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File: 293 KB, 800x1200, img_914_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17010799 No.17010799 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought this, what am I in for?

Also, general whiskey thread.

>> No.17010816

Stories about cats, wells and fantasies of fucking underage girls

>> No.17010845


based murakami readers

>> No.17010866
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Drinking this rn

>> No.17010902

Based and checked. Was thinking of you earlier from the last thread. Hope you're enjoying.

>> No.17011362

why is brandy so underrated?

>> No.17011365

Soon-to-be uncle-in-law is gonna bring over some nice whiskeys for me to try for the survivor finale in a few weeks
I don't know anything about whiskey.
I just hope my body is over its whiskey phobia. Last time I seriously drank it I vomited all over.

>> No.17011431 [DELETED] 

niggers mostly

>> No.17011441
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This is my first time on this board, I came to ask for advice on scotch. I’m 22 and have never really been exposed to scotch. I’m wondering if picrel is a good option for a beginner scotch to try and acquire the taste. Thoughts?

>> No.17011529

pour it into coke and check back with us

>> No.17011606

Is it worth is buying single malt if I cannot stand blended whiskey? My family always buys the cheaper stuff and I can barely hold it down. It tastes like cologne smells.

>> No.17011685

Does anyone else know that feeling where those around you think you're drunk but you haven't touched any alcohol for weeks?

>> No.17011721

>haven't touched any alcohol for weeks?
whenever i go more than 3 days without drinking i make sure everyone knows. so no

>> No.17011773
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alcohol is for depressed losers

>> No.17011845
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why didnt you faggots tell me wee beastie was this good
it's not as tasty as corryvreckan, but for half the price, it doesnt need to be

>> No.17011919

I have gotten sick exclusively from things like Makers Mark, Bulleit, Black Label. I really want to enjoy all types of alcohol, is the type of Whisky fucking with me or should I just avoid barrel-spirits altogether?

>> No.17011924
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For me it's

>> No.17011947

>put it in ur cocke
def, but also try with big blocks of ice alone at least once, anyways, something very good even for beginners is johnny wlaker black label

>> No.17012019

Can't stand the stuff. Sickeningly sweet

>> No.17012051
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That bottle better not have crossed state lines

>> No.17012071

Sipping on some Isle of Skye. Pretty decent, deluded with some water and drinking after a fuggin' jar like a redneck. Feels good bros.

>> No.17012094
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Unbelievably based

>> No.17012112

I thought Hennessy was cognac?

>> No.17012283

Cognac is just brandy with its nose in the air.

>> No.17012288

I thought that brandy was a variation of cognac not the other way around?

>> No.17012292

It's Viaka and store brand cranberry juice again tonight lads.

>> No.17012293

Cognac is brandy made in a specific part of France

>> No.17012297
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brandychads... We just keep on winning

>> No.17012382
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What we drinkin on this festive night lads? Just made myself a jack and coke that was more jack than coke.

>> No.17012387

I like makers mark.

>> No.17012399

I just found out that fouled up paperwork means that still more months will pass before the Court appoints me as my aunt's executor, so it's cheap and harsh Rye for me tonight.

>> No.17012489
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In Manhattan for Anime NYC this weekend, grabbed some of picrel to sip on in my room for tonight after someone in the last whiskey thread highly tecommended this for bourbon enjoyers.

>> No.17012695

Im drunk, I lovw the taste of sake, but I hate being drunk, fuck the buzz

>> No.17012701

I'm drunk for the first time ever

>> No.17012713

The buzz is the bets part anon, that's how you know it's working

>> No.17012889
File: 34 KB, 299x600, 531383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons try Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey? Any good?

>> No.17012969

Bought this today and drinking it. It taste like Elijah Craig (Heaven Hill) with less spice and more floral notes. I read reviews on this and generally, it wasnt rated too high but being a Bottled In Bond, you can taste that the quality is there.

>Kyle better get some dividends from these sales

>> No.17012992

Do you want suggestions? Help? What to look for? What whiskeys is he bringing over?

Hopefully he brings over some Chad barrel proofs and you can sip on that shit neat.

>> No.17013009

I have no clue I was just bored and felt like posting
I don't know what those terms you just used mean but I'll look em up now.
I guess is there anything I can do to make myself not vomit? I'm worried my body is still scared of it.

>> No.17013012

if you want a whiskey with a peanuty flavor, try Old Granddad.
Probably less offensive to as companies that bastardize and make meme whiskey
>Fuck you fireball

>> No.17013021

I was the same way with rum when i was 21 and tried too much bacardi with weed at a party. Time will cure those wounds but try not to drink shit that has the same flavor profile as the stuff that made you barf.
Hopefully you got sick off of johnnie walker or jack daniels because most other whiskeys dont taste like that

>> No.17013047

Good shit, this and Dickel Rye trade favorably with bottles 150% their price. I alternate between the two as my daily drinkers.

