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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17068812 No.17068812 [Reply] [Original]

>beans and eggs served on toast
>beans and eggs served on a tortilla
this is obvious hypocrisy

>> No.17068818
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No one puts beans on a breakfast taco (which isn’t even Mexican) you dumb bong

>> No.17068822

Based, fuck seagulls. They're like flying nogs.

>> No.17068823

depends on the type of bread. also mexican is meme cuisine and should never be taken seriously. if i wanted a proppa sloppa i would get a nice euro pasta

>> No.17068860

based old man

>> No.17068864
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>also mexican is meme cuisine and should never be taken seriously.

>> No.17068892

it's because canned bong beans have a disgusting sauce and taste like ass.
charro beans actually taste good.

>> No.17069108

kek made me think of that scene in Lighthouse, was funny as fuck.

>> No.17069115
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>> No.17069290

Top lad.

This. Fuck skywogs.

>> No.17069307

It doesn't matter because as long an action or idea leads to making bongoloids mad or other people's perception of them worsening, then it is objectively justified and a universal moral duty to defend it.

>> No.17069328

t. Jealous of the Master Race

>> No.17069342

The only based bong.

>> No.17069355

Bad luck to kill a gull, thems the souls of sailors what died at sea.

>> No.17069397

>a bunch of repulsively ugly inbred island scum who were left to their own savagery for the better part of human history, who had their fifteen minutes of fame with an empire that burned bright but was extinguished in a flash, still somehow living off the nostalgia for those glory days, while their former shitskin underlings are now running around raping their daughters en masse throughout their dreary old towns and if they're anything short of enthusiastic about it they throw then in London Tower for being racist

It's incredible how you name absolutely anything and one of your former colonies do it better than you or are more relevant at it, even the kind of English dialect people around the world are accustomed to. And ESPECIALLY sports you invented yourselves, for some hilarious reason. Not to mention your society is rapidly becoming one of the most cucked and despotic in the world, where non-violent Twitter posts will unironically get the police to show up at your house and charge you with being a mean nonce or some shit. And the level of submissiveness is so great that you all went insofar as to willingly bin everything short of your butter knives. The US should have isolated harder during WW2 and had you retards all starve to death without the assloads of supplies they shipped you, the world would be a better place.

>> No.17069406

>gigantic muttrage meltdown
tldr zoggie

>> No.17069413

>t. yuro who can't get good mexican

>> No.17069431

>meme cuisine
I don't think you know what meme means

>> No.17069463

fuck the both of you seagulls keep you company and all they ask for in return is a chip or two

>> No.17069509

Seagulls will snatch an entire burger out of your hands if you're not paying attention, especially in areas where they're used to being fed by tourists.

>> No.17069535

thats because you didnt give him a chip

>> No.17069557

that movie was fucking trash

>> No.17069575

It starts with one chip and before you know it, they'll take everything you have. Wife included.

>> No.17069916
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>> No.17070065

Huevos Rancheros is served with refried beans cunt

>> No.17070244

I remember being at a restaurant in San Francisco when a seagull just walked up to our table. We started feeding it our appetizers, then when we ran out, we tried to give it a little nog of butter. But before we could unwrap it, the seagull ripped it out of my friend's hand and swallowed the whole thing.

Everyone immediately got pissed at us for "poisoning" a seagull and gave us dirty looks the whole time we were there.

Fuck San Francisco and fuck seagulls.

>> No.17070320

It's different because POC of colour can actually cook and season their food. Everybody loves Mexican everything. Nobody likes British anything. Ever tried Mexican food? Mmm-mmm good! Oh yeah, that flavah! British colonizers have to go to a kebab shop to get anything fit for consumption. I hate White people. White people btfo.

>> No.17070349

>He doesn't know about tacos de frijoles.

>> No.17070353

Wait, so bongs eat beans from a can? Wtf

>> No.17070367
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Who the fuck said it was disgusting? Everyone loves beans on toast. My favourite variation is poached egg on beans on cheese on marmite on toast, fucking incredible

>> No.17071577

Absolutely based

>> No.17071637
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Luv beans
'ate beaners

Simple as.

>> No.17071648

A seagull stole a sandwich from me once, so fuck 'em.

Steal chip, get hit. Simple as.

>> No.17071661
File: 30 KB, 749x499, Steven Seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your back, bong.

