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File: 915 KB, 2400x2400, pisswater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16944021 No.16944021 [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody explain to me why Americans are so fascinated with "light beers"? I had a Bud Light today and it tasted like watered down piss.

>> No.16944025

Cheap, easy to drink. Anything else?

>> No.16944028

>easy to drink

no shit, its pretty much water, you can get that for free out of the tap

>> No.16944029

Can anybody explain to me why Americans are so fascinated with "light sneed?" I had a Chuck Light today and it tasted like watered down fuck.

>> No.16944037

If you’ve ever heard of a “session” beer it’s like the ultimate that thing. Also a lot of America is hot and beer is consumed cold, like 35f cold, which is when these beers shine.

>> No.16944049

So you’re enough of a piss connoisseur that you can tell when it’s been watered down?
It’s a pale lager which has been made “lighter” than a normal pale lager. I’m not sure what you were expecting from a light pale lager other than a light pale lager.

>> No.16944069

so what exactly do you drink at a tailgate then?

>> No.16944077

You're supposed to put a raw egg in it, and use it to chase a shot of whiskey as breakfast.

>> No.16944079

The alcohol of the bud light cooks the egg.

>> No.16944081

Can anybody explain to me why bud light made for the British market is 3% abv?

>> No.16944093
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You can drink a bunch, catch a light buzz and not get trashed. Good for hanging out at a bar, cookout, or >>16944069

They're also good for maintaining a buzz after a few hard drinks.

>> No.16944117

Probably some US specific trade rule imposed by the uk, or budweiser trying to skirt under an import tax for us products.

>> No.16944135

Americans are cucks who can't buy 3,5+% beers in stores, so they have to add fluoride-petrol-enhanced tap water to their rice beer until the ABV is low enough.
Land of the free everyone

>> No.16944140

The b8 is posted boyos.

>> No.16944146

If you’re going to be American-obsessed, at least be less retarded about it.

>> No.16944158

It's affordable and easy drinking. IPAs and such taste like weasel glands.

>> No.16944293

Its a classy import you're meant to appreciate the fine texture, not get smashed and beat you wife

>> No.16944297
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Its also like McDicks. You know what to expect from a bud even if you're traveling 2000 miles from home and don't want to gamble with the local meme IPA

>> No.16944525

it's really that simple

>> No.16944531

consumerism combined with herd mentality

>> No.16944546

Am I wrong?

>> No.16944599

American light beers are around 4-5%, usually closer to 5%. I actually want more choices of lower percentage alcoholic drinks because I like to drink large volumes of liquid.

>> No.16944618

I don't understand it. All "Light Beers" are shit. Every single one of them. Coors Light, Miller Light, Miller High Life, Bud Light. They don't taste like beer.

>> No.16944625

americans don't drink bud light. it's well known that drinking bud light turns you into a Mexican

>> No.16944626

>The b8 is posted boyos.
Not b8. Your taste buds are shit.
No you're not. Americans are retarded.

>> No.16944629
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neck yourself high life is great. it's the champagne of beers

>> No.16944630

this. americans drink coors light

>> No.16944648

What made you think that being born neglected, and a low iq with birth defects would ever make you anything other than wrong?

>> No.16944662

Why is it the cheapest one where I am?

>> No.16944669

Theyre for alcoholics that still want to get a buzz, since it's pretty much impossible to get too drunk off them.

>> No.16944672

Messicans drink Miller Lite. Where have you been?

>> No.16944675

Yeah, you can buy full strength beer in most of the USA. You can buy whatever. Here in Arizona even liquor is sold in grocery stores, but it varies by state.

>> No.16944704

>high life is great. it's the champagne of beers
I hope you're f*ckin trollin... The fact that it markets itself as "The Champagne of beers" is another sign that it's complete piss.

>> No.16944710

Tap water gets you drunk? And we’re the lightweights?

>> No.16944712

because we're all obese and trying to lose weight without sacrificing taste.

>> No.16944742
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they are by far the best option for shotgunning, which is a ton of fun.