>> No.17013765

I drank some Rittenhouse Rye to celebrate, but also some Ardbeg Wee Beastie and Ardbeg 10 year.

>> No.17013864

Grand Dad is gold, but for maxium peanut flavor without actually having flavoring added its gotta be Old Tub. Its "The Beam Note" turned up to 11.

>> No.17014623
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>but also some Ardbeg Wee Beastie

>> No.17014648
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>prohibition edition

scotland never had prohibition what dumbass faction of american retards is this trying to appeal to?

also i've seen the real cuttysark before it caught fire and i was in notre dame before it burned up too

>> No.17014654

Cutty Sark was famously illegally smuggled into the US during prohibition, it's probably not true but it's said that the Kennedy's were the ones who imported it.

>> No.17014658

so…basically the type of dumbass american retards who are inexplicably obsessed with prohibition and thinking that alcohol was somehow better back then

>> No.17014660

It's called marketing.

>> No.17014666
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The Glen Turner company probably just wanted to sell a new whisky but were worried it lacked appeal so they just reused their existing Cutty Sark branding.
Also I've only seen the Cutty Sark after the fire and I've never seen Notre Dame. No, I am not American, I just rarely go abroad and visit tourist attractions. Pic was from 2017.

>> No.17014679
File: 47 KB, 237x600, drmcquack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of like this shit which didn't exist prior to the late 90s, is made by segrams, and the only people who buy it do so because they think it's some ancient apothecary recipe for peppermint schnapps

>> No.17014718

I don't think anyone mistakes that for genuine senpai it's just cheap, cloyingly sweet liqueur.

>> No.17014736
File: 27 KB, 400x600, fag-syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't underestimate the power of marketing and gullibility of consumers

>> No.17014751

You're really taking the piss here. A modern company using dated/inaccurate aesthetics may be commonplace, but I sincerely doubt the average consumer is that deluded or ignorant. It's more the fact that sort of labelling is appealing to the psyche of certain people.

>> No.17014775
File: 191 KB, 600x922, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a retro-chic aesthetic bruv. I know y'all don't leave your basements often but this sort of thing was really popular in the 2000s, nobody took it at face value.

>> No.17014783
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I really thought I was buying a 100 year old bottle of root beer at the 7/11.

>> No.17014793
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>cat-poster is retarded
Every time.

Just get a bottle of Coke if you want to LARP as an olde-timey recovering cocaine addict.

>> No.17014802
File: 653 KB, 908x1500, All_gone_Could_I_have_another_glass_of_that_Hires'_Rootbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell there's probably an actual 100 year old brand of root beer right next to the Coke

But nah senpai surely old timey beverages must all have old timey labels, and all old timey labels must be on genuinely old timey product

>> No.17014809

The guys here telling you to throw it on ice or in coke are trolling.
Glenmorangie is almost the perfect introduction to single malt scotch. Just try to get the original, not one of their needless derivatives

>> No.17014819
File: 81 KB, 490x686, wildturkey101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail to the king, baby.

>> No.17014828

the darkest of the dark liquors
That shit will have you ripping cabinet doors off and putting cheese in the dishwasher

>> No.17014837
File: 15 KB, 318x305, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steampunk is just furries for a different flavor of faggot

>> No.17014869

Calm down.

>> No.17014886

How do you get over the guilt of drinking?
Anytime I do it now I feel guilty, like I'm doing something I really shouldn't.

>> No.17014898

Nah that logic doesn't follow.
It's more mallgoth for people who have newly discovered the color brown.

>> No.17014904

Easy fix: no drinking, no guilt

>> No.17014908

By limiting my drinking to one glass once a week.

>> No.17014915

Sounds incredibly lame and boring

>> No.17014918

Lame is what you'll be when your liver gives out and your crippling dependency on drugs spirals your life out of control.

>> No.17014935

Okay Baptist John

>> No.17014945

I'm only telling you what you already know. Why else would you feel guilt?

>> No.17014964

I just find this extreme anti-alcohol notion that you see a lot on 4chan really nonsensical. You people act as if even little to a moderate amount of drinking will suddenly crush your liver, make you go insane and crash your car and murder all your family or some shit. My guilt stems more from whether or not I'm airing toward drinking too much or a copious amount. This patronizing "never ever drink" shit just makes me think it stems from autists who see alcohol as this ultimate Big Bad and not something that can be enjoyed in a healthy or even just okay way, which is an even more unhealthy way of viewing alcohol than people who drink regularly but don't go overboard.

>> No.17014967

Drinking more than one serving 2 if you're big of Whiskey does do damage to your liver.

>> No.17014972

I'm not anti-alcohol, but I am anti-addiction.
If your drinking is such an issue that you are wracked with guilt over it then that is a clear and present signal to stop.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>> No.17014980

>that you are wracked with guilt over it
It's more of a twinge, I'm not sitting here shaking considering the next bottle

>> No.17014985

Sure, deflect. Mitigate. Deny. Let a preventable problem fester until it is too late.

