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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 700x700, french-press-6-sq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17097425 No.17097425 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not French pressing your coffee? are you too impatient to wait 6 minutes?

>> No.17097428

What is the benefit to using a french press over my automatic coffee maker?

>> No.17097433
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>> No.17097447

>easy of use: mEdIuM
wtf, did anglo are just retarded?! Even babbies can use it and understand how it works

>brewnig time: 5-8 minutes
WTF is this meme?! 4 minutes tops, otherwise it's over-brew and bitter AF

>> No.17097451

I do french press, and I think it's much nicer. The texture's more pleasant and I don't like the tinny acid notes of drip coffee. I don't even particularly like using my Hario in comparison.

>> No.17097460
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>Graphic shows all wins go to coffee machine

>> No.17097489

cafestol increases bad cholesterol
I only drink coffee that's been filtered

>> No.17097496

Skynet Propaganda

>> No.17097522

I think they're including the time to pour it thru a filter? assuming people use one with the french press

>> No.17097548

I don't mind the sediment, I just swirl the cup around with a little bit of coffee left, and drink it all in one big gulp.

>> No.17097579

More likely they include the time to heat the water.

>> No.17097594

Using it is easy, but cleaning it each time can be a pain in the ass.

>> No.17097620

because i'm an aeropress hipster. I still have a coffee machine for guests, you do not want to break out the coffee fleshlight if you invite someone inside.

>> No.17097629

>giving your guests the shitty cheap stuff


>> No.17097630

Not if you're
>not my problem
pilled. Just pour the grounds right into the drain

>> No.17097640

coffee grinds are fine in the drain

>> No.17097657

t. Big Plumbing Jew who wants your shekels

>> No.17097680

I pour over because the cleanup on french press annoys me, I'm hate when too many solids end up in my coffee, and I don't have time to fully enjoy a full thing of french press

>> No.17097713

french press is my go to method of brewing coffee but after many years i notice it lacks something it is still my preffered method but it lacks a certain "oomf" if that makes sense maybe its just my own dumb ass

>> No.17097731

French Press Coffee makes me poop right away. In a way that other coffees don't.

>> No.17097771

Is that a pro or con?

>> No.17097777
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*mogs both*

>> No.17097779

french press is great for large batches. for single cups, a pourover makes more sense.

>> No.17097787

This is such a useless graph lmao

>> No.17097794

I prefer the taste of drip.
French goes a little too hard for me.

>> No.17097807
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I did for a year and my cholesterol went out of control

>> No.17097808

I always get weak taste from french press. If I'm going to wait that long for a coffee, I'll use my moka pot.
If I want something that tastes like a french press without the cleanup, I'll use the phin.
French press only if I need to make 5 coffees at once. But not many people in Australia drink black coffee. So I still end up just making lattes when I have guests.

>> No.17097812

are you retarded?
french press wins every category

>> No.17097868

yes i agree with you
moka pot has flavor french is for large batches
and pour over filter device is nice for flavorful single cup

>> No.17097870

i only steep my french pressed local medium roast beans for 3 mins. ground course

>> No.17097877

try pour over

>> No.17097886

mcdonald's coffee is better, just go there


>> No.17097903

price per cup is too expensive.
just buy a cheap espresso machine and make it yourself.

>> No.17097917

I do, but I use my moka pot more because it's better. Though the french press is great for my french roast that's too strong for my moka pot.

>> No.17098028

Because I'm a lazy fuck and I don't like washing it.

I can barely be arsed to refill the water reservoir in my keurig. What a hassle.

>> No.17098033

it is not my preferred way of brewing coffee :)

>> No.17098036

>french press made from glass, plasgic, steel
>drip coffeee machine is made from nothing and is non existent

>> No.17098040

I only drink expresso out of my handmade, mirror polished brass and copper, lever press expresso machine.

>> No.17098042

it's what i use
i mostly use it for tea though
annoying to clean but meh whatever

>> No.17098167

Search your machine for markings that show you how to spell espresso

>> No.17098366
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This shit kills the French press faggot

>> No.17098372

enjoy your infertility and cancer

>> No.17098453

I add instant coffee to milk then add nestle quick and let it sit in the fridge over night.