>> No.16944762

>vast multitude of styles
>almost countless flavor profiles
>except these handful! They don’t count and don’t taste like beer REEEE
it’s okay, we were all pseudo-pretentious beerlets once.
You’ll grow out of it.

>> No.16944765

There's a late stage alcoholic thing you can do, where you don't eat anything and only drink light beer and you'll be kind of buzzed. Though vodka or cheap whiskey is easier at that point.

I too hate the Champagne region of France.

>> No.16944766

It’s okay kiddo, you can say FUCKING on 4chan.
But please share more of your clearly experienced opinion on beer.

>> No.16944770

it's neither of those. it's cheap and easy to chug. the culture around light beers and incidental and predicated on those primary factors--affordability and drinkability. nigger.

>> No.16946022

>americans can't buy 3,5+% ABC beer in stores

Then how did I just buy this 12 pack of 7%abv beer at my local grocery store?

>> No.16946027


>> No.16946042

I drink miller lite what's the prognosis doc

>> No.16946065
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i like to drink 25 lite beers and watch football on saturday

>> No.16946092

>it tasted like watered down piss.
'Murikuns have zero taste for anything.
We are programed from birth to only like foods/beverages that are totally bland or overly sweet. Nothing else is allowed. Any variety causes problems at the production level. Too many choices mean increased costs and lower profits. Best to keep things in the bland zone so the nations flavor profile is as low a common denominator as possible. Any deviation is punished by a backlash of public indignation.
A few exceptions are allowed to give the illusion of "choice". Diet/lo-cal/vegan/fat free/keto, etc. But these "choices" were already made for the consumer at the corporate level.
Bland it is, bland it always will be.

>> No.16946095

I like bud light to either take the edge off a hangover, or for when youre drinking all day.

>> No.16946096

you sound like a fag LMAOOO. kys my guy

>> No.16946787

They don't actually like beer, they want to drink, and it is cheap. It is an easy, non-offensive drink.

>> No.16946805

a pasttime popular among 40% of the fighting age white males in the country

>> No.16946838

Burger here. Can confirm that they are gross. I assume people drink them bc they're cheap. They're literally just watered down versions of whatever beer is in the name. Same goes for Diet Soda.

>> No.16946904

I WOULD wager that in the 30's 40's and 50's most beer tasted like shit, and everyone was into the most tolerable lightest, least-offensive beer they could get, and the big macros got better at making it crisper and lighter and that is what people grew up on in the 60's 70's 80's. and now that darker beers are made with much better quality, they no longer taste like your drinking a fermented tree

...just a theory, am i completely wrong?

>> No.16946972

You find full strength beer difficult to drink?

>> No.16946990

I work for Budweiser in burger land and can tell you that's false. you can buy higher ABV alcohol at convenience stores up to at least 5%, however at liquor stores they can have beer up 10% or more depending.

>> No.16946996

This was probably true for mass-marketed beers.

>> No.16946998

I don't think you understand, light beer and American macro lagers are designed to be able to have like 12 of them while tailgating and standing watching a race or football on weekends. No one is going to have 12 doppelbocks on a 90 degree day

>> No.16947078

you fucking challenging me boy?

>> No.16947121

What are you guys drinking? Me? I'm having some Oktoberfest from my favorite local brewery.

>> No.16947139

Less calories per can for a beer whose purpose is to get you wasted. It's the kind of thing you buy in 48 packs and keep in a garage fridge, saw a lot of that growing up in rural Texas. I prefer keeping mid shelf vodka around, it's much more efficient.

>> No.16947144

It’s a fucking Märzen not “Oktoberfest”

>> No.16947174

So drink six and have water between. Greater volume is no reason to settle for trash.

>> No.16947182

Oktoberfest is not just Marzen.

>> No.16947186

>Can anybody explain to me
no, eat shit faggot

>> No.16947199

I blame Smokey and the Bandit. Coors was not worth bootlegging an entire truck's worth back to Texarcana in the 70's and it's definitely not now that we have a way bigger selection.

F Burt tho.