>> No.17014986

I drank pretty heavily last year during quarantine (a 1 litre bottle of spirits shared with my gf every 3-4 days) and last time I got my blood tested a few months ago I was told by my doctor that my liver function is good. I don't drink as heavily as that now.

>> No.17014989

So the only alternative is to not drink alcohol ever again?

>> No.17014994

>I was told by my doctor that my liver function is good
ok, glad you're not drinking so much now.

>> No.17015000

Clearly you don't trust yoruself to drink in moderation, neither do you have any sort of support network to help you kick an addiction if you're asking anons for help on the bengali oilskin dyeing forum.

>> No.17015008

my doctor once told me as he was looking at my bloodwork:
"i know you said you only have 3-4 alcoholic drinks per week, but someone who drinks as much as you actually do should be taking a b vitamin supplement”

>> No.17015016

You know nothing about me but keep preaching

>> No.17015025

Rowan's Creek and Noah's Mill are both really good. They're the Willett products you can find.

>> No.17015083

If that's what Cognac is, what is Armagnac

>> No.17015091

That doctor sounds based. He didn't even tell you to slow down or anything. He probably drinks, too.

>> No.17015092
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Cognac and Armagnac are both brandy producing regions of France.

>> No.17015123


>> No.17015140

it is gut wrenchingly sweet, I wouldnt recommend to anyone

>> No.17015160

I have definitely seen Noah's mill as well in the shop that I live near, I'll have tk try that next

>> No.17015527

Can one of you experts recommend a rum for a kraken enjoyer to up their game?

>> No.17015566

I had a B12 deficiency after my heavy drinking bout, it's why I went to the doctor in the first place. Take supplements.

>> No.17015585
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Drinking Four Roses Small Batch. Not bad. It's my birthday tomorrow so why shouldn't I start drinking at 3:00

>> No.17015660

my dad was a ‘sark drinker when I was a kid

I’d drink applejuice and one time when I was about 5 I grabbed a glass off the counter that contained a familiar-colored liquid
turns out it was his scotch and I took a huge gulp of the stuff

30 years later and even the thought of scotch still turns my stomach despite loving most other whiskies

>> No.17015695

Cruzan Black Strap or Single Barrel

>> No.17015724
File: 43 KB, 450x600, El Dorado rum 12 year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's to sweet try the 8yo

>> No.17016532

Lemon Hart 151, drunk straight.

>> No.17017414

Cheap today and bought Bell's whisky and St remy.

Bell's is shit. St Remy is alright.

>> No.17017487

tried monkey shoulder today
hate it

>> No.17017511

last couple days I've been going back to some more empty bottles of my sherried scotches(Edradour, Balvenie, Uigeadail), but made some orange chicken with leeks and toasted sesame seeds from scratch earlier so I might be going Kilchoman tonite.

>> No.17017667

whats the best alcohol delivery service? cheap prices and doesnt make me buy 5+ bottles for cheaper shipping

>> No.17017694

>anti alcohol notion
>in the whiskey and spirits general
you typed an essay because hes right and you're insecure

>> No.17017771

yea it tastes like rubbing alcohol, lawn clippings and bananas

>> No.17017793

Not surprising, it tastes like old people smell and banana breath.

>> No.17017809

Cutty is a Speyside blend so scotch from any of the other 4/5 regions should be fine, they're really distinct.

>> No.17017831

Yeah I assumed so, but would normies enjoy it? Like I would be planning to serve it as a fun shot for normies/ladies that visit.

>> No.17017857

>peanuty flavor
Knob creek 100

>> No.17017864

what kind of flavor is old forester?

>> No.17017959


>le normies or grilles
staying within the Beam neighborhood you probably want Red Stag. not as much peanuty goodness but if your planning your purchases around retards then dont bother with the good shit as it'll be wasted on them.

>> No.17018156

coke guys are probably latinos with shit taste (im a latino)
The problem with drinking high tier whisky, rum, brandy and Cognac is that you will despise low tier ones...it`s like a curse and you won`t enjoy drinking garbage with your friends

>> No.17018838
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>mfw Makers is owned by Beam Suntory

>> No.17018909

Talisker 10 tastes better than Laphroaig 10.
I really liked the nose of the laphroaig but I was let down on the taste not being anywhere near as flavorful and intense and the nose led on to be, while the Talisker had a good nose and it tasted very flavorful too.

>> No.17020467


>> No.17020555

>letting autists on 4chan effect your emotions about real life things you enjoy

>> No.17020944

how much whiskey per night is too much?
I've been going through about two 1.75 liter bottles a week

>> No.17021063

If you have to ask, it's too much.

>> No.17021104

Is one molecule of ethanol every night too much?

>> No.17021119

>$0.00001 bas been deposited into your account, Sincerely Diageo

>> No.17021169

I envy you. I drink like a quarter of a fifth and I can't shit for two days, only fart a lot. I don't think I have it in me to become a derelict bros.

