergent cooks the egg

>> No.17141913

Is anybody archiving this thread?

>> No.17141915

> Lavender
Hope nobody has a ragweed allergy

>> No.17141929

You haven't been in Georgia any time recently have you?

>> No.17141990
File: 1.45 MB, 1800x3594, 20211217_123542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my recipe

Compound butter for steak

145 grams butter
1g dry thyme
10g dried shallot
2g smoked paprika
12.5g garlic 4 cloves
12.5g 1 year old homemade miso
1.2g pepper

Butter gently melted
Sonicate for 5 minutes to start
Spin at 35C until clarified about 1 hour
Seperate oil and water layer.
Dismembrator to form an emulsion

Oil layer: very pure flavor of all added ingredients. Not the most intense, but it's completely unseasoned.

Water layer: strong flavor, oddly viscous, nice acidity from something.

Solids: fairly bland, which is a good sign.

A stick blender, but yes.


>> No.17142086

Great thread OP, I know a lot of requests have come your way. I humbly offer mine: roasted garlic

>> No.17142335

It will take a lot of garlic, but it will probably come out like the carmelized onions. Extremely delicious!

>> No.17142345

bumping for interest

>> No.17142347
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toasting in an epic bread

>> No.17142415

waiting warmly for mayonegg

>> No.17142419
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For anyone still here I added the water layer to the oil and used the dismembrator to create a super fine emulsion between the two layers.

The butter is now solidifying in the fridge waiting for dinner. The taste is absolutely delicious. Rich, savory, buttery, garlic, herbs, and a hint of smokiness from the paprika. Silky smooth texture.

I'll make a new thread in a day or two. I'm still not bored of posting my research.

>> No.17142892

>new thread in a day or two

>> No.17142971

In spirit of the season, could you try extracting the essence of Christmas pudding?

>> No.17143002

>I have plans with a friend to do essential oils
just FYI, OP, that shit can get you high as balls. I have an excellent text if you'd like a pdf. never tried it myself.

>> No.17143009

Not a bad idea for an alcohol infusion/centrifuge clarify. I like taking things Ive cooked and altering or extracting those. The caramelized onions were one of the best experiments.

Unfortunately I can't use the rotovap to distill infused alcohol because I'd end up getting banned for doing illegal things.

I've heard rotovapping alcohol infusions carries tons of flavor over with the distilled ethanol and you would end up with a clear alcohol that exudes the aromas of christmas pudding and tastes uncannily like it as well. Maybe I'll try a water based extract/distillation in the next thread.

>> No.17143023

Intriguing... sounds like an interesting read.

>> No.17143071


I'd recommend focussing on myristicin and elemicin. Extracting them is probably fine, but remember that reacting them into more well-known substances is incredibly illegal, and you just bought a suspiciously large amount of chemistry equipment.

>> No.17143140

Sweet dude. Thanks for the hookup. Absolutely not doing anything illegal with my new glassware.

>> No.17143144

don't need to, essential oils works fine on their own muthafuckkaaaa

>> No.17143367

>I'll make a new thread in a day or two.
put something memorable in the title so i don't miss it