>> No.16947207
File: 118 KB, 1095x1152, Cwu_xj6UAAAFn45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off lying fagget you probably drink cum and think it gets you drunk. Enjoy your shifty chocolate.
>bud light platinum 6%
>Milwaukee's Best Ice 5.9%
>Natty ice 5.9%
>bud ice 5.5%.
>icehouse 5.5%
>budweiser 5.0%

>> No.16947535

Oh nonono this man did not just imply murica vomit chocolate is better than literally any other chocolate in the world

>> No.16947570
File: 173 KB, 1474x1106, litebeer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mostly wrong. I remembered there was a Bathroom Reader article on the creation of Lite beer, pic rel.
Tl;dr: it's a product of the '70s, and it was popular because you could have 3 at lunch while working construction and not feel bloated.

>> No.16947581

Americans can't hold their liquor but want to drink all day, and beer companies want to sell drinks that are mostly water for a huge markup.

>> No.16947588

Based Uncle John coming in clutch

>> No.16947602
File: 32 KB, 400x600, earthquake-high-gravity-lager-5b38a5c7996fc24e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I wrong?

>> No.16947603
File: 34 KB, 940x627, 11348754-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light beer

>weighs the same as regular beer

>> No.16947607

You can buy 10% malt liquor at gas stations where I live. I think it depends on the state.

>> No.16947613

It actually doesn't.

>> No.16947629

Malt liquor is for cheap drunks and hobos and college kids
Wine is for moms and rich alcoholics that can't admit their problem to themselves
Spirits are for people that understand why they're drinking and can hold their liquor
(Light) beer is for construction workers and whites that can't hold their liquor but want to drink all day

>> No.16947631

No one cares, you faggot.

>> No.16947639

t. White bitch that can't hold his liquor
That's why you and so many fatass Americans drink light piss
OP's question is answered

>> No.16947656

You're such a stupid fucking faggot. Why are you sperging at me when I was just answering a question about beer availability in the USA? Take your fucking autism meds.

>> No.16947664

Ironically Americans want to consume fewer calories.

>> No.16947671

Is it equivalent to diet soda? It must taste horrible.

>> No.16947672

Regulations vary state-to-state. You couldn't buy any alcohol at grocery stores in Pennsylvania up until a few years ago, but it's basically a legal loophole so there are a bunch of insane hoops you have to jump through to actually sell it.

>> No.16947674

U mad bro?
Have a light beer or 8 and you'll feel better

>> No.16947678

>Is it equivalent to diet soda?
Not even remotely comparable
>It must taste horrible.
Tastes better than regular beer unless you're one of those omega fags that drink the worst tasting stuff imaginable to feel superior.

>> No.16947680

You're an alcoholic with a wet brain.

>> No.16947699

>(Light) beer is for construction workers and whites that can't hold their liquor but want to drink all day

It's funny you say whites can't hold liquor when Russians are the biggest alcoholics.

>> No.16947701

I'd heard it was Prohibition killing the American brewing industry, and afterwards the Depression making it so only light lagers were profitable. What I don't get is why IPAs are so popular. The stuff tastes like I'm drinking a spruce tree.

>> No.16947703
File: 398 KB, 1280x960, 6C7911377-tdy-130617-leo-toasts-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're half right
At least I'm not mad over posts on a Cantonese cuisine cork board

>> No.16947707

I'm not mad. I'm just mildly annoyed when some lobotomized retard has no reading comprehension and won't stop doubling down on his retardation.

>> No.16947711

I said light beer is for whites that can't hold their liquor, not that no whites can hold their liquor. Take the Irish, for example.

>> No.16947715

You seem pretty mad, bro
Have a drink m8 your blood pressure is gonna kill you at this rate

>> No.16947743

other American light beers don't have this problem.

>> No.16949711

Budweser didn't pay off the correct british person?

>> No.16950257

>light on flavour and fizzy, inoffensive to just about anybody, and pairs with most food
>light on the stomach, doesn't leave one feeling bloated after having a bunch
>lower in carbs and calories than most other beers
>slightly lower alcohol, great for drinking a few with friends and not getting too drunk
>not terribly expensive compared to more flavourful craft options

Honestly, OP, I used to think like you, but you're basically asking why a wrench is a terrible hammer. If you care about varieties of hops and IBUs and lovibund and shit like that, you're drinking the wrong beer.