>> No.17021177

>0.25 shekels has been deposited into your account, Sincerely Beam Suntory.

>> No.17021254
File: 403 KB, 430x760, assets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying the Arran now. Don't love their new bottle design but not a deal breaker

>> No.17021338

I have a 2014 bottling of the 10 and its really nice. I kinda want to try their Bodega and Port versions, but yeah the redesign makes me think they want that Edrington dosh. apparently the discontinued 14 is awesome, but good luck finding it on a shelf if you arent in LA, Chicago or NY

>> No.17021407

It tastes like a bourbon that really wants to be a rye

>> No.17021415

If you wake up the next morning it's fine

>> No.17021422

you should switch to vodka/water and buy some Thiamine (vitamin B1)and some coconut water if you plan on drinking any more then that

>> No.17021454

poor frogposting subhuman trying so hard for 0 replies
here's a pity (You)

>> No.17021697

Has Ardbeg 10 changed or has my palate changed? It was basically my go to Scotch a couple years ago but the bottle I recently bought seems like a thinner more washed out version of the earthy peat and smoked meat I remember.

>> No.17022162

I want to read him
where do i start

>> No.17022439

come back to it in few weeks/months. Ardbeg seems to be putting money into marketing instead of putting it into the quality of their product lately though. It could just be your palate. try Laphroaig if your feelin froggy ;^o

>> No.17022893

Redpill me on spiced rum.
Those bottles of kraken keep catching my eye.

>> No.17022921

its good and my favorite mixed drinks are with rum
rum drinkers are extra snobby though and turn their noses at the spiced variety. but i love it.

>> No.17023166

It's just your palate

>> No.17023251
File: 643 KB, 1398x925, fit wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get sad when i see this rum because my parents buy it and it says "guyana" on the bottle and my ex gf is guyanese

>> No.17023263

I think its good to do things like that because your mind starts to associate it with other things
like eventually guyana will make you think of that bottle instead of your whore ex

>> No.17023291

>want to drink rittenhouse because ice always loved rittenhouse.
>dumb libs get disgusted at you for ordering it at a bar now
>I always almost have a pistol open carried in condition 1

Dude I dont care about that fag rittenhouse who should be in jail or any of the pedos he killed I just want cheap rye whiskey. Fucking libs.

>> No.17023294

>who should be in jail
You sound like one of those libs.

>> No.17023303
File: 171 KB, 800x800, 1628624869852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month I picked up my first bottle of whiskey, WT101, and hated it entirely, mixed, straight, rocks, neat, any way. Tonight I just downed a shot of it and it tasted incredibly strongly of spices, caramel, and vanilla and it was incredible. I don't know if it was just airing it out or if having it in a small amount made it taste that fucking good but I want more. Any recs? I have a friend recommend Bulleit but I see it get shit on regularly in these threads.

>> No.17023307

Your palate changed, do you have a price range you want to stick to?

>> No.17023309
File: 85 KB, 750x521, 6C33F311-9278-4077-8C12-17EB9DCA383A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a lot of Irish coffee during the holiday season. I’ll use whatever Irish whiskey I have on hand, often it’s Bushmills

>> No.17023315

Money isn't a huge concern with all the overtime and time and a half around this season but maybe 80 bucks max for regular drinking.

>> No.17023324

Wild Turkey rare breed, or Kentucky spirit for some more Wild Turkey, or some Russell's Reserve. Angel's envy, Old Forester 1920, Eagle Rare, Old Grand Dad 114. Knob Creek 12 year old, Knob Creek 9 year old single barrel.

>> No.17023337
File: 328 KB, 514x485, 1621042011968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic shit, friend. I'll put all of them on my alcho-backlog.
I don't know if it's just the booze flowing through my veins or what, but I'm really in the mood to expand my alcoholic palate.

>> No.17023359

>that pic
Demoman is a true late-stage alcoholic and would never think to "expand his palate".

>> No.17023403
File: 148 KB, 785x870, 1627426777983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soup can

>> No.17023479

tfw spent over $8000 on whiskey over the past year

>> No.17023578

I prefer the term "connoisseur" over "alcoholic"

>> No.17023592

asked my mummy to bring me kraken or captain morgan for a dark n stormy and she brought me bacardi black rum
i know its a fuck up, but is it even worth opening

>> No.17023617

you never know what you might like anon

>> No.17023689

does the sugar cube in an old fashioned even do anything

>> No.17023698
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It makes the drink sugarier.

>> No.17024013

any survivors?

>> No.17024033
File: 101 KB, 459x361, ss_pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely high-quality historical image you've got there

>> No.17024338

Tried Jim Beam for the first time the other day and I'm pleasantly surprised
For the price, the taste is quite adequate
I also have a bottle of Buffalo Trace here and I think the JB might actually be better

>> No.17024466

It's honestly so good
Especially at that price
The flavour is so rich and it has so much body
Everything else I've had after it tastes watered down

>> No.17024678

Spiced rum is great, just don't forget non-spiced rum is also good.