>> No.17098535

I only use my French press for cold brew these days. I prefer pour overs in the mornings right now.

>> No.17098540

The French press.

>> No.17098573

My coffee routine today (former chemex, French press, expensive coffee grinder, expensive beans fag):
>drip 12 cups of sole trader joes light medium roast shit
>divy it up between 5 Mason jars
>throw it in the fridge
>enjoy ready made coffee every morning that I don't have to wait to cool down

Prime coffee form imo

>> No.17098585

All the writing is in Italian, moron. How could that help me at all?

>> No.17098871

Why dont you just cold brew in the jars of you're going to fridge them anyways? Seems like the drip machine is a waste of money

>> No.17099347

>wait 6 mins
>press down
>seal isnt perfect so some of the coffee ground slips into the coffee anyway
>pour into cup
>coffee's cold

>> No.17099355

>brewing time, 3-10min
the fuck are you doing for it to take THAT long?
fucking using a coffee machine from the 60s?
mine does 6 cups worth in 1min.

>> No.17099472

Replace the filter

>> No.17099475 [DELETED] 

I get Starbucks lol

>> No.17099477

are you too impatient to wait 6 minutes?
Yeah pretty much. My Bialetti works fine, Quick and tastefull.

>> No.17099604

>6 minutes
Damn, I've only been waiting 4

>> No.17099697
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>Drip machine
No thank you

>> No.17099742

Coffee is just a vessel for caffeine you soiboi faggot. If you spend more than one minute popping a k-cup in, brewing it on single cup, and then chugging it so you can get back to work, youre genuinely a fucking faggot. Probably a redditor. You deserve to be lined up against the wall by secret police.

>> No.17099762

I have a real espresso machine.

>> No.17099815

cleaning it is annoying. with drip machine you just replace the filter

>> No.17099826

because it's low effort bait faggot

>> No.17099833

I'll never understand americans and their obsession with slow, weak brewing methods.
Just get an espresso machine, or if you're poor, a moka pot

>> No.17099842

>just drink completely different coffee bro

>> No.17099848

Choosing french press or a drip machine is like getting a beer and mixing it with water.
Which is probably related to the way americans always seem to drink light beer.

>> No.17099861

>here's an irrelevant analogy as to why you should just stop drinking a beverage and start drinking a different one that i'm telling you to bro

>> No.17099864

i lived in america for 20 years and never saw a single french press

they always use those mr coffee things to make extra burnt drip coffee

>> No.17099884

I have the press, mostly out of lack of space in my kitchen. Don't think they make coffee taste any different desu.

>> No.17099948
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French press is literally just a dirtier aeropress

>> No.17100210

>waiting 6 minutes
Do what you want and enjoy, but that isn't normal.
I use a very fine grind (preferably light roast, though anymore it's almost all medium roast if it says light), not quite espresso fine, but almost, about 15% heavy on the coffee ratio than is normally recommended. Pour in boiling water, stir for about 30 seconds, and press. Depending on mood or time constraints, I wait about a minute and then pour into a thermos if it's a larger brew, or just pour immediately and enjoy the bit of slurry.

>> No.17100250

>paper filtered coof is cleaner than metal filtered coof

Wow thank you frogman, I never would have realized this on my own. Would you kindly inform me on how dry water is compared to sand next?

>> No.17100284

Based. I do the same shit, just rinse it with hot water after using and wash it every 3 uses or so

>> No.17100300

Y'all are retarded that will eventually fill your pipes with mustard gas. The best solution will always be to empty your used car batteries down the sink and use them to store the grounds, then when they're full toss them into the ocean for a safe and legal thrill.

>> No.17100334
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This thread got me horny for some coffee and eggs.

>> No.17100336

Why the FUCK your eggs look like soggy tortilla chips

>> No.17100340
File: 90 KB, 1200x1800, froth-milk-french-press-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it
I think is the most practical way and pretty retard proof.
there is no way to fuck up or burn your coffee.

Also as a plus you can use it to froth milk, you get a texture very close to the barista vapor stuff

>> No.17100341

Cool them low and slow with butter and kept flipping them instead of chopping them with a spatula as they cooked

>> No.17100345

I do cold brew because I am not a huge fan of hot beverages most of the time.

