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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17037565 No.17037565 [Reply] [Original]

>food arrives with filthy jam or butter packet on top
Completely fucking unacceptable. I send back the food every time they do this.

>> No.17037567

Blast from the past.

>> No.17037572
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I always try and scope out the kitchen to make sure no Indians are present

>> No.17037587

this is annoying to me too.

Also pisses me off when they put some kind of fruit on top of my waffle and let it sit for a few minutes so there is a nice soggy patch in the middle of the waffle by the time it touches my table.
I don't have a problem with fruit, I just don't want a soggy fucking waffle you cunts. Put that shit on a side plate.

>> No.17037608

You are a literal pussy and shouldnt leave your mom's basement

>> No.17037630

What a little bitch you are. Can't you find something else more minuscule to complain about?

>> No.17037648

Never mind the cutlery that got dropped on the floor before it got to you or the guy picking his nose who got the plate ready. Maybe you shouldn't leave the house.

>> No.17037649

I just eat food

>> No.17037710
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I keep telling my Mom and Dad and Sister, BRING YOUR OWN BUTTER!! Then then expect me to share the butter that I gave brought which I’m just not going to do. Then everyone gives me the cold shoulder in the car for the rest of the trip

>> No.17037720 [DELETED] 

Grow up nigger literally, do not post here until you are at least 18

>> No.17037909

I spit in your food when I send it back to you.

>> No.17038251

For me its pickles half on burger or fries. If i ask for a burger without pickles in the burger why do they think i want a burger with a pickle on top of the bun.

>> No.17038289

>Puts packet on the side and sends you back the same food

>> No.17038291

Yeah, that shit bugs me too.

>> No.17038407


>I just don't want a soggy fucking waffle you cunts. Put that shit on a side plate.

Uh...maybe order it that way instead of bitching about it?

>> No.17038413

>I send back the food every time they do this.
... What are you expecting them to do with the food once it's sent back? Put the butter on for you? Maybe I'm just retarded but I don't get it.

>> No.17038434

Complains about cleanliness.

At Waffle House.

>> No.17039782


>> No.17040132

>menu item: WAFFLE
>served as: waffle with fruit in the middle, server says nothing

>> No.17040150
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>u have to specifically request non-retard service

>> No.17040163

I am hesitant to ever send food back, but I understand your trepidation. It's not hygenic. If this happened at a place where I was a regular, I would assume it's something I can discuss with my usual waitress to make sure I get my wishes. Maybe a roundabout inoffensive way to get this is to state you are asking for a separate butter dish with several/extra. You might mention you are on immune suppressive drugs and to be extra careful when plating your food.

>> No.17040179

I'd fart on your waffles if I was working in the kitchen then send them back out.

>> No.17040349

The menu itself either doesn't say, or implies it'll be on the side.

>> No.17040415

>walk in
>only 2 people visibly on staff
>half the restaurant is full
>counter's filthy
>other half of the restaurant has dirty dishes stacked up on filthy tables
>staff ignores walk-ins
>I leave
this was my last two experiences with waffle house
second time, they ignored an old man with a walker and a girl in a cast prior to me leaving

>> No.17040422

just put it on the fucking side, you don't have to put it on top of the fucking food

>> No.17040425

kitchen's always within plain view
you think someone won't notice you lowering waffles beneath your ass?

>> No.17040443

>he thinks the waffles are any cleaner than the packet of butter.
hahahaha topkek you have a lot to learn son
countless examples. enjoy your fast food kid, nothing personal amerifat.

>> No.17040483

I used to work at a waffle house for a short time. Fun fact the little packets of jam and margarine are staged on the empty plates by the flat top in a certain way depending on what was ordered so the cooks know what to put on each plate. Also any of the unopened single serving packets after a customer leaves are put into a basket and hosed off in the dish pit and used again, so always open them even if you don't use them.

>> No.17040531

Based short order cook.

>> No.17041077

that is why I put slight fork marks on the food and takes pictures before I send it back
your manager is not going to like this one bit