>> No.17024740

>not condition 0

>> No.17024753

Joke's on you, Dark 'n Stormy is trademarked and can only be made with Gosling's

>> No.17024846

His short stories.

>> No.17025572

kraken is great, avoid sailor jerry.

>> No.17025596
File: 195 KB, 1000x947, 3857C6EF-62CA-48E4-8D0E-DB45B99D641B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>47% abv
based kraken catering to alcoholics

>> No.17025597

I feel like I should make my deaths smaller
Been doing 4 to 4 oz for a good while and I can't stomach drinking that much in a sitting

>> No.17025601

baron samedi is pretty deece

>> No.17025605

I don't even know why they bother selling 70 proof

>> No.17025711

Do you drink this neat?

>> No.17026215
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>> No.17026229

>I hate dumb libs and OC a pistol
>btw Rittenhouse should be in jail
Astroturf sure is green today

>> No.17026336

So between captain Morgan and kraken, what is the best cheap black spiced rum?

>> No.17026340
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, 51754E16-94B0-40DC-B43F-89C3F6339304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be worth my time?
Probably gonna have it on thanksgiving

>> No.17026469

>gimmick bottle

>> No.17026542


>> No.17026699

it tastes like coming back from college at 10pm on a friday

>> No.17027195

Should I open my Weller Full Proof for Thanksgiving?

>> No.17027221

Ryan strikes again

>> No.17027302


>> No.17027478

Kek imagine getting filtered by brandy

>> No.17027525

If you don't like Not Your Father's your opinions are objectively trash.

>> No.17027713

what is a good cream or vanilla flavoring to add to a dark n stormy?

>> No.17028050
File: 706 KB, 960x1280, skrewball_peanut_butter_whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it any good? I keep seeing it shilled everywhere.

>> No.17029150


>> No.17029841

Does anyone else watch ADHD Whiskey?

>> No.17029949
File: 51 KB, 446x400, girls-getty_1376498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only drinks meme alcohol that doesn't even taste like alcohol

>> No.17030646

which of these would make the better gift

>> No.17030657

if you like peanut butter and not whiskey, yes

>> No.17030909
File: 343 KB, 1544x2000, aberlour-abunadh-batch-65-whisky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sells for less money in Ontario Canada than in the UK

>> No.17030919

What do you lads mix spiced rum with that isn't soda or juice?

>> No.17030947

Drink with company only. Don't over drink. I can't drink by myself because I feel it's a complete waste of time. A bigger waste of time is being hungover and unable to do anything the next day

>> No.17031044

go ask reddit

>> No.17031059

depends entirely on if the recipient like peat. if yes probably the Ballechin.

>> No.17031069

Likes both peat and sherry bombs. That's why I can't decide

>> No.17031096

well if you can swing it and they haven't already had the regular Edradour 10 I'd say get both it and Ballechin that way you cant miss.

>> No.17032340

^THIS. the distillery version of Edradour 10 is already plenty sherried and about half the price of the cask strength Signatory versio, so you really aren't going to be giant much over the cheaper one.for sure go for the Ballechin at least.

>> No.17033033
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1080, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this Cask Strength leaf Whiskey?
Just had some, pretty good once it was got nice and cold. Def need some ice to mellow it out

>> No.17033165

All those are the kinds of whiskey you'd probably have at the dive bar with friends. What was the scenario you had it in? Casual whiskey drinking is much better.

>> No.17033172

I bought some mount gay black barrel
its ok but i dont like the aging in bourbon barrels
instead of tasting like a good rum or a good bourbon, it just tastes like a weird not so good bourbony rum.

>> No.17033174

>pays more for flavor
>adds ice to remove flavor
a viscious circle of stupidity

>> No.17033175

He shouldn't be in jail nor should anybody be for defending themselves with firearms from crazed rioters

>> No.17033205
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>site suggests mixing it for cocktails
>includes a plethora of column still juice
>everything about pic related
research, research, research

>> No.17033206

Not glorifying alcohol, but I work in a sales department and the average normie/ boomer drinks a ton of alcohol. The difference is they have lives. Drinking and socialization go hand in hand, you shouldn't drink if you're just drinking alone specifically. Share it with friends and family

>> No.17033226

Yeah, sorry dude, you've been conned on that one. What do you usually prefer, whiskey or rum?

>> No.17033489

Does captain Morgan private stock actually taste better than the regular bottle? It's like 3 dollars difference here

>> No.17033526

>whiskey general
>captain morgan
its just the same stuff, spiced a little differently in a fancy bottle and they charge you more for it because your perceived value of it is greater
try it and see if its worth the extra 3 bux to you or not

>> No.17033542

>and spirits

>> No.17033544

captain Morgan's is shit you're a faggot its not even rum

>> No.17033547

That got added on like 1 general ago.

>> No.17033552

So cry about it.