Should I buy a french press? I would be down to switch it up on weekends...

>> No.17100355

Basically why I got a french press. I use my cold brew maker for work because it's easier to drink cold coffee on the way to work. But on my days off it's nice to make a hot french press when I have time to let it sit and cool and enjoy it

>> No.17100368

If you use it for milk though then you either need to brew your coffee another way, pour the coffee into another container then clean the press and foam your milk, or get 2 french presses, it is pretty good for it if you don't have access to a proper milk steamer though.


I'm not personally a huge fan of cold brew but it does work fine for it, though keep in mind you will end up with a LOT of sediment doing that unless you're going to paper filter it after, and at that point you may as well just use a jar and a sieve.

>> No.17100371

Double walled metal press > glass/plastic shit

>> No.17100375

but yes frog press is probably the worst way to brew coffee.

>> No.17100386

Pourover is faster and generally tastes better

>> No.17100387

Need help: what is the best way to make coffee when you're too lazy to use a coffee maker.

>> No.17100402

cold brew
automatic espresso machine

>> No.17100404

I use the same press. I brew the coffe for 4,5 minutes, when the time is almost up I heat the milk, drain my coffee and quickly wash the french press, then use it with the milk

>> No.17100405

Paper filtered tastes better.

And no I'm not going to french press then pour through a filter, that's retarded. If I want the benefits of immersion brewing I'll just use something like the hario switch, but I'm fine with pourover so I don't see the point.

>> No.17100411

It's completely doable, which is why I mentioned it in my post, it's just not a workflow I'm interested in personally. I don't want to have to stop and clean my press in the middle of my routine, I'd rather be able to take care of the milk while my coffee is brewing if I'm going to use it.

>> No.17100448

pourover is the most faggy and pretencious method, you look like a total faggot pouring a thin stream of water with that ridiculous kettle

>> No.17100456

you shouldn't clean it each time just rinse it out

>> No.17100468

Maybe if I chop off the spout it will stand a chance of ever being accepted as a woman, unlike you.

>> No.17100496

waste of quads,
overbrood gimmick.

>> No.17100541

Nigger retard

>> No.17100751

inferior to every brewing method and only good for cold brew or frothing milk

>> No.17100765

Why would he worry about that if he already posts here?

>> No.17100776

Because coffee beans are garbage. Coffee leaf tea is where it's at. Coffee is best enjoyed steeped, not pressed or percolated.

>> No.17100811
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Master race.

>> No.17100893
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>> No.17100897

yeah I am unfortunately

>> No.17100904

Because it's weak shit.
Moka pot is the best. Strong, flavorful, affordable, simple.

>> No.17100908

>Slow, wasteful shit
>Master race

>> No.17100977

Yeah, that single sheet of unbleached paper is just horrific. Pour-over takes 5 minutes.

>> No.17101013

>what if we took all the shitty parts of drip coffee but remove he automation?

>> No.17101074

>6 minutes
Too long. You know what fuck you, I'm gonna go make some coffee.

>> No.17101100
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Benz go in

>> No.17101103
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Dirt come out

>> No.17101111
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Hot Wawa go in

>> No.17101120

French press poured through one of those super fine metal drip cone filters gives you as clean a cup as drip, but with the flavor of French press and zero grit.

>> No.17101136
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Pres like a french woman

>> No.17101139

No, he said he's making his guests normal coffee and drinking the aeropress brew himself

>> No.17101141
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Blamo coffee.

>> No.17101148

They specifically method of pourover is slow and wasteful, because it uses thicker papers and makes them way larger than needed by requiring you to fold them yourself.

V60 is superior

>> No.17101149
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Add a splash of milk and enjoy

>> No.17101204

I can't believe Americans do literally anything. I hate every single thing about every American ever.

>> No.17101239

Dumb nigger. If you think that's the same as spraying scorching hot water out of a plastic piece of junk you're too fucking stupid for living.

>> No.17101256

thats wat too coarse, these: >>17101100 electrical grinders are dog shit you allways going to end with irregual results. Get one with graduation, or use a manual one.

