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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 526x960, signal-2021-12-08-15-41-10-445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17104977 No.17104977 [Reply] [Original]

Ouroboros Steak is a DIY meal kit for growing gourmet steaks from of one's own cells. It comes as a starter kit of tools, ingredients and instructions that enable users to culture their own cells into mini steaks, without causing harm to animals.

>> No.17104982

Gross, immoral and sinful.

>> No.17104983

This isn't even as bad as cannibalism. Definitely not a horror.

>> No.17105002

So they sell this to vegans so they can flaunt their confirmation bias on how much they hate meat and how it totally makes them vomit, right?

>> No.17105004
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You're crazy, this is crazy, the entire world is out of its mind. Lunacy is our new norm, and the lunatics are putting the last few sane people on the cross for saying so. I pray God delivers us from the devils loosed on Earth.

>> No.17105008

Lmao this nigga afraid of change

>> No.17105018

Lmao this nigga afraid of staying the same.

>> No.17105026
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Is this the change that you want? How is the world getting better by these miserable loonies getting their way? I always imagined the future of humanity to be bright and glorious, there's so much to be explored and done, not sitting around wallowing in the filth of some new form of barbarism.

>> No.17105053

How is this related to steak?

>> No.17105060

the same people that are going to force lab grown "meat" are forcing thier religion on others.

>> No.17105083

Yes, the food industry is in cahoots with the religion guys, makes total sense.

>> No.17105119

This is quite literally cannibalism

>> No.17105123

that's so gay

>> No.17105124

How is moral decay related to increasing popularity of cannibalism? Hmm let me think...

>> No.17105126

i hate this gay earth and what its become

>> No.17105135

This. Call me a boomer idgaf.

>GMOs are bad!
>also eat the steak grown from your own cells
>what do you mean I’m a hypocrite?
>no that’s not a GMO you’re too stupid to understand
Ok retards, have fun living in the hell you painstakingly argue for and create for yourselves.

>> No.17105148

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.17105151

Nobody is forcing you to eat it bro, relax and let other people be free to decide if they want to eat a steak made of their own flesh.

>> No.17105515

Is this how you get prions?

>> No.17105537

so it comes with fetal bovine serum that came from killing a pregnant cow and sucking the fluids out of her baby so you can pretend you ate meat without an animal having to die for it even though literally 2 animals had to die for just one ounce of shitty fake steak?

>> No.17105542
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>> No.17105553

You're right, this is a legitimate health concern.

>> No.17105562

Muscular tissue doesn't cause prions, only nervous tissue does.

>> No.17105565

>Cant even eat fake meat now because i have to worry about scam companies making actual cannibal alternatives that will give me prions.

>> No.17105705

I don't know why you're all pretending you're not excited to steal cells from little girls to seed your own loli flesh colonies. The CIA isn't going to take you off the watchlist when they see you pretending to be outraged.

>> No.17105762
File: 475 KB, 1040x767, Screenshot (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start hunting. I'm gunning down everything I see out there without a set of human eyes. After that, I will not eat whatever I get because you hurt me in my soul and I will hurt you in your animals, vegans. I will just taxidermy whatever I get and I will look at them with pride whenever I notice them on my wall, knowing I made their life end. And I will teach my children to do the same.

>> No.17105915
File: 142 KB, 1280x1280, 13199.1511157206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no!
meat alternatives!





>> No.17105941

Happy to see actual 4chan mentality hasn’t gone extinct on here.

>> No.17105951
File: 98 KB, 450x597, thepeacefulhippo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunt the vegans, scientifically I don't think they count as humans.

Also quit acting like animals are rooting for vegans to win. They are indifferent to them just like they are to everything else.

>> No.17105954

Wouldn't it all be baby flesh when you grow it no matter what the source it

>> No.17105957
File: 647 KB, 700x457, thepeacefulhippo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry here's a better pic of how wonderful and kind herbivores are

>> No.17106149
File: 34 KB, 338x600, 20190315_143300238_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest /ck/, would you try human meat if it came from a lab? I know i would

>> No.17106159

Why bother getting lab-grown human meat when there’s literally 7 billion people to choose from?

>> No.17106174

I like raw milk and eggs and meat and honey and wood and bricks and I will never accept this fake and gay earth

>> No.17106181

d-did it rip in half an adolescent hippo?

>> No.17106198

Probably. If it were legal I'd probably kill someone for it just because it must be such a power trip. Playing god and getting to end a human's life, it seems kick ass. I heard it's a bitch to cook (I think Dahmer said that it takes 8 days? Although I forget, I don't keep up with true crime) But it might be good with ginger. I'm expecting the shoulders would taste the best. That got a little too tryhard, but sometimes I do wonder what it'd taste like.