>> No.17033640

and yet, it's still here

>> No.17033661

I consume whiskey mostly through Old Fashioneds these days. I'm planning on picking up Rittenhouse Rye and Four Roses Small Batch for thanksgiving drink making. Anyone suggest I should pick up something else?


>> No.17033680

Some Tacher's Highland Cream

>> No.17033681

>it makes the baking soda colder
based past-anon

>> No.17033684


>> No.17033709

I read reviews, didnt go to the website though
I like both, but I've only ever had cheap rum. I did research on some good rub brands but my local place has a really limited rum selection compared to the whiskeys. with whiskey I've always felt like I got what I paid for, but with rum I feel like I've enjoyed the cheaper rum liquors more than the very few more authentic rums that I've tried.

>> No.17033725

That shit cost me 80USD in commifornia, fuck if im going to "mellow it out"like some faggot considering how amazing it is neat. Granted the first sip kicks like a mule, but you barely notice the alcohol afterwards .

Maybe scewball is more to your speed?

>> No.17033730

I've actually enjoyed my cheap rum like kraken and captain morgan a shit ton more than the more expensive rums I've tried like bumbu, plantation and mount gay.

>> No.17033738

you can get some nice cocktail cherries
you can throw those in nearly any cocktail, bitches love them and the syrup adds a nice sweetness

>> No.17033750

I have half a jar of luxarados sitting in the cabinet
I don't use them myself (I don't like the sweetness), but you're exactly correct, bitches love cocktail cherries.
that said, I have a 10% off entire purchase coupon, so maybe I should grab a second jar anyway.

>> No.17033774

Uhhh...you don't refrigerate them?

>> No.17033794

it says not to refrigerate them right on the packaging, anon
you can't bamboozle me

>> No.17034040
File: 56 KB, 490x490, 12468340195358[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best bourbon until the $70+ range.

I wish there were more options, but spend less and you get clearly inferior bourbon and better bourbon doesn't become apparent until you spend significantly more.

>> No.17034058

First time here, I’m a bit of a retard who’s never drank before
Also I’m autistic. If I buy some whiskey how do I drink it? Am I supposed to drink slow or am I supposed to get drunk
I don’t have friends to go to a bar with

>> No.17034070

Sip it, you'll probably want to make a cocktail first like an old fashioned, then move to on the rocks, then to drinking it neat.

>> No.17034073

>Am I supposed to drink slow or am I supposed to get drunk
If you buy good whiskey, you drink it slow. If you buy poor whiskey, you mix it with soda and get drunk.

>> No.17034095

When I buy nice whiskey for sipping, I don't even get a buzz from it. It's a slow, savory affair. If you just want to get drink, mix it with something and knock yourself out

>> No.17034102

How do I know what’s good whiskey? Do you guys have a chart
All I know is Jack Daniels. I don’t need to buy a whiskey glass do I?

>> No.17034116

>I don’t need to buy a whiskey glass do I?
Not right now, just a rocks glass, but if you want to start drinking Whiskey neat, a Glencairn is worth buying.
Look at reviews for Whiskeys, I can recommend Wild Turkey 101, Buffalo trace, Glenfiddich 12.

>> No.17034127

>How do I know what’s good whiskey?
Price gives a general idea. You've probably heard terms like bottom shelf, mid shelf, top shelf. This correlates to actual stores stocking whiskey on shelves according to their price and quality. Look for whiskey on the middle shelves. Less than $30 for bourbon or 40 for scotch/irish means it's not going to be incredible on its own, though you can still find plenty that drink fine without mixing.

>> No.17034129
File: 113 KB, 900x1200, balob.12yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this today. May crack it out to share with family during thanksgiving.

>> No.17034133
File: 501 KB, 1106x830, 1635766392641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes I am very sophisticated I drink expensive whiskey from my expensive glass
>what whiskey? why, buffalo trace of course

>> No.17034134

>Price gives a general idea.
I'd disagree with this now, this was true closer to 10 years ago, but now there are so many blenders and sourcers now that charge $60 for some sourced MGP that is 3 years old.

>> No.17034137

Anon, I'm recommending a new person bourbon, and telling him to wait on buying a glencairn, that costs like $8.

>> No.17034140

I drink methylated spirits from a sippy cup where am I from

>> No.17034178

Don't exactly ice it down all to hell, but one ice cube like I go with or even chilling the glass first makes a world of fucking difference in taste for the better.

>> No.17034180
File: 363 KB, 500x360, MadDucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the less flavor, the better

>> No.17034213

just go to the liquor store and buy something for under 30 dollars. drink it neat, with ice, then in a simple cocktail. do this two or three more times and you'll have a decent collection and a good idea of how you enjoy your whiskey.
for your first, Ill rec Bulleit rye. it's what I'm drinking right now and it's a very good intro to rye, I think.

