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17059467 No.17059467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>360 lbs
>6 ft
>much less table sugar than most his size, mostly fat from oil
>not diabetic

>> No.17059471

don’t worry, he’s on his way to becoming one

>> No.17059473

I legit hope this guy dies, I don't care how I just want him dead same with his faggot boyfriend

>> No.17059480

Type 2 diabetes takes a while to develop, even in morbidly obese patients. Niko is only 29 years old, nearly a decade before the typical age a person finally has full-blown type 2 after years of being obese.

>> No.17059482

He is 360 lbs now? Has he gone back to heart attack grill for his free food?

>> No.17059483

>>not diabetic
probably wrong. he likely already is its just undiagnosed. conventional testing diagnoses diabetes very late.

>> No.17059490

>conventional testing diagnoses diabetes very late.
Partly why there was such a big push for prediabetes awareness when it comes to insulin resistance. That said, it takes a fucking lot to develop type 2 diabetes before the age of 30.

>> No.17059495

Hasn't been posted yet but he did just travel to Vegas again, so my guess is that video is coming soon and already taped

>> No.17059496

Remember when he hit 300. That wasn't even a year ago

>> No.17059542

Jesus chrisr I weigh more than this fucker but don't even have a second chin, how tf does that work.

>> No.17059547
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>6 ft

He isn't that tall you retard. Imagine believing a habitual liar

>> No.17059562
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>mostly fat from oil

Never mind the insane amount of carbohydrates he is consuming.

>> No.17059570
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>> No.17059572
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>> No.17059578

does eating sugar cause insulin resistance or does being fat cause insulin resistance?
and of course, you could become fat from eating lots of sugar,, but is habitually eating sugar as a skelly a risk factor in type 2 diabetus?

>> No.17059582
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>> No.17059585

Anon chungus

>> No.17059586

most of his weight is just water and/or a medical mystery actually.

>> No.17059587

Always gets a giggle.
Yes to all questions.

>> No.17059590

Post it.

>> No.17059594

Hope the money is worth the irreversible body damage

>> No.17059599

I wish I could get paid for all the irreversible damage I'm doing to my body, but I'm not into exhibitionism.

>> No.17059601

>does eating sugar cause insulin resistance or does being fat cause insulin resistance?
its the fatty liver probably driving insulin resistance. elevated insulin and fructose and your liver will convert it to fat. similar to how alcohol is metabolized

>> No.17059609

yeah but that's most jobs

>> No.17059612

at the same calories and without significant weight loss fructose restriction improves the symptoms of metabolic syndrome


>> No.17059622

>Patients with NAFLD had severe insulin resistance, especially at the level of the adipose tissue, when compared with patients without NAFLD... Of note, these differences between patients with/without NAFLD were independent of the presence of obesity.

>> No.17059623

What about erik the electric will he get the diabetes?

>> No.17059625

if he continues to consume a diet high in refined carbs and added sugars yes. thats if he isnt already diabetic just undiagnosed see >>17059483

>> No.17059646

How is it that America has like 100 million diabetics and we still actually don't know exactly what causes insulin resistance?

>> No.17059650

Taste piss its the easiest way

>> No.17059652

if you include pre diabetes its closer to about 200 million. if we tested properly it would potentially be higher another 10 or 15%

>> No.17059655

easiest maybe but by the time you are pissing out glucose in the urine it is already quite late in the diseases progression. there are better indicators that can catch it earlier on before significant damage is done

>> No.17059663

I did an assignment on this, the answer is both.
High sugar intake is a risk factor, even in non-obese people.
T. Nutrition student

>> No.17059668

I talked with an endocrinologist about this and the way he basically shrugged off the question as "well, there's a lot of possible factors, but the important part is prevention and treatment" kind of says a lot of where we're at right now. Palliative care is more profitable than a practical cure. Of course, we're still going to have to deal with research groups dangling bullshit about artificial pancreases or pancreas regrowth just outside our grasp.
t. Leaf and type 1, by the way. Taxpayers cover my insulin in full.

>> No.17059674

Post assignment

>> No.17059691

apetor is dead and this guy is still alive

>> No.17059718 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 672x498, paskareikä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17059722

always rember that this is the delicate wonderous bussy that faggots will tell you about

>> No.17059726

So the eating stunts will eventually take its toll?

>> No.17059737

I have seen this mans gaping asshole

>> No.17059746

Does anyone have that image of some absolute war wagon of a woman who was apperently a guest on the "show" chowing down on something whilst nikocado sits in a corner and watches with a bemused, slightly disgusted expression?

>> No.17059754

Thats true. One time I tasted my piss and it was sweet I freaked out but it turns out I had cream from something I was eatting on my hands. Needless to say, I started eating less sugar

>> No.17059764

>not diabetic
Wow I guess he must be healthy then and his diet and lifestyle is acceptable.

>> No.17059783

>"dont know" what causes insulin resistance

Anon let me introduce you to the ag and sugar lobby.

>> No.17059801

Seconding this