>> No.17101270

Nah, it's fine.

>> No.17101278
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there is a literal whole bean

>> No.17101288

For me it’s a Keurig

>> No.17101291
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Don't care, had coffee.

>> No.17101296

Inefficient and makes a giant mess

>> No.17101351

>drinking coffee sand

>> No.17101560

I chipped the spout on mine, rec me a good new press please. Ideal size would be 1.2l but seems like only 1 and 1.5l options are available here (I'm in muttland so 32 or 48oz really). Best if available on Amazon cos I'm lazy, but I don't want one out of the million no name chinkshit ones listed.

>> No.17101604
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I have the large version of this the Frieling makes. Double wall stainless, and the press is just a screen sandwiched for support with one screw. It's been going strong for over 5 years almost daily use, sometimes multiple brews. It's picked up some scuffs and scratches, but no corrosion, even on the threads. Screen is the same size of Bodum, so they're easy to replace if needed. The one thing that I wish they designed differently is that the groove for the pour spout goes deeper on the inside than it appears to on the outside, which can be a little annoying on the press, but it's a minor complaint and I got used to watching the water level so I don't make a geyser when I press. It's the best press I've had out of many.

>> No.17101636
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Do you even vacuum?

>> No.17101728

Comfy posts anon, I like your entire kitchen setup and vibe, you seem like a cool person.
I do agree with >>17101256 though, in that I would grind the beans for a few seconds more - enough to get rid of about the top 20% largest pieces in your grinder. I have the same grinder. I am not convinced on burr grinders though, and certainly not manual grinders. My friends blow a lot of time and cash on coffee accessories, and I've yet to see any dividends from their autism besides that they are comforted by the ritualistic aspects of it.
The size depends on what you use it for. I usually make 3 mugs' worth at a time, using my Kuissential "8-cups"* / 34 oz press, and I like it a lot. The only drawback I can think of is that the plunger doesn't depress quite as far down as I would like, which doesn't usually affect me because I use a lot of benz. It wouldn't be as convenient for making one cup at a time though (I doubt any French press is, though - I have a one-mug press and it's a retarded amount of effort vs a pour-over w/ a reusable filter). I like that it is made out of metal; I once exploded a glass press trying to wash it out by accidentally creating a pressure bubble with my sponge.

*bullshit 4-oz "coffee" cup, not standard

>> No.17102133


Aeropress are ok, I used one for years but now I only use it for camping or in an emergency when we have no power because of a storm or something.

>> No.17102139
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This was on sale for $2 so my gf brought one home. What would you guys make with it? I might just make it with a red sauce like the picture on the packaging but that seems kinda boring so I was wondering if you guys had any interesting ideas

>> No.17102278

You could get some ground beef and make a meatloaf

>> No.17102453

Basil leaf in the pic makes me want to try something like this:
I've done similar with pork and it was quite tasty. I didn't use a French press for it, though, so I can't comment on that.

>> No.17102502

>ctrl+f "Moka"
>0 results

>> No.17102511

Because I don't drink coffee. The french press is the wife's and she's one of those dorks who can't do shit until she's had her coffee. So I have to make it. That's right, I'm supposed to perform the coffee addict, time-wasting, messy, early morning brewing ritual for something I don't drink. And she needs creamer, and stevia in all the proper proportions. She's getting a single cup keurig for xmas. Fuck that french press. I so hate coffee people. The Devil's brew that grips and enslaves so many low vibrational people is just a drug that corrupts the soul and weakens the mind leading only to ruin and despair. When these people are on their deathbeds, will they reflect on all the time they wasted brewing and drinking the liquid that enslaved them? No, those will be their fondest memories, their children and family forgotten, the missed opportunities and precious moments squandered are nothing compared to the rush of slurping their favorite poison.

>> No.17102524

Coffee drinkers have lower all cause mortality than people who don't drink coffee. So much for a "poison".

>> No.17102561

Thanks for weighing in on the matter, Big Coffee shill. Are your results replicable? Who funded the studies? Any conflicts of interest? Peer review? Let me guess, you did a meta-study, right? I'll stick with tea, thank you.

>> No.17102570

Sounds like your wife just plays you like a fiddle.