>> No.17034218

I'd modify this to bulleit bourbon. Rye whiskey is not typically what a beginner whiskey drinker would enjoy

>> No.17034277

its good stuff albeit a bit simple, but if you go slow there is nuance. nice finish that will linger for an impressive amount of time considering the age and abv.

>> No.17034484

t. never had whiskey
you try your first shot straight
maybe you like it, maybe you could do with something else
so you add a few drops of water which also improves the aroma and flavor of whiskey, rather than just diluting it

>> No.17034520

>with your friends
ha ha yeah

>> No.17034526

What are some good whiskeys under $40?

>> No.17034566

hell yeah
just started adding a shot from this bottle of bushmills that's been languishing on the shelf for months to a cup of black coffee and it's great. not a fan of irish whiskey normally but now i'm going to have to buy another just for coffee

>> No.17034588

Russell's Reserve 10 year.

>> No.17034617

A strong, dark flavor only rivaled by black strap molasses rum.
If you are able to sip, then this is a great choice.
If you can't control yourself, then water it down 1:1

>> No.17034621

>get drunk
>put cheese in dishwasher
>pass out
>wake up still drunk
>"who put this CHEESE in the DISHWASHER????"
>rip off cabinet doors

>> No.17034972

>needless derivatives
What bullshit. The original is a flavourless base that definitely calls for heavy finishing. All derivatives outclass the original. Nectar D'or is a great choice if the price is right.

>> No.17035229
File: 386 KB, 1400x1400, 1634233358593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What whisky captures the feeling of Thanksgiving?

Preferably something warming that may make me cry...

>> No.17035237

Wild Turkey Rare Breed.

>> No.17035299

>brand is literally Gay
This has to be a shitpost

>> No.17035312

Glenmorangie sucks fucking ass, it's just a /ck/ meme. I've tried three different kinds (12, 14, and one I don't remember) and they ranged from "meh" to "the foulest whiskey I've ever had in my life". Avoid at all costs.

>> No.17035326

Glendfiddich 12 is the superior introduction to Single Malt Scotch for sure.

>> No.17035338

Okay, I just looked it up, I was thinking of 10. 10 was the most foul thing I've ever had. I still wouldn't recommend any Glenmorangie, given what I have had of them, but to be completely fair I've never tried 12.

>> No.17035340

No Glenfiddich, I think that Glenmorangie has no flavor.

>> No.17035395

What spirit is the equivalent of cuddling a qt femboi

>> No.17035416

anything that starts out great and makes you feel regret in 6-10 years.

>> No.17035445


>> No.17035939

Just because of this thread I picked up screwball for tonight.

>> No.17036385

>I sincerely doubt the average consumer is that deluded or ignorant.
They are

>> No.17036408

I bought this because of Murakami only to discover it's worse than the cheapest Canadian Whisky they sell here

>> No.17036416

Cheap Canadian whisky can be deceptively good.

>> No.17036958
File: 40 KB, 739x415, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros. I got around 4 bucks for a drink. Gin, vodka, brandy or light whiskey? What should I get? Or maybe soju?

>> No.17036981

Just got some locally made 100 proof apple brandy, 2 bottles of alcoholic egg nog, some strawberry mead and a 4 pack of boozy cherry limeade. Got a ton of beer as well because I'd hate to run out of drinks on a holiday when I invited people over.

>> No.17036998

I always thought it was weird that it was mentioned so much in that book because I knew how terrible that shit is.

>> No.17037209
File: 470 KB, 1200x1200, whiskey-value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some good whiskeys under $40?

You sound like you need the whisky value chart.

>> No.17037251

>This is the best bourbon until the $70+ range.

That's like just your opinion, man. And you know about opinions, right? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and everyone thinks their's doesn't stink.

>> No.17037345
File: 677 KB, 2138x4095, 20211124_173400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$18.97 *LIQUOR SPECIAL*, last one on the shelf so i said what the hell because I'll be pouring a half dozen others for family tomorrow and the only thing its good for is having something to be representing the low end of scotch. its ironically better with about a teaspoon of water. finish is about the same as JW Black as far as smotthness goes and the most malt flavor i get is about a 2/10 with a faint vanilla, honey and some peanut. less rich and flavorful than Jameson for same price. I'll be making Rob Roys and Rusty Nails with whats left. Grain is quite forward and has a lawn clippings type thing going on without water. Wish I would've got Chivas 12 for an extra $10

>> No.17037487

If you have Teacher's highland cream in your area I'd get that.

>> No.17037507

I don't care for bourbon either. The sweetness in any liquor is disgusting to me. Rum is the same. Just gross

>> No.17037632

Why buy $200 whiskey when I could get 20 bottles of Old Crow instead??? Simple as.

>> No.17038730

Kentucky whiskey or Tennessee?

>> No.17038969

Because Wild Turkey 101 is 1000x better.

>> No.17039052 [DELETED] 

way ahead of you famalama

>> No.17039064
File: 467 KB, 1458x2592, IMG_20211124_235059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way ahead of you famalama

>> No.17039111


>> No.17039295
File: 901 KB, 1794x971, kannathumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f "smooth"
>0 results
I am unironically so fucking proud of you, /ck/.