>> No.16950967

>not get smashed and beat you wife
But that’s an iconic part of the bud light experience

>> No.16950984

>Take the Irish for example
Next someone will say Italians are white

>> No.16951062
File: 160 KB, 800x800, Shiner_Bock_6Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of lightweights out there who actually catch a buzz off beer flavored water.
I don't get it.
For me it's...

>> No.16951208

I like Shiner but I stopped buying it for home consumption once prices started going up. However I still like a pitcher of Shiner with a couple trays of oysters on occasion. Also I still cook sausages in it.

>> No.16951217

Shiner Bock is 4.4%, a whopping 0.2% higher than Bud Light. Really not something to brag about, Cody.

>> No.16951228

Because they don't know that Natty Boh, Yuengling, or Narragansett exist. There's plenty of light, drinkable lagers that haven't got "light" in the name. It's just laziness.

>> No.16951303

>Thinks beer is all about alcohol content
Do you know how I know you're an underaged b& ?

>> No.16951467

The point is that he's ranting about "lightweights", not flavour, genius. There are plenty of delicious beers lower in alcohol content, see most English and Scottish ales, but flavour has fuck all to do with "lightweights who catch a buzz" off a beer 0.2% weaker.

>> No.16951665

Irish are whiter than Anglos

>> No.16951782
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regular shiner is good, the fantastic stuff is cheer

>> No.16951817

Pretty accurate.

>> No.16951926
File: 18 KB, 350x263, I came here to ... at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to me when the Anglosphere is superseded by the potatosphere.

>> No.16952343
File: 278 KB, 879x1024, america2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are terrified by actual tastes. They make everything as bland as possible with the only acceptable tastes being fat and corn syrup. The only exception is the taste of vomit which they unironically add to candies.

>> No.16952712

the care bears care

>> No.16952718

>10% malt liquor

based kid rock in the house

>> No.16952731

Yeah it's called Earthquake. Shit is nasty as fuck. Funny enough, any gas station/convenience store can sell beer in my state as long as it's room temperature. It's illegal to sell chilled beer for some reason. I guess it's to prevent drinking and driving but any real drunk will drink it warm, anyway.

>> No.16953687
File: 750 KB, 2413x2413, df95c230-b7a0-4c99-a7ad-4e6a2e051eb6_1.4e2ebd9091b951b033c6c23156191ff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If we're talking about shitty macros, then there is only one brand to go with: Sam Adams

Every other American macro is like drinking piss.

>> No.16953701

Americans can't make a good beer for shit. Ditto with coffee.

>> No.16953718

Except he nailed it. Your reaction dropping spaghetti everywhere proves this.

>> No.16953746

Which still makes no sense. Here in Australia our temps are insane and rocking up with light beer will get socially ostracised. So yeah I dunno. I'm not buying it. Americans simply having no taste seems far more logical.

>> No.16953757


>> No.16953791
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, Caiman having some Asahi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like Bud Light because anyone who doesn't know jack shit about beer has had Bud Light before
I personally don't like it but I can appreciate Budweiser
Seriously Budweiser isn't what I would consider to be "Good Beer" but it's better than Bud Light and the vast majority of light beer

>> No.16953812

I argue that Yuengling is competitive with mid-tier Euro beers
Problem is that Yuengling is nonexistent outside of everywhere east of the Mississippi
I have made it a goal of mine to introduce as many non americans to Yuengling as possible

>> No.16953901

Germans did team up with Italians.
Then again, they also tagged in the Japanese.

>> No.16953909

They're the same island, what's the difference?

>> No.16954142
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for me, it's picrel

>> No.16954152
File: 173 KB, 625x505, Pabst Bark Ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather just drink regular PBR

>> No.16954156

if you have the lemon lime one its worth a try, not sweet at all and refreshing on a hot summer day. but if you're mainly a beer guy its understandable.

>> No.16954163

I enjoy Claras (or Radlers/Shandies for germanics/anglos) so I get what you mean but I can just get sparkling lime/lemon juice for that effect