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16983618 No.16983618 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if I drank vanilla extract to get drunk?
Will I die or will it just be repulsive?

>> No.16983644

It would be extremely delicious.

>> No.16983735

Withdrawaling alcoholic bums used to come in my store and drink 10 bottles of this shit, then puke all down the fucking baking goods aisle. It made for nice smelling vomit, though.

>> No.16983736

you're a fat guy

>> No.16983824

Does vanilla make people vomit, or were these people bound to vomit regardless?

>> No.16983831

So long as I don't need poison control after

>> No.16983835

Pretty sure my alcoholic mother did this, she was also a listerine kinda of lady though so I think she had evolved some kind of super stomach that kept her from vomiting

>> No.16983838

thanks op reminded me of this. kek

>> No.16983879

What was her superhero name

>> No.16984110

pure vanilla extract costs like 10x what regular alcohol costs. it should not make you sick, although the intense vanilla taste may be off-putting.

>> No.16984111

Bag Lady

>> No.16984216

I can't buy regular alcohol on account of being 18

>> No.16984233

thread reminded me of something related from yon days of yore

>> No.16984238

Not even 21 yet and you're already slamming hand sanitizer and baking extracts?
Figure it out, boy.

>> No.16984252

You'd be a lot better off just getting some juice and yeast and making shitty cider/wine

>> No.16984353

Considering it.
I just wish they didn't raise the tobacco age to 21 here. Can't even do shitty drugs legally.
Now I'm off to woodman's to see if they'll sell me some delta8
I'm doing this, too. Made a batch of shitty apple wine using storebought apple juice and baker's yeast. It was pretty shit right after fermentation, and not very alcoholic.
But after some cinnamon and aging, it's not too bad. It's inspired me to try again with more effort and try to make a high abv apple pie wine.
It just takes a while to get the alcohol and I like ease of access.

>> No.16985207

Anyone else forced to do that stupid smacking just by watching this? I felt like a dog licking his chops or something.

>> No.16985227

You don't know anyone that will buy you hooch? My dad bought me alcohol once I turned 18 as long as I didn't leave the house and do stupid shit that would get me arrested.

>> No.16985228

For you

>> No.16985237

people in AA do that they also drink almond extract and essential oils in alcohol its fucked up

>> No.16985239

Also, you could just steal some. That was a lot easier when I was a kid since the huge baggy pants were in style, though.

>> No.16985835

>What would happen if I drank vanilla extract to get drunk?

You're either a raging alcoholic or a dumb teenager

>> No.16985848

Dunno how they can afford that.

>> No.16986289

Read the read it's the latter
Yeah, it gets you fucked up! Haha lol :)
Maybe my older brother. We just have an awkward relationship and I feel weird about it.
My dad lets me drink his stuff sometimes but it's not super often and it's not enough to get drunk.
I'm bad at breaking the law

>> No.16986305

*the thread

>> No.16986446

Listerine Lady I already said it

>> No.16986456

Fuck I’m an alcoholic too and responded to the wrong post

>> No.16986461

Just go into a gas station and steal a 30 rack

>> No.16987012
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>> No.16987141

What’d her pee smell like?

>> No.16987382

we tricked a guy in to doing that, told him it was vanilla schnapps. he didn't die... too bad though.

>> No.16987430

>Also, you could just steal some. That was a lot easier when I was a kid since the huge baggy pants were in style, though.




>> No.16987440

kek just dont get caught

>> No.16987470

>kek just dont get caught

>> No.16987471


>> No.16987510 [DELETED] 

Oh yea? well, tell it to the judge.

>> No.16987522

pay a street nigga to buy you a couple 40's. c'mon man it's a right of passage

>> No.16987526
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>iphone poster
Isn't there a noose you're overdue for?

>> No.16987533

>You must be 18 or older to post here
Underage b@nned

>> No.16987541


>> No.16987550

Some guy on here explained that it's usually because you can buy it with food stamps unlike actual booze.

