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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16953849 No.16953849 [Reply] [Original]

>try to fry a cheap cut of meat
>pan instantly fills with water

>> No.16953937

Pan was not hot enough. Nothing to do with the meat being cheap.

>> No.16953945

They literally soak cheap shit in water to add weight.

>> No.16953982
File: 7 KB, 225x224, 9k=(49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to cook an expensive cut of meat
>overcook it

>> No.16953992

>he buys saline injected meat

>> No.16953995
File: 267 KB, 312x328, 1611287792325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at nice cuts of meat at the super market
>walk pass it because I'm too poor to afford them

>> No.16954035
File: 1.30 MB, 192x192, 1636345488348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel

>> No.16954072

Is this gay porn?

>> No.16954094

The better question is do you want it to be?

>> No.16954105

i just resorted to pouring it out, try drying it with papertowls first to get all the slim off

>> No.16954144


>> No.16954220

> try to fry a nice cut of meat
> Pan instantly fills with water

> Turn on stove
> Pan instantly fills with water

Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.16954248
File: 284 KB, 1500x1498, stovetop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, my stovetop vent looks like this wtf is wrong with this shitty style of stove.

>> No.16954747

getting ready to chop up some beans there I see

>> No.16954751

you're sposta use induction anon

>> No.16954758

>put a heaping pile of mushrooms and vegetables in a pan, seems like enough to be a filling meal
>look away for two seconds and look back
>everything has shriveled up into a handful of food

>> No.16954765

it'll taste better without all the water and you can just drink water with it


>> No.16954878

>make pot roast
>specifically but ghee to sear meat at high heat
>meats browner than a field mexican
>put into pot and begin roasting
>3 hours later pot is fill with water from meat
the meat cartel is putting saline in our cuts i know it to be true

>> No.16954880

not hot enough

>> No.16954889

Meat is getting too fucking expensive and I am not yet low enough to buy that shitty water injected crap.
Fucking may as well pick up hunting at this point, it's going to be the only way to acquire cheap meat in the future because KIKES FUCKING WANT US TO EAT BUGS I mean because of no particular reason.

>> No.16954894

The meat industry is the most subsidised food sector

>> No.16954906

I'm just going to start hunting then. Plenty of deer where I live. Normies for some reason still have a stigma against game despite it being fresher, tastier and more healthier for you than anything you can get in a supermarket.

>> No.16954910

Normies hunt retard

>> No.16955122

>a stigma against game
I have never heard of such a thing. Just because it's not in generic supermarkets doesn't mean people don't enjoy it.

>> No.16955127
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there is a lot to hunting you do realize like how to properly drain the blood so you meat isn't fucked, how skin it so your meat isn't fucked, how to field dress it so your meat isn't fucked, and most importantly how to find the animal in the first place
Also find somebody that hunts and ask to taste some wild meat to make sure you can stomach it and im not talking about the prime cuts, you shoot it you eat it otherwise you're a poacher and you'll wind up being the one hunted

>> No.16955138

i bought 3 ribeye steaks at costco (~60 oz total.) i think i paid $65.

>> No.16955270

>try to fry a cheap cut of meat
>curls up and thickens on one end

>> No.16955275

dry age it for a day or two mein neger
shit aint rocket surgery

>> No.16955695

is that you john wanye? is this me?

>> No.16955706

>walk into the kitchen
>kitchen fills with water
>all wa

>> No.16955770

>put dishes in dish washer
>sink fills with water

>> No.16955904
File: 28 KB, 612x408, photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>water starts pouring out of computer monitor

>> No.16955958

>look'a this

>> No.16955991
File: 74 KB, 800x800, SFS_BaconWrappedFilet_319097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bacon-wrapped "filets" are the worst offenders. Literally just processed meat injected with water.

>> No.16956003

This cracker is correct. Just lay your meat naked on a platter and leave it in the fridge for a couple of days. Works wonders if you want dry exterior for great surface.

>> No.16956015

Bacon wrapped filet and just filet mignon in general is the cut of meat that when I see someone gushing about it I know they don't know jack shit about beef. While I wouldn't turn it down if given to me, It's so god damn overrated and there are several other cuts I'd rather have for a steak

>> No.16956021

Incel as fuck. I look forward to you inevitably making a thousand low effort threads on /k/ asking basic bitch questions and bitching about hunting regulations.

>> No.16956036


>> No.16956056

I didn't even notice that

fucking kek

>> No.16956306
File: 188 KB, 640x842, 1635098133937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see someone gushing about it I know they don't know jack shit about beef
ssuck a fucking meme to hate on it at this point, i don't need 24oz of grizzle to chew on

>> No.16956312

fuckin hell

>> No.16956326

It's more that people don't like game meat. Or some don't. Even farmed meat that is gamey, like lamb or goat. It's not really an obvious normie divide as far as I can tell.

But yeah, that guy is going to continue to not do anything, bitch about it online, and not even realize that he still probably eats more meat than the average person throughout history and spends less of their time working to procure it as well.

>> No.16956471
File: 65 KB, 737x626, 1587071392772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i had some wild boar that tasted like it was marinaded in a hobos nut sack. i need a shower just thinking about it.
I don't think people realize you're playing roulette when hunting, you might not like what you get

>> No.16956538


>> No.16956545

its not a delusion that all meat is steadily getting more expensive

>> No.16956559

No one is saying that you do, you fuckin moron.

>> No.16956582

How do you live being so blatantly inaccurate? Do the (You)s sustain you? Give you life? Perhaps one day I will understand the trade of the Bait Artist, but until that day I will simply call you a faggot.

>> No.16956600
File: 934 KB, 1280x760, 1603991527153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last year Ribeye steaks $9/lb
>Lamb leg $7/lb
>Short rib was $6/lb
>Grass fed ground beef was $5/lb
Looked at meat section last week
>Ribeye $21/lb
>Lamb leg $12/lb
>Short rib $11/lb
>Grass fed Ground beef $9/lb
For years everyone talked about the elites banning and removing cattle, but what really happened is they're trying to price us out of eating red meat as we so please.
I don't even think I'll be making a rib roast this christmas, I can't fucking imagine what that would cost me this year.

>> No.16956603

>you’ll be the one hunted
You live in a fantasy land like every anon who pretends they’re a chef.

>> No.16956976

let it sit outside the fridge to get room temperature and let the pan heat up properly.
also dont stuff yourself with cheap meat everyday but buy a good piece from a good butcher once or twice a week.