>> No.17039577

>less rich and flavorful than Jameson
I can't even imagine that

>> No.17039606
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this is okay, they need to make it 101 proof though, then that good flavor will really shine thru

>> No.17039611

The "rye revolution" completely fucked the prices on my old stand-bys like Rittenhouse. That shit used to be like $18 a bottle and now it's $30.

>> No.17039612

old forester rye is still cheap and better

>> No.17039614

why am I not surprised that the person who got so autistically annoyed at 'smooth' is an animeposter

>> No.17039618

>old forester rye
t. pennsylvaniafag

>> No.17039620

its 23 for me in georgia

>> No.17039636

OGD114 is better.
>why am I not surprised that a random poster on an animewebsite is an animeposter

>> No.17039645 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 680x1112, 1635105988063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the /ck/ board is for anime not food the /a/ board doesn't exist I have the right to post anime in a board that has nothing to do with anime

>> No.17039676

$22.99 for 1L in MO(Out of stock)

>> No.17040116

Into the trash it goes

>> No.17040217

Can you recommend me a white rum

>> No.17041447

I had my first whiskey yesterday. It was an Old Smuggler and didn't like it. Can't tell if i got filtered or it was a very poor quality

>> No.17041464

I feel like a basic bitch but Johnnie Walker Green has consistently outdone the single malts for me. Only Macallan 12 I've liked more but not all days I want that sort inoffensive sweetness.

>> No.17041468
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>OGD114 is better.

>> No.17041541

>under $20 for a handle
you can expect much from a bottle in that range. they are for cocktails and filling the gaps for when you aren't having a single malt or other favorite spirit.

>> No.17041812

Rum fire Jamaican overproof hampden estate.

>> No.17042320
File: 3.44 MB, 4160x3120, 20211124_212952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to a store this weekend, what should I get for a broke college student's liquor cabinet? So far Ive gotten a couple cheap bourbons. Thinking absinthe and gin would open up some options for cocktails?

>> No.17042502

Wild Turkey 101, I'd probably stop buying Jack Daniels and Rebel Yell as well.

>> No.17042624

I think the Rebel is fine for mixed drinks but youre right the Forester is definitely better for drinking by itself. The Jack isnt mine but Im aware its nothing too great

>> No.17042632

Wray & Nephew

>> No.17042758

>I just find this extreme anti-alcohol notion that you see a lot on 4chan really nonsensical. You people act as if even little to a moderate amount of drinking will suddenly crush your liver, make you go insane and crash your car and murder all your family or some shit.
The rapid and now nearly complete switch to CAD/CAM systems out a lot of straight edges out to pasture. Angry, broke, and crestfallen they lash out at every opportunity.

>> No.17042760

Armagnac is Cognac with your nose in the air.

>> No.17042820

Same but X.O instead

>> No.17042934

pick one for drinking neat: evan williams single barrel, buffalo trace, four roses (regular), larceny, old forester 86, woodford reserve (regular), makers mark

>> No.17042954

buffalo if you want more flavor, roses if you want more "smooth"

>> No.17043038

Evan Williams Single Barrel.

>> No.17043145


>> No.17043157
File: 271 KB, 700x686, newriff-maltedrye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll don't talk about new riff enough
Just got a bottle of pick related, absolutely incredible stuff, in a league of its own

>> No.17043170

unfortunately they don't get distribution around me. smoke wagon too. sucks but hard to complain when there's already tons of good bourbon.

>> No.17043197

i have never seen a bottle of this where i live

>> No.17043257

this bottle just showed up in my area, and there's only one store in my area that has smoke wagon bottles.
I'd say wait around for new riff before it becomes more widely available

>> No.17043581


>> No.17043613
File: 3.43 MB, 5312x2988, 20211125_211746_copy_5312x2988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who were even interested only sipped half the stuff i poured
got my next week laid out already sweet!

>> No.17043720

See the chart (>>17037209).

>> No.17043738

Whisky and whiskey are for drinking neat. Water down or mix all the other crap types of liquor.

>> No.17043794

>Whisky and whiskey are for drinking neat.
Once you get over 100 proof, it isn't about dilution, instead it's about how much dilution, anon.

>> No.17043815
File: 329 KB, 1920x1440, high-proofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thankful today for high-proof whiskey.

>> No.17043820


>> No.17043830

Based, I was drinking some 19.9 proof Rye today.

>> No.17043833


>> No.17043850

A lot of Canadian whiskey is really good, especially for the price. Unfortunately the way booze is taxed here, absolute bottom shelf swill is around the same price as something that is totally drinkable. Instead they bulk sell casks of absolute trash to American bottling companies and that's what you get to enjoy. I see more "Canadian" whiskey on the shelves in American liquor stores than Canadian ones.

>> No.17044652

New Thread