>> No.16988372

I'm le shy UwU
>reading comprehension

>> No.16988464

its pretty eye wateringly harsh bro
just make some cookies

>> No.16988578

figure out about how much water you can hold in your butt for about 5-10 mins and then half that and add the other half worth of vanilla extract for ez druking

>> No.16988588

I really can't even begin to imagine the smell.

>> No.16988611

Exactly this. Don't tempt me to post a video of how to do it correctly. I started with trying to make cheerios less bland with bourbon vanilla extract. I didn't know why I felt funny...

>> No.16988622

Drink a bottle then take a fucking guess

>> No.16988625

Hello literal child

>> No.16988644

For any underage fags viewing this do not drink vanilla or lemon extract I tried that when I was young. It either makes you feel like your stomach is burning or gives you diarrhea at best. Just make your own wine from grocery store cranberry-grape juice, sugar and yeast. Any juice will work but cranberry grape in my opinion tasted best. Or just ask your local homeless/bum to buy you a bottle of whiskey or rack of beer and tell him you will give him an extra 5 bucks or he can keep the change. Stealing only works the first couple times then police/parents rape your ass and your future is sodomized. Live free

>> No.16989119

desu this is the best advice

>> No.16990032

Just steal it

>> No.16990319

Give the homeless guy an occasional blow job to keep him motivated.

>> No.16990865

They're on food stamps. You can't use food stamps to buy real booze, but you can use them to buy vanilla extract and listerine and shit. Or they're underage/otherwise have no ID.

>> No.16990898

I drank an 8 oz bottle of almond extract once and I got a weird buzz from it but it didn't poison me or anything, just ended up with a bad headache afterwards.

>> No.16990907

Cooking wine, retard. Really, how can you post on this board without knowing the basics of a Bolognese?

>> No.16990940

they steal it dum dum

>> No.16990945

Drinking vanilla extract is not pleasant.

>> No.16991109

you sound like a retard who's never drank alcohol before
you're not gonna get a magic high from drinking alcohol like you will with dxm or something, you're just going to feel tired, theres nothing special about the feeling of intoxication
if you want to drink then drink for the taste rather than ruining your taste for alcohol in the future when you're revolted by the shitty taste of vanilla concentrate
just get good at homebrewing and learn to like alcohol for what it is than be an underage retard about it

>> No.16991116

real vanilla supresses your lung function, so you may nod out like a junkie and pass that way

>> No.16991122

I have 4 or 5 liters of homemade vanilla extract.

Made with vodka

I give it away to people for Christmas.

>> No.16991154
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this reeks of autistic reddit teenage larp
stop pretending to be drunk you're cringe

>> No.16991370

>can't buy alcohol
where the fuck do you live?

>> No.16991389

This is the first time I mentioned any criminal acts on this board. I never stole anything but I had friends that did.

>> No.16991438
File: 44 KB, 340x480, seriously205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really unaware of america's law against under-21s purchasing alcohol?

>> No.16991482
File: 798 KB, 360x360, 1610948269308.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont live in america
how does that work then? i cant imagine not being able to drink during university
do you just do it illegally?

>> No.16991500

Your not going to get high off Delta 8 and for the cost you might as well buy and enjoy actual weed

>> No.16991580

Yes almost everyone in the us drinks underage, its a dumb jewish law.

>> No.16991586

price to volume is horrendous

Try some Listerine instead. That shit will fuck you up real fast

>> No.16991977

I'm not drunk, anon, because I can't get alcohol
Work on your reading comprehension. Also only two of those posts are mine and none seem relevant to your point. What's going on

>> No.16991981

According to movies you do
I don't understand how people my age do it I think you're supposed to have friends

>> No.16992019

What the fuck? Do you think people just drink alcohol for the taste? Are you delusional?
I've had alcohol before, anon, it's why I feel so passionate about trying to get it. It takes away my social anxieties, makes me feel normal, and makes me act more normal. I like it
>you're not gonna get a magic high from drinking alcohol like you will with dxm or something
Alcohol stimulates dopamine and serotonin, dipshit. There's a high.
Obviously it's not psychedelic, that's not the only reason to use a "drug"
I can buy this shit without an id?
Hey :)

>> No.16992027

Won't this put me in the hospital
I've heard it's like half as potent as delta9
If I knew a guy I'd buy regular weed but I'm alone, anon

>> No.16992077

Isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.16992122

This happenned to my cat but with the gas stove.