>> No.17071668
File: 2.53 MB, 640x1138, spic eating ice cream cone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's different because POC of colour can actually cook and season their food. Everybody loves Mexican everything. Nobody likes British anything. Ever tried Mexican food? Mmm-mmm good! Oh yeah, that flavah! British colonizers have to go to a kebab shop to get anything fit for consumption. I hate White people. White people btfo.

>> No.17071686

His "What Are You Gonna Do About It?" attitude makes him better than most of the people who post here.

>> No.17071695

where's this man's knees?

>> No.17071697

Why do Americans have such a thing against baked beans
I've never known any other nationality to give half a shit about such a basic, normal, inoffensive food. It's especially weird given it's an American product.

>> No.17071704

>It's especially weird given it's an American product.
Yes and you aren't supposed to eat it for breakfast.

>> No.17071710

You don't eat it for breakfast, you eat it as part of your breakfast. Dunno why you'd have a thing against eating it as part of your breakfast. Sounds like a personal hangup.

>> No.17071718

>Dunno why you'd have a thing against eating it as part of your breakfast.
Because it's weird. You aren't supposed to do that.

>> No.17071736
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Superior Latinx genetics, he doesn't need them.

No clue. I eat baked beans on a regular basis, most people I know do. I see literally fucking nothing wrong with beans.

>> No.17073177

Tranny detected

>> No.17073194

Ranch style eggs are a Mexican dish. Beans, sauce, and eggs on a fried tortilla. I personally just like Mexican ways of cooking beans more than British. Beans fried in lard are better than beans baked in tomato juice sugar.

>> No.17073204

Bong beans on toast come from can which came from supermarket made by company who could make them cheapest.
Mexicans buy normal dry beans in bulk because they are cheap and make them themselves.
Learn the difference güera

>> No.17073206

Did she just shrink into her own body?

>> No.17073207

Why not? Beans are made of protein and resistant starch, they're an ideal breakfast food.

>> No.17073366

based. angloids are slightly less white than the gulls

>> No.17073489
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Bean in molasses is better than any faggy frijoles or heinz

>> No.17073516

>make them themselves
with lard and spices no less

>> No.17073667

the only kind of beans brits know is canned and has a sweet red sauce, disgusting

>> No.17073674

>I hate White people. White people btfo
brits arent white
also bad for you to have burnt tastebuds from a lifetime of unnecessarily strong spices and excess salt

>> No.17073687

Jesus where does all of this vitriol come from?

>> No.17073691

seagulls are worse than pigeons, both should be mass culled around urban areas
>Captcha: NGGRD

>> No.17073699

are baked beans literally baked on an oven? raw beans need to soak and cook for hours or even a pressure cooker

>> No.17073704

they're too heavy and make you gassy, terrible morning food

>> No.17073926

Traditional baked beans can either be baked or stewed. Baked beans in the UK are almost always eaten premade from a tin, however.

>> No.17073977
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Pic related is an actual Mexican breakfast food, you disgusting limey. Go brush your fucking teeth

>> No.17074017

White beans in a sweet tomato sauce are disgusting, black beans are a versatile enough protein to be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
I like to mix cooked black beans, eggs, cheese, and spices, pour that in half a pepper and bake it until just solidified but still creamy.

>> No.17074018

just looks like someone poured a packet of doritos in a pan and fried a couple eggs? hows that a meal? no wonder they all look like fucking goblins lol
id never eat anything made by a mexicans disgusting dirty brown indio hands, its the reason why ive never tried tacos or burritos or any other shit mexican food

>> No.17074024

>used to get gas when I ate beans
>became very poor
>ate beans 4/7 meals
>GI tract just kind of got used to beans and I stopped farting so damn much after about a month
Now things are picking up financially it's roughly weekly beans, but they're still not a problem anymore.

>> No.17074033

You sound smart

>> No.17075242
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats beans

>> No.17075250

Uhh bean tacos is a mexican staple breakfast item. Just add some queso fresco and some salsa and youre good.

>> No.17075268

Its a meme you dip

>> No.17075281
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1372583335684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.17075286

I think it's some species of cephalopod

>> No.17075327

You guys can keep your ketchup smothered halal certified beans, we will keep enjoying our beaner beans

>> No.17075939

He's doing the Pixar smirk.

>> No.17076728

let me explain myself better then. mexican food is shitty oil drippy turd food that i wouldnt feed to my dogs

>> No.17076863


>> No.17076873

the british way of serving beans is nasty, beans in a sweetened tomato sauce? Awful. Refried beans or them plainly cooked with bay leaves, onions and garlic? Savory and delicious.

>> No.17077819

because British people suck eggs and should kick rocks