>> No.17102578

Being married to you sounds like suffering.

>> No.17102588

Hole detected

>> No.17102598

it's time for your meds

>> No.17102664

>6 minutes
Try four, I bet you grind it coarse too

>> No.17102723
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>7 of 7 matches

>> No.17102805

What do you and your dubs prefer then?

>> No.17102874
File: 104 KB, 1500x1248, 71PRSx7CJRS._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm using my Flair PRO 2 Manual Espresso Maker(tm)

>> No.17102895

dripping is just an automatic pour-over

>> No.17103256

looks like it's the same price as an espresso machine.

>> No.17103462
File: 143 KB, 449x311, 2020-10-31 11_40_39-Hinamatsuri - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 A Psychokinetic Girl Appears! - MangaDex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to do americano with a moka pot. But most of the time I drink tea, so what do I know.

>> No.17103481

i do french press - but i wait however long i want.

visited a friend recently who made coffee and was like "it's not ready it needs to steep for 7 more minutes" or however long. drove me fucking NUTS

>> No.17103495

The real answer is you look like a fancy asshole when in reality you're just lazy as shit.
I ain't even being sarcastic, it's great.

>> No.17103542

If you grind medium/coarse you can just put your coffee powder into a beaker/jar/container, drop water (boiling or something) inside, wait between 5 and 10 minutes and then if you pour slowly into your cup the powder will remain on the bottom. Well, most of it.

>> No.17103596

The true trick is cold brewing loose leaf tea in a french press.

>> No.17103666

Imagine how awesome it would be if coffee brewing temperature was close to milk heating temperature

but its not

>> No.17103719

Nigger just use a chemex or a Kalita if you’re a weeb. You’re not cool just because you bought a French press from IKEA.

>> No.17103884

>gravity assisted
>easier to use
>less time
>no need to micromanage brew
>can buy right machine for preference
>materials irrelevant to function
>makes more coffee
>only marginally more expensive for massive benefit

>> No.17103891


Brew and enjoy a nice large cup. Ten minutes later my poop for the day is done. Take my shower and then go to work.

>> No.17103918

this is surprisingly accurate
im not waiting for a pot to brew fuck that

>> No.17104042

>wifi kitchen appliance
why don't you just invite the globohomos in to your house to rape your children and wife you giant faggot

>> No.17104049

>t. wagie scheduling his poops for his boss' convenience

>> No.17104148

I'm not shitting on the gross toilets at work.

>> No.17104183

>Being the office shitter

Everyone hates you btw

>> No.17104187

this is why i dont go out

>> No.17104189

wait that long?

>> No.17104202

>not getting paid to take a leisurely shit
ok lol

>> No.17104227

better than holding it in and stinking up your area with your rancid farts the whole day.

>> No.17104446

>wifi kitchen appliance
It doesn't have any network connectivity. The only connections it has is the power plug, an optional water hose and an optional milk hose

>> No.17104493
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>Being the office shitter
>Everyone hates you btw
I guess you haven't read pic related

>> No.17104583

>materials available N/A
how the fuck do you make a coffee machine without any materials? is it a ghost coffee machine? are you drinking ghost coffee????

>> No.17104671


I have a Delongi espresso machine.

>> No.17104708

It makes a mess. I shouldn't have to pump 20+ times for a decent cup of coffee when I could have WAY more cups from one pot.

>> No.17104709
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Mogs everything else.
Only downside is, I drink s much I can't stop or the withdrawal will kill me

>> No.17104736

pour the grounds in the toilet
rinse in the sink

>> No.17104744

too coarse with too many big chunks really: it should be thinner, but not dusty ofc

>> No.17105092

That bold dark motor oil coffee is out of style. Subtle light roasts are en vogue

>> No.17105121

pros of french-press: more izzy to clean, cheaper, cons: you might burn your self faster lesser foam.

>> No.17105146

Trannies and effeminate males are en vogue too
just saying

>> No.17105383

>being an hourly wagie
>and an office shitter

where did it all go wrong?

>> No.17105389

Turkish coffee is always disgusting robusta that tastes like crap

>> No.17105405

nice way to ruin your coffee anon