>> No.16992131

the cat in the webm was unharmed, only their fur burned and none of their skin/flesh
did the same thing happen to yours?

>> No.16992133


>> No.16992177

You will probably wretch every time you smell it after, forever.

>> No.16992186

Go look for a homeless person. Offer to buy them something as well. Made it through high-school with this strategy.

>> No.16992198

>just give $10 to a "street nigga" for free

>> No.16992263

Imagine the smell.

>> No.16992286

If you do this with the illegal artificial vanilla from Mexico, you can smell colors.

>> No.16992295

im not that anon but yeah, you tell them they can keep the change and say you'll come back again so they dont just run off with the money
also treat them with respect

>> No.16992561

What motivation do they have to buy the alcohol? Why not just walk away with the money?

>> No.16992621

looks like a recipe for kidney failure

>> No.16992711

the fact that they can keep the change and you say you'll be back again
there's more money in it for them if they just keep buying it for you
alternatively you can tell them they can keep the change and you'll also give them another more money afterwards
yes its expensive but its part of the game

>> No.16992740

>the fact that they can keep the change and you say you'll be back again
I wear 135 pounds I'm not gonna be able to do jackshit and they know it
Especially if I'm in the fucking ghetto like you recommended
>there's more money in it for them if they just keep buying it for you
I guess if I make this person my regular alcohol buyer this could work
>alternatively you can tell them they can keep the change and you'll also give them another more money afterwards
This makes the most sense, but yeah is expensive. Have you done this, though? I'm assuming you're at the very least not a native English speaker, not sure where you're from.

>> No.16992796

>I'm in the fucking ghetto like you recommended
I wasn't the original poster but no you shouldnt go to a rough area, just any homeless guy who doesn't look like he's going to stab you
>you're at the very least not a native English speaker
I live in England, I'm just stupid

>> No.16992849

in my experience most hood people aren't out looking to fuck people over just for the hell of it. if you're cool, they're cool.

>> No.16992919
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you still act like a total retard in both of those two posts

>> No.16992948

>Do you think people just drink alcohol for the taste? Are you delusional?
yes, people do drink alcohol for the taste, as do i
i like wine and cocktails for taste, and beer tastes good while nearly not giving any effect at all to me

>> No.16992954

Schizoaffective thought patterns wrote this post.

>> No.16993063

Are you referring to my typo and my ironic bad joke?
Please go into detail on the depths of my retardation

>> No.16993068

Yes, people do, but it's not the primary reason alcohol is so popular.
It's a drug and it gets you high

>> No.16993103

>but it's not the primary reason alcohol is so popular.
yea today it isnt, but the tradition of making alcohol in the first place was because people historically enjoyed the taste of it, drinking to get drunk is a fairly modern way of enjoying alcohol
and i emphasize that being drunk is different from just being intoxicated, if you are drunk you are intoxicated but if you are intoxicated you are not necessarily drunk

>> No.16994307

this may come as a surprise to you, but not everybody is a shark looking to fuck you over. Ive bought for 18yo kids before because many people were nice enough to do it for me when I was their age. Pass it along, let the kids have their fun

>> No.16994501

i always wondered would vanilla extract cause you to fail a breathalyzer? Im always scared to add it to my smoothies because I know the alcohol content wont be baked out

>> No.16994545

only fags do that

>> No.16994591

Unless you're underage, you need .08 bac or above to fail a breathalyzer
You'd need to add way more than any normal person would to even feel tipsy

>> No.16995399

americans never fail to make me laugh

>> No.16995444

Everyone everywhere drinks underage. Americans have the worst laws about it, the police will actually arrest you if you're underage and have alcohol on you. Here the police will just confiscate the booze. You'll only get arrested if you're being belligerent