>> No.17106372

looks like someone only likes exploration if it confirms his own preconceptions

>> No.17106374

thinking bitch

>> No.17107412
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I can't wait to eat flesh derived from people that I am sexually attracted to for maximum psychosis.

>> No.17107456
File: 41 KB, 1200x628, belle-delphine-bath-water3-1562609919780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it now: camwhores selling cell cultures to desperate simps and making an absolute fortune

>> No.17107465

Then you will die and the new humans will go on.

>> No.17108277

Good for (you)
Captcha: RWG0Y

>> No.17108280

I'd try lab grown or healthy long pig

>> No.17108281

It's not and you know it

>> No.17108286

Unlikely, there is no vegan medium to grow cells.

>> No.17108320

Just remember, we are 1 day closer to Jesus throwing these people into the abyss than we were yesterday

>> No.17108322

You're thinking of the covid vaccine

>> No.17108325

You people make me want to puke

>> No.17108494

Who brought up GMOs

>> No.17108509

>getting upset over an art piece
1984 over here

>> No.17108529

I dont see what is wrong with this just as I dont see what is wrong with eating animals. Meat is meat as long as it isnt poison.

>> No.17108577

This entire family creeps my the fuk out. something here is sooo wrong
>single mom working full time
>adopts several special needs children
>drags her kids to disney constantly
>sticks the son who doesnt give a shit in dresses on purpose for attention
makes me sick desu and every time she talks to her kids she sounds so bitchy

>> No.17108589

I want to kiss lolis, not to chew on their tendons.

>> No.17108600

Holy shit, psychopath hippo

>> No.17108624
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>> No.17108633

>Commissioned for the exhibition Designs for Different Futures at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the project is a critical commentary on the lab-grown meat industry and critiques the industry’s claims to sustainability.
I believed it for a minute though

>> No.17108831

Well, this doesn't just look gross, it's probably unhealthy, doing it once in your lifetime should be fine, but I imagine eating human cells everyday may eventually give you prions, or cancer if some cells survive the digestion process and glue onto your stomach/intestines. There's a REASON why it seems gross, because it is.

>> No.17108854
File: 152 KB, 1024x684, 666-0-1024x684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bricks are not natural. The furnaces that produce bricks are as unnatural as any of man's infernal works, artists and writers during the Industrial Revolution knew as much.

>> No.17108877

to be fair, these are other hippos' childrens

>> No.17109108
File: 435 KB, 781x1024, 1520868857491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a complicated solution to a simple problem desu

>> No.17109840

No. "Eating human flesh gives you prions" is some bizarre leap of logic that keeps getting repeated in 4chan. Yes, kuru is transmitted by consumption if infected flesh, but eating flesh from someone who isn't infected isn't somehow going to transform healthy proteins into prions.

>> No.17109938

imagine the smell in that room

>> No.17110010


>> No.17110381

desu hippos can go extinct, stupid animal, or we should eat them and not cows

>> No.17110417

Pretty cool desu. I'm more worried about the possible health implications over moralfaggotry though

>> No.17110899

This but unironically

>> No.17111428

>we're just like everybody else
>how does our lifestyle affect you?
>what we do in the privacy of our bedroom isn't your business
cant read a post on a cooking board without tripping over packs of degenerate faggots

>> No.17111464

That's the point. It's conceptual art pointing out the hypocrisy of cultured meat, not an actual product.

>> No.17111988

>You are a human
>Eating human meat is cannibalism
>Therefore eating meat from yourself is cannibalism
How is that so hard to understand you dumb fuck?

>> No.17112079

The slab of meat I'm eating was never a person I killed. Doesn't matter what DNA it has it was only ever a lump of meat not a living thing. It's not cannibalism

>> No.17113056

There is so much about the body that science doesnt understand. I would be very hesitant to consume large amounts of my own DNA.

>> No.17113104

Why? Odds are just as good that you get a stat enhancement.

>> No.17113256
File: 1.47 MB, 897x900, the fabric of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow more of me so I can eat me.

>> No.17113260
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>> No.17113292

according to whom?

>> No.17113321

nah i'm good i'll just eat food.

>> No.17113421
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>> No.17113440

Why are you on 4chan, the worlds premiere den of sin and depravity, if you consider yourself a God fearing man?

>> No.17113441

why the fuck can faggots make shit like this and yet we can't even mass produce